Invisible Terror Collection Part 13

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And then she saw it - and her blood ran cold as a horrified scream froze in her throat.

Chapter 11.

10:00 p.m.

Susan and Todd had been interceding so intensely that they had no idea of the time that had pa.s.sed. As they sat together, their prayers came in different forms. Sometimes they just offered earnest pleadings: "Dear G.o.d, please, please ..." Other times, they wors.h.i.+ped quietly: "We love you, Lord; we adore you." They also sang gentle songs and read sections of the Bible - and they took authority over Satan and bound and rebuked him.

But now, suddenly, they felt a strange peace. Instantly, they both knew everything would be all right, that it was all under control. Not because they knew what was happening at the mansion ... but because of the presence ...

As they sat together, their eyes closed, they both knew there was something - some one - filling the small office. Neither Susan nor Todd heard a thing, nor did they open their eyes.

They didn't have to. They just knew. And as the presence of G.o.d continued to flood the room, the peace continued to pour into their hearts. There was a power all around them. An indescrib-able power. Love. All-consuming love.

"Thank you, Jesus," Susan whispered. "Thank you, thank you ..."

Todd nodded in agreement as tears slipped from his closed eyes.

Neither one knew how long they sat like that. It could have been a minute; it could have been hours. Time no longer seemed to exist. As the presence remained, a thought slowly took shape in Todd and Susan's minds. A command. They were to continue praying. Only now it was for something specific.

Susan was the first to put it into words: "Dear Lord, we ask you raise up others to pray. Right now. We pray that you would raise up other believers to intercede for our friends, to help them fight their battle ..."

10:03 p.m.

"Pull over."


"Stop the car!" Mom Williams shouted across the seat to the driver. "We have to pull over."

"Now?" the driver, her oldest sister, asked.

"It's my kids. Something's wrong with Becka and Scotty.

We've got to pray for them."

Mom's sister gave her a wary look. The afternoon funeral for their aunt had taken its toll on everyone's emotions. But Claire was the last person she thought would crack under the strain.

After all, wasn't she the strong Chris tian in the family?

Mom saw the look on her sister's face and tried to explain.

"Please, Sharon, don't ask me how I know. I just ... I just know."

"We'll be home in ten minutes. Can't it wait?" Mom thought for a moment, then slowly shook her head.

"No." She peered out the winds.h.i.+eld. "No, it can't. Look, there's a McDonald's up ahead. Pull into the parking lot and pray with me."

Sharon hesitated.

"Please, you've got to trust me on this." Grudgingly, Sharon nodded and pulled into the parking lot.

She'd barely turned off the ignition when her sister had reached out and taken her hands. A moment later, the two women had their heads bowed and were praying.

10:10 p.m.

At the far end of the room - across from where Becka sat, exhausted, her hand resting protectively on Scott's unconscious form - the shadowy form of a little girl was taking shape. She was made up of the creatures. They had reappeared and were scurrying over to her, leaping into her, creating her very being, her substance. As each one entered her shadow, it became a part of her body, making her just a little larger.

Becka looked on in astonishment as the girl's height rose four, five, six feet. And still the creatures poured in. By the time the final ghoul had entered, the girl towered nearly ten feet tall, filling the bedroom from floor to ceiling.

Once her form was complete, she turned to Becka, who instantly recognized the face. It was Juanita. Instinctively, Becka pulled herself closer to Scott, hoping somehow his presence would help.

It did not.

Juanita slowly raised her hand and pointed her finger directly at Rebecca. She spoke. Her voice thundered, low and guttural.


Becka started to tremble. She was cowering in fear and she hated herself for it, but she had been through too much, seen too many things. She was exhausted.

The shadow smiled maliciously, then started to approach. It pointed to the Ascension Lady's body lying on the floor, then swept its hand to include Scott's still form.

"This is your doing."

Becka could not respond. She drew even closer to Scott.

"All this suffering - everyone suffers because of you." Becka shook her head, trying not to listen. But the voice was powerful and persuasive, as were the creature's eyes. As she watched it approach, Becka found it more and more difficult to resist or look away.

"It is your pride, your narrow-mindedness that has created this."

Becka tried to block the voice from her mind, but it had gotten inside. And the closer Juanita approached, the more it seemed to make sense.

"You think there is only one way. Your way! Such arrogance has led to this suffering."

Becka closed her eyes. Was this thing right? Was it really her fault? What would have happened if she'd listened to the Ascension Lady and helped from the beginning? She should have been open-minded, she should have been more willing to compro-mise ...

Her eyes started to burn with tears. It was her fault. When you got down to it, all of this was her doing.

"There are many ways to the light. Your stubbornness has blocked them all."

Becka started to cry. Deep, heart-wrenching sobs shook her.

The thing moved closer. Becka didn't have to open her eyes to feel it towering above her. But she no longer cared ... she no longer had the energy or the will to fight. Whatever happened next was what she deserved. It was time to quit. Time to stop hurting others and give in.

The closer the thing bent toward her, the more she could feel her will and determination drain away. All she wanted was to sleep. To stop fighting, to give in, to let the thing take control.

"You will no longer resist. You will learn other ways. You will - "

"She will not!" It was Ryan. His voice sounded far, far away, but Becka still heard it. "There are no other ways! Jesus said, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me!' "

The thing cried in surprise and staggered backward.

Becka felt her strength returning. Her eyes fluttered, then opened. Ryan stood inside the room. The shadow thing looked angry and confused, but when it spotted Ryan, its confusion gave way to mocking laughter.

"And who are you to oppose us?"

Ryan swallowed hard and shouted. "I am Ryan Riordan."

"You have no authority."

The boy was nervous, but he held his ground. "Of course I do. I am a Chris tian."

Becka's heart leaped to her throat. Was it possible?

"That gives you no authority."

Ryan hesitated, unsure. He threw a frightened look at Rebecca.

She looked on, still stunned. Then slowly a thought took shape. Maybe it was true. Maybe Ryan couldn't face this thing.

Any more than she could ... not on their own. But with the two of them together, joining forces ... joined in faith ... What was it the Bible said? "If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

She took a deep breath, then shouted, "You're a liar!" The thing spun back to her. "HE HAS NO AUTHORITY." Becka racked her brain, trying to remember more of the Bible verses she'd been learning. Another sprang to her mind, and she shouted, " 'I have given you authority ... Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.' "

The shadow cried and fell backward as if it had been hit.

Becka and Ryan exchanged looks across the room. They understood instantly. This was the sword they had talked about: the power of the Word of G.o.d. Ryan took a step closer and shouted: " 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' "

Again the creature roared, part in anger, part in anguish.

Rebecca threw a look to Ryan, puzzled that he'd chosen the same verse as before.

He shrugged. "It's the only one I know." She almost smiled. With courage growing, she finally rose to her feet. They were finally on the offensive. Another verse came to mind. " 'Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.' " More agonized shouts. The shadow thing started to back up toward the distant corner. "THIS IS OUR DOMAIN. WE HAVE BEEN GRANTED IT."

"You're a liar," Becka shouted. "Everything you say is a lie.

'There is no truth in him ... He is a liar and the father of lies!' " The creature roared.

"Stop it!" Becka cried. "Stop it this instant." The shadow fell silent.

Still trembling, Becka forced herself to approach. "I demand that you stop these - "

"You have no authority."

" 'The Lord rebuke you!' "

The creature shrieked, this time writhing as if someone had thrown acid on it. With growing confidence, Becka continued her approach. Ryan followed suit.

"I order you to stop these lies!"

"I am not - "

Becka raised her hand for silence, and the creature obeyed.

"I order you to stop these lies. No more games, no more counterfeits."

"I will not. I will - "

"In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to go!" The creature glared in rage.


Suddenly a brilliant light exploded from the thing's very center. It was so intense that Becka and Ryan had to look away. It sparkled and crackled throughout the creature's body. The thing screamed in agony and the room roared with thunder that reverberated through the entire house. But as the light faded, so did the creature. In less than a second it was gone. Its tormented shrieks and thundering took a bit longer to fade as they echoed about the room, but they, too, finally disappeared.

Rebecca and Ryan looked around. Everything had returned to normal. No wind, no howling. Most importantly, no Juanita.

It was over.

Julie stuck her head through the doorway. To Becka's relief she looked perfectly normal.

"Is everything okay?" she asked.

Becka nodded. Julie stepped inside, followed by the others.

Each looked worn and rumpled, but the illusions were gone.

Everyone was back to their original selves. Even the Ascension Lady had regained consciousness and was sitting up, although she still looked pretty dazed and confused.

Ryan eased a step toward the corner where Juanita had last been. "Is she gone? She is, isn't she?"


Becka turned around to see Scott rising to his feet. "She ...

they're still here," he said. "I can feel them. They're just playing possum."

Becka shuddered. Would this never end? She watched as her brother crossed to her. He reached down, took her hand, gave it a squeeze, then lowered it gently to her side. Without a word, he turned and walked toward the corner.

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