Broken - Broken Promises Part 10

Broken - Broken Promises -

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I fought back a smile. "No problem."

I made my way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. It was after eight, but still early enough for coffee. I tried not to notice what she wore. Her short jean skirt and tiny pink tank top were revealing enough to kick my imagination into overdrive.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

She paused. "Well, there's no easy way to say this, Luke."

"Then just say it, Mallory. We've known each other too long to get tongue-tied."

"You're right. Last night, I brought you home and you mentioned Jason again. I even managed to get you to tell me how you knew about him. I'm sorry I told you about him after I'd been drinking the other night."

"What, or rather, who, you do in Boston is your business, not mine," I muttered.

"Don't be an a.s.s. I'm apologizing, especially if I gave you the impression I was still seeing him. I'm not."

I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart. Did that mean she was single?

She waited for my response.

I wanted to sound nonchalant, but it came off sarcastic. The problem was, I was entirely too excited to hear she wasn't seeing someone than I should have been.

"Good for you," I said.

She seemed to need to spell it out. "I'm single."

I sucked in a breath as she moved closer to me in the kitchen.

She trailed her delicate hand down my chest to the opening of my jeans. "It is good for me, but it's also good for you."

I swallowed hard. "What do you want from me?" I whispered, terrified of the answer.

"Just you, Luke. I've always wanted you," she said slowly.

She put her hands around my neck and pulled me toward her. I knew, long before our lips touched, that she was going to break my heart again. But the knowledge didn't stop me from wrapping my arms around her waist. Our bodies melded together as I put my lips on hers. She sighed and tightened her hands around my neck.

I probed her lips with my tongue and she opened them for me. It was like coming home. I'd missed her for three long years and her smell, her touch, and her taste overwhelmed me. My whole body shook in antic.i.p.ation. I'm not sure how much time pa.s.sed-minutes, hours-as I kissed her, but when we pulled apart, we were both out of breath.

"I'm done running, Luke," she whispered.

She laid her head on my shoulder and we stood there like that for what felt like days. When the coffee pot beeped, I knew it had only been a few minutes.

"Do you want to talk?" I asked her.

She shook her head.

"I just want you."

I didn't need to be told twice. I ignored the coffee and tugged her into my bedroom. The bed was made and I thanked G.o.d for the little things. I closed the door and took her into my arms. It was surreal and amazing at the same time. I'd waited years to hold her like this again, and here she was, telling me she wanted me. I must be dreaming.

She laughed against my lips. "It's not a dream."

I must have spoken my thought aloud.

I sucked her bottom lip into my mouth and heard her gasp. I nipped the plump, pink flesh with my teeth. She purred, a low, throaty sound as she crushed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against my chest. I was acutely aware of her every move, every slide of her hand across my neck, the rustle of the material of her tank top when she went on tip toe to deepen our kiss. She wanted more. So did I.

I lifted the hem of her tank top and slowly brought it over her head. She bit her lip as I looked at her exposed body. Her skin was tan and soft. I tossed the tank top to the floor and gently traced a line between the valley of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s down to her belly b.u.t.ton. When she giggled, I pulled her face to mine again. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she didn't protest. She stepped back and made both of us fall onto the bed.

"Ummph!" I groaned.

I hadn't expected this playful side to her. We'd had s.e.x when she was in high school, and she'd always been shy, reserved. But now, she was different.

"Don't you like it rough, baby?" she asked with a smirk.

I nearly choked. Those were not words I thought I'd ever hear from her.

"I learned a thing or two in college," she said teasingly.

She took advantage of my shock and rolled us over so she could straddle me. She gave me an evil grin and then scooted down the bed so she could help me out of my jeans. When I was down to just my boxers, she made a move to pull those off, too, but I stopped her. She was still grinning like an idiot when she looked up at me in surprised. I squeezed her fingers and looked deep into her eyes.

"You're beautiful," I blurted.

It wasn't what I meant to say, but I supposed it was better than me spouting off something about being in love. Because as much as I wanted to admit it to her, now wasn't the time. She might get spooked and then I would lose the chance to be with her again.

"Such a charmer," she replied.

She leaned over me and planted the sweetest kiss against my lips. It didn't take long for that sweetness to turn into carnal l.u.s.t. She was tugging at my boxers again and I realized she was still more dressed than undressed. I tossed her over and she squealed in delight. I pulled down her skirt and drew a deep breath. She wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"Someone knew what they wanted," I said.

"Are you going to complain?" she mused.

"No, ma'am," I a.s.sured her.

I spread her thighs and her demeanor turned serious when she realized what I was doing. I dipped my head toward her, inhaling her sweet scent as I went. I used two fingers to spread her open; she was on display like a feast, but still I didn't move to taste her.

"Luke," she complained.

I grinned at her impatience. I had learned a few things, too. Like when to take your time. We hadn't declared our love for each other; as far as either of us knew, this was just a fling, but I would be d.a.m.ned if it wouldn't be the best memory we shared.

She wiggled her hips beneath me and I finally gave in. I brushed my tongue against her and found her pleasure center. I created suction and moved my tongue as fast against her c.l.i.t as I could. Her response was instantaneous.

"Luke!" she cried out.

Her hips lifted off the bed to meet my mouth and my hands slipped beneath her to hold her there. I kept my eyes on her face, reveling in the pleasure I was giving her. Her eyes were closed, but there was a sweet look of rapture on her face. I continued my onslaught and within minutes, she was there.

I watched her come, amazed at the woman before me. She was no longer a girl who hid her face beneath the pillow when she came. She screamed and bucked and her hands dug into my skull with a force I'd never experienced. She rode the wave for several minutes before releasing me. I was so turned on I could have watched her come all day long.

When I lifted my head, she crooked her finger at me and gave me her best come-hither smile. I crawled up the bed to her, stopping only to remove her bra as I went. I kissed her neck up and continued to her earlobe. She turned her head, eager for my attentions. She shuddered when I sucked her lobe into my mouth and flicked it with my tongue. She moaned when I pressed my pelvis against hers. I rubbed against her; the only thing separating us was the thin fabric of my boxers.

"Please, Luke. I need you," she said.

They were the sweetest words I'd heard. I rolled off her, shucked my boxers, and grabbed a condom out of the nightstand. I ripped it open and rolled it on, suddenly anxious to be inside her. She made a movement to give me head but I refused. I'd come too soon if she wrapped those pretty pink lips around me.

I kneeled between her thighs, leaned over her, and thrust inside her without further preparation. I wasn't gentle, not like I'd been in the past. Her eyes popped open in surprise but she didn't complain. She ground her hips up toward mine, a plea for more. She was tight and hot and I knew it was going to be over before it really got started. But I held onto what little control I had and managed to thrust into her several times before I began to lose my composure. When I knew I was going to blow, I sped up, praying desperately she would come again, but knowing I would go down on her again if she didn't.

I was just about to give in to my desires when she tightened her thighs around my hips.

"I'm so close, Luke," she sighed, her hands gripping my biceps like a vice. "Please."

Her eyes bore into mine and I couldn't resist her plea.

I took a deep breath, struggling to stay in control. I wanted to lose myself in her, but I wanted her to be satisfied even more. I thrust harder, faster, and deeper than ever, promising myself that I could do this. It was mind over matter. I tried everything to keep from blowing my load. I mentally balanced my checkbook. I thought about my dead mother. Anything to keep from coming into her deliciously tight grasp.

But nothing seemed to work. Just when I was sure it wasn't going to happen for her and I was going to come, she screamed.

Her ear-splitting shriek pierced my eardrums and had me letting go as she came. She brought her hand to my neck and forced me closer to her with a s.e.xy kiss that we both moaned into. I came into her with renewed force, letting everything else fade away as I focused on pleasure. Hers. Mine. Ours. Just before I blacked out from pleasure exhaustion, I had one truly frightening thought.

I was never going to get enough of Mallory Wells.



I lay there, unmoving but fully sated, while Luke went to the bathroom. Doubtful thoughts crept in. I didn't regret it; I knew that for sure. But what did it all mean? Were we back together? Friends with benefits? I had no idea. But I knew we were going to have to talk about it. Eventually. All I wanted to do was lie in my hazy bubble of s.e.xual satisfaction and not think about the future.

"Hey there," he said from the bathroom.

He had his arm propped up on the doorframe, and was wearing his jeans again. He looked so d.a.m.n s.e.xy that my heart ached. I swallowed the rising emotions and tried to keep it light.

"Hey there, Stallion," I said. He laughed and made his way over to the bed. He sat beside me and I turned on my side toward him. This was it. The talk.

"Mal, we need to talk," he started, just as I suspected.

My cell phone rang, a loud, obnoxious sound that made me giddy with joy. For now, at least, our conversation would have to wait. Luke sighed and went to find it. He handed it to me. I glanced at the caller id and saw it was my house number.


"Hi Mallory, I'm sorry to bother you, but I think your father is getting worse. I called Doctor Minor, and he's coming out to check on him. I wanted you to know, though," said my dad's hospice nurse, Irene.

"No, thank you, Irene. I'll be home right away," I said, dread filling the pit of my stomach. I hung up and looked at Luke. "It's Dad. He's worse."

"Get dressed, I'll drive you over," he said. I watched him pull on a s.h.i.+rt and grab a pair of socks. He looked at me. "Mallory! Get dressed!"

But I was frozen. This was the beginning of the end. We all knew Dad didn't have much time, but would it be now, before the summer ever even started? Before I was able to catch up and apologize and beg his forgiveness? I couldn't deal with it.

Luke squatted in front of where I sat on the edge of his bed. "Mallory, he needs you now. Be strong." He held my face between his palms, looked into my eyes and then kissed my forehead. "You can do this."

I nodded, still not completely sure of his confidence in me, but knowing it didn't matter. Dad did need me. I would have to be strong until after his death, whether I liked it or not. Luke set my clothes beside me on the bed and walked out of the room. My brain was numb, I could hardly think, but I managed to get dressed. When I finally emerged from the bedroom, Luke had my purse and car keys in his hands.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded, not entirely sure if I was. He ushered me out to my car and he insisted he drive. I didn't argue.

"Talk to me, Mal. What are you thinking?"

"I ... I don't know. It's all just so surreal," I answered.

I stared at the pa.s.sing trees. As a child, I'd often counted them as we pa.s.sed, certain I could count them all. One, two, three...

"Let's talk about something other than your dad. You need to clear your mind. How was the slumber party last night?"

"It was okay, I guess. I think there is something wrong with Rainey, though," I said, thinking about my friend.

"How do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, when we were at the bar, she refused to drink, and then last night she had a couple of wine, but I heard her throwing up this morning. When I asked her about it, she just said she didn't drink very often anymore," I said. "Her behavior was definitely odd."

"Could she be pregnant?"

"I thought of that, too. But Rainey wouldn't have had anything to drink at all, if she was pregnant," I replied. "She's too smart for that."

"We'll figure it out," he said, and I knew he was talking about more than just Rainey.

There was so much to figure out. My dad, whatever this was between us, the list went on.

When he pulled into my driveway, Doctor Minor was already waiting for us on the front porch. I jumped out of the truck and ran to meet him on the porch.

"Miss Wells, I just had a very interesting conversation with your father," Dr. Minor said. "His condition is precarious and he should have another round of chemo treatments. But Joe has given up. He refuses more chemo and wants to die."

Luke was right behind me, his hands on my shoulders. I took comfort in his touch.

"Can you force him into treatment?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, no. He's made up his mind, he says. The best we can do now is give him some medication for the pain and wait. I'm sorry Miss Wells."

He shook my hand and was halfway back to his car before I finally spoke.

"That's it?" I whirled around to face him. He turned with a grim expression on his face. "You want me to just watch him die?" I was a woman possessed and if it hadn't been for Luke's hands on me, I probably would have gone after him. But Luke held me still.

"I'm sorry," he said. Then he got into his car and drove away.

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