Giving It To The Enemy Part 12

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Elena waited for Pipe to come to her. She'd texted him when she was leaving the club, and now she stood in her sitting room, waiting for him. Staring at the window, she went over her conversation with Sarah. She had fallen for Pipe, and he didn't even know it.

They'd been together two weeks, and before that he'd left her messages and texts. When they were away from each other he always texted her, and that never stopped. She had to tell Saint at some point. Was there ever going to be a good time to let her brother know that she'd fallen in love?

She was so d.a.m.n conflicted about everything. How could she give up Saint?

The rustling coming from the window cut out all doubt, and she smiled as Pipe climbed into her home. He closed the door, and stepped toward her.

"I missed you, baby."

"I missed you." She wrapped her arms around him, pressing her body against his.

"How was the picnic?"

"Lots of food, some beer, Sarah didn't stay all that long, and I stayed a little longer." She ran her hands down his leather jacket before sliding underneath. "I need you, Pipe."

"Your p.u.s.s.y getting greedy again?"

"No, she's getting hungry."

Pus.h.i.+ng him away from the window, she urged him down to the sofa. "I can't wait until we're in the bedroom," she explained to him when he gave her a questioning look. Elena had changed into a nights.h.i.+rt, and she straddled his waist. He ran his hands up and down her body, cupping her a.s.s, and sliding beneath her nights.h.i.+rt.

"Are you wet for me?"


He cupped her between her thighs, sliding his finger between her slit, and making her gasp.

"f.u.c.k, you're dripping."

"I want you, Pipe. Please, I need you to f.u.c.k me."

He grabbed her hips, and took her to the sofa so that he was over her. She smiled up at him. "I'm the one in charge."

"Then I'm at your mercy, Sir."

"I like that. I can get used to you treating me with some d.a.m.n respect." He captured her lips, biting down on her lips so that she gasped. "Give me your kiss, baby."

He went back to touching her between her thighs at the same time he kissed her deeply.

"I'm addicted to you, Elena. I've got to have you all the time. We can't keep doing this."

She pulled away, staring up at him. "You want to talk to Saint? Do you think that's wise?"

"I'm not going to keep hiding. You're worth more than sneaking around, pretending. Yesterday, I wanted to hold you in my arms. I didn't want to worry about anyone seeing us, and what would happen."

Licking her lips, she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "We'll go together, and talk to Saint."

"It's going to be b.l.o.o.d.y. Two clubs, it's not going to be easy. He's going to think I'm using you."

"Are you?" she asked.


"And I believe you." She cupped his cheek. "I trust you, Pipe."

He leaned down, kissing her once again.

The happiness that was consuming her didn't last. Someone crashed through her front door, and before she could say anything, Pipe was pulled off her. She saw Saint, w.i.l.l.y, Rage, Ralf, and Jewel, rus.h.i.+ng into her house. Saint was on Pipe, punching him in the face.

At first, she was frozen in place with her legs open, and then realizing the man she loved wasn't fighting back, she quickly scrambled off her sofa. Why wasn't Pipe fighting back?

"Saint, get off him!" Elena said.

"You f.u.c.king piece of sc.u.m. You think I didn't know? You think I'd let a piece of s.h.i.+t like you touch my little sister?"

Saint rammed his fist against Pipe's face twice more, and Elena screamed.


No one was listening.

"This is not what you think," Pipe said, showing he wasn't going to fight back.

"You f.u.c.king my sister? I didn't see that?"

"Saint, leave him alone. This is my house, and you've no right to barge in here."

"I've got every f.u.c.king right. I own this house. You live here because I let you," Saint said, growling the words out.

Elena froze at the vehemence in Saint's voice. "I work d.a.m.n hard for this house."

"This is what you wanted, Elena? You wanted to f.u.c.k my enemy? You're giving him free f.u.c.king p.u.s.s.y, or is he giving you something for information on the club?"

She stumbled back as if he'd struck her.

Pipe finally broke out of whatever stupor he'd been in, and he slammed his fist against Saint's face. Three strikes, one after the other. "You want to hit me, then hit me, but don't f.u.c.king talk to your sister like that. We're together because we want to be. No other f.u.c.king reason. She's no wh.o.r.e, and she never once made a choice between you or me."

"You f.u.c.ked my sister, and you expect me to think that you've not used her for information."

"What information?" Elena asked, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Huh?" Saint asked, turning to her.

"What information could I give?" She'd found her anger, and it was rus.h.i.+ng to every pore of her being. "I'm not part of the f.u.c.king club. I work in a s.e.x shop. I don't have anything to say. I don't even know my f.u.c.king brother, and you know what, I don't f.u.c.king care."

"This is my enemy."

"He's the man I love!" The truth spilled out of her mouth, and she shook her head, turning toward Pipe. "I'm sorry. I know we didn't talk about it."

"Don't talk to him. Get the f.u.c.k out," Saint said, urging Pipe toward the front door.

"No. You can't do that." Elena rushed toward Pipe. "This is my house."

"It's okay, baby," Pipe said. "I'll deal with this."

"I'm dealing with this. Stay the f.u.c.k away from my sister, and don't come back."

"I'm not leaving Elena," Pipe said. "I'm willing to talk to you, and you're not in the right mind to talk."

"Leave, before I f.u.c.king kill you."

Elena gasped as Saint pulled a gun out of the back of his pants, and pointed it at Pipe.

"No!" She rushed in front of Pipe. "Put the gun down."

"You've not been around the club, Elena. What you did was f.u.c.king betray me. I should cast you the f.u.c.k out."

"I did nothing wrong. There's nothing that I know of the club."

"By f.u.c.king that a.s.shole, you f.u.c.ked with the club. Get out of the way before I do something I'll regret."

Leave with him.

Glancing up at Pipe, she took a deep breath. "Will you help me?" she asked.


Nodding, she glanced back at her brother. "I've never done anything to hurt you, and being with Pipe wasn't about you. I like him, I love him, but you feel I've betrayed you." She gave him a watery smile. "I'll leave."

She took hold of Pipe's hands, and stepped away from the house.

"Elena?" Saint grabbed her arm, and she shoved him away.

"This is for the best. I don't belong here, and you've just proven that. I belong with Pipe. Goodbye, Saint."

She turned her back on him, and kept on walking with Pipe. The s.h.i.+rt she wore landed mid-thigh, and she held onto Pipe's hand tightly. Glancing up at him, she saw blood was dripping down his lip, and bruises were already forming.

"Are you okay?"

"Me, I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm ... numb. Why did you not fight him at the beginning, and then hit him?"

"No one calls my woman a wh.o.r.e, no one. I'll take care of you."

Chapter Eleven.

Saint was held back by Rage and Ralf. He was going to kill Pipe. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had taken his sister, and he didn't know what to f.u.c.king do.

"Dude, you need to calm down. You're going to f.u.c.king hurt her if you go now," Rage said.

Pulling out of their hold, he grabbed the lampshade, and threw it across the room. He was so d.a.m.n angry. Years ago he'd failed his sister, and she'd been the one to betray him.

Picking up several items that were close, he threw them across the room, losing his s.h.i.+t. He was aware of his brothers watching him, but he didn't care.

His sister had just walked away from him without looking back.

You called her a wh.o.r.e.

You were an angry a.s.shole.

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't handle the c.r.a.p that was going around in his head. "I've got to make plans. I'm taking out the h.e.l.l's Wolves."

"Saint, that's f.u.c.king childish."

"No, he took advantage of Elena, and this is what he wants. That club is our enemy, and we f.u.c.k over our enemy." Saint wasn't going to allow his sister to come between the two clubs, and he was going to save her. Pipe was not the kind of man she should have. She needed a calm businessman, or someone who was kind.

"Didn't anyone else notice that Pipe only attacked when you said some s.h.i.+t about Elena?" Ralf asked.

"What?" Saint asked.

"Your fists were flying, and your mouth was spouting s.h.i.+t. Throughout it all, Pipe didn't attack you until you were mean to Elena. I actually think that b.a.s.t.a.r.d may love her." Ralf laughed. "I've had way too much to drink right now to even think about this c.r.a.p. My woman is leaving my a.s.s, and I've got no job." Ralf laughed again, and took a seat.

Saint thought over the attack, and Pipe hadn't done anything, not until he growled at her first.

"What do you think?" Saint asked, looking toward Rage.

"My woman's brother-in-law wants to f.u.c.k her."

"I'm not talking about Pea. I want to know what you saw."

Rage rubbed the back of his head. "There's something going on here, and you rushed in without exactly asking questions."

"Elena is my concern."

"I know, but did you really listen to her? She's in love with Pipe, and he's shown that he doesn't want war." Rage shrugged. "I'm not going to judge your reaction. I don't have a sister. This is entirely your decision."

Collapsing onto the sofa, Saint groaned, and stood back up. He'd seen Elena and Pipe making out, and he didn't want to be anywhere near that kind of s.h.i.+t. Running a hand down his face, moved toward the window, and tried to gather his thoughts.

What the f.u.c.k had he done?

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