Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die Part 70

Scudder - Eight Million Ways To Die -

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'Won't be long,' he said. He started it brewing, then came back and perched on a leather ha.s.sock. He said, 'You want to know something? I make a lousy pimp.'

'I thought you were a cla.s.s act. Restraint, dignity, all of that.'

'I had six girls and I got three. And Mary Lou'll be leaving soon.'

'You think so?'

'I know it. She's a tourist, man. You ever hear how I turned her out?'

'She told me.'

'First tricks she did, she got to tell herself she was a reporter, a journalist, this was all research. Then she decided she was really into it. Now she's finding out a couple of things.'

'Like what?'

'Like you can get killed, or kill yourself. Like when you die there's twelve people at your funeral. Not much of a turnout for Sunny, was there?'

'It was on the small side.'

'You could say that. You know something? I could have filled that f.u.c.king room three times over.'


'Not just probably. Definitely.' He stood up, clasped his hands behind his back, paced the floor. 'I thought about that. I could have taken their biggest suite and filled it. Uptown people, pimps and, and the ringside crowd. Could have mentioned it to people in her building. Might be she had some neighbors who would have wanted to come. But see, I didn't want too many people.'

'I see.'

'It was really for the girls. The four of them. I didn't know they'd be down to three when I organized the thing. Then I thought, s.h.i.+t, it might be pretty grim, just me and the four girls. So I told a couple of other people. It was nice of Kid come, wasn't it?'


'I'll get that coffee.'

He came back with two cups. I took a sip, nodded my approval.

'You'll take a couple pounds home with you.'

'I told you last time. It's no good to me in a hotel room.'

'So you give it to your lady friend. Let her make you a cup of the best.'


'You just drink coffee, right? You don't drink booze?'

'Not these days.'

'But you used to.'

And probably will again, I thought. But not today.

'Same as me,' he said. 'I don't drink, don't smoke dope, don't do any of that s.h.i.+t. Used to.'

'Why'd you stop?'

'Didn't go with the image.'

'Which image? The pimp image?'

'The connoisseur,' he said. 'The art collector.'

'How'd you learn so much about African art?'

'Self-taught,' he said. 'I read everything I could find, went around to the dealers and talked to them. And I had a feel for it.' He smiled at something. 'Long time ago I went to college.'

'Where was that?'

'Hofstra. I grew up in Hempstead. Born in Bedford-Stuyvesant, but my folks bought a house when I was two, three years old. I don't even remember Bed-Stuy.' He had returned to the ha.s.sock and he was leaning back, his hands clasped around his knees for balance. 'Middle-cla.s.s house, lawn to mow and leaves to rake and a driveway to shovel. I can slip in and out of the ghetto talk, but it's mostly a shuck. We weren't rich but we lived decent. And there was enough money to send me to Hofstra.'

'What did you study?'

'Majored in art history. And didn't learn s.h.i.+t about African art there, incidentally. Just that dudes like Braque and got a lot of inspiration from African masks, same as the Impressionists got turned on by j.a.panese prints. But I never took a look at an African carving until I got back from Nam.'

'When were you over there?'

'After my third year of college. My father died, see. I could have finished all the same but, I don't know, I was crazy enough to drop out of school and enlist.' His head was back and his eyes were closed. 'Did a ton of drugs over there. We had everything. Reefer, hash, acid. What I liked, I liked heroin. They did it different there. You used to get it in cigarettes, used to smoke it.'

'I never heard of that.'

'Well, it's wasteful,' he said. 'But it was so cheap over there. They grew the opium in those countries and it was cheap. You get a real muzzy high that way, smoking skag in a cigarette. I was stoned that way when I got the news that my mother died. Her pressure was always high, you know, and she had a stroke and died. I wasn't nodding or anything but I was high from a skag joint and I got the news and I didn't feel anything, you know? And when it wore off and I was straight again I still didn't feel anything. First time I felt it was this afternoon, sitting there listening to some hired preacher reading Ralph Waldo Emerson over a dead wh.o.r.e.' He straightened up and looked at me. 'I sat there and wanted to cry for my mama,' he said, 'but I didn't. I don't guess I'll ever cry for her.'

He broke the mood by getting us both more coffee. When he came back he said, 'I don't know why I pick you to tell things to. Like with a shrink, I suppose. You took my money and now you have to listen.'

'All part of the service. How did you decide to be a pimp?'

'How did a nice boy like me get into a business like this?' He chuckled, then stopped and thought for a moment. 'I had this friend,' he said. 'A white boy from Oak Park, Illinois. That's outside of Chicago.'

'I've heard of it.'

'I had this act for him, that I was from the ghetto, that I'd done it all, you know? Then he got killed. It was stupid, we weren't near the line, he got drunk and a jeep ran over him. But he was dead and I wasn't telling those stories anymore, and my mama was dead and I knew when I got home I wasn't going back to college.'

He walked over to the window. 'And I had this girl over there,' he said, his back to me. 'Little bit of a thing, and I'd go over to her place and smoke skag and lay around. I'd give her money, and, you know, I found out she was taking my money and giving it to her boyfriend, and here I was having fantasies of marrying this woman, bringing her back Stateside. I wouldn't have done it, but I was thinking about it, and then I found out she wasn't but a wh.o.r.e. I don't know why I ever thought she was anything else, but a man'll do that, you know.

'I thought about killing her, but s.h.i.+t, I didn't want to do that. I wasn't even that angry. What I did, I stopped smoking, I stopped drinking, I stopped all kinds of getting high.'

'Just like that?'

'Just like that. And I asked myself, Okay, what do you want to be? And the picture filled in, you know, a few lines here and a few lines there. I was a good little soldier for the rest of my hitch. Then I came back and went into business.'

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