The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 73

The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam -

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I know not at all whether He who created me belongs to a delicious Paradise or a detestable h.e.l.l. [But I do know] that a cup of wine, a charming girl and a zither at the edge of a green field are three things which I enjoy at present, and that you will find them in the promise that is made you of a future Paradise.


I drink wine, and those who are opposed to it come from the left and from the right to ask me to abstain from it, because, say they, wine is an enemy of religion.

But, for that very reason I would drink it, now that I hold myself an adversary of faith, because we are permitted by G.o.d to drink the blood of an enemy.


The light of the moon has cut the black robe of night: drink then of wine, for one finds not often moments so precious. Yes, abandon thyself to joy, for this same moon will s.h.i.+ne over the surface of the earth a long time [after our day].


Impute not to the wheel of the heavens all the good and all the bad which are in man, all the joys and sorrows which come to us by destiny; for this wheel, friend, is a thousand times more embarra.s.sed than thou, in the path of love [divine].


There is no s.h.i.+eld which is proof against an arrow hurled by Destiny. Grandeur, money, gold all go for nothing. The more I consider the things of this world, the more I see that the only good is good, all else is nothing.


A heart which does not contain in itself complete abstinence [from things here below] is to be pitied, for it is at all times the prey of regret. It is only the heart free from care that can be joyous; all that exists beyond this is but a subject of torment.


He who has had the intelligence to sow joy in his heart has not lost a single day in sorrow; he has employed his faculties in seeking the will of G.o.d, or has procured repose for his soul by taking a cup of wine.


When G.o.d fas.h.i.+oned the clay of my body, he knew what would be the result of my acts. It is not without His orders that I have committed the sins of which I am guilty; in that case, why should I burn in h.e.l.l-fire at the last day?


If thou hast drunk wine every consecutive day of the week, take care not to deprive thyself of it on Wednesday, for, according to our religion, there is no difference between this day and Be an adorer of the All-Powerful and not an adorer of days.


O my G.o.d! Thou art merciful, and mercy is kindness.

Why then has the first sinner been thrown out of the terrestrial Paradise? If Thou pardonest me when I obey Thee, it is not mercy. Mercy is present only when Thou pardonest me as the sinner that I am.


Leave knowledge and take the cup in thy hand. Disturb thyself not about Paradise or h.e.l.l, but seek rather the _Koocer_ [the celestial river of wine]. Sell thy silken turban to buy wine and have no more fear. Rid thyself of that head-dress and envelop thy head in a simple woolen band [emblem of Sufism].


Tell me, friend, have I acquired riches in this world?

No. Have I given myself up to time as it was slipping away? No. I am the torch of joy; but that torch once extinguished, I am nothing. I am the cup of Djem [the royal cup], but that cup once broken, I am no longer anything.


Where are the dancers? Where is the wine? Quick!

that I may do honor to the gourd! Happy the heart who remembers his morning cup! Oh! there are three things in this world which are dear to me: a head lost in wine, an amorous girl, and the noise of the dawn.


Since life so soon slips away, what matters it whether it be sweet or bitter? Since the soul must pa.s.s through the lips, what matters whether it be at Nishapur or at Balkh? Drink then of wine, for after thee and me, the moon will long pa.s.s on from its last quarter to its first, and from the first to last.


This caravan of life in curious guise! Be on thy guard, my friend, for it is joy that thus escapes! Disturb not thyself with the sorrow which to-morrow waits our friends, and bring me my cup quickly, for the night fast slips away!


He who has made the foundations of the world, the wheel of the heavens, how He has crucified the heart of man with affliction! How many ruby-colored lips has He buried in this little globe of earth! How many locks of hair perfumed with musk has He hidden in the bosom of the dust!


O careless men! be not duped by this world, since you know its pursuits. Throw not to the wind your precious lives; hasten to seek a friend [G.o.d], and quickly drink of wine.


O my companions! pour me some wine and thus change my face, from yellow as amber, to the color of the ruby. When I am dead, lave me in wine, and of the wood of the vine make my coffin and bier.


The day when the celestial war-horse of the golden stars was saddled, when the planet Jupiter and the Pleiades were created, from that day the Divan [Chief Justice] of destiny fixed our lot. In what respect, then, are we guilty, since such is the part that was made for us?

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