The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 57

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Endure this world without my wine I cannot!

Drag on life's load without my cups I cannot!

I am the slave of that sweet moment, when They say, Take one more goblet, and I cannot!

360. C. L. N. A. I. J.


You, who both day and night the world pursue, And thoughts of that dread day of doom eschew, Bethink you of your latter end; be sure As time has treated others, so 'twill you!

361. C. L. N. A. I.


O man, who art creation's summary, Getting and spending too much trouble thee!

Arise, and quaff the Etern Cupbearer's wine, And so from troubles of both worlds be free!

362. C. L. N. A. I. J. So Wordsworth, The world is too much with us, etc. The Sufis rejected _talab ud dunya_, worldliness, and _talab nl ukharat_, other-worldliness, for _talab nl maula_, disinterested G.o.dliness. So Madame Guyon taught Holy Indifference.


In this eternally revolving zone, Two lucky species of men are known; One knows all good and ill that are on earth, One neither earth's affairs, nor yet his own.

363. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Taman_, entirely. The two seem to be practical men and mystics.


Make light to me the world's oppressive weight, And hide my failings from the people's hate, And grant me peace to-day, and on the morrow Deal with me as Thy mercy may dictate!

364. C. L. N A. I. J. In line 4 scan _anchaz_.


Souls that are well informed of this world's state, Its weal and woe with equal mind await: For, be it weal we meet, or be it woe, The weal doth pa.s.s, and woe too hath its date.

365. C. L. N. A. B. I. J. 'Twill all be one a hundred years hence.


Lament not fortune's want of constancy, But up! and seize her favours ere they flee; If fortune always cleaved to other men, How could a turn of luck have come to thee?

366. C. L. N. A. I. J. This was a saying of Kisra Parviz to his Sultana.

Bicknell's Hafiz, p. 73.


Chief of old friends! hearken to what I say, Let not heaven's treacherous wheel your heart dismay; But rest contented in your humble nook, And watch the games that wheel is wont to play.

367. C. L. N. A. I. J.


Hear now Khayyam's advice, and bear in mind, Consort with revellers, though they be maligned, Cast down the gates of abstinence and prayer, Yea, drink, and even rob, but, oh! be kind!

368. C. L. N. A. B. I. J. A rather violent extension of the doctrine, Mercy is better than sacrifice.


This world a body is, and G.o.d its soul, And angels are its senses, who control Its limbs--the creatures, elements, and spheres; The ONE is the sole basis of the whole.

369. L. N. So Pope, All are but parts, etc.


Last night that idol who enchants my heart, With true desire to elevate my heart, Gave me his cup to drink; when I refused, He said, Oh, drink to gratify my heart!

370. N.


Would'st thou have fortune bow her neck to thee, Make it thy care to feed thy soul with glee; And hold a creed like mine, which is to drain The cup of wine, not that of misery.

371. So the Ecclesiast, There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat, and drink, and make his soul enjoy good in his labour.


Though you survey O my enlightened friend, This world of vanity from end to end, You will discover there no other good Than wine and rosy cheeks, you may depend!

372. N. Note _izafat_ dropped after _sahib_. Bl., Prosody, p. 14.


Last night upon the river bank we lay, I with my wine-cup, and a maiden gay, So bright it shone, like pearl within its sh.e.l.l, The watchman cried, Behold the break of day!

373. N. _Nigare_. Here _ya_ may be _ya i tankir_, the _izafat_ being dispensed with (Lumsden, ii. 269) [?], or perhaps _ya i tausifi_ before the sifat _marvzum_.

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