The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 45

The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam -

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197. C. L. N. A. B. I.


Rich men, who take to drink, the world defy With shameless riot, and as beggars die; Place in my ruby pipe some emerald hemp, 'Twill do as well to blind care's serpent eye.

198. C. L. N. A. I. Scan _af'ayi_. The emerald is supposed to have the virtue of blinding serpents.


These fools have never burnt the midnight oil In deep research, nor do they ever toil To step beyond themselves, but dress them fine, And plot of credit others to despoil.

199. C. L. N, A. I. _Shame chand_ Vullers (p. 253) takes this _ya_ to be _ya i tankir_; and Lumsden (ii. 269) says the presence of this letter, between a noun and its attribute, dispenses with the _izafat_ (?). But why not add the _izafat_, and scan _Shamiyi_?


When false dawn streaks the east with cold, grey line, Pour in your cups the pure blood of the vine; The truth, they say, tastes bitter in the mouth, This is a token that the Truth is wine.

200. C. L. N. A. I. J. False dawn, the faint light before sunrise.


Now is the time earth decks her greenest bowers, And trees, like Musa's hand, grow white with flowers!

As 'twere at 'Isa's breath the plants revive, While clouds brim o'er, like tearful eyes, with showers.

201. C. L. N. A. B. I. Musa and 'Isa are often written without the _alif i maksur_. Bl., Prosody 3.


O burden not thyself with drudgery, Lord of white silver and red gold to be; But feast with friends, ere this warm breath of thine Be chilled in death, and earthworms feast on thee.

202. N.


The showers of grape-juice, which cupbearers pour, Quench fires of grief in many a sad heart's core Praise be to Allah, who hath sent this balm To heal sore hearts, and spirits' health restore!

203. C. L. N. A. B. I. In line 1 some MSS. reads _bakhak_. _Didayi garm_, eyes of anguish. Scan _garm atis.h.i.+_ (_Alif i wasl_).


Can alien Pharisees Thy kindness tell, Like us, Thy intimates, who nigh Thee dwell?

Thou say'st, All sinners will I burn with fire.

Say that to strangers, we know Thee too well.

204. N.


O comrades dear, when hither ye repair In times to come, communion sweet to share, While the cupbearer pours your old Magh wine, Call poor Khayyam to mind, and breathe a prayer.

205. L. N. B. _Mayi_. The second _ya_ is the _ya i batni_.


For me heaven's sphere no music ever made, Nor yet with soothing voice my fears allayed; If e'er I found brief respite from my woes, Back to woe's thrall I was at once betrayed.

206. C. L. N. A. I.


Sooner with half a loaf contented be, And water from a broken crock, like me, Than lord it over one poor fellow-man, Or to another bow the va.s.sal knee.

207. C. L. N. A. I. In line 2 note _izafat_ dropped after silent _he_, _Kam az Khude_, one less than yourself. Vullers, p. 254.


While Moon and Venus in the sky shall dwell, None shall see aught red grape-juice to excel: O foolish publicans, what can you buy One half so precious as the goods you sell?

208. C. L. N. A. B. I.


They who by genius, and by power of brain, The rank of man's enlighteners attain, Not even they emerge from this dark night, But tell their dreams, and fall asleep again.

209. C. L. N. A. I. J. _Fisanaye, ya i tankir_.


At dawn, when dews bedeck the tulip's face, And violets their heavy heads abase, I love to see the roses' folded buds, With petals closed against the wind's disgrace.

210. L. B.


Like as the skies rain down sweet jessamine, And sprinkle all the meads with eglantine, Right so, from out this jug of violet hue, I pour in lily cups this rosy wine.

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