The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 40

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Wine-houses flourish through this thirst of mine, Loads of remorse weigh down this back of mine; Yet, if I sinned not, what would mercy do?

Mercy depends upon these sins of mine.

130. C. Bl. L. A. I. J. Bl. quotes similar sentiments from Nizami and Hafiz. Mercy is G.o.d's highest attribute, and sin is required to call it forth.


Thy being is the being of Another, Thy pa.s.sion is the pa.s.sion of Another.

Cover thy head, and think, and thou wilt see, Thy hand is but the cover of Another.

131. Bl. Meaning G.o.d is the _Fa'il i hakiki_, the only real Agent.


From learning to the cup your bridle turn; All lore of world to come, save Kausar, spurn; Your turban p.a.w.n for wine, or keep a shred To bind your brow, and all the remnant burn.

132. N. _Kausar_, the river of wine in Paradise.


See! from the world what profit have I gained?

What fruitage of my life in hand retained?

What use is Jams.h.i.+d's goblet, once 'tis crushed?

What pleasure's torch, when once its light has waned?

133. L. N. _Tarf bar bastan_,to reap advantage.


When life is spent, what's Balkh or Nishapore?

What sweet or bitter, when the cup runs o'er?

Come drink! full many a moon will wax and wane In times to come, when we are here no more.

134. C. L. N. A. B. I. J.


O fair! whose cheeks checkmate red eglantine, And draw the game with those fair maids of Chin, You played one glance against the king of Babil And took his p.a.w.ns, and knights, and rooks, and queen.

135. L. B.


Life's caravan is hastening on its way; Brood not on troubles of the coming day, But fill the wine-cup, ere sweet night be gone, And s.n.a.t.c.h a pleasant moment, while you may.

136. C. L. N. A. B. I. J. The _rinds_ loved a dark night. Bl.


He, who the world's foundations erst did lay, Doth bruise full many a bosom day by day, And many a ruby lip and musky tress Doth coffin in the earth, and shroud with clay.

137. C. L. N. A. I. J. So Job, Is it good unto thee that thou shouldest oppress, that thou shouldest despise the work of thine hands?


Be not beguiled by world's insidious wiles; O foolish ones, ye know her tricks and guiles; Your precious life-time cast not to the winds; Haste to seek wine, and court a sweetheart's smile.

138. N.


Comrades! I pray you, physic me with wine, Make this wan amber face like rubies s.h.i.+ne, And, if I die, use wine to wash my corpse, And frame my coffin out of planks of vine!

139. C. L. N. A. B. I. _Kahraba_, amber, literally attractor of straw.


When Allah yoked the courses of the sun, And launched the Pleiades their race to run, My lot was fixed in fate's high chancery; Then why blame me for wrong that fate has done?

140. C. L. N. A. I. J. Also ascribed to Afzul Kas.h.i.+.


Ah! seasoned wine oft falls to rawest fools, And clumsiest workmen own the finest tools; And Turki maids, fit to delight men's hearts, Lavish their smiles on beardless boys in school!

141. N. So Hafiz, If that Turki maid of s.h.i.+raz, etc.


Whilom, ere youth's conceit had waned, methought Answers to all life's problems I had wrought; But now, grown old and wise, too late I see My life is spent, and all my lore is naught.

142. N. C. A. and I. give another version of this.


They who of prayer-mats make such great display Are fools to bear hypocrisy's hard sway; Strange! under cover of this saintly show They live like heathen, and their faith betray.

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