The Sufistic Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam Part 38

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If e'er she drop a sweetmeat in thy mouth, 'Tis poisonous,--to swallow it forbear!

103. C. L. A. B. I. _Hush_ contracted from _hosh_.


Where'er you see a rose or tulip bed, Know that a mighty monarch's blood was shed And where the violet rears her purple tuft, Be sure a black-moled girl hath laid her head.

104. B. L. The MSS. have a variation of this, beginning _Har khisht ki_.


Wine is a melting ruby, cup its mine; Cup is the body, and the soul is wine; These crystal goblets smile with ruddy wine Like tears, that blood of wounded hearts enshrine.

105. L. B.


Drink wine! 'tis life etern, and travail's meed, Fruitage of youth, and balm of age's need: 'Tis the glad time of roses, wine and friends; Rejoice thy spirit--that is life indeed.

106. L. B. There being no _izafat_ after _yaran_, _sar i mast_ must agree with _hangam_.


Drink wine! long must you sleep within the tomb, Without a friend, or wife to cheer your gloom; Hear what I say, and tell it not again, Never again can withered tulips bloom.

107. C. A. B. I. J. This recalls the chorus in the Oedipus Coloneus.


They preach how sweet those Houri brides will be, But I say wine is sweeter--taste and see!

Hold fast this cash, and let that credit go, And shun the din of empty drums like me.

108. C. L. A. B. I. J. _Sin_, nuptials. Like me, _i.e._, as I do.


Once and again my soul did me implore, To teach her, if I might, the heavenly lore; I bade her learn the _Alif_ well by heart.

Who knows that letter well need learn no more.

109. B. _Alif Kafat_, the One (G.o.d) is enough. Probably a quotation.

Hafiz (Ode 416) uses the same expression: He who knows the One knows all.


I came not hither of my own free will, And go against my wish, a puppet still; Cupbearer! gird thy loins, and fetch some wine; To purge the world's despite, my goblet fill.

110. C. L. A. B. I. J. _'Azme, ya i tankir_, or _tans ifi?_


How long must I make bricks upon the sea?

Beshrew this vain task of idolatry; Call not Khayyam a denizen of h.e.l.l; One while in heaven, and one in h.e.l.l is he.

111. C. L. A. B. I. J. _Andar-ba_, Bl., Prosody 12.


Sweet is the breath of Spring to rose's face, And thy sweet face adds charm to this fair place; To-day is sweet, but yesterday is sad, And sad all mention of its parted grace.

112. C. L. A. B. I. J. _Khush_ is p.r.o.nounced _khash_ or _khush._ Bl., Prosody, p. 12. _Guyi_ is generally written with _hamza_ and _ya_, but in some MSS. _fatha_ is subst.i.tuted for the _hamza_ [?].


To-night pour wine, and sing a dulcet air, And I upon thy lips will hang, O fair; Yea, pour some wine as rosy as thy cheeks, My mind is troubled like thy ruffled hair.

113. B. _Roziyyi_.


Pen, tablet, heaven and h.e.l.l I looked to see Above the skies, from all eternity; At last the master sage instructed me, Pen, tablet, heaven and h.e.l.l are all in thee.

114. Allah writes his decrees with the pen on the tablet. Koran, lxviii. l. See _Gulshan i Raz_, 1, n.


The fruit of cert.i.tude _he_ cannot pluck, The path that leads thereto who never struck, Nor ever shook the bough with strenuous hand; To-day is lost; hope for to-morrow's luck.

115. L. B. _Lit._ Consider to-morrow your first day.


Now spring-tide showers its foison on the land, And lively hearts wend forth, a joyous band, For 'Isa's breath wakes the dead earth to life, And trees gleam white with flowers, like Musa's hand.

116. B. Alluding to the life-giving breath of Jesus, and the white hand of Moses. (Exodus, IV. 6.) _Bakhus.h.i.+ dastrase (ya i tankir_), _an_ aid to joy, _i.e._, Spring.

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