The Kadin Part 38

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She screamed her rage at him in Turkish, but Colin Hay just laughed.

"All right" he said. "I'll do yer back first"

Spinning her around he lathered her smooth, long back with the soap, then washed and rinsed it Finished, he pulled her against him, and cupping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands began to tease the nipples. She squirmed away from him, and grabbing the bath brush brandished it at him.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

"My back, madame."

"Will ye get out of my tub, then?"


Angrily she attacked his back, scrubbing it so hard it turned beet red. When she had finished, he calmly climbed out of the tub and began to towel himself dry. She could not help but look at him, for other than Selim, she had never seen a naked man.

Colin Hay was big, standing at least six foot three inches. She knew he was fifty-five, but his body was lean and well-muscled, its smoothness marred only by a few old sword scars. His wavy hair was still midnight black with just a touch of silver at the temples. His wind-tanned face was handsome and craggy, with a high, wide forehead, long straight nose, a generous mouth, and those strange, leaf-green eyes which looked out from beneath thick-lashed eyelids that were always half-closed.

He stood straight now and faced her, and of his masculinity there was no doubt. She flushed as under her fascinated gaze his manhood became large and swollen. She could not seem to draw her eyes away from it He laughed softly and holding out his hand commanded her, "Come."

"I have no intention of getting out of this tub, Lord Hay, until you dress yourself and leave my apartments," she returned coldly.

He reached the tub in two strides, and mounting the steps hauled her dripping from the water. Wrapping her struggling body in a towel he forcibly sat her in front of the fireplace. So black was his look that she dared not speak. Her heart was pounding violently with rage and fright.

"Madame, you try my patience! I told ye earlier I intended making love to ye tonight and I do. G.o.d knows I've waited forty years to do so!"

"Do ye take me for a fool?" she exploded. "Do ye expect me to believe that because ye watched me at court when I was but a child, ye hae been pining for me all these years? Aside from your three marriages, I'll wager ye've been in every bed between here and the border, up to the isles and back! And now ye would add me to yer collection. I'll kill ye first!"

As she launched herself at him, the towel that was covering her fell to the ground. As she reached to pick it up, the master of Grayhaven had s.n.a.t.c.hed it away, and before she could stop him, he tumbled her back onto her bed and flung himself on top of her. She fought him violently, clawing and scratching.

Cruelly he forced her legs apart and sliding between them, he drew them up and over his shoulders. Shrieking as she realized his intent she tried to squirm out of his reach, but he held her b.u.t.tocks in his big hands. Like silken fire his tongue touched her here and there-teasing, tantalizing, taunting. Sobbing, her control lost she moaned her desire and shame as his tongue plunged repeatedly into her throbbing softness. Her body arched to meet his mouth, but he slipped up and over her, and kissing the tears on her cheeks, plunged into her. He moved smoothly and rhythmically until she cried out her relief. He quickly followed.

For a few minutes only their rapid breathing broke the stillness. Then Janet rose shakily from the bed and stood by the fireplace. Tears ran silently down her face. Finally she spoke.

"You Westerners call the peoples of the East uncivilized infidels, but never in all my years in Barbary was I treated by any man as you have treated me tonight. As a maiden my innocence was cherished and respected. As my lord's wife and later as his widow I was honored. You are the barbarian, Lord Hay! You have had you way wi' me, now get out!"

Instead he rose from the bed and moving quickly lifted her up and lay her back on the bed again. She tried to escape him, but he laughed at her futile attempts. Slowly his mouth traveled the length of her body burning deeply each spot it touched. Now his big body blotted out her slender one. She could feel her own desire mounting again, and head thras.h.i.+ng from side to side, she moaned and tried to fight it down. He would not let her, and with a skill that terrified her, the master of Grayhaven raped her once again.

Exhausted for the moment they lay wordlessly upon the bed. Then mustering the little strength she had left, Janet crawled to the farthest corner of the bed, and pulling the coverlet over herself, fell asleep. He knew the battle was not yet over but left her alone for the moment and wrapping the rest of the coverlet around his own body, he, too, slept.

When he awoke, the early dawn was just beginning to chase the night Rolling over, he found her sprawled still sleeping, on her back. Awake she did not look her age, but asleep she was a girl again. Her lovely hair billowed about her. He allowed his eyes the pleasure of traveling the length of the lovely body be had so cruelly loved but a few hours back.

"My G.o.d, Jan," he whispered softly. "You are extravagantly beautiful,"

"My husband once said the same thing, Colly."

He started. "I dinna realize ye were awake."

"I was not until ye spoke. For many years I was wakened each day by a slave telling me it was time to arise. The sound of a voice always wakens me." She reached out to draw the coverlet over herself.


"Please, my lord."

"What do ye hide I havena already seen?" Gently he drew her close, and while one arm cradled her, his other hand began to fondle her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Colin, no! No more!" she pleaded. "Until last night I knew only one man, my husband. Ye have twice shamed me. I can bear no more."

"Ye hae been widowed ten years, sweetheart Had it been he who was left, would he have been so celibate?"

"Ye hae made me a wh.o.r.e."

"I would make ye my wife."


"By G.o.d, madame! Ye act as if I had insulted ye by offering ye my name!"

She started to laugh. "Oh, Colly! Don't ye understand? My whole life has been controlled by men. This is the first time I've ever been in control of my own destiny. Neither Adam nor Charles would dare to interfere wi' me, and I am wealthy in my own right I like it! If I married ye, then ye would hae the right to control both me and my money. I should never be free again."

"My G.o.d, Janet, I want ye for my own!"

As she cradled his head against her b.r.e.a.s.t.s she thought Why not? I shall be an old woman soon. Why should I not take my pleasure while I may. He had no wife to hurt and I want him as much as he wants me. Perhaps even more!

She said quietly. "Ye shall have me for yer own, my lord; and ye shall be the envy of every man in Scotland-including the king himself-for the beautiful and wealthy Lady Leslie will be yer mistress."


"But betray me even once wi' another woman, my lord, and ye'll nae enter my bed again."

Her hand wound into his dark hair, and she pulled his head down to her. For the first time she kissed him willingly, and her lips were softly fragrant beneath his. He caught his breath in surprise as she scattered little kisses over his body. Now she was beneath him, her body moving more voluptuously as each minute went by. "Not yet," she murmured in his ear, holding him back.

"My Oed, Jan," his voice was thick, "sweetheart, please! Yer driving me mad!"

She laughed softly. "But a moment, my lord Let me find my own paradise."

Minutes later it was he who cried out his relief, and again her laughter echoed in the chamber. He slept deeply, never hearing her rise from the bed The tub still stood before the fire, and dipping water from it into a large kettle, she swung it over the flames, and when it was hot, poured it back into the tub. Climbing into the water she found the soap, a soft ma.s.s, in a corner. She scrubbed herself swiftly for the lukewarm tub cooled quickly, and the morning air was cold Toweling herself dry she slipped into the nightgown and robe that Ruth had laid out the night before, and turning back to the rumpled bed lay down and drew the coverlet over herself. A little smile played about her lips as she fell asleep.

Ruth for all her innocence had recognized the look in Lord Hay's eye the evening before. Awaking before her mother, she dressed quickly, and silently she slipped up the stairs to her mistress's bedchamber. Hearing nothing she gently opened the door and peeked inside. Janet lay curled on her side sleeping peacefully. Lord Hay slept sprawled on his stomach. Softly closing the door Ruth went downstairs to the kitchens. It was still early, and few people were stirring.

Ruth helped herself to a large joint of cold meat, freshly baked bread a large honeycomb, and a pitcher of ale. Placing it all on a tray, she hurried upstairs again. She was extremely relieved to have pa.s.sed no one, and therefore not had to explain the large meal she carried Her relief turned to horror when she reached Janet's bedroom and found Dumb Jock, the castle's slavey, lugging buckets of water into the room "Don't drop that tray, girl, or I'll slap ye!"

"Mother, I-"

"You thought I would be shocked so yon meant to keep it from me. Lord child! I knew she would take a lover sooner or later. We're no longer in the harem, and she needs a man. She has been lonely without one. Dont slop, Jock lad! Don't look so worried, daughter. Jock will nae tell on her. She's the first that's been kind to him. At the sound of her voice, his whole face lights up. What a pity he canna speak. Take that tray into them now and get the wine from my lady's cupboard."

The fresh tub steamed before the newly kindled fire as Ruth set her tray down upon a table. She had added the crystal wine decanter and two goblets from Janet's own service.

"Come here, Ruth," said Lord Hay.

Shyly, eyes lowered, she approached the bed. The master of Graybaven sat up, and reaching out dropped two gold pieces down the girl's bodice. Hands to her chest, Ruth blushed.

"Colin!" Janet's voice was amused, and mildly reprimanding. "Please dinna tease my Ruth."

Colin's eyes twinkled, and he replied, "I thought she might help scrub my back, binny. Would ye, Ruth?"

Ruth looked terrified and gratefully fled at Janet's dismissal.

"Colly! She's a virgin and gently raised."

"She'll nae be a virgin long the way Red Hugh looks at her." He turned back to Janet and enfolded her in an embrace. "You are warm, and soft, and," he sniffed appreciatively, "you smell delicious."

"I bathed before I slept"

"Bathe wi' me now."

"I have no need to bathe again."

"Ye will, soon enough." Laughing he kissed her hungrily, his kisses becoming deeper and sweeter.

"Pig," she murmured weakly at him, her own body beginning to move in rhythm with his.

Minutes later he grinned down at her, and said, "Ye'll need a bath now, sweetheart"

She laughed in spite of herself, got up, and climbing into the tub she asked him, "Dont ye ever take no for an answer?"

"No," he replied, joining her.

Marian had thoughtfully provided a fresh, hard cake of soap that smelled like wildflowers, and Janet lathered herself liberally. Handing the soap to Lord Hay, she rinsed and climbed out of the tub. Drying off, she walked to the garderobe and emerged a few minutes later wearing a pale pink silk caftan and soft kid slippers. He had already toweled himself dry and was drawing on his trunk hose as she moved across the room and sat down at the table.

"Wine, or ale, m'lord?"

"Ale." He sat down across from her.

Filling a goblet with ale and a plate high with meat, some bread, and half of the honeycomb, she handed it to him. He ate with gusto, not speaking, quaffing the ale in three gulps. She refilled his goblet "Yer not eating?"

"I'm waiting for Marian to bring me my coffee maker. I think she may hesitate to invade our privacy."

"Nonsense," snapped the little woman bustling through the door. "I have simply been too busy fending off the lady Anne."

"Jesu! Is she here?"

"Was, madame. Was. I have sent her packing in a fine huff."

"What in G.o.d's name has possessed Anne? She has visited my tower only once since I arrived Why now? Why this morning?"

"Because, m'lady, she knows ye bathed last night and this morning she caught Dumb Jock hauling water up here again. Then, too, no one has seen my lord Hay since last night She is suspicious of ye."

"She is envious of me! How did ye get rid of her?"

"I simply told her ye were bathing, and she could not go in. She was very angry." Marian chuckled Janet couldn't help but chuckle back. "Thank you, old friend"

Marian sniffed and placed the coffee making equipment on the table.

"I'll do it" said Janet "Go back, and guard my door from that dragon."

"Is that Turkish coffee?" asked Colin when Marian had left them.

"Aye. My friend Esther Kira sent it to me."

"Can ye make two cups?"

She nodded "Where did you learn about Turkish coffee?"

"I've done my share of traveling about the Mediterranean. Being born into the lesser branch of the family meant that I had to acquire money on my own. Each time I married I married richer, and wi' each dowry I mounted a trading expedition to the East Like you, madame, I am very wealthy."

"Didn't ye love any of yer wives?"

"Moireach, my first wife was a colorless and dull little thing who died bearing me my equally dull and colorless daughter, Margaret Margaret is a nun. She visits me regularly every two years, sighs over my way of life, my current mistress, and the state of my soul. She goes away promising to pray for me which I am quite sure she does.

"I killed my second wife, Euphemia, when I found her in bed wi' my head groom Insatiable little b.i.t.c.h! Fortunately there were no brats.

"I came closest to loving my last wife, Ellen. She was a sweet gentle, kind woman who kept my house, and my life, in perfect order. She gave me my two sons, James and Gilbert, and never complained about my mistresses providing I was discreet-which I was. She died five years ago in the winter." He turned to her. "And you, my dear. Did ye love yer lord?"

For a moment there was perfect silence in the room, and then Janet spoke one word. "Yes."

"Just yes?"

She struggled to gather her thoughts. "I loved my husband more each day he lived. When he died I would have died, also. Had my son not called me back from the brink of the grave, I should not be here now."

Reaching over he took her slim hand in his own great paw. Their eyes met "If you could gie me but a hundredth part of that love, my dear, I should be well satisfied."

She smiled and handed him a tiny enameled cup of steaming coffee. "Ice, m'lord?"

He took a piece from the bowl she proffered, and dropping it into the coffee drank it down.

"Now, my lord, before Anne forces her way in and causes a painful scene-"

He grinned at her, and standing up walked over to Ruth who had come in and was busying herself by the sideboard. "Make sure the dragon isna lurking about luv." He patted her backside. Giggling, she slipped from the room.

"Yer a most outrageous man," laughed Janet "Ye hae both Marian and Ruth eating out of yer hand. Especially my dearest Marian, who I thought would nae forgive me if she found I had taken a lover."

"Was she with you from the beginning?" he asked.

"Not the first year. My husband gave her to me as a gift when he learned I was to bear him a child. He bought both her and her husband."

"What was his name?"

"Marian's husband? Alan Browne."

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