Love At Last Part 14

Love At Last -

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aI-I could put my easel right in the corner there. The morning sun would be perfect natural lighting.a She turned around to Toni and stuck out her hand. aOkay, OaHara, you have a deal.a Toni took the offering. aOh, what am I doing?a She pulled Alana into her arms. aGood, thatas done. Now the question of rent.a She sighed thoughtfully as she guided Alana out of the room. aMy favorite used to be Chinese, but after that wonderful baked chickena.a aI think youare right. I will go broke feeding you,a Alana a.s.sured her as they settled once again in front of the fire in Tonias apartment.

Toni tossed a few large pillows on the floor and stretched lazily. aAh, Iam so comfortable right now,a she said with a yawn. She looked up at Alana, who was smiling slightly. Toni found it difficult to swallow. aAre you chilly?a aA little,a Alana said, looking down at her hands.

aCome down here beside me,a Toni said in a soft low voice.

The tone sent a s.h.i.+ver through Alana as she swallowed, hoping her legs would move. She slid off the chair and knelt next to Toni, who scooted over. Alana s.h.i.+fted.

What happened next was amazing and completely natural. Alana lay next to Toni, who wrapped her arm around the s.h.i.+vering shoulders and pulled her close to her side. Alana nestled her head in the crook of Tonias shoulder and lightly placed her hand on her chest.

aIs this all right?a Alana asked breathlessly.

aItas more than all right. Itas perfect,a Toni whispered.

Neither woman spoke for a long while, both watching the dancing flames, lost in the comfort and peace of the quiet night.

aWhat are you thinking?a Toni whispered.

aIn my wildest dreams, I never thought Iad be lying next to another woman in an intimate embrace. And I certainly never thought Iad enjoy it as much as I am.a She stopped, seemingly to collect her thoughts for a moment. aI was thinking how comfortable and natural this feels. And I thought about my life and what it would have been like if I had the courage to tell Sue I cared for her when we were in college. That I felt comfort in her arms just as I do at this moment with you. Itas amazing I put it so far back in my mind all these years.a She stopped and lightly ran her fingertips up to Tonias chin. aSueas brother had told Paul I nearly ruined her life, then I married Paul and nearly ruined his, as well.a Toni quickly turned on her side to face Allie. aDonat do that. You were eighteen, a baby. You knew nothing of love or s.e.x. And I like Paul, but remember, he knew about you and Sue and he married you anyway. He wasnat an innocent. Please donat take the burden of this completely on your lovely shoulders. No one ruined anyoneas life.a Alana smiled. aLovely shoulders?a Toni grinned. aYes, very lovely.a Alana looked into Tonias gray eyes. aDo you feel as comfortable as I do right now? I mean, I know youave been in this position before, a million times, but this is new for me, and I donat know what youare thinking. I-I mean, I donat have to know. Youaa Suddenly, Toni loomed over her. aListen to me for just a minute and stop yakking.a Alana frowned and opened her mouth. Toni reached down and placed her fingertips against her lips, quieting her.

aI have been in similar situations.a Toni looked down into her eyes. aBut I have never been in this position before. Iave been trying to avoid my feelings for you for a long time now. I donat want to hurt you or scare you off, but my life is so different now with you in it. I canat imagine it before you. Whatever happens between us, please always know that I would never hurt you. You can trust me. Iaa Alana reached up and gently pulled her fingertips away, holding Tonias warm hand in her shaking one. aToni, would it be wrong if I asked you to kiss me? Ia"a Toni needed no more invitation. She lowered her head and gently quieted Alana with her lips. The kiss was warm and tender. A chaste kiss really. Nothing more.

Allieas heart continued to race as she felt Tonias warm lips gently brus.h.i.+ng against hers. She heard the groan from Toni when she placed her hand on the back of Tonias neck and gently raked her nails through the dark hair. She pulled back, and Allie whimpered so slightly that Toni barely heard her.

aOne more, please.a Alana sighed and pulled her back. Toni smiled slightly and obeyed.

This kiss had a little more oomph. Toni lowered her body over Alana and kissed her deeply. Her tongue lightly touched Alanaas lips. Allie parted her lips with a deep moan and took the offering, amazed at the feel of Tonias satiny tongue gently exploringa After a few minutes, both women were groaning, their bodies melding together. Finally, Toni pulled back breathlessly.

aMaybe we should stop. Iam so aroused I think I might implode in a minute.a Her voice came out in a raspy growl that sent a s.h.i.+ver down Alanaas spine and settled right between her legs. Her body was on fire. Allie let out a low growl and gently pushed Toni back.

aI donat know what I want!a she said helplessly and quickly stood, pacing in front of the fire.

Toni grimaced as she watched her. aAlana.a aI canat believe how you make me feel,a Alana said from across the room. She was staring out toward the horizon. aMy body is on fire,a she said helplessly. aAnd donat you dare joke about being a fireman,a she added when she heard the small chuckle.

Alana turned to her. Toni still sat on the floor, her knees drawn up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She sported that helpless grin.

aStop looking at me like that,a she pleaded.

Toni jumped to her feet and walked over to her.

Alana caught her breath as Toni placed her hands on her shoulders. She looked up into tender gray eyes.

aWe donat have to solve everything tonight. This was a good beginning. You have a great deal to think about here. Soaso do I,a she added, and Alana nodded and touched her forehead against Tonias chin. aNow itas late. You certainly can stay,a she said, looking into the green smiling eyes.

aN-no, Iad better go home. I-Iaa Alana pulled her into a fierce hug.

aDonat worry, weall work through this. Iall always be your friend. You will never have to worry about that.a Toni kissed her forehead.

aI know that. I feel the same way.a Toni slipped her arm around her shoulders and walked her to the door. Alana stopped and turned to her. aI had a marvelous time. Every bit of it.a Toni grinned and gently cupped her warm face. aMe too. The best time I can remember. Itas because of you, Alana Sanders.a She kissed her tenderly.

Alana sighed into the kiss. Toni tried to pull back, but Alana threw her arms around her neck and held on for a smoldering kiss. Toni moaned helplessly and felt her body s.h.i.+vering.

When she pulled back, Toni had her eyes closed; she swayed precariously and leaned against the door. aGood G.o.d, woman,a Toni whispered in a ragged voice.

Alana chuckled nervously and kissed her cheek. Toni couldnat move.

aGood night, Inspector,a Alana whispered and walked out.

aGanight, schoolmarm,a Toni countered and closed the door.

Chapter 23.

aYou kissed her?a Lidia put her hand to her heart and grinned. aRomance. Is goot!a Toni had her head buried in her hands. She looked up. aIs not goot.a aWhy is it not?a Lidia shook her head. aYou need pastry.a Toni watched her disappear into the kitchen and waited. She thought about what she had done with Alana, and she thought about what pastry Lidia would bring back. She groaned loudly, causing a few customers to glance her way. aIam so stupid!a Lidia came back with a plate and set it in front of her. aEat. I have customers, then I come back, we talk.a aI donat want to talk.a aYou will talk,a Lidia said in a threatening voice and walked behind the counter.

Toni looked at the plate and her mouth watered. aApple strudel,a she whispered happily, but she had no coffee. As she looked up, Lidia stood over her with a pot. aThank you.a aYou are like child. You know where the pot of coffee is.a Lidia poured a cup for her. aBaby. Eat.a Toni knew Lidia did not use the word baby as a term of endearment. It didnat matter right then as she concentrated on the hot pastry. By the time she was done, Lidia had taken care of her customers and sat across from Toni.

aMy feet, they are killing me.a aYou need to hire someone to help you. Your clientele has grown in the past few years, Mrs. W. Youave worked all your life. Isnat it time you retired and relaxed?a aI am relaxed when I work. But you are right. I do have more customers now.a Lidia sighed tiredly. aWe will see. Now tell me of the kiss with Alana. And do not leave a thing out.a Toni looked from her empty plate to Lidia, who glared. aYou get no more until you spill the beans.a So Toni explainedaeverything. She had told Lidia and Kevin about Alanaas divorce, with Alanaas permission, of course. And now, she had to tell them about the present situation. A situation that was much more pleasurable for Toni, and she could only hope it would be for Alana, as well. If their brief encounter the other night was any indication, Alana was happy right along with Toni.

Lidia listened while Toni went on, waving her hands and being very animated. aWhy are you soa?a Lidia struggled for the correct word. aI donat know...a She waved her hands like a bird. aFlapping, like bird. What is wrong?a aWeave talked all week, but Alana seems almost too casual, like nothing happened. And now Iam worried if Iam reading this all wrong. Mrs. W., Alana had only a brief encounter with another woman, and that was over twenty-five years ago. And even then, she ran from it.a aShe was scared and just a baby.a aI know.a aAnd Alana did not divorce Paul for you. She is grown woman and did right thing for her and family. Is no goot to stay in loveless marriage, you know that. You sent Gina away when you realize this and you had no one waiting for you in the wings.a Lidia sat back and watched Toni, who stared at her empty plate. aWhat worries you, Antonia?a Toni looked up then, tears flooding her eyes. aIam in love, Mrs. W.,a she whispered in a helpless voice. aLike Iave never been in my life.a aAnd now it is your turn to be scared,a Lidia said. aIs goot.a aHow can this be good?a aBecause you are not thinking of s.e.xaa Lidia wagged her finger in Tonias direction.

Toni chuckled. aWellaa aStop. You are in love, at last. And you want her for all time, no?a aYes.a aThen you must tell her and you must love her like you never have in your life.a She leaned across the table and took Tonias hands. aAnd like you never will again.a Toni felt the tears creep up in her throat so quickly she couldnat speak. Lidia walked behind Toni and gathered her hair, pulling it behind her, gently running her fingers through it.

aMom used to do that all the time when my hair was longer.a Lidia placed a kiss on top of Tonias head. aYou are goot woman. Your mother would be very proud of you. Proud of her daughter who took care of brother and sister and took care of her until the day she died.a Tonias bottom lip quivered as she covered her face with her hands.

aAnd proud her daughter brought love into an old womanas heart once again.a Toni turned around then, wiping her eyes. aYouare in love, too?a Lidia blushed and nodded. aI think Kevin will p.o.o.p the question soon.a Toni grimaced. aItas pop. Pop the question. Iam so happy for both of you.a She stood and pulled Lidia in a fierce hug.

ap.o.o.p, pop. Who cares? Thank you, darling. Now you go and tell Alana.a aI talked to her and asked her out for dinner. She said she was fine but didnat want to go to dinner. So I figured Iad give her the day to be alone. I donat want to push her. G.o.d, Mrs. W., what if I did it again and fell for someone whoaa She reached up and cupped Tonias face. aDo not be afraid of love. And do not take no for answer.a *******

Allie sat at her kitchen table staring at the phone on the counter. What is wrong with me? I want to see Toni so bad, my teeth ache, she thought. Why did I say no?

Because Iam scared s.h.i.+tless, thatas why. Be honest, Allie. Itas a completely different lifestyle. Oddly, she thought of what her friends would say. They probably would think she was nutsa Allie needed to talk. She thought of Vicky and rolled her eyes. aThatas all I need,a she said openly and called the only person she trusted, besides the object of her terror. She picked up the phone and dialed.

aHey, Mom, whatas up? Do you need money?a Jocelyn teased happily. aYou kids donat know the value of a buck.a Allie laughed heartily. G.o.d, how she adored her children.

aNo, Iam fine. Thanks for the offer. IaSo how are you? How are the coming? Youare graduating in a month. Itas almost over.a aMom, youare rambling. Whatas going on?a aNothing, everything is fine.a She bit at her bottom lip.

aI donat believe you.a Before Allie could answer, Jocelyn asked the million-dollar question. aHowas Toni?a aToni? Why? Why do you ask?a aHmm. Well, sheas your friend. And you usually start a conversation mentioning something sheas done or said.a aI do?a aYes,a Jocelyn said. aSo. Whatas wrong?a aNothing. Sheasasheas fine.a aSpeak to me. Somethingas wrong,a Jocelyn said softly. Allie heard the heavy sigh. aMomaa she gently prodded.

aI have no clue where to start.a aIs this about Toni?a Jocelyn asked in a quiet voice.

Itas now or never, Allie thought. Her stomach was in knots and her mouth was dry. She walked over to the sink and got a gla.s.s of water.

aOkay, now tell me why your mouth is so dry you needed a gla.s.s of water.a Allie looked out the kitchen window as the summer breeze blew through the oak tree in the backyard. She smiled at all the memories that flashed through her mind.

aWhatas going on with you and Toni? You can tell me. And you need to say something, so I know youare still there.a Allie laughed then. aI donat know how youall take this. I donat want to hurt you or Nick.a She bit at her lip when Jocelyn was silent. aYou know I love you both very much.a aYes, I do. I wish I could be with you right now. But I just canat get awaya"a aNo, no, sweetie. Donat worry. You might want to sit down.a aI am. Youare scaring me.a aThen Iall sit, too.a Allie took a deep breath and walked outside to the back porch and sat on the swinging bench. aI think I have deep feelings for Toni.a She winced and waited.

aDeep like friends.h.i.+p deep or deep likea?a aDeep likeaa Allie could only hear Jocelynas soft breathing. aI kissed her.a aKiss like friends.h.i.+p kiss oraa aOh, for G.o.dsakes, sweetie. I kissed another woman and not as a friend.a aHoly s.h.i.+t, Mom.a Allie looked at the sun as it filtered through the tree. aHoly s.h.i.+t is right.a aIs this why you and Dad divorced?a aNo, itas not. What happened between me and your father was a long, long time coming. Toni was after the fact, just as Donna was for your father. How are they, by the way? I talked to your father a couple weeks ago, he didnat say much.a aTheyare fine. I think heas in love with her.a aI think so, too.a Allie smiled then. aI hope he is. It would be good for him to be happy.a aAre you?a Jocelyn asked. aWith Toni?a Allie grew silent as she thought about it. She then smiled thinking of Toni and all shead done and all she had meant to Allie. aYes, sweetie. I think I am.a aYou always sound happy when you talk about her. And when Iave seen you together, you both, I donat know, you look happy and content.a Neither said a word until Allie asked, aAre you there, or did you have a heart attack?a Jocelyn laughed quietly. aIam still here. Iall always be here.a Allie sniffed quietly.

aDonat start crying yet. I wonat be able to understand you. Well, do you want my opinion?a aAlways.a Allie sniffed and looked around for a tissue.

aWhat does Toni say?a aIam not sure. Weave talked. Well, honestly, Toni has tried to. Iave been evasive all week.a aWhy?a aBecause Iam scared to death. This is a total change of lifestyles here. She has to understand that.a aAnd you donat think itas a change for Toni?a Allie frowned and stopped swinging. aHow is it a change for her?a aMom. Youare straight, or you were, or youave always been gay, and heck, I canat believe weare having this conversation,a she said with a nervous chuckle.

aYou and me both, sweetie.a aMarcie and I have had several conversations about this very topic. She said straight women are the kiss of death.a Allie blinked in horror. aThank you. That makes me feel much better.a Jocelyn laughed on the other end. aWhat she meant is that you donat fall for straight women. They usually only want the novelty, to experiment and move on. Maybe Toni is thinking that about you. Donat you think sheas scared, too?a aOh, Christ, I never thought of that. Youare right. G.o.d, what am I going to do?a aWant me to ask Marcie? Sheas right here.a aOh, G.o.d, noaa Allie heard the m.u.f.fled conversation on the other end. aJocelyn?a Allie could just imagine poor Marcieas eyes bugging out of her head.

aMom, you know Marcie is gay and very out. Maybe she can help. Hold on.a She put her hand over the phone again.

aJocelyn, oh, my G.o.d. Wait!a Allie said quickly and groaned. Her stomach was doing flip-flops. Fine, a young woman who could be my daughter is giving me lesbian advice. Oh, G.o.d, I told my daughter I was involved with a lesbian. Allie heard part of their conversation and looked for a hole to crawl into.

aOh, my G.o.d! Your mother? With another woman? Is she a hottie?a Allie hung her head and listened to Jocelyn. aBig picture here, Marcie...but yes, you met her. Itas Toni.a aJocelyn!a Allie said loudly when she heard Marcie squeal with delight.

aMrs. S. Howas it going?a Marcie asked happily.

aMarcie. H-h.e.l.lo, honey. H-how are you doing?a Allie nervously pulled at the collar of her blouse. It was getting warma"too warm.

aApparently, not as well as you are. Now I understand you need my advice.a aNo.a Allie took a deep breath. aWell, Iayes.a aYou only have to ask yourself one question, Mrs. S. Are you in love with her? Nothing else really matters. Youave been telling Jocelyn that since I met her. I know this is different, some of your friends may not accept it. Then you have to ask yourself if theyare really your friends,a Marcie went on as if giving a lecture. Allie smiled reluctantly.

aTry to imagine the rest of your life without her. If you can, then itas just a fling and youad better call it off now. This woman is probably afraid of that anyway. The first rule in the lesbian world is, aDo not fall for a straight womanaa"no one listens, but it is a rule. Sheas probably a nervous wreck. So are you. You have to decide if itas s.e.x or loveah.e.l.l, Mrs. S., itas what you old folks have been preaching all along.a Allie frowned, then laughed quietly at the aold folksa comment.

aThis is just a different kind of love. The Big Man put us all here. You decide. Good luck, I have faith in youayour daughter is a wonderful human being. Sheall make a great nurse. Itas because of you, you know. Well, Iave talked long enough. Hope I helped a little,a she said seriously. aBut I do have a question if itas not too personal. Donat worry itas not about s.e.x.a Allie winced in motherly fas.h.i.+on hearing the word s.e.x from Jocelynas roommate. aGo ahead, honey. Just be gentle.a She heard Marcie chuckling.

aOkay, here goes. Iam just curious because I worry about straight women saying they suddenly aturn gay.a How do you know you might love Toni if youave never had the experience of another woman? You donat have to answer to me. Itas just something for you to think about. If you need to, of course.a Allie smiled, knowing Marcie did not want to come out and ask if she had any lesbian encounters. aI know what youare saying and youave helped a tremendous amount. Thank you, honey.a aYouare welcome. Hereas Jos. Oh, wait. Toni, sheas a hottie.a Allie heard Jocelyn grabbing for the phone. aYes, Marcie, she is definitely a hottie.a aSo are you! Well, I mean...a she stammered, and Allie laughed.

aThanks, I know what you mean.a aMom, geez! Sorry.a aDonat be, sweetie. Marcie was very enlightening.a aSheas right. Youave always told me to give love and Iad be loved in return. I wonat say this is expected, but seeing you and Toni together, I donat know, I canat help but think it...well, you look right together. Is that odd?a aI hope not, darling. Because I think Iam really in love, probably for the first time in my life.a She sat in stunned silence along with Jocelyn. aOh, s.h.i.+t, Jocelyn, did I just saya?a aYes, you did. This is a more than a little freaky, I have to admit. Itall take a little time to adjust to this. G.o.d, does Dad know?a aHe knows the basics, but I havenat talked to anyone else about my feelings for Toni to anyone but you, sweetie.a aThank you for that. Iam glad you feel we can talk about anything, and no matter what, we will always love each other.a Allieas tears caught her by surprise. She couldnat hold them back any longer. aG.o.d, I love you so much.a She heard Jocelyn crying on the other end.

aI do, too.a aI think Iam in love with her,a Allie said, sobbing into the phone. She said it. There, she said she was in love with Toni OaHara, another woman. She stopped crying, took a deep quivering breath, and looked around the backyard. aWell, I said it, and the house didnat collapse.a Jocelyn laughed while she cried.

aThe sky is still blue. The sun is still s.h.i.+ning. G.o.d is in His heaven.a aMaybe all is right in the world,a Jocelyn said through a huge sniff.

aMaybe just in my world. What else was there? Your father and Donna. You, Nick, and Toni.a aG.o.d. It sounds weird to hear you say it like that. I have to be honest, but I love you and Toni. You deserve to be happy. So do Dad and Donna. I suppose all this was just meant to be. I know that sounds so simplistic, but I want you to be happy, and if this is it, Iam glad itas Toni.a That did it. Allie started bawling all over again.

aAre you trying not to cry?a Allie nodded as the tears ran down her cheeks.

Jocelyn laughed quietly on the other end. aOkay, you canat speak, so Iall let you go. I love you, and whatever you decide, I will back you up one hundred percent. So will Nick, weawe kinda figured this might happen.a aWhat!a Allie exclaimed when she finally found her voice.

aWe, um, we kindaaa She stopped and laughed. aYouare gonna think this is funny.a aI doubt it.a aWell, we had a talk with Toni andaa aA talk? When? Oh, G.o.d, Iam going to be sick. Jocelyn, you tell me this minute.a aOkay, okay,a she said quickly.

Allie listened and sighed heavily. aShe didnat tell me you spoke. Iam going to murder the three of you.a aShe loves you.a Jocelyn giggled.

Allie heard Marcie giggling along with Jocelyn and blushed furiously at the thought. aOh, stop giggling like two children, for heavensake. Iam hanging up. I-I love you, darling.a She rolled her eyes as the two giggling women laughed into the phone.

aMrs. S. has a girlfriend,a Marcie sang in the background.

aGoodbye, Jocelyn. I love you,a Allie said with all the maternal dignity she could muster.

aBye, Mom, I love you, too.a She laughed and hung up the phone.

Allie shook her head and sat there, contemplating all that Jocelyn and Marcie had said.

Now what?

Chapter 24.

Allie sat at the kitchen table still thinking when she heard Marcus Gillespieas dog Max barking incessantly next door. aGeez, Max, relax.a With that, she heard someone banging on her front door. She ran to it and threw it open. There stood Toni, wild-eyed and panicked.

aToni!a aHide me,a she said quickly and stepped into the living room.

aHide you? What on eartha?a Allie exclaimed and noticed Tonias appearance. Her navy blue T-s.h.i.+rt with the Chicago Fire Department emblem above the breast pocket looked baggy and hung out of her faded denim jeans. aWhata?a Toni looked back and chuckled. aDonat let him take me to the slammer, sweetheart,a she said in Jimmy Cagney fas.h.i.+on. Allie didnat know what to think. They both heard someone coming up the steps.

aOh, s.h.i.+t!a Toni exclaimed and dashed around her, hiding behind the front door. She held her fingers to her lips, then folded her hands as if begging.

Allie was totally confused. aWhat area"?a aAllie?a she heard Marcusas voice called out.

aM-Marcus, hi,a she said quickly.

aDid some dumb kid just run across your front yard?a the old man asked as his dog barked in the background.

Allie blinked and glared at the front door. aA dumb kid? No, Marcus, no dumb kid,a she said emphatically and heard the small chuckle from behind the door.

aWell, some kid was in my yard andaa He laughed evilly. aMax nearly got him.a Allie heard a snort from behind her door as Marcus held out a large swatch of navy blue cotton. Allie took it. aDid Max?a aNah.a Marcus laughed. aThe kid must have gotten stuck on the fence. All I saw was a.s.s over legs as he jumped it. I thought he headed in this direction. He must not be from the neighborhood. Everybody knows Max,a he said proudly and againa"the low growl from behind the door.

aYouare right. He must have been from the city. You know those Chicago kids,a she said sarcastically and pushed the front door farther, which emitted a stifled groan.

aYeah, well, anyway, Iam sure he wonat be back soon. Max nearly took part of his a.s.s with him.a He still chuckled. aBet he peed himself. Well, ganight, Allie, better lock your doors anyway.a aThanks, Marcus. Good night.a She closed the front door. Toni stood there grinning. Allie folded her arms across her chest, still holding the navy blue material. aStart talking. By the way, that was a horrible imitation of Jimmy Cagney.a Toni chuckled and pulled the tattered s.h.i.+rt around her. aWell. Itas pretty much like the old geezer said. Max, by the way, is not a dog. Heas some vicious snarling beast. He nearly got me.a Allie asked the obvious. aWhat were you doing in Mr. Gillespieas backyard?a aWell, how else was I supposed to get the lilacs?a Toni asked as if Allie were nuts.

aLilacs?a Allie asked slowly.

aLilacs.a aSaplain yourself, Lucy,a Allie said dryly.

Toni laughed at that one. aI saw the lilacs and I was going to take a few, but they were too far away from the fence. I had it all planned out in my head,a she explained seriously. Allie grunted sarcastically, which Toni ignored. aI was going to hop the fence, get the lilacs, and hop over. Easy as pie. Who knewa"Mr. Gillespie was it?a Allie nodded slowly. aWho knew Mr. Gillespie had the dog from h.e.l.l? Good grief, you suburbanites are paranoid. Anyway,a she continued, athe old geezer was right. I nearly soiled myself. The beast came out of nowhere. I backed up and snagged myself on his fence. I may sue,a she added thoughtfully. aI hopped the fence and barely got away with my life.a She finished obediently and bowed slightly.

Allie hid her grin. She held up the swatch of material. aFeel a draft?a aI thought there was something missing.a Toni laughed quietly as she tried to keep the s.h.i.+rt from falling off.

aThat does not explain the lilacs,a Allie informed her.

Toni blushed from head to toe and pulled out a lonely sprig of lilac from her back pocket. aAs I was coming up your walk, I remembered you liked getting flowers. It was too late to find a florist. So I took some from Mother Nature,a she said in a quiet voice and held the limp lavender flower up in a peace offering. aItas a little worse for wear. Sorryaa Allie blinked and swallowed with extreme difficultly. All the moisture left her mouth and pooled elsewhere. She took the flower with a slightly shaky hand.

aCan I have my s.h.i.+rt?a Allie laughed openly as Toni struggled with the tattered remnants of her T-s.h.i.+rt. aDonat laugh. This was my favorite s.h.i.+rt. I had it for six years, just broke it in.a Allie shook her head. aIave got a s.h.i.+rt you can wear. That one is now for dusting. Go into the kitchen. Iall be right down.a Toni grinned and obediently sat at the kitchen table.

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