Inside Of A Dog Part 23

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on posture:

Fox, 1971.

Goodwin, D., J. W. S. Bradshaw, and S. M. Wickens. 1997. Paedomorphosis affects agonistic visual signals of domestic dogs. Animal Behaviour, 53, Animal Behaviour, 53, 297304. 297304.

on intentional communication:

Kaminski, J. 2008.

more on urine marking:

Bekoff, M. 1979. Scent-marking by free ranging domestic dogs. Olfactory and visual components. Biology of Behaviour, 4, Biology of Behaviour, 4, 123139. 123139.

Bradshaw and Nott, 1995.

Pal, S. K. 2003. Urine marking by free-ranging dogs (Canis familiaris) in relation to s.e.x, season, place and posture. in relation to s.e.x, season, place and posture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 80, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 80, 4559. 4559.


on the visual range of canids:

Harrington and Asa, 2003. Miklosi, 2007.

on distribution of photoreceptors in retinae:

McGreevy, P., T. D. Gra.s.sia, and A. M. Harmanb. 2004. A strong correlation exists between the distribution of retinal ganglion cells and nose length in the dog. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 63, Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 63, 1322. 1322.

Neitz, J., T. Geist, and G. H. Jacobs. 1989. Color vision in the dog. Visual Visual Neuroscience, 3, Neuroscience, 3, 11925. 11925.

on arctic wolves:

Packard, J. 2008. Man meets wolf: Ethological perspectives. Paper presented at Canine Science Forum, Budapest, Hungary.

on Frisbee-catching:

Shaffer, D. M., S. M. Krauchunas, M. Eddy, and M. K. McBeath. 2004. How dogs navigate to catch frisbees. Psychological Science, 15, Psychological Science, 15, 437441. 437441.

on dogs' recognition of their owners' faces:

Adachi, I., H. Kuwahata, and K. Fujita. 2007. Dogs recall their owner's face upon hearing the owner's voice. Animal Cognition, 10, Animal Cognition, 10, 1721. 1721.

on cows noticing visual details:

Grandin, T., and C. Johnson. 2006. Animals in translation: Using the mysteries of Animals in translation: Using the mysteries of autism to decode animal behavior. autism to decode animal behavior. Orlando, FL: Harcourt. Orlando, FL: Harcourt.


on imprinting in geese:

Lorenz, K. 1981. The foundations of ethology. The foundations of ethology. New York: Springer-Verlag. New York: Springer-Verlag.

on newborn and infant humans' visual abilities and development: The information about infants' visual abilities comes from a century of research. A nice summary is given in Smith, P. K., H. Cowie, and M. Blades. 2003. Understanding children's development. Understanding children's development. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publis.h.i.+ng. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publis.h.i.+ng.

on infant tongue protrusion:

Meltzoff, A. N., and M. K. Moore. 1977. Imitation of facial and manual gestures by human neonates. Science, 198, Science, 198, 7578. (They not only stuck out their tongues at day-or even hour-old infants. They also pursed their lips and opened their mouths wide as if in surprise. Even newborns repeated these expressions back at them-or tried to: lip-pursing is probably not a motor ability voluntarily available to the newly born.) 7578. (They not only stuck out their tongues at day-or even hour-old infants. They also pursed their lips and opened their mouths wide as if in surprise. Even newborns repeated these expressions back at them-or tried to: lip-pursing is probably not a motor ability voluntarily available to the newly born.)

on Kanzi:

Savage-Rumbaugh, S., and R. Lewin. 1996. Kanzi: The ape at the brink of the Kanzi: The ape at the brink of the human mind. human mind. New York: John Wiley & Sons. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

on Alex:

Pepperberg, I. M. 1999. The Alex studies: Cognitive and communicative abilities of The Alex studies: Cognitive and communicative abilities of grey parrots. grey parrots. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

on the dog-keyboard:

Rossi, A., and C. Ades. 2008. A dog at the keyboard: Using arbitrary signs to communicate requests. Animal Cognition, 11, Animal Cognition, 11, 329338. 329338.

on gaze avoidance:

Bradshaw and Nott, 1995.

on dogs looking at faces:

Miklosi et al., 2003.

on breeders preferring dark eyes:

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