Phantasmagoria Part 4

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"What are you doing?"

"You're sitting down, what does it look like?" He put his hands on her waist and lifted her back onto her seat. She struggled to get out of his hands and off the log, but he was just too strong.

His brows lowered in annoyance. "Hold still." Roughly, he nudged between her knees with his hands gripping her waist, towering over her as he held her in place. "Quit bein' a baby. I didn't hurt you," he growled. "All I did was the same thing your Mommy and Daddy did when you were little. What's the big deal?"

She turned her face away and crossed her arms. She couldn't cross her legs; he was standing between them.

"Look, I'm sorry I scared you." He looked at her sarcastically, and leaned close with a sharp grin. "Little girl."

What a big bully. I can't believe that I was kissing him.She felt a sensual throb as she remembered the kiss and felt her cheeks grow warm.

"C'mon, sweetheart," he said coaxingly.

"What?" Chast.i.ty leaned back away from him and looked at him from under her lashes.I don't care if he is the cutest guy I've ever seen, he's still a big bully.

"I said I was sorry. Gimme a kiss and tell me you're all better."

She looked at the sharp masculine planes of his smiling face, his dark eloquent eyes and his kissable lips. He really was seriously handsome, and he was protecting her by keeping her out of sight of the drunken brutes in the field. She sighed in defeat, then impulsively leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"All better now?" He smiled and raised his brow.

She nodded, tucking her chin low.

His fingers touched her chin; lifting her face to his. "Good, gimme a real kiss." His lips touched hers, lightly. "Open your mouth," he reminded her.

She opened her mouth and his tongue swept in. He angled his mouth to cover hers and she felt his hand on the back of her head, holding her into his heated kiss. He moaned into her mouth and she unthinkingly answered him.

He pulled her against him; hard chest to soft breast and her arms went around his neck to keep from falling. She felt his hand skim under her s.h.i.+rt against her stomach and jerked back. There was a low rumbling growl in his chest as he held her firm, pinned, mouth-to-mouth, against him. His warm palm slid up against her soft skin to cover her breast with his large hand. His fingers caught her nipple, then tugged until it swelled to hardness.

He broke the kiss, and dipped his head to take her breast with his hungry wet mouth. He sucked hard and she gasped, and found herself pulling him closer. His powerful arm wrapped around her shoulders, tipping her toward him, her head still cupped in his palm. She curled her fingers into his silky dark hair as pa.s.sionate desire and urgency flared to life, made her tremble.

His other hand slid down to tug the hem of her skirt upward. She reached down to grab his arm to stop him, but his elbow lifted to block her. She grabbed his upper arm and felt the hard muscles moving under her fingers. She pulled back, breaking the kiss but he fisted his hand in her hair, arching her throat back to hold her still against him. She made a soft sound in protest.

"Take it easy, I'm not going to hurt you," he said softly. "I just want to see how much you want me." He was breathing hard in her ear.

She felt his fingers inching upwards on the soft skin of her inner thigh. His muscular thighs held her legs open to his invasion. She s.h.i.+fted apprehensively, held firm by the hold on her hair, then jolted as his fingers found her vulnerable wet core.

"G.o.d, your p.u.s.s.y is so wet," he murmured. "Your juice is running down your thighs." He stroked his fingers up the plump lips and brushed her feminine curls. His thumb briefly touched her swollen c.l.i.t and she moaned.

His touch felt so good, and yet she had never been so frightened in her life.

"You must want me pretty bad, little girl," he said softly. "You're soaking my hand." He stroked his fingers down, parting the delicate folds to find her opening. He sighed, sliding his finger partway in. The soft tissue contracted around his invading finger. "Jeez, your tight little p.u.s.s.y is making me really hot," he commented.

She could feel him moving within her and s.h.i.+fted with the strangeness. He slowly stroked his finger out, rubbing against her spongy, sensitive inner flesh, then stroked in, pressing deeply.

"What have we here?" he said softly, then he pressed against something inside of her.

She choked from the sudden bolt of pleasure, her toes curling. He pressed again within her. She jolted again and gasped, shuddering with profound delight as he continued to finger her. A moan was surprised out of her.

"Now, I know that feels good," he said softly, then chuckled and slid a second finger into her snug pa.s.sage. He curled them, stroking against that one sweet, delicious spot. Without realizing it, she grabbed his shoulders and hooked her legs around him, unconsciously pulling herself against his hand as pa.s.sionate desire took violent control of her body, wanting more of the exquisite delight his fingers were delivering.

Her mind shut down to all thought but her overwhelming need. She felt a light s.h.i.+mmer of increasing urgency race up her spine as he moved within her. Soft, needy sounds escaped her lips. She panted and tugged on his shoulders while squeezing with her thighs, working to rub herself against his hand. She twisted her hips, grinding against his fingers as she sought more.

"That's it, baby girl, f.u.c.k my hand," he said in her ear. "f.u.c.k my hand and c.u.m on me." He pulled his fingers partway out, then thrust them back in and curled against that delectable place inside, increasing in speed to match her frantic excited movements.

She moaned loudly, frustration building as her climax stayed just out of reach. He s.h.i.+fted his fingers, and suddenly he was touching her swollen c.l.i.t. She gasped and pulled herself up almost into his arms as o.r.g.a.s.m suddenly started to cascade through her in light waves growing more powerful with each stroke of his fingers.

"Are you gonna c.u.m, little girl?" he asked hoa.r.s.ely. "Are you gonna c.u.m all over my hand?" Her c.u.n.t contracted powerfully on his fingers as they f.u.c.ked her and she froze, holding her breath, her back bowed powerfully as she yielded to the o.r.g.a.s.m ripping through her trembling body. She cried out with explosive shuddering release, then collapsed against him, his powerful thighs still cradled between hers.

"Yes!" he hissed in quiet triumph.

Chast.i.ty closed her eyes, leaning her head against his chest. "Oh, my G.o.d." Her muscles shook with exhaustion as she panted for breath.

"My turn," she heard Rob whisper. Gently he pushed her back to sit up. She opened her eyes to see him throw his s.h.i.+rt on the forest floor, hastily jerking his pants down to his knees.I don't remember his d.i.c.k being that big, she thought in alarm. His rigid and engorged c.o.c.k lunged out angled only slightly out from a forest of dark curls. His ball sack hung like ripe plums. The head was a deep angry purple and the hard dark ivory shaft was knotted with swollen veins.

She barely had time to move when he locked one arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She pushed against his naked chest, struggling. "Please, you're too big," she said in fright.

With a sharp grin, he showed her his hand; his fingers s.h.i.+ny and heavily coated with her sticky essence. He widened his stance, spreading her legs further. He rubbed his hand over the head of his c.o.c.k, smearing her juice on it liberally, sighing, "Jeezuz, your c.u.m feels good on my d.i.c.k." He licked the rest from his fingers, sucking the stickiness from his hand. "Mmm, sweet."

She shoved against his hold. "Please, don't."

"Appetizer's over, baby girl." He grabbed both her wrists and forced them behind her, trapping them with punis.h.i.+ng strength. "Don't worry, you'll stretch." His smile was sharp and hungry. "Time for the main course," he growled, covering her mouth with his.

She opened her mouth to protest and his tongue surged in. She felt the fever of his rigid c.o.c.k against the vulnerable softness of her c.u.n.t. She twisted and pulled her mouth away.

"Wait," she gasped, struggling against his powerful hold. "I'm still a...a..."

"A virgin?" He chuckled. "Yeah, I know, I could tell when you were f.u.c.king my fingers." He pulled her closer with the arm that held her wrists.

"Please." she could feel the tears starting in her eyes as he rubbed the head of his c.o.c.k against the plump, wet outer lips of her c.u.n.t. "Please don't!" She whimpered as he pressed, guiding the head deeper between the tender folds, seeking entrance. She moaned, shaking with fear.

"You got yours, I'm getting mine, little girl." He grunted with the effort of holding her and pressing within. The head pa.s.sed into her and he sighed as she gasped, the tears trickling down her cheeks. "Don't worry, it'll all be over and you'll be screaming out your next o.r.g.a.s.m in just a bit." He fisted a hand in her hair. "Now hold still." He tightened his arms, pulling her hips to his. He thrust with a grunt and she gasped as he slid further into her.

She flinched as she felt him pressing against the maidenhead of her virginity. "Stop! Don't." Tears trembled in her eyes, tumbled down her cheeks.

"You're so f.u.c.king tight," he hissed, then shoved again, surging deeper, stretching her walls with his girth.

She whimpered, as Rob took possession of her body. "Stop, you are hurting me!"

"It'll feel good in just a moment." He suddenly pulled up her s.h.i.+rt and took her breast in his hand. His mouth covered her nipple and he sucked.

She gasped in confusion as the nipple swelled erect. His mouth felt good, but her p.u.s.s.y felt tight and painfully full. He bit down lightly on her nipple and a shudder of excitement bled straight down to her constricted p.u.s.s.y. She felt moisture pool and ease the tight feeling of his c.o.c.k, lodged halfway inside her. He's taking my virginity-why am I getting excited? She shook as unwanted pa.s.sion began to blaze in her.

He pulled back and slid in her slickness. "I thought you had one more o.r.g.a.s.m in you," he muttered, shoving her s.h.i.+rt all the way up, exposing both her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His mouth claimed the fullness of her other breast and harshly sucked her nipple to peak. He s.h.i.+fted his hips, pulling slightly out, then shoving back in a little harder.

His teeth nipped at one swollen, excited nipple, then the other even as she battled against the rising tide of ecstasy that her body fought greedily to have. She felt his fingers on her c.l.i.t. They stroked lightly and she felt her c.u.n.t jolt pleasurably around his c.o.c.k in wanton hunger. A sudden rush of moisture signaled her submission and slithered down her legs even as scalding tears slid down her cheeks.

He pulled back, the head of his c.o.c.k sliding almost completely out from the lubrication of her juices. He shoved back in, hard and fast. She felt a small tearing and cried out with her innocence lost. He was in to the hilt, and she could feel her inner walls stretching to accommodate his size. She hid her face against his bare shoulder, wetting it with her tears and s.h.i.+fted against the uncomfortable fullness.

"It's all over, baby girl," he said kissing her lips and her tears. "The worst is over. Now comes the fun part."

He pulled slightly out, then shoved back in to the hilt with a groan. "This is not gonna do," he grunted. Suddenly he lifted her from the log and turned and knelt, laying her on the ground. His body came down over hers, covering her while holding her wrists above her head. He groaned, "Much better," and drove deep.

She whimpered with the thrust, as he surged further into her body than before. His back flexed as he pulled out and then arched as he drove himself slowly in. She moaned and moved under him, pinned by heaviness of his body and the fullness of his c.o.c.k.

He groaned. "Jeezuz f.u.c.k," he swore as he stopped, his c.o.c.k all the way in to the hilt. "You're so tight, I feel like my d.i.c.k's in a vise. I'm gonna have to take it easy or I'm gonna blow right now." He slid his hand between their joined bodies, and she felt him lightly touching her c.l.i.t.

"G.o.d!" She gasped and writhed as a flash of fierce delight shook her. He covered his fingers in her moisture and continued to lightly flick at her c.l.i.t.

She suddenly felt urgency beginning to mount within her.My G.o.d, he's actually going to make me c.u.m, she thought in surprise. Her hips lifted voluptuously seeking the luscious friction of his fingers, her inner muscles simultaneously squeezing his swollen shaft lodged within.

He gasped. "I can't take you moving like that, baby, I have to f.u.c.k you." He arched and thrust within her, his thrusts increasing in speed. She suddenly felt him pressing against that glorious inner place. She gasped and moved with him, seeking more of the delicious pleasure.

"That's my girl," he sighed. "Now you got it, now you know what you want." He released her wrists and arched above her, holding himself up on his hands.

She grabbed at his shoulders, bucking to meet his slow thrusts, f.u.c.king him back as violently as her body would allow.

"That's it, baby girl, f.u.c.k me back," he said and grunted with his efforts.

She could feel her climax starting to curl agonizingly slowly up her spine. She hooked her legs around his to urge him deeper. He obliged, increasing his thrusts in speed and depth to match her quickening pace.

The sound of wet flesh against wet flesh and groans filled her ears as he f.u.c.ked her, slamming hard into her c.u.n.t. Wild urgency flooded her body in increasingly powerful waves. She moaned and whimpered in her need, her hands clawed at his back, marking him in her pa.s.sion. She writhed under him in a frenzy, seeking that glorious fulfillment that he had delivered before.

He grunted. "Oh G.o.d! Oh G.o.d, baby girl, I'm gonna c.u.m," he said.

A s.h.i.+vering bolt raced up her spine with his excited words and she felt herself teeter on the edge.

"c.u.m on my d.i.c.k, baby," he grunted. "c.u.m on my d.i.c.k."

She arched and froze, mouth open on a wordless scream. o.r.g.a.s.m gathered and slammed hard, violently was.h.i.+ng over her in a tidal wave of violent ecstasy. She felt the walls of her c.u.n.t vibrate and squeeze around his c.o.c.k. She sucked in a breath and screamed.

"I'm c.u.mming, baby, I'm c.u.mming right now!" he shouted and thrust hard into her, pulled out, thrust hard again to the hilt.

She felt his c.o.c.k flex within her as he filled her with his c.u.m and a second surge of pleasure suddenly shook her. He thrust once more, and her moans joined his as he collapsed on top of her, his naked chest damp with sweat against her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

He sighed, then sat up. "d.a.m.n, that was good." She turned to roll over and he stopped her, grabbing her ankles. "Hold still and open your legs, I wanna see my c.u.m sliding out of your c.u.n.t."

"That's disgusting!" She tried to fight him, but she was too exhausted.

He pulled her legs open and sighed. "Now that is a lovely view. Your c.u.n.t is all red and swollen. It looks like a flower, and covered in ropes of my c.u.m."

"a.s.shole," she spat.

"Now, that's not a nice thing to say." He grabbed her leg and expertly flipped her over on her stomach. His hand landed on her a.s.s cheek with a loud crack. She yelped in surprise. He flipped her back over and stood up to pull up his pants.

"Come on, I'll take you home," he said as he buckled his jeans.

She looked up at him in astonishment. "Thanks, but I have a ride," she said coldly. She got to her feet, brushed leaves and dirt from herself, then pulled her s.h.i.+rt and skirt down. Chast.i.ty turned her back on him and he grabbed her arm. She tried to shrug out of his grip, but she was just too tired to fight.

"My car is this way." Rob tugged her toward the path. She looked at him stubbornly and planted her feet. "Look," he said, "you don't want to go back there. I was easy on you, and there was only one of me. Those bozos are probably not done yet in the park. If you go out there, you'll end up in the bottom of a pile. You're better off if I take you home."

"I'll walk home," she growled, "I think I've had enough of you."

"No, baby girl." He gave her a sharp, knowing smile. "I think I only whetted your appet.i.te."

Full Moon Rising.

A Werewolf's Embrace.

For Dughal.

The moon will be rising soon,the werewolf thought to himself as he drifted through the crowd of writhing dancers at the club,Gothic Noire. I'll have to find someone to f.u.c.k soon, or I'll spend the next month locked in my wolf shape. The moon's nearness was calling to his soul, even through the brick walls. He could feel his eyes s.h.i.+fting slowly from their natural emerald green to wolfen gold.

His head lifted, and his eyes glowed a brilliant predator green as they reflected the odd club lighting. The glow winked out as he turned his head, changing the angle of reflection. He leaned against the wall in a dark corner, delicately sifting through the scents, looking for his prey.

His sensitive nose was overpowered by the scents. There were too many warm, sweating bodies rubbing against each other in multiple parodies of s.e.x. The aromas aggravated his need. Standing up, stretching to his full impressive height, he moved away from the wall and drifted like smoke through the dancers and the throbbing music, his c.o.c.k semi-aroused in antic.i.p.ation.

"I hate being in a rush like this every f.u.c.king month," he muttered to himself as he searched. He despised the curse that required him, every d.a.m.ned month, to bring a woman to climax before he could c.u.m. But nothing less would generate enough power to keep control over his changes. Trying to find someone with enough pa.s.sion to keep up with his need and appet.i.te every full moon was a real pain in the a.s.s.

Not having a woman of his own was his own d.a.m.n fault and he knew it, but he couldn't afford to have anyone finding out about his true nature.

"Oh, hey, you're cute. And by the way, I'm a werewolf; is that okay with you?" he snarled to himself in a snide half-joke. "Oh, yeah, that'd go over real well. Then I'll have another freak chasing me cross-country with a shot-gun full of silver." He smiled at his own wit, revealing the gleam of sharp incisors. "As if silver was really going to do me any harm."

A clean, fresh aroma drifted through the cigarette smoke and alcohol fumes, catching his notice. He felt his c.o.c.k rise to full erection in response, pressing uncomfortably against his snug leather pants. A perfume of baby powder, soap and warm, frustrated woman drew his fascination. He followed the enticing fragrance to a tiny female leaning against the wall, completely alone.

Shy, as most predators tend to be, he drifted past her, noting the waterfall of silvery blonde locks that flowed down past her shoulders to swing at her hips. She had electric-blue eyes and wore a very short leather skirt. Her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s were barely contained by the pearl b.u.t.tons of her tight white blouse. The black lights made the lace of her bra glow fluorescent white, making it clearly visible through the sheer material.

As she s.h.i.+fted her stance slightly, he caught a tiny glimpse of what had to be the edge of her white panties, also glowing under the black lights. His rigid flesh pressed insistently against his stomach as he studied the context of her delicate scent. He was pleased by the definite lack of a male scent hovering near her.

So, she's not here with another male, nor has she been touched by one recently. Good,the werewolf thought with a cunning smile curling his lips. He walked past her through the door to the enclosed porch outside.Now, how to corner her and get her out into the parking lot for a fast f.u.c.k?

Heather swept her long, silvery-blonde hair behind her shoulder as she leaned against the wall of the crowded Goth club. She took a sip of her Long Island Iced Tea and froze. Nervously, she realized that she could feel eyes boring into her flesh. Heather could feel someone's stare brus.h.i.+ng like ghostly fingers across her body, lingering on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and her far-too-exposed thighs. Nervously, she dropped a hand to the hem of her leather mini-skirt and tugged in a futile attempt to cover herself.

Apprehensively, Heather looked around her, seeking. But no one seemed to stand out as the source of the gaze she felt. She'd received a lot of curious looks, which she'd attributed to the shortness of her skirt and the tightness of her blouse, but this was far more intrusive, almost aggressive. She felt vaguely threatened.

Heather sighed ruefully and pulled at the b.u.t.tons of her sheer white blouse, fidgeting unconsciously. "G.o.d, I should've never let Lisa talk me into wearing her clothes." Her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s pushed relentlessly at the tiny pearls, opening gaps in her blouse. Her exposed virginal white lace bra glowed brightly under the black light.

"Everything's too d.a.m.ned small, I'm gonna pop a b.u.t.ton any second," she told herself. She tugged up the tops of the black seamed stockings that refused to hide beneath the hem of the leather skirt. The lacy straps of the snowy white garter belt showed every time she took a step. Perturbed and growling in frustration, Heather took a swallow of the sweet, potent drink. The harsh Gothic-Industrial music throbbed loudly, and she felt it pressing against her flesh like hands, closing in on her.

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