Phantasmagoria Part 2

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"What happened to Chrissy?" Obsidian pressed.

She ground herself hard on him and he moaned. The urgency was growing in his b.a.l.l.s.I'm gonna come soon, really soon... His mouth opened to take gulping breaths. "I had a regular customer...He, uh, wanted her." She sped up her motions. He grunted as the pressure built to painful insistence. Obsidian slowed her movements as though sensing his imminent climax.

"When? When did you sell Chrissy?"

"G.o.d, don't stop!" he begged. To his dismay, she dismounted completely, but pressed full-length against him.

"When, Ricky?"

"Tonight, G.o.dd.a.m.n it!" He shook with the need to blow his load.

Obsidian slid her hands down his stomach to cup his b.a.l.l.s. She squeezed lightly, weighing them in her hands. "So, did you make a nice profit on Chrissy?" Her palm closed on his swollen d.i.c.k. He felt her slide down to kneel against his knees, her warm b.r.e.a.s.t.s squeeze around his painful hardness. He moaned. Her breath brushed the tip of his c.o.c.k head. "Oh, my G.o.d," he whimpered.

"Did you make a profit?"

"I made enough to buy some really good s.h.i.+t and pay the rent," he ground out. "Now put my f.u.c.king d.i.c.k in your mouth, for Christ's sake. I wanna c.u.m!"

"Did you shoot it all up tonight?" Her tongue swept against the slit in his c.o.c.k.

"Yes," he choked. He jerked forward, trying to press deeper into the warmth of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"All of it?"

He felt her squeeze her b.r.e.a.s.t.s tightly around his painfully swollen d.i.c.k, then she rocked against him, stroking his d.i.c.k back and forth between the soft mounds, t.i.ttie-f.u.c.king him.

"Yes," he whined. "G.o.d, just don't stop!" He was so ready to c.u.m. His back straightened, arched back with his need to c.u.m. Just a little faster, and he would spill all over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and in her face.

"How did you know where to find Angel?"

He felt her lips close on his d.i.c.k. She sucked lightly, gently. His b.a.l.l.s twitched as he reached bursting point.Any second now, b.i.t.c.h, and I'm all over your face, he thought with relish.then I can call it quits and get the f.u.c.k outta here...

He stiffened as he felt his load just about to shoot. Her fingers closed on the base of his d.i.c.k, constricting him. o.r.g.a.s.m washed over him and nothing happened. Pressure built painfully as his b.a.l.l.s tried to empty. Nothing. It couldn't get past her tight grip. He jerked, but still couldn't c.u.m. He cried out in frustration.

"Let me c.u.m, please!" he begged.

Obsidian chuckled. "How did you know where to find Angel?"

"One of my regular customers remembered her." Obsidian's grip was merciless as she licked the slit in his c.o.c.k, teasing him, building the frustration higher.

"Who? Tell me his name and I'll let you c.u.m." Ricky coughed up a name Obsidian recognized. She loosened the hold on his d.i.c.k, and tugged once.

Shuddering with pent-up frustration, he released his load. He groaned in both relief and frustration. He couldn't see a d.a.m.n thing past the blindfold, and he desperately wanted to know where the streams of c.u.m had landed. Had he sprayed her perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s? Was his c.u.m dripping from her face?

"Let me see!" he cried out. "I wanna see!"

"No, my sweet boy, I don't think you do." purred Obsidian. "You see it's the night of the full moon, and not all of my appet.i.tes have been fed."

Her laughter was odd and her voice s.h.i.+fted into a weird coughing bellow. He heard strange fleshy noises he couldn't identify, then the sound of nails clicking on the wooden floor. It sounded like an animal was walking across the room. A big animal...

"What? Have you got a dog in here? Hey, I don't do animals!"

"It's a little late for that," chuckled Obsidian. "Perhaps Ishould let you see."

Ricky felt weight on the bed and the blindfold dropped from his eyes. He turned to look. "Jeezus f.u.c.k!"

He jerked and twisted at the snug leather that bound his wrists. The chains rattled against the cast iron bed but held fast. "b.i.t.c.h, game over! Get me the f.u.c.k outta here!"

Reclining on the fur bed was a huge black panther. Golden eyes blinked at him. The panther's mouth opened.

"Well, my sweetmeat, do you like what you see?"

He screamed.

"Have you checked out the news tonight?" Craig asked Angel as she unlocked the front doors for the evening at the Hungry Kitten Gentleman's Club.

"You mean about the panther they found in a drug-induced coma out on the edge of town?" Angel frowned. "I can't believe anyone would do that to an animal."

"Yeah," said Craig nodding. "Pity too...Animal rescue says that they didn't think they could save it.

Somebody's been using very expensive drugs on the big cat for years, and it has a dependency on them. Once they take it off the drugs, it could die."

"Aren't they s.h.i.+pping it to a zoo somewhere?" Angel picked up a drink tray, straightened a tablecloth.

"It's under observation, but it doesn't look good. Even if it survives, it may be too mentally unstable to safely keep, even in a zoo." Craig followed Angel to the stage where Obsidian stretched luxuriously in preparation for the busy night ahead.

Angel nodded to the dancer. "Hey, Obsidian, what ever happened with Ricky?"

"Oh, he took off." She smiled with satisfaction. "I guess he just couldn't deal with an aggressive female." Obsidian arched back, placing her palms on the floor in a bone-cracking backbend, then she kicked her feet up and over to land in a graceful split. Suggestively, she bent her knees under her, crawling to the edge of the stage where Craig leaned, resting on his elbow.

Obsidian leaned closer to the edge of the stage. "Truthfully, I hear he was picked up later that night." She looked up and pursed her lips. "I'm thinking that we've seen the last of Ricky." She looked at Angel and smiled.

Angel noticed that Obsidian's eyes seemed to have darkened to a soft gold, unlike last night, where they had seemed as bright at flame. "If he got picked up, I can only hope they keep him locked up for life," said Angel through gritted teeth.

Obsidian grinned broadly. "Oh, there's no doubt of that." She watched as Angel nodded with smug satisfaction and walked out of listening range.

"He was picked up-and in one piece?" Craig said softly as he looked at Obsidian with a creased brow. "Is that was really happened, kitty-cat?"

"Actually, I made the phone-call myself. Drugs can be so unpredictable in a newborn lycanthrope."

"You actually turned him?"

Obsidian smiled at Craig's stunned look. "There is no need to worry. With that much dope in his system, if he ever wakes up from his coma, I seriously doubt that he will ever find his human form again."

"You are a bad kitty, Obsidian," Craig said, shaking his head with a rueful smile. He swiped his glistening head with a cotton handkerchief.

"I know." She leaned closer and brushed her lips against his ear. "Craig, join me for a late-night dance under the moon tonight?" She nuzzled him under the ear and purred. His ice gray eyes were serious as he turned and gently kissed her cheek.

"I'd be honored, kitty-cat," he replied softly.

Chast.i.ty Debauched :In the Woods.

In Which Chast.i.ty Loses Her Chast.i.ty.

For Syr Bear.

"Watching people get drunk and act stupid is supposed to be fun?" Chast.i.ty muttered, biting her plump lower lip. She sat alone on the warped picnic table under the trees that bordered the woods. "Why did I let Molly talk me into skipping school to go to a party in the park?" She tucked a long lock of her strawberry-blonde hair behind her ear, tugging nervously at the short hem of her faded denim mini-skirt.

About a dozen yards away, under the trees, there were a small bunch of guys hovering by the beer keg getting plastered. At least three more guys were lying in the gra.s.s, already pa.s.sed out. The rest of them were jumping around with plastic cups in their hands, spilling beer and shouting to the techno-music throbbing from a boom box.

Chast.i.ty sat up as she looked around and absently yanked the pale pink baby-tee back down over her tummy. Tugging on the s.h.i.+rt wasn't helping, of course. It was far too tight. Her hand came away covered with silver glitter from the obscenely stretchedPrincess scrawled across her chest.

I don't see the boys that drove me and Molly here. I hope they're not pa.s.sed out already. Dad will kill me if I'm not home by dark.Nervously, Chast.i.ty clamped her knees together.I don't remember seeing any of these other boys in my They all look like older college guys to me.

Molly was about fifty yards away, tossing her fas.h.i.+onably short black hair, flirting with a small group of guys. Beer foamed and spilled from the plastic cup in her hand. Chast.i.ty watched the hem on Molly's black miniskirt rise higher up her long tan thighs as she paraded with a lengthy, hip-swaying stride in front of the boys. The glitterings.l.u.t on Molly's scarlet baby-tee flashed, stretching blatantly as her more than ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced with her laughter. The s.h.i.+rt had already climbed well above her navel, showing off her tanned tummy.

If that skirt goes up much higher, the boys won't have to wonder if she's wearing panties or not,thought Chast.i.ty.They already know she isn't wearing a bra, just from all the jiggling. Chast.i.ty folded her arms across her chest.Not that I'm wearing a bra either.

Not one other girl was anywhere in sight.

Hey, wait. Are we the only two girls here?Chast.i.ty watched two other vans arrive with more guys, but still no other girls came to the party.

She looked into her plastic cup and frowned into the flat beer. "This was such a bad idea..."

"What have we here?" someone asked almost directly behind her. Chast.i.ty whipped around on the table, grabbing for her wayward hemline.

A boy leaned against the tree behind her table; his black eyes were narrow with calculation and his sensual lips curved in a smile that was closer to a sneer. Long straight inky-black hair swept unbound past his trim muscular shoulders and inched toward his waist. Well-defined arms crossed over his broad chest. He straightened up from the tree and the sleeveless black athletic s.h.i.+rt strained against taut stomach muscles.

He is so gorgeous!she thought in surprise. Chast.i.ty couldn't help but continue to stare as her gaze took in his narrow hips, then traveled down the line of his thighs incased in tight black jeans. She licked her suddenly dry lips. Something warm and interesting pulsed low in her belly.

His brow lifted. "Like what you see?" he asked in a voice too deep for his youthful looks.

Chast.i.ty's eyes snapped back up to his. Unconsciously, she tugged on her skirt and locked her suddenly trembling knees together.

"Princess, huh?" he commented, reading her tee s.h.i.+rt. "Might as well sayVirgin ." He chuckled softly. "Hey, want a piece of candy, little girl?"

"Who're you?" she asked in a nervous whisper. He was obviously older, and very cute, but he made her feel a little anxious and strangely excited. Guys like him never noticed girls like her in school. She watched as his dark gaze traveled from the top of her long strawberry blond hair to her mouth, down over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as they strained against her too-snug s.h.i.+rt and further down to where her skirt stopped at the very top of her pale, exposed thighs.

"I'm Rob, also known as The Big Bad Wolf, to little girls like you." He grinned, flas.h.i.+ng even white teeth. "And you?"

"I'm Chast.i.ty."

"No s.h.i.+t?" He laughed briefly. "Really?"

"Really." She frowned at him.

"Hey, Chast.i.ty is a nice name," he said raising his hands in surrender. "A little old-fas.h.i.+oned, but nice." He eyed her and sipped his beer. "I was just surprised." He smiled warmly. "Suits you."

"Thanks," she said doubtfully.Was that a compliment, or an insult? "And I'm not a little girl."

"No,little is not really a word I would use to describe you," he said as he stared pointedly at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, sweeping a hand through his long hair.

She crossed her arms and stared back defiantly, painfully aware that her nipples had peaked with his interest and were clearly visible through the taut material.

"Not feeling too social?" he asked with a p.r.o.nounced grin.


"You're sittin' way over here and not drinkin' your beer." He raised his half-full plastic cup in a salute, then gulped his drink down. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, nodding at her.

Chast.i.ty eyed her flat beer. "This stuff tastes nasty," she said with a twist of her lips.

He smiled. "It's beer. It's supposed to taste like pig p.i.s.s."

"Why does anybody drink it?"

"G.o.d, you are an innocent." He rolled his dark eyes and made a face. "They drink it for the effect. It's to make you feel comfortable and relaxed." He approached the table and gently pushed her cup to her lips. "Drink it," he coaxed.

"I don't want to," she said, turning away.

"Don't be an anti-social little prig," he snapped. "Drink your beer like the rest of us."

She jumped in alarm, then to her surprise, she raised her cup and took a sip.Why the h.e.l.l did I do that?

"Don't play with it, take a real drink, like an adult," he growled.

Chast.i.ty raised her cup again.Why am I giving in to this guy's bullying? Holding her breath against the smell, she defiantly took a healthy swallow, promptly coughing from the alcohol burn. "G.o.d, that is nasty!" she said with a look of disgust.

"Quick, take another drink, I promise, it won't be so bad this time."

Chast.i.ty took another healthy swig. He was right. The beer didn't taste quite as bad. She still made a face, but she didn't cough. s.h.i.+vers raced up her spine as the alcohol in the beer slammed into her empty stomach and the fumes slid up into her head.d.a.m.n, I knew I should have eaten lunch, she thought.

"Now, how do you feel?" he asked as he leaned forward. "A little more relaxed?"

"Yeah, I guess, and the taste wasn't so bad that time."

"Good, I have a question for you, sweet little Princess Chast.i.ty. Just out of curiosity, you're dressed like you're looking for action, but you're makin' like you don't know what you're doin'. Have you even been kissed before?"

"Um." Chast.i.ty's heart leapt in panic. She licked her dry lips and felt a cold chill as he stared at her suspiciously.G.o.d, I don't want this gorgeous guy to walk away in disgust, but...No, I haven't ever kissed anyone before. And I don't have the first idea how!

"And I don't mean a peck on the cheek, I mean kissed. As in, open mouth, insert tongue,really kissed."

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