Phantasmagoria Part 14

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"Oh, okay...Um, how about.?" He was having trouble thinking. G.o.d, this felt good. This was a game? h.e.l.l, this was only the demo? He was probably asleep and dreaming, but G.o.d, he'd never dreamed anything like this before! Briefly, a comic book image came to mind. "Dawn. Your name is Dawn." He shuddered as she lifted herself against him, pressing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his face.

"I am Dawn," she said and pressed against him.

He filled his mouth with a soft pink nipple. She tasted faintly of cinnamon and sugar. Bringing his hands up, he gently crushed both nipples to his lips. His tongue swirled, then he sucked, drawing the erect pink flesh deep into his mouth. She rewarded him with a deep, pleasurable sigh.

She s.h.i.+fted against him, centering his impossibly hard shaft against her p.u.s.s.y. He felt her move against the swollen head of his c.o.c.k, then position herself so that he was partway in. He groaned at the teasing and tightened his a.s.s muscles, seeking entrance. She dropped suddenly into his lap, engulfing his c.o.c.k deep into her p.u.s.s.y. They both grunted, then sighed in pleasure.

She leaned forward and rocked against the hardness deep in her flesh. Her damp heat squeezed around him, then tugged, gripping him hard as she came up and he slid partway out, slick with her moisture. She settled back onto his shaft and leaned forward again. The chair rocked under them.

She's good, she's getting it just right...he thought in delicious agony.s.h.i.+t! He raised his hips and ground his painfully hard c.o.c.k up into her softness, increasing the tempo. He bit his lip in concentration. He didn't want to lose it this early in the game, but sweet Christ!

She took the hint and rocked a little faster, digging her toes into the rug for leverage. He took a sweet nipple into his mouth and sucked. She whimpered softly, then grabbed the back of the chair, pulling herself a little faster and grinding down onto him a little harder. Her hips writhed, and she twisted around his shaft. Her breathing increased and she panted in his ear. Tiny whimpers became outright moans as she squeezed her a.s.s muscles, increasing the pressure around his c.o.c.k.

"Oh, f.u.c.k." he moaned. Tension sizzled up his spine, shooting up the back of his neck. His toes dug into the rug as he surged hard up into the softness clenched around his c.o.c.k. "f.u.c.k, f.u.c.k f.u.c.k!" He could feel his b.a.l.l.s tightening, he was going to c.u.m any second.

He grabbed for her hips and slammed her down, holding her firmly on his c.o.c.k as he felt his c.u.m surge from his b.a.l.l.s. He rocked forward, holding her pinned as he pumped his cream into her. She screamed her o.r.g.a.s.m, her flesh shuddering around him, milking the c.u.m from his c.o.c.k...

He howled...and snapped awake.

Jay watched, hands clenched on the arms of his chair, as a thick rope of his c.u.m spurted from his d.i.c.k, straight up to spatter against his chest and chin. He grunted and gasped in surprise as he continued to pump out long streams of thick j.i.z.z. He grabbed for his d.i.c.k, pointing the heavy stream of c.u.m away from his face. He groaned in agonizing pleasure as his c.u.m landed on his keyboard in viscous white clumps. He couldn't stop himself as, grunting, he pumped c.u.m all over his computer.

"Jesus f.u.c.k!" he swore. He'd never, ever c.u.m that much before. He panted in trembling exhaustion. d.a.m.n, the s.h.i.+t was everywhere, all over his face, jeans, his s.h.i.+rt and the floor too. "s.h.i.+t! How the h.e.l.l am I gonna get all the c.u.m off my keyboard?"

On the c.u.m-spattered monitor the words:Game Over blinked in red. Beneath it was the phrase: Game saved-DAWN.

"I gotta buy the rest of this game!" Jay said in wonder.

Chast.i.ty Debauched: Teacher's Pet.

Tutored in f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o.

For Dr. Spankenstein.

The yellow message slip clutched in Chast.i.ty's fingers stated that she had a meeting with the subst.i.tute teacher for Advanced English at the end of the school day. Chast.i.ty had no idea why he wanted to see her; she wasn't in any of his She hoped that this meeting wouldn't take long; she needed to catch the bus, or face a long walk home.

Nervously, Chast.i.ty tucked a long lock of her hip-length strawberry-blonde hair behind one ear. She glanced at her reflection in the school's window, then grimaced at her disheveled appearance. She took a quick moment to tuck her pale pink b.u.t.ton-down blouse neatly into the waistband of her snug, hip-hugging jeans.

"Mr. DuLong?" Chast.i.ty said softly as she pushed open the cla.s.sroom door. She stepped inside the cla.s.sroom, then gently closed the door and walked toward the side of the teacher's desk, where he sat in profile.

The subst.i.tute teacher for advanced English sat with his back to the blackboard, facing the rows of student desks and the back of the room. His head bowed over his book-strewn desk as he busily graded papers. He was completely oblivious to Chast.i.ty's presence. She froze in her tracks as she got a good look at him.

Oh, my G.o.d,she mouthed silently in shock. I never had a subst.i.tute teacher that looked this good! Mr. DuLong's long gray-streaked, black hair fell in a neat tail down his back to end below his shoulder blades. The pristine starched fabric did nothing to hide the strength of his very broad shoulders. The crisp white of his dress s.h.i.+rt was unb.u.t.toned at the throat and contrasted sharply with the rich golden tan of his skin. The sleeves were rolled up over dark golden forearms knotted with long sinews. The elegant fingers of his strong hands shuffled papers.

He belongs in the movies...She watched, breathless, as he adjusted his round with a long finger. How come I never get subst.i.tute teachers like this for my Chast.i.ty thought with envy. She'd been hearing her cla.s.smates mooning about the gorgeous English teacher all day. She had thought they were exaggerating.

"Ah, you must be Chast.i.ty," he said, looking up from his papers with a distracted smile. The light reflected off his round, hiding his eyes completely, but not the strong masculine planes of his face and his expressive, sensual mouth.

Oh, G.o.d, his smile is beautiful, too.Her mind practically shut down as a warm liquid sensation uncurled and thickened, hardening her nipples and spreading moisture in her panties. "You wanted to see me?" Chast.i.ty flipped a long lock of her hair as she stood before the unbelievably handsome high-school teacher's desk.

"At least you are on time," he said with a glance at his watch. "Please, come in." His deep rich voice had an exotic British accent that made the hair on Chast.i.ty's arms stand up in stirring awareness.

G.o.d, I could listen to this guy talk all day,she thought as she hugged her cla.s.s books to her ample chest to hide her hardened nipples.

"Yes. I have an a.s.signment for you to complete by the end of this week." His graceful fingers reached for a manila folder sitting to one side of his books. Picking up an elegant gold pen, he flipped open the folder and made a notation.

"An a.s.signment?" Chast.i.ty was confused.I'm not in any of his, so why would he have an a.s.signment for me?

"Yes. According to my records, your education is woefully lacking in one area in particular. I hope to help you, by tutoring you for an hour, after school, every day this week. As you know, I am only a subst.i.tute teacher, so my time, and yours, is limited."

"But, I'm a good student, I don't need a tutor! Mr. DuLong, I can't,' she stammered in dismay. "Not after school, I mean, I have a bus to catch to get home." "A ride home has been arranged for you. Your parents were called this afternoon, and will be expecting you later." "My parents? The school called my parents?" "To continue, if I may?" he said in a brisk tone, his brow sharply raised at a sharp angle. "We will begin each lesson with a quiz, and end with a test. Should you complete your a.s.signment to my satisfaction earlier than planned, you will, of course, be excused from all other tutorial sessions."

"What are I supposed to...What am I learning?" "Hmm, spirit," he said thoughtfully, then adjusted his carefully. "To begin with, you may begin allquestions by addressing me a.s.sirorMr. DuLong. All other outbursts will be punished."

"Sir?" she squeaked.Punished? she thought in rising alarm.What the h.e.l.l is going on here? "You will be learning f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o: the art of bringing a man to climax without coition." He shoved back the chair and it howled obscenely loud in the empty cla.s.sroom. Chast.i.ty stared blankly.Coition? What the h.e.l.l is that? He gave her a small condescending smile. "In case you didn't get that, coition is intercourse or s.e.x, and f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o is the technique of pleasuring a man-with your mouth." He rose from behind the desk, then stepped toward her.

He wants me to learn what?she thought in confusion and stepped back from him.

"Shall we begin?" he asked pleasantly.

"No way!" she snapped, her teeth clicking together in sudden outrage. "There is no way I'm sucking anyone's d.i.c.k!" She turned and fled toward the door. If she was quick, she could still catch the bus home.

"Stop," he commanded.

Chast.i.ty froze in mid-step, her hand on the doork.n.o.b.

"You may not realize this, but I will be grading your senior-cla.s.s mid-term exam in English at the end of

this week."

Oh s.h.i.+t.Chast.i.ty thought as her throat closed in fear.

"If you choose not to complete this a.s.signment," he said softly, "I guarantee that you will fail your English


"That's blackmail, you a.s.shole," Chast.i.ty said through clenched teeth while staring at the door. She could feel the jaws of the trap close around her. She glanced over her shoulder at Mr. DuLong. "Why, yes, it is," he said quietly, with a feral smile.

"Isn't there a rule about teachers having s.e.xual relations with students?" Chast.i.ty turned to face him, her books clenched protectively in front of her in a white-knuckled grip.

"You may report me if you like. However, I guarantee that you will fail your exam. You may be absolutely a.s.sured that I will make arrangements for it."

Oh G.o.d, now what do I do?Chast.i.ty thought in desperation.I need to pa.s.s that exam! He had her trapped, and he knew it. "You filthy, perverted, son of a b.i.t.c.h," she swore softly.

"Language, young lady." He pulled a wooden chair from beside his desk and set the back against the front of his desk. "I see that we are going to have to begin with a lesson in respect for your instructor." He unbuckled his belt, and slid the leather strap from the belt loops. "Come here."

Chast.i.ty broke out in a sudden cold sweat, and stared as Mr. DuLong folded his belt in half, gripping both ends in his fist.

"Now," his voice snapped coldly.

Chast.i.ty jumped in fright, then slowly walked over to stand by the chair.

"Very good," he said softly. "Place your books on one of the student desks, face the back of this chair and drop your slacks and panties to your knees. Bend over and grasp the back of this chair, keeping your knees together and slightly bent."

Chast.i.ty stared at him in shock. He's not serious?

Mr. DuLong tilted his head slightly to one side. "You can leave at any time. However, I guarantee that your grades will suffer." A small smile curved his lips.

Oh my G.o.d, he is serious!With shaking hands, Chast.i.ty dropped her books on the desk, then faced the back of the chair.This sucks! I'm being blackmailed to have s.e.x with a teacher! She glanced up at him.An amazingly handsome teacher... Her jaw clenched.Who also happens to be a sick, perverted b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Refusing to look at him, she numbly unbuckled her jeans, then opened them.

"One moment, please."

Chast.i.ty froze with her hands on her jeans. Mr. DuLong reached out and cupped the fullness of one breast through the thin material of her pink blouse and her lace bra. She flinched and turned her face away. His thumb slid over the slight prominence of her nipple, bringing the small nubbin to sudden sharp erection. He stroked his thumb over her nipple again, then again. Small bolts of excitement streaked straight down to her core with every stroke of his thumb.

What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?Chast.i.ty pressed her lips to keep a small hiss of pleasure from escaping her lips.How is this a.s.shole turning me on when I know he's going to hit me with that belt in just a second? She could feel moisture forming in her panties. She glanced up and noticed a look of interest on his face.

"Even the threat of punishment has not dimmed your latent ardor," he said sounding pleased. He released her breast abruptly, and she expelled the breath she hadn't realized that she'd been holding. "You may continue." He nodded, motioning toward the positioned chair.

Chast.i.ty turned away, dragging her faded jeans and cotton panties down to her knees. The air was cool on the skin of her bared a.s.s. She leaned forward and grabbed the back of the chair. Her knees locked together in an attempt to protect her exposed and vulnerable feminine cleft. She looked over her shoulder at Mr. DuLong.

"Very good," he said crisply. "Bend your knees just a little. Excellent. From now on, when you are told to a.s.sume the position, this is precisely what you will do and you will not move from this position until you are told to do so. Is this understood?"

"Yes," Chast.i.ty ground out. She heard a short whistle of air, then heard a loud crack. She yelped as a streak of fire erupted on her a.s.s. Tears started in her eyes and she writhed with the burning pain.

"Yes, what?" he asked pleasantly.

"Yes,sir !" she choked out.Jezuz! That hurt! she thought, fiercely fighting her tears.

"Do not move from your position, as I do not wish to miss and strike something tender," he said sharply. "This is the punishment you will receive for disobedience and disrespect. Let us hope that you are a quick study, as punishment takes precious time from your lessons. For your earlier transgressions in disrespect, I am going to strike you five more times."

Five more times?thought Chast.i.ty,oh my G.o.d! He'sgoing to kill me!

"As I strike you, you will count each blow, out loud. Is this understood?"

"Yes,sir ," she said.You f.u.c.king a.s.shole, she thought.

"This cla.s.sroom is at the far end of the wing, feel free to scream if you like."

She heard the telltale whistle of the strap and pain seared the other cheek of her a.s.s. She threw up her head and bit back a yelp, hissing in pain but otherwise did not move. "One," she choked out. "One, sir." She pressed her forehead into her arm as tears of humiliation tumbled from her eyes and ran down her cheeks.

"Very, very good," he murmured.

The strap fell quickly, one blow after the other in quick succession. Each strike was exactly as hard as the one before it, and each s.p.a.ced carefully on her a.s.s. Chast.i.ty flinched at each, then counted aloud.

"Five, sir," Chast.i.ty finally said, in a voice that broke.Oh, G.o.d, there is no way I'm gonna to be able to sit tonight, my a.s.s is on fire!

"Hmm," he said thoughtfully, then she felt his cool palm on her burning welts. "It seems that you mark easily."

Chast.i.ty heard the satisfaction in his voice.That a.s.shole likes beating me! she thought in indignation.

"Hopefully, this lesson will not have to be repeated," he said firmly. His fingers continued to explore the marks he had made, then gently slid into the crevice that split her a.s.s cheeks and pressed lightly on the puckered ring of her a.n.u.s.

Chast.i.ty hunched her shoulders in humiliation but held her place.

"While your feminine hair is quite attractive," he continued, "you will shave it off tonight, and keep it off. Also, for expedience, you will wear skirts for the remainder of your lessons and forego panties of any kind. Is this understood?"

"Yes, sir." Chast.i.ty turned her head and wiped the tears on her cheeks against her arm, but did not release the chair. She did not want to give this maniac any excuse to beat her more.

Abruptly his fingers slid further down and stroked lightly against the plump outer lips of her s.e.x, discovering the moisture that was sliding down her thighs. Chast.i.ty couldn't stop a sudden s.h.i.+ver of expectation. He plunged two fingers into her wet core. To her shame her body contracted hungrily around his invading fingers, and she bit her lip to keep from moaning.

"Well, well..." He chuckled in delighted surprise. "It seem that you enjoyed this little session as much as I." He pulled his fingers from her body, then stood next to her. "I'm looking forward to our lessons together, Chast.i.ty," he said with menacing softness. "I personally hope that you will take the entire week."

She glanced at him and suddenly noticed that his black dress pants were tented with a heavy erection bulging only inches from her face.Jeezus, he's got a hard-on from hitting me! She bit her lip.s.h.i.+t, to be honest, I'm all wet from him doing it too.What the h.e.l.l is happening to me? Am I perverted too?

"You may rise and pull your slacks up," he said without looking at her. "turn the chair around to face my desk, and sit." She watched as he moved away to take his seat behind his desk, then opened the file and made a notation.

What the h.e.l.l is he writing?She straightened and bit her lip from the ache in the small of her back and the burning marks on her b.u.t.t. Tentatively, she touched the heated stripes on her a.s.s, then pulled her pants up, flinching as her panties and jeans came in painful contact with the marks. She closed them without tucking in her s.h.i.+rt, then hauled the chair around to face the desk.

She looked at the hard wooden seat.I have to sit on this? She glanced up to see him watching her impa.s.sively, the light reflected brightly on his hiding his eyes completely. Pure stubbornness made her take the seat, then smile. She s.h.i.+fted to find a less painful position, but there didn't seem to be one.

"You will apologize for your indiscretion and thank me for the discipline I administered," a small smile curved his lips. He looked down at the file he held.

He wants me to what?Chast.i.ty's mouth fell open in surprise.He wants me to apologize to him-when he just finished beating me with a belt?

Mr. DuLong looked up with a raised brow and tapped one finger by the belt that lay folded neatly by his hand. The threat was obvious: obey or be punished.

Chast.i.ty sucked in a breath, in sudden terror. "Uh, I'm sorry, sir," she began. He nodded encouragement. "I'm sorry for my uh, indiscretion. And uh, thank you, sir, for your, uh, discipline, sir."

"Graceless, but it will do..." There was a look of amus.e.m.e.nt on his face. "I accept your apology. Now according to your records, you had your first act of coition at the end of last week."

Coition?She blinked.My first act of s.e.x? She felt her cheeks flooding with heat.How the h.e.l.l did he know that? Chast.i.ty thought in alarm, gripping the seat of the chair with white knuckles.

"It is also noted that you had your first experience seeing and touching a p.e.n.i.s at that time." He scribbled busily in the folder. "At least I will not have to re-train you out of any particular bad habits," he commented dryly. "However, I will need to quiz you on what you are familiar with. Take this." He handed her a piece of paper and a pencil. "Go to the desk directly behind you, and write down all the different parts of the p.e.n.i.s that you know."

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