Waikiki Vampire - A Vampire Christmas Part 11

Waikiki Vampire - A Vampire Christmas -

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"Who would have done this?" Clancy asked.

"The priest, probably, after he found the first casket." Blossom tried hard to remain composed.

"Why did he bring the casket to us if he had ideas to sell it?" Tem asked.

"I don't think he intended to give it to us. I .

don't think he even intended to bring us the baby, even once he realized he was alive."

"Moontime caught him!" Clancy gasped and we all stared at each other. "How did he get the casket all the way home?"

"He's a very smart cat." Tem's chest puffed out a little bit.

"So he...he played the concerned odaisan...gave us herbs..."

"A placebo," Blossom nodded.

"He had no clue that water would reverse the demon curse." Kalani sighed. "No wonder he kept demanding that I bring him the casket. If I'd gone out there alone to meet him..."

"You could have handled him fine," I a.s.sured her.

"Div, what do we do now? How can we make sure n.o.body else comes and harms the dead?" Tem was looking at me.

They were all looking at me.

"A great wrong was done to our family and the family of this disturbed baby. This is our chance to make some things right. We need to start looking for pohaku, stones."

"You mean like lava stones?" Yi asked.


We moved in groups on the ground and above it, a.s.sembling a pile. We reburied the casket, taking our time covering the half-started holes and .

the one containing the casket. It was hard to see where the holes used to be.

I took Tem's hand on one side, Blossom's on the other and we all stood in a circle.

After a moment, I spoke. "And now we say goodbye, the way Hawaiians do. It is understood by the children of these islands that in burying our dead, we return them, with love, to walk the rainbow with our ancestors. We return them to the wind. On the ground, no kapu stone is to be moved. There is life in the stone and death in the stone. We honor our dead, because the dead honor us."

Everybody picked up a stone and one by one, we arranged a heaiu, a temple to the dead. Anyone who walked up here would recognize the circular stash of stones for what it was, sacred beauty.

In time, we could plant flowers here, we could bring trees and remember those who had walked this mountain before us. We would come to acknowledge those who had been laid to rest here, but not given the right to a proper burial.

"Our work is done." Blossom hugged each of us and evaporated with her lovers. The four of us flew home, the cat arching a brow in our direction as we walked indoors.

"The world is yours again," Tem told him, but now that his favorite person was home, the cat wanted to be nowhere else but near him.

"You and me both, kid," I told the cat as the three of us headed to our room. I put my arm around Tem.

"Sweetheart, you ready to have a party in my pants?"

"You bet," he grinned. The cat just sighed in disgust.

Chapter Twelve.

idnight. December twenty sixth. Known as MBoxing Day in England, Canada and Australia, it seemed fitting that since Tem and I had barely begun exchanging the pile of gifts that we had bought for each other, we should get to celebrate in private on that day. In medieval England, servants were required to work on Christmas, so the day after, Boxing Day, they were given gift boxes by their employers.

Though Tem had many gifts to open and he could hardly stop touching his tiara, he told me there was one thing he wanted that I didn't give him on Christmas Day.

My heart almost stopped. "What? What didn't I give you?" My thoughts meshed with his and I stopped panicking. " a.s.s, right?"

"My a.s.s, b.i.t.c.h."

I laughed.

"Hey, you're my b.i.t.c.h. I own you. I have it in writing. Your pants say so."

"They do? I didn't notice. But don't all my pants say that?"

Tem laughed then. "I can't keep anything from you, can I?" He took off his tiara with great reluctance.

"Thank you for a wonderful Christmas, Tem."

"Div...I love you. Me ke aloha pau ole. My love for you will never end." We undressed each other slowly, relis.h.i.+ng not having to do anything else but each other. I lay back on the bed, my c.o.c.k already hard for him. He stood on the side and I slid down so that my head was off the bed.

"Oh, I love when you suck me like this," he breathed.

I took his c.o.c.k down my throat, sucking, licking, grasping at his a.s.s. He took longer, deeper strokes and I loved the feel of his need for me. For a few minutes, he let me lavish him c.o.c.k with my mouth, then lifted it away from me. I opened my eyes and he was leaning over me, one ball lowering itself to my mouth. I sucked voraciously and he took it away from me, feeding me the other one. Back and forth, I sucked his b.a.l.l.s, expecting that huge, leaking c.o.c.k to come back, but Tem was in charge.

"Slide back on the bed, b.i.t.c.h."

I did as I was told and almost screamed with pleasure when he sat on my face, feeding me his a.s.s hole. I could still taste myself in him from our .

bathroom romp earlier. Tem straddled my head on his knees, grinding swaying and moving that a.s.s across my tongue and nose. I gripped his thighs and held his a.s.s hole to my tongue, lapping at it, lunging with wet strokes at it. He ground out a tsk sound, moving up to give me his c.o.c.k again and then he fell forward, taking my c.o.c.k deep in his mouth.

Tem hummed a little tune, enhancing the vibrations of his already perfect b.l.o.w. .j.o.b.

"When I say come, you'd better come b.i.t.c.h."

He took his c.o.c.k from me, put his a.s.s back over my mouth and his mouth went back to me, las.h.i.+ng at me with quick flicks of his tongue.

"All right, come now." His fingers moved into me and his mouth swallowed me up and I flooded his throat. His b.a.l.l.s swung in my face and I suckled on them until he got off my face, got between my legs and gave me the blistering f.u.c.k of a lifetime.

It always hurt when Tem first put himself inside me. He had been my first man and apart from an onscreen threesome, he had been proud of making me his b.i.t.c.h. I begged him to come inside me, to f.u.c.k me until he couldn't take it anymore. His hand snaked between us, pulling my c.o.c.k in time with his thrusts.

Yeah, I was his personal vampire putty. We came together, our shared moans filling our room, .

the cat refusing to give up his third of the bed when we broke apart. I spooned my darling, holding him in my arms, kissing his neck and throat, my c.o.c.k nestled between his taut a.s.s cheeks.

From our open windows, I could smell mountain apples and figs. We'd have to pick some for breakfast. Or lunch. Whenever I could bear to leave our bed and face the world again. The only sounds were our breathing, the cat's faint snoring...and way down the other end of the house, the baby's feed me cry. From somewhere else I heard laughter, s.e.x laughter. And I smiled against Tem's fragrant hair.


"Yes, baby?"

"What if the baby always has a forked tongue?"

"Well, he's gonna make some ladies very, very happy."

Tem laughed. "He will?"

"Oh, yeah. You know women's c.l.i.torises...each of them has one side that's more sensitive than the other."

"You don't say."

"I do say. He's gonna be a chip off the old Thunder block."

"You mean a happily married gay vampire?"

"Well...I know I am." I rolled myself back on top of Tem, covering his body with mine. His c.o.c.k .

lay rigid between our bodies and I thanked G.o.d, the angels, the demons and even the nudibranchs for sending me this man. As I started the pleasurable duty of making love to him slowly and for as long as we wanted, I was ecstatic that we were a couple of vampires in Waikiki.

A sharp claw in my ankle brought me to my senses.

Ouch. A couple of vampires in Waikiki with a very sharp, smokin' cat.

About the Author.

A. J. Llewellyn lives in California, but dreams of living in Hawaii. Frequent trips to all the islands, bags of Kona coffee in his fridge and a healthy collection of Hawaiian records keep this writer refueled. A. J. loves male/male erotica, has a pa.s.sion for all animals (especially the dog, the cat and the turtle). A. J. believes that love is a song best sung out loud.

A. J.'s website is located at: A. J. can be reached at this email: Visit his mys.p.a.ce page at:

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