The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 5

The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor -

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"Who the h.e.l.l are you?" she demanded to know.

"I could ask the same about you. I've never seen you on the trail before or in town. Who the f.u.c.k are you and why are you pointing a gun at me?" he asked in such a stern commanding tone she almost lowered the gun. Slightly.

He lowered his hands then crossed his arms in front of his ma.s.sive chest as if he were used to having guns pointed at him. That observation made her grip the gun a little tighter. The guy was big, filled with muscles, and had a look of confidence and arrogance. The fact he wore a military green T-s.h.i.+rt and sweats made her think he was a soldier. He was very attractive, too. It made her lose her focus a moment.

"You came up out of nowhere. I've been jogging through these woods for weeks. I've never seen you."

"Well I could say the same for you," she replied and looked him over. She felt an odd sensation. Maybe because the man was smoking hot, she wasn't sure. But she wasn't going to fall for his dark eyes or muscles.

"Put the gun down, sweetheart. I'm not going to hurt you."

She snorted. "As if," she replied and he raised one of his eyebrows at her, looking shocked by her att.i.tude.

She followed her gut and lowered her weapon.

"You shouldn't sneak up on women or anyone for that matter. I could have shot you," she told him as she placed her weapon back into the special holder on her back under her hoodie. He watched and seemed to be a.n.a.lyzing her.

"I didn't sneak up on you. This is my normal route."

"Whatever," she replied and then prepared to continue running.

"Do you have a license for that?" he asked, referring to her weapon.

"You a cop?" she challenged.

He shook his head slowly. "Some people around here don't take a liking to having a gun drawn on them. Could lead to an unfortunate situation," he warned her.

She looked him over. Under normal circ.u.mstances she might have entertained the idea of getting to know this guy and maybe flirt a little. But these weren't normal circ.u.mstances. She wasn't in her element or in her city. She was in the middle of the woods in Texas, and redneck cowboys had their own share of bada.s.s reputations. She straightened her shoulders and replied to his comment.

"Well that's good to know. As long as no one sneaks up on me, then they won't wind up in the middle of an unfortunate situation." She turned and started walking away.

Harper stared at the young woman who'd just drawn a gun on him. It took a lot of self-control to not disarm her and then not hurt her. He was furious. First of all, how the h.e.l.l did she pull so quickly and without him even reading her body language? Was he that spent after his last job? Or was it because he was shocked to see anyone this far in the woods jogging, and a female who looked to have a pretty d.a.m.n good body on her. Who the h.e.l.l was she?

He didn't know why, but Harper began following her. His interest, maybe curiosity or just plain annoyance for letting this stranger get the upper hand for a moment, led him to jogging behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder a couple of times and then would pick up the pace, zig and zag a little, and it made him smile. Especially as she expertly dodged rocks or thick branches as well as uneven ground. She obviously enjoyed working out hard or she was just trying to impress him. A funny sensation filled his gut. He should have ditched her and headed back to the ranch a while ago. Why did this woman, a stranger dressed with a hoodie,, and a gun, interest him so?

Before long they were in the clearing and only a few minutes from the town line. She slowed down and he came up alongside her.

"Are you ready to tell me who you are?" he asked, catching his breath.

She placed her hands on her hips and stood in a stance that reminded him of a beat cop on patrol.

"You're still here?" she asked in a wise guy tone.

He eyed her over. "Of course. You call that a workout?" he teased her and saw her expression and her body language change.

"That's only part of it. Not that it's any of your business."

He glanced at her and hid his smile. Harper didn't know why he was still engaging this rude stranger other than the fact he was still annoyed that she drew a gun on him. There was just something about her, even though he couldn't see her eyes from behind the, or even her hair from under the hood. Only a few strands of what appeared to be blonde peeked out. Her black spandex running pants and black-and-purple hoodie didn't reveal much but a firm round a.s.s that hardly bounced when she ran and large b.r.e.a.s.t.s that did.

He glanced up toward the high hills behind her.

"How about if I beat you up that hill, you tell me who you are."

"And if I beat you?" she challenged.

"Then I can tell you who I am before I leave you alone."

"Why don't you just leave me alone now?" she asked, looking him over.

He did the same thing right back to her and she looked away. He'd gotten to her. She was interested. He was working that charm of his, yet his gut had him on guard. Something was up with this woman. Only a handful of women carried weapons around Pearl. It wasn't necessary because the men of Pearl watched over them unless they were single, involved in law enforcement, or owned their own land and wanted to protect it. But those who did carry, didn't carry Glocks.

"And miss finding out more about the woman who was able to draw a gun on me and get me not to disarm her? No way. Too intrigued now. Shall we?" he asked, motioning with his hand toward the hill.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I'm not going to accept this challenge. I don't care who you are or why you find it so intriguing to know who I am. In regards to getting the upper hand on you, well cough it up to experience, buddy."

"You're chicken," he goaded her.

"I am not," she said and appeared as if she was getting angry. So the mysterious woman had a compet.i.tive streak in her.

"I get it. You know I'll beat you because I'm a man, and I'm stronger."

"You're an idiot, and I'm not biting." She began to walk when he grabbed her hand. The moment he did they both looked at one another. He was shocked by the effects his move had on him. He stepped closer.

"Interesting," he whispered.

She pulled from his hold. "I think not."

"You're still chicken," he challenged her as she started walking away and then stopped.

"You know you can't beat me up that hill. You're not fast enough or strong enough."

She looked at him. "Okay. Up that hill and when I get there first you'll leave me alone and move on?" she asked.

Oh I doubt it. You've got my full attention. My curiosity is definitely getting the better of me.

"Sure," he said and she looked at him as if she could read his mind. How did she do that? And why did he feel guilty? No woman intrigued him like this one. It was instant and strong. Too strong to ignore. It would eat at him for days if he didn't at least find out she lived in Pearl or nearby. Or maybe just her name. That might hold him off for a little while. But he knew if she left here today without him getting her name then he would be coming to these woods and running around trying to into her again. He had to beat her up that hill.

"Okay. Let's do this so I can move on," she said.

He smirked at her. "All the way to the top. The one who gets there first wins." She nodded her head and then got into a starting position.

He glanced at her as he prepared to take off running, too.

"On three?"

She nodded and looked ahead. Staring at the profile of her face, Harper almost lost count. How stupid? It was three numbers and when he said three, in a whisper, she took off and he hesitated.

"s.h.i.+t," he blurted out and ran after her and up toward the hill. As they ran nearly side by side, he felt the difficulty of the steep hill and so did the woman who grunted low and then gasped. He had to beat her. He just had to so he could find out who she was. As he made it to the top of the hill, overjoyed for beating the woman and now prepared to interrogate her, he saw she wasn't there. Instead she was on her knees a few feet back and holding her side. She looked about ready to cry and he felt like such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"s.h.i.+t. Are you okay? d.a.m.n I didn't mean for you to get hurt," he said as he slid down and knelt next to her. She sat down and wrapped an arm around her waist and took short, painful breaths.

"d.a.m.n it. d.a.m.n it to h.e.l.l," she complained.

"Are you okay?" he asked her and she nodded her head.

He sat down next to her and his gut clenched. She was hurt. Not from the sprint up the hill but from an injury on her side. There was no way a woman in such physically fit condition would have a cramp or something. Call it intuition or instincts, but he knew she was hurt. Perhaps that was why she carried a gun? Maybe she was in trouble or something.

"What?" she snapped at him. He hadn't realized that he was staring at her.

"You're hurt."

She shook her head and went to move but gasped. He reached over and covered her knee with his hand. He was a lot bigger than her and when he placed his hand over her knee and made that physical contact he felt the heat move over his entire body. His c.o.c.k even hardened and stood at attention. He was instantly attracted to this woman and he couldn't even see her face or her eyes.

"You're not okay. You're definitely hurt. An old injury?" he asked.

She pulled her from her face and snapped at him, "It's none of your business. Just leave me alone please, and go bother someone else."

He stared into her gorgeous blue eyes and she stared right back at him.

"I'll be fine."

"What's your name?" he replied and he watched her lips part and all he could think about was how sweet those lips would taste. He was shocked. He'd never had a reaction like this to a woman before. It was so fast and wild. She was exquisite.

He raised one eyebrow at her and she held his expression with annoyance written all over her face. However, she must have sensed his stubbornness for she replied softly.

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" she asked.

He couldn't resist as he reached up and gently pushed a stray piece of blonde hair from her cheek and held her chin with his thumb and pointer. He held her gaze. "I doubt it. Tell me your name."

Lauren was shocked at the rush of emotions and the attraction she had to this stranger. The man was gorgeous, hard, and muscular, and there was a darkness about him. His blue eyes were bold and in great contrast to his tan complexion. He acted so authoritative and in control, and she couldn't help but think he was someone important or perhaps just believed himself to be important. Like a man who was used to giving orders or even taking action. Why that thought aroused her she didn't know. She also didn't need any complications while living in Pearl. She had training to do and f.u.c.king around with some hot cowboy wasn't going to help her to remain on guard and well trained.

She looked away. "Sally," she lied. "Okay, now you can leave me alone," she said as she looked straight ahead. The pain in her side from where her wound over her ribs was actually burned. She overdid it and now she would suffer the aches for the rest of the night, maybe even tomorrow. She hoped it didn't inhibit her from working out and training.

"Sally, nice to meet you. I'm Harper Calloway." He reached his hand out and she slowly looked at him then his hand. She was afraid to shake it. To touch him again after the attraction and spark she felt when he touched her knee before. But as the stinker raised one of his eyebrows at her and gave her that, s.e.xy look, she fell for it and shook his hand. He smiled softly.

"Now, that wasn't so bad was it?" he asked.

She went to stand up, holding her side as the ache continued. He helped her.

"Easy now. Maybe you should rest a little longer. I'll stay with you," he offered and she shook her head as she cringed and stood up straight.

"I've got it, Harper. Thanks for the adventure. Have a nice day."

"Wait. You're leaving so soon?"

"I've got plans. Besides, I think we're done here," she replied and he gave her a smirk. A coy, s.e.xy little grin and wink that made her think this wouldn't be the last time she b.u.mped into Harper Calloway. She was shocked at the sensations and the excitement she felt at the prospect. Nothing like this ever happened to her. She really needed to refocus on her agenda and not the eye candy.

"I'll see you around, Sally," he said and she felt so badly for lying to him. He was a very attractive guy. Had impressed her with his moves and his methods of flirting with her. Under normal circ.u.mstances she would have engaged in more conversation. But then again, she sucked at relations.h.i.+ps. Men couldn't handle her or the fact that she was so independent and had killed before. She was superior in her profession and as good as any male around. That was a turnoff eventually for most men. They wanted to be superior and all the guys she'd ever dated felt inadequate and as if she was their protector instead of the other way around.

She gave a small nod toward Harper and absorbed his body and demeanor. The man was tall and built very well. He towered over her. She felt his presence and knew he was an Alpha male all the way. She'd never felt this type of instant acknowledgement and a level of equality before. In fact maybe it wasn't equality but more her match in that area where she dominated most men she met. She wasn't sure but as she gave a wave and painstakingly headed down the hill with Harper looking on she wondered if she would ever let her guard down and allow a man, the right man, to take care of her and comfort her and make her let go and be free. No responsibility, no fighting, no being ready to shoot and kill on a moment's notice and no more loneliness.

She took a deep breath and released it as they reached the bottom of the hill.

It could never happen. She could never let her guard down. Not being marked for death by the main members of the Tenth Street gang. It just wasn't possible.

Chapter 5.

Harper's curiosity was getting the better of him, but he didn't want to come off all stalkerlike and follow Sally. He watched her walk away and all he could do was hope he would see her again. In fact, he was already formulating a plan to be in the same place he was today when he first saw her. He did tell her that it was his normal route. That would either make her change hers, or she would purposely run the same path again at the same time in hopes of seeing him, too.

That thought brought a small smile to his face. This was so unlike him. To react to a woman like this. As he headed out of the woods and along the road, he couldn't help but wonder more about her. Why was she carrying a gun? She hadn't even hesitated to pull it out as he approached. Was she in some kind of trouble? Had someone hurt her and she was recovering? Maybe that was why the race up the hill was too much for her. Perhaps she was holding her side and favoring an injury. His mind was going through a whirlwind of thoughts and before long he was approaching the backyard of the ranch.

What would the others think about her? About him reacting to a stranger like this? Should he tell them? Did he want to?

They lived such dangerous lives and weren't ready to settle down. They hinted around about sharing a woman just like their friends did. He'd give his life for any of the guys. h.e.l.l, they'd all experienced near death. They also did some jobs that weren't on the up and up. How would a woman like Sally feel about that?

He ran his hand through his hair.

"f.u.c.k I'm rus.h.i.+ng things along. I don't even know how to find her."

"How to find who?"

He heard the voice and realized he had spoken aloud. He locked gazes with Mace.

Mace was six foot three with a hard expression, the quietest of the group but all bada.s.s. He stood by the edge of the porch preparing to stack wood for the outdoor fireplace.

"Nothing," Harper replied.

"Don't you mean no one? You said you don't even know how to find her. Who is she?" Mace asked and winked.

"No one. Just forget about it. I was thinking aloud."

"Yeah you tend to do that when you're really high-strung and obsessed with something. Did you meet her in town or on your run?"

Harper joined Mace by the deck. Mace started to line up the large pieces of wood then reached for the ax and began to split the logs.

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