The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor Part 13

The Town Of Pearl: Badge Of Honor -

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She stepped away from him and Galvin looked at Mace. Mace could tell that Galvin was on edge just like he was feeling.

Lauren stepped away from them. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at the five men around her. They were all such handsome, capable men. She had been trying to act tough, and not in need of any preferential treatment as they embarked on the obstacle course. With Mace so close she hadn't even thought about the fact she hadn't fired her gun since that night when Frankie was killed.

But now, as she stepped from his embrace and from their close proximity, she was feeling a bit frazzled.

"Lauren?" Harper called her name. She shot her head up to look at him. She shook her head as he reached for her.

"I want to head back," was all she said and then turned and started walking away. But as she pa.s.sed by the others, Gus took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles.

"I'll take you back. We can start on dinner while the others gather the stuff." She nodded her head and they walked along the path. He didn't let go of her hand, and she didn't pull away.

"What the h.e.l.l happened?" Galvin asked Mace as they began to disa.s.semble some of the removable parts to the obstacle course.

"I don't know, Galvin. I was annoyed having her out here and living in the house these last few days. Yet, I liked it.. I like the scent of a woman's perfume, her perfume and shampoo. I was just trying to show her the course and before I knew it I was demanding that she stay extremely close and she did it. When it was her turn I stuck to her and it became too difficult to resist. One thing led to another and you guys showed up."

"She's something else isn't she? And I don't just mean her good looks, and her f.u.c.king body either. I mean everything about her. The scent of her hair, the att.i.tude, and the toughness and intelligence she has. She's a lot like us but she's all alone. She doesn't have a team to back her up and it looks like her partner may have been up to no good," Harper told them.

"I'm still confirming the details but it seems that way. Figures we all have an attraction to the same woman and she's in a heap of trouble," Orin added.

"She's marked for death. That's more than just a heap of trouble. We've looked into this gang. They locate her and..."

Mace reached down and grabbed the large duffel bag of firearms he'd just loaded up.

"We've got some things to discuss. But before this goes any further, we're claiming guardians.h.i.+p of her around Pearl. I've already spoken with Wyatt. Tonight, after Lauren heads to bed, we're going to make a final decision and commitment to what exactly we want here," Galvin said and grabbed the other bag. Orin and Harper followed.

"I want to make Lauren ours. But if we're not all on board with this, and willing to share her and make this commitment, then I'm going to ask that the person or people step down and stay clear. She's been hurt enough and has gone through a traumatic time. She doesn't need her heart broken, too," Harper told them and they all agreed as they packed up the truck and headed back to the ranch.

Chapter 12.

Lauren hadn't said a word to any of the men. Just small talk since the other day on the obstacle course. They all exchanged a few gentle touches, some quick kisses on the cheek, and even a seductive kiss to her neck by Mace as he greeted her before her run. She wanted to resist the pull to entertain the attraction she felt. But each time she pulled back her heart seemed to tug from deep within.

Throw in all the emotions and turmoil she felt about her job, the danger she was in, and the fact that she might die, Lauren was a total mess and hiding it.

She started stretching out and thinking about the men, and how much she enjoyed their displays of affection. It was funny how Galvin and Mace held back the most, yet it was Mace who kissed her neck so tenderly and gently this morning. It shocked her and made her let her guard down a little further. If they were trying to break her resolve slowly they were succeeding. They left her feeling needy for more. Perhaps they were trying to ease her into considering the menage relations.h.i.+p. But every time she thought that, and then considered just letting go, the fear gripped her tight. She had a hit out on her. She was being hunted. She was most likely going to die.

"I'll be going with you today." She jerked around, so deep in thought she hadn't even heard Gus approach. Gus held her gaze and immediately looked concerned. He must have read her expression. She quickly looked away and he began stretching and eyeing her over. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, if you must."

"How about because I want to spend time with you?"


He held his hand up for her to go no further.

"Just forget I'm even there and do your thing. I'll keep up," he teased and winked.

She gave a small smile then took a deep breath and began to jog toward the woods.

She jogged ahead of Gus and he gave her s.p.a.ce at first. But as they went over rougher terrain and she nearly slipped, he pulled up closer and even grabbed a hold of her to keep her from falling a few times.

"So were you seeing anyone in New York?" Gus asked her as they jogged along the path.

"No. How about you? You guys date a lot?" she countered and wondered why the idea of them being with other women upset her. She felt that bit of sting to her chest and turmoil in her belly. Had she already become so attracted to them that she was jealous?"

"We don't really date. I had a girlfriend for a while but things didn't work out," he shared with her and she sensed the upset in his tone.

"She hurt you?" she asked as she slowed down and looked over to her side at him. They were keeping a decent pace and were now on flat terrain.

"I guess you could say that."

"So tell me about it. Is it why this whole menage thing interests you? Or is that just a fantasy for you guys?" she asked him.

"A menage relations.h.i.+p isn't something to take lightly. It has deep meaning in this town and with the people who truly understand this type of relations.h.i.+p," he replied on the defensive.

"I'm sorry. I guess the idea puts me on edge. I'm not putting it down. It's just that I don't know much about these types of relations.h.i.+ps. I had one friend back in New York who is involved with two men. She seems very happy."

"You never considered it?"

She chuckled.

"Me? s.h.i.+t, relations.h.i.+ps never seemed to last with me. I kind of gave up on meeting someone."

"Really? Why is that?"

She stopped jogging and looked at him.

"Honestly, from my experience, it seemed that the guys I dated tried to act like my job, my independent att.i.tude, meant they were inferior to me. At first they liked the idea of dating a female cop. But eventually it bothered them. Especially when I showed up for a date with a black eye, or had to cancel a date because I made an arrest or had to get st.i.tches." She chuckled. "Men don't like to feel inferior," she added.

"Maybe it was the type of men you dated. Ever been with a military man?" he asked as he stepped closer and placed his hands on her hips. She shook her head. How was she supposed to respond to that?

It was too intimate. Too intense to think about having s.e.x with Gus or with the others, never mind all of them. She felt her cheeks grow warm and she pulled away.

"What happened with your last girlfriend? The one that hurt you?" she asked him.

Gus squinted his eyes then licked his lower lip. It was obviously a touchy subject.

"If you don't feel comfortable telling me about it..."

"No, it's not that. I guess it's my ego that is still a little affected."

"What this woman do? Cheat on you?" she asked.

He snorted. "Exactly."

"No way. On you?" she asked, sincerely shocked. Then she looked him over. The man was exquisite from head to toe.

"Yeah. Why do you find that hard to believe?"

"Gus, you're gorgeous. You have a great body, and you're a SEAL. What woman in her right mind would cheat on someone like you?"

"Beth, and she got pregnant with the guy's kid."

"Oh man, that is terrible. But hey, at least you didn't marry her, and start your own family with her. Things could have been worse."

"They did get worse," he said and lowered his head then looked away toward the woods. She could tell he was obviously affected by what happened.

"It didn't end there did it?" she asked.

"No. She was pregnant with the baby and her boyfriend beat her. She nearly miscarried."

Lauren was shocked.

"That's terrible. Did she press charges?"

He shook his head. "I went to see her in the hospital because I heard she had an accident. Turns out he hit her often. You know, typical abusive relations.h.i.+p. But when I saw the bruises, her b.l.o.o.d.y lip, battered skin, and then round belly, I was so angry. The son of a b.i.t.c.h walked into the room all pompous and smiling holding a bouquet of flowers. One thing led to another and..."

"And what happened?"

"I kind of beat the s.h.i.+t out of him. Almost got arrested and charged with a.s.sault. Well, attempted murder, actually. At least that's what his lawyer started pus.h.i.+ng for in court."

"Oh G.o.d, Gus, that must have been terrible. You obviously didn't serve any time." She watched him, could see the emotions scattering across his face and in his eyes. He was sincerely upset about what happened.

He stepped closer and held her gaze.

"Mace saved me from killing the b.a.s.t.a.r.d that day. Wyatt had some friends look into Beth's boyfriend and found out he had some outstanding warrants and a few charges against him for a.s.sault that seemed to disappear. His attorney wasn't on the up and up, and well it was a game of who had more s.h.i.+t on who. I came out on top. Just barely."

He caressed her arms and she looked up into his dark brown eyes.

"I'm not a violent man, Lauren. I just don't believe a woman should be manhandled and treated badly. I had strong feelings for Beth when that happened." He ran his fingers along her neck to her chin and she felt herself drawn into his voice, his eyes, and everything that attracted her to Gus.

"And do you still have strong feelings for Beth now?" she asked. He squinted his eyes as if shocked she asked him that and she felt guilty. She didn't know why she asked. Maybe it was that jealousy thing again?

He shook his head and stepped closer, his body against hers.

"Haven't thought about her in in over a year's time. I thought I knew what love was. What it was like to know that someone was made for me and me made for them. Although I never considered being a father, raising a family and living the life out here on the land in Pearl, I have to say that when I look into your eyes, I feel all of that. I want all of that with you and my brothers-in-arms."

"Gus." She was shocked by his confession, and also touched, aroused, interested. But how could she be? How could they want those things with her when she was going to die?

A lone tear rolled down her cheek. It shocked her. She wasn't the crying type, and never had been. But the depth of his confession and her current state of mind and situation made her feel so badly that this just wasn't going to be possible.

"Lauren." He cupped her cheeks and wiped away the remnants of the tear. "Talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking. Tell me if you feel what my team and I feel for you. What just went through your head right now when I expressed wanting those things from you and wanting to pursue a relations.h.i.+p, a committed one with you."

She was shaking and she felt the tightness in her chest, the anxiety of showing her vulnerability, the weakness to Gus, to the others, to herself.

"I'm going to die."

Gus saw the fear, the sadness in her eyes as she expressed her fears to him. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. She didn't cry. She didn't sob. She was so strong, so empowered and capable, but to be marked for death and to believe your life was over was overwhelming. He ran his hands along her curves and held her against him. She was toned and shapely, but also feminine and s.e.xy. He wanted to find the words, the actions that could make her see and know that she wasn't going to die. He wouldn't let that happen and nor would his team.

He pulled back and cupped her cheeks between his hands.

"You are not going to die. I am going to protect you and so are the others." She shook her head.

"Don't make me promises you can't keep, Gus. Don't lie to me. I know how this works. I've investigated execution-style homicides. Murders where the signature of a gang, an organization, was left so the people would fear them. I killed their main leader. I killed eight of their main men. My undercover operation basically weakened, nearly destroyed their entire operation. I'm as good as dead and you know it."

He shook his head.

"You're wrong. You're not going to die. Not with five SEALs and a town filled with people willing and ready to protect you. I promise you, Lauren. I will not let them get to you."

He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. He poured all his emotions, his fears and anger at her situation, into that kiss and let them go. He found himself lifting her up into his arms and moving her toward a large tree. He pressed her against it, ravaged her mouth, and ran his hands under her s.h.i.+rt to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He cupped one and devoured her moans as she thrust her body against him.

She pulled from his mouth. "Gus. Oh G.o.d, Gus, we should stop."

"f.u.c.k no. I want you. My team wants you and you want us. Don't deny it, baby. Don't you f.u.c.king lie to me, to us."

He kissed her again and then lowered her feet to the ground so he could maneuver his hand down her shorts. He cupped her p.u.s.s.y and she pulled from his mouth.

"Gus!" she exclaimed as he held her gaze, locating her c.l.i.t with his finger before he plunged that finger up into her c.u.n.t.

She gripped his arms and he kissed her again. He thrust his fingers into her. In and out, in and out. Her juices covered his fingers.

"I want more. I want all of you. I want to sink my c.o.c.k, a c.o.c.k you make so f.u.c.king hard, into this tight, wet p.u.s.s.y. Tell me you want that. Tell me you want me inside of you."

"Yes, oh G.o.d yes, Gus. I do. I want so badly it aches. But I'm...I'm."

"What? Tell me," he said to her and continued to thrust his fingers.

She tightened up and she came as she confessed, "I'm afraid." She moaned and shook against him.

He eased his fingers from her c.u.n.t and lifted her up into his arms and hugged her tight.

"Don't be afraid, baby. I've got you. Always, Lauren. Always know that I've got your back and so do the others."

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