Play Doctor: Dream Machine Part 24

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"Keep going." His strangled cry contained more demand than plea but she granted his wish. She laved the tan disc then worried it between her teeth before sliding over to do the same to the other. Her fingers lingered with light pinches until his harsh breathing severed the connection with her lips as his chest rose and fell, snapping her attention to her plan.

She turned her back on his imploring stare. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to resist the urge to climb on top of him then ride until their raging libidos had been satisfied.

"Come here."

She ignored his ragged command. If she didn't, she'd lose control, rendering the whole exercise pointless.

She only had one chance to get this right.

She cleared her throat twice, grateful when he asked, "Should I read the next bullet?"

Rebecca nodded though she suspected he rushed her for his prize.

"The subject claimed to conduct the Dream Machine experiment in order to help his repressed a.s.sistant.

Yet, when he had already succeeded, he pet.i.tioned the board to continue the experiment simply to fulfill her fantasies."

He cursed under his breath but she heard the bitterness anyway.

"That's true. But it only shows that I'm a selfish b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I wanted to watch you discover your latent desires. It sounds conceited, but I knew I could make your dreams come true."

She smiled. "That's the most amazing gift anyone's ever given me."

Her hand grazed along his tight abdomen until her fingers hovered a hairsbreadth from the glistening head of his c.o.c.k. Kurt attempted to rock his hips, forcing contact, but he couldn't get enough leverage to maneuver.

She raised one eyebrow at him but he refused to beg. As punishment, she continued past his throbbing erection, stroking her hand over his muscular inner thigh, toward his feet instead.

"Becca!" His shout was part outrage, part agony and part plea. She slapped the sensitive skin beneath her palm.

"Doctor," he corrected, "I need you to stroke my d.i.c.k."

"Not yet." She couldn't withstand such temptation at the moment. He groaned, at first in despair then with renewed hunger when her lips graced his anklebones. She licked the top of his feet until his toes curled. Then she sucked his pinky into her mouth, teasing him with swirls of her tongue.

"Jesus!" His guttural cry spurred her on.

She'd never done this before but his reaction made it clear she'd discovered another implement of persuasion. His skin tasted like his spicy soap. She nibbled her way toward his big toe while her hands worked the soles of his feet with firm pressure to avoid tickling him.

"That feels so good, baby."

She suckled his toes until he called out.

"s.h.i.+t. I could come just from that."

Straightening, she ignored his frustrated protest but reasoning became harder with every pa.s.sing minute.

Their pa.s.sion affected her as much as him. In a hurry, she spun toward the whiteboard again.

"In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the experiment, the subject engaged in activities that demonstrated his affection. Examples of this include his use of pet names for his a.s.sistant, the gentle care he lavished on her, the way he sheltered her in his arms at night as well as the pride and enthusiasm he displays when developing new ideas with her."

Kurt blinked. "f.u.c.k, I'm not some kind of monster. Of course I care for you."

When she leaned against the table, he tried to grab her fingers with his own but she evaded his touch. His attention divided between her flowing script, which detailed all the times he'd shown her kindness outside the scope of the study, and her black clad form towering over him.

"Becca, I'm not denying I'm fond of you. All those things are true. h.e.l.l, I'm not even disputing how much I desire you. It's obvious I want you more than my next breath."

The admission loosened something in her soul. Each step forward they took became more personal. Relief eroded her fear.

She knelt on the platform between his legs then devoured his b.a.l.l.s in one long slurp. The tight sac s.h.i.+fted beneath her tongue.

"Oh, h.e.l.l yes," he roared into the quiet laboratory. She rolled his between her lips with careful pressure until they gathered close to his body. His pants advertised how close he was to succ.u.mbing to ecstasy.

With a reluctant lick, she abandoned his tempting flesh then laid her head on his taut abdomen to catch her breath.

"You're killing me. End this now."

"Do you love me?" she whispered.

He averted his face, refusing to meet her gaze. The gesture almost squashed the tender shoot of hope she harbored. She refused to settle for less than his ultimate surrender.

"What's the problem, Kurt? I don't understand why you're fighting what's between us. Why don't you want to love me?"

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h. Don't do this to yourself." The oath held no anger toward her, just resolve. "It's not you, Becca. Love doesn't exist. It's just a fantasy people build for themselves."

The cautious hesitancy of his phrasing conveyed her failure to convince him so far.

"It's one big chemical reaction, that's all."

Rebecca's gut twisted at his declaration. It was a perfectly logical thing for him to believe. He was a scientist through and through. She watched him squirm beneath the straps, rejecting his position. Submission just wasn't in his nature. Maybe the ability to love wasn't either.

The knot of pain in her chest took a moment to dissipate. Still, she refused to quit.

"Chemical reactions are always the same." Taking a huge risk, she asked, "Have you ever responded like this to another woman?"

Kurt huffed out a sigh then groaned. "No, Becca. Everything is different with you, I concede that."

She nodded, then proceeded with her next argument in a clear voice. "The subject defied his fundamental makeup when faced with the woman he loves. The obstinate jerk never gives in to the demands of others.

However, when the board manipulated him into accepting their terms, he did not rebel as would be expected.

Instead, he capitulated with minimal resistance."

She paused to draw a deep breath before tacking on, "In addition, he has never before given a moment's pause for a woman who chose to walk away from a relations.h.i.+p with him until his a.s.sistant left. His fundamental characteristics have distorted due to his need for his a.s.sistant."

Rebecca prayed Luke's input on this point turned out to be valid. She could attest to the first half-even now, Kurt's stubborn streak influenced his responses-but she had no idea if he'd been unaffected by the early termination of his relations.h.i.+ps with other women. She had to trust Luke on that one.

Kurt must have sensed her uncertainty. With more sobriety than his previous outburst, he whispered. "It's true, Becca. I should have told the board to go to h.e.l.l. I shouldn't give a d.a.m.n if you tell me to go to h.e.l.l. In fact, I expected it. I definitely deserve it. But I let the board direct me because I wanted what they pressured me to do.

I've never felt so miserable in all my life as I have the past two days without you by my side."

She turned to witness the truth flash in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I never meant to hurt you."

His regret drew her to him like a magnet, the pull organic and irresistible. As her hand reached for his throbbing erection, he startled her with his objection. "No!"

When she hesitated, he clarified. "Come here. Let me taste you instead. Let me ease your suffering." She couldn't tell if he referred to the s.e.xual rampage whipping through her needy body or the ache in her chest but she didn't argue.

Instead, she cranked the table until he lowered, still parallel to the ground, below her waist. In her ma.s.sive heels, it didn't take much. She straddled his head without an ounce of embarra.s.sment, then dropped forward until her cheek rested on the flat plane of his ripped abdomen. It felt like coming home.

He moaned encouragement against the dripping folds of her p.u.s.s.y. Her eyes fluttered closed as she soaked in the comfort and satisfaction he imparted. Being so close to him-smelling his unique scent, absorbing the heat of his muscled torso and reveling in his attention-soothed her frazzled nerves.

The wet velvet of his tongue stroked along her slit until his lips surrounded her c.l.i.t in a light embrace.

Everything about his touch communicated his tenderness. His fingers teased the few strands of hair draped over his grasp. A sigh of contentment fell from her mouth, drifting across Kurt's straining erection.

She wanted to reach for him but she still had more work to do first. He must have sensed her indecision. He mumbled against her flesh, "Relax. Let me take care of you."

His talented tongue traced along the rim of her opening. He tasted the dewy secretion of her arousal then groaned. Desire spiked inside her. She ground her p.u.s.s.y against his face, unconcerned about her wanton display.

After days of turmoil, she craved release. He used his tongue to f.u.c.k her while his chin b.u.mped against her c.l.i.t.

Rebecca s.h.i.+fted, aligning his touch where she needed it most. Within seconds, she clung to the brink of pa.s.sion. Her o.r.g.a.s.m would be too fast. She wanted to savor the moment but she couldn't force herself to abstain from the delights of his mouth.

"Come, sweetheart, there's more waiting for you." The suggestion tipped her over the edge. He always understood what she needed.

"Yes! Kurt!" She came on his face even as he continued to lap at her with gentle swipes of his tongue. The quasi-relief banked her l.u.s.t but her greedy body craved more. Pus.h.i.+ng up from his chest, she swung her leg- encased in the heavy boot-over his head. She bent until she met his seeking lips in an intimate kiss.

The moment broke only when she left him to kneel between his legs once more. She didn't need to reference the board now. Two points remained. The ones that had finally convinced her broken heart a shred of hope existed.

Kurt's eyes bored into her as her face lingered a fraction of an inch from his c.o.c.k. He winced but placed her needs above his own again. "Go ahead, baby. Get it out."

"When you f.u.c.ked me...with Luke. In the final Dream Machine session." She couldn't st.i.tch together whole sentences but he nodded his understanding. "You forgot to record my reactions. You didn't use any measurement tools, the sheath device or your probes. You wanted it so bad, you forgot all about the experiment."

Shock raced over his dumbfounded expression. "Holy s.h.i.+t."

She didn't give him a chance to counter her argument or devise some ridiculous excuse. Instead, she swallowed his ma.s.sive erection. The swollen head of his c.o.c.k throbbed at the back of her throat. She hummed her appreciation around the impressive girth.

"h.e.l.l, yes!"

Rebecca took his shouted admission and ran. They were so close to the truth. His musk filled her mouth.

"Suck me." Only he could make it sound like he issued orders while subject to the whims of another.

Her mouth glided along the length of his c.o.c.k from root to tip as her tongue flickered over the veins lacing the underside. She swirled it around the bulbous head, reveling in his growls of encouragement. Her fingertips tickled his sac while she sipped the bead of pre-come from his slit.

When the corded muscles in his neck, the tightening of his b.a.l.l.s and his pulsing c.o.c.k proclaimed his impending o.r.g.a.s.m, she wrenched away from the temptation. Before he could voice his protest, she clambered onto the table. Her knees rested on either side of his trim hips.

His intense gaze stole her breath. She crouched until the ridge of his c.o.c.k nestled between her l.a.b.i.a, teasing her engorged c.l.i.t with his hard-on. She forced her strained voice to lay out the last piece of proof.

The evidence that had swayed her.

"When you realized I was remembering the REM stages, you knew I'd eventually recall everything. You could have stopped but you pushed on. You granted my greatest wishes, fulfilled my dreams, knowing I might never forgive you. You made a selfless sacrifice of your own happiness for mine. And that's the definition of love."

His lips parted as he prepared his reb.u.t.tal but she couldn't bear to have the moment shattered. Reaching forward, she covered his mouth with a gentle hand. He licked the center of her palm, inciting a flock of s.h.i.+vers to race down her back.

"Don't argue, Kurt. Just feel, please."

She never once looked away from the depth of longing swimming in his eyes as she guided his straining erection to her p.u.s.s.y. Sinking onto his shaft inch by inch, she welcomed him into her body and her soul.

"Yes, Becca. Yes. Take me."

No other choice existed. She couldn't have stopped herself. She rode him with wild motions designed to throw them both into the abyss of pure emotion. All rational thought disintegrated when instinct kicked in.

"I need you."

"Need, Kurt? Or want?"

"Need! f.u.c.k me, now."

Pleasure zoomed through her entire being. She wasn't going to last much longer. Her muscles clamped around his c.o.c.k, causing him to yell out her name. With a s.h.i.+ft of her hips, she rose off his steel-hard shaft. The loss she suffered was a small price to pay for his hungry stare.

"Tell me, Kurt. This isn't simple attraction or some chemical reaction is it?"

"No," he moaned through his clenched jaw. "Not simple attraction."

With renewed vigor and purpose, she fit him back into her swollen p.u.s.s.y. She indulged in a driving rhythm guaranteed to set them both off. Reaching behind her, she teased his b.a.l.l.s with one hand while the other played with her c.l.i.t.

In seconds, she detected the tensing of his muscles that preceded o.r.g.a.s.m.

"You look amazing riding me. Touching yourself."

"I want you to come inside me." Her primal desires commanded them both. "Give yourself to me."

"d.a.m.n. Becca." His c.o.c.k plumped impossibly inside her, stretching her, stroking the center of her ecstasy.

"Now! Come with me."

Head thrown back, her spine arched, she ground her c.l.i.t against his pubic bone. The first scalding jets of his come were the last straw. Her p.u.s.s.y convulsed around him, milking his c.o.c.k with wave after wave of o.r.g.a.s.m until she collapsed on his heaving chest.

"I love you too, Kurt," she whispered against his corded neck as the final lingering pulses of his release invaded her.

When their breathing slowed and Rebecca had made a substantial recovery, she raised her head. She had to hear him say it.

"What did you feel?"

Kurt met her curious look then beamed. She could see the intensity of their shared climax echoed in his grey eyes.

"What I felt was the best o.r.g.a.s.m of my life, with the only woman I want as my partner both in the firm and in my bed. Forever."

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