Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 5

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"I got this, killer," he whispers. I bust out laughing and grab it back.

"No playing with knives," Tucker says. We both stop and I give Tanner a crazy look and raise my eyebrow up and down at him.

He stands up and says, "I understand there may be some confusion about our wedding date. Let me clear it up right now. Come h.e.l.l or high water, on April 25th 2017, I will make my best friend, Dylan Brooks, my wife. Everybody knows that we've been through some things lately and I've been a complete d-bag, but I'm back and my head is in the right place now. Can't say it's going to be an easy road, but I know who I'll be traveling it with. The support y'all have shown me means the world to me, especially you, my Lyrics. So, Brent, what do you say about being my best man?"

I am in shock from this impromptu speech. I look at Mom and she wipes a tear from her eye.

"h.e.l.l yeah, little brother, of course I'll be your best man," Brent says.

Tanner bends down and kisses my lips so softly. He says, "I love you baby." I say it right back to him. He sits back down and I look around the table and says, "Ca.s.sie, I'm hoping you will stand with me and that Tuck will be our ring bearer and Brooke our flower girl. Sophia, I'd love to have you up with me too but I think I'd rather see you sitting next to Mom and Dads."

Sophia smiled and wiped a tear from her eye.

"Thank you honey, I'm honored."

Dad winks at me and I feel like I'm ten years old again. Seeing him happy brings such joy to me, it's been so long since he's been in love, with somebody here on earth.

Mom gets up and begins clearing the dishes. We all get up and begin helping. I can't stop looking at Tanner. He is happier than he's been in a while, since Australia. His brown eyes meet mine and he smiles at me. My insides liquefy as I smile back.

Mom leans over and whispers, "What don't you two kids go relax, we got this."

"Are you sure?"

She smirks and says, "Oh honey, my prayers are being answered. Please, go use that swing on the porch, it's only up for you two anyway." I give her a kiss on the cheek and then walk over toward Tanner. He's in a heated conversation with all the men about football, but when he feels my hand in his, he stops and we walk outside.

I head to the swing and he asks, "Where ya going?"

I awkwardly reply, "The swing?" He pulls me into him and I feel his tongue on my neck, right above my collar bone.

"Follow me," he says. Without hesitation, I do as he says. My entire body is craving him, his touch, his lips. He walks me around to the barn, which is toward the back of the property. He opens a cabinet and grabs out two blankets. I've been in this barn as many times as he has, but I never knew there were blankets in here. He spreads the blankets out while keeping his eyes locked on me. He comes to me and says, "I'm gonna make love to you the way I've wanted to since I was getting ready to come home. Lyrics, I didn't know what to do, maybe I still don't, but I will not lose you. You are my everything." My heart is pounding as he slowly begins undressing me. His lips never part from my skin. It's cold outside but I'm standing naked in the barn, completely warmed by his touch. He trails his kiss up my neck while his hands roam free on my body. As his finger slides between my wet folds, his breathe escapes him and he says, "f.u.c.k, so wet." He lays me down on the blanket and spreads my legs wide by pus.h.i.+ng his thighs against mine as he lowers his mouth to my very needy p.u.s.s.y. The feel of his soft wet tongue dragging between my folds releases a moan that I can't control. He is leaving nothing behind. My pelvis begins thrusting from desire, and he stretches me open with two fingers. The only time he stops devouring me is to tell me how tight I am. Luckily, the barn is far enough away from the house that n.o.body can hear us. He's licking me with such pa.s.sion that I feel my walls begin to tighten up and my o.r.g.a.s.m builds to the point of no return. I grab his head expecting to run my fingers through his hair, but he cut it all off. He quietly laughs and then goes harder and deeper, begging for my come. With a rush of electricity, I come hard and long. He doesn't ease off until I beg him to. Fully clothed, he stands up and says, "Ready to go inside?"

I laugh and say, "Tanner Staff, get your s.e.xy a.s.s undressed and f.u.c.k me."

"d.a.m.n girl, you don't have to tell me twice."

"You really are all kinds of messed up!"

He smiles and says, "Maybe? But I'm your all kinds of messed up, so I'm good with it."

He takes his s.h.i.+rt off and he's noticeably thinner, which makes his muscles that much more defined. Before he gets the chance to unbuckle his jeans, I rise to my knees and begin doing it for him. His stomach is warm against my knuckles as I slowly unb.u.t.ton one b.u.t.ton at a time. Never do our eyes part. Dragging his pants and boxers down and off him, his c.o.c.k is at full attention and begging to be in my mouth. I wrap my hand around his shaft and begin slowly stroking him, up and down. His head tilts backwards as a low growl of ecstasy escapes his throat. My mouth begins to water with antic.i.p.ation. I can't hold out any longer. The fresh taste of his swollen c.o.c.k makes me carefree as to where we are. It feels like it's been so long since I've had him this way. His big hand wraps around the back of my head as he pushes himself further down my throat. I can tell he is too close to coming so I pull back and lie back down on the blanket. My legs are wide open and my p.u.s.s.y has an invisible "welcome home" sign on it!

"You're so beautiful, baby. Tell me what you want," Tanner says.

"I want you inside of me, I need you now."

He folds onto my body as his hard c.o.c.k edges its way into my tight hole. He pushes himself deeper and deeper until his entire shaft is in me. So many emotions are bubbling up inside of me; I want to laugh and cry all at once. His mouth owning mine, our body heat radiating energy, and the way he fits perfectly inside of me. My Tanner is back. He's back and I'm never letting him go. He grabs my legs and pulls them up as he thrusts deep in me.

"I love you, Lyrics. Oh G.o.d. I'm gonna c.u.m baby. Where do you want it?" he says with a winded breath.

Without thinking, I say, "Come inside me baby. I love you Tan."

He's f.u.c.king me hard and with a semi m.u.f.fled grunt, his hot fluid streams steadily in me. He wraps me up in his arms and gently kisses my lips, repeatedly.

"In three months, you will be my wife."

Wow! Something hit hard hearing him say those words. Tears begin to stream down the side of my face. He wipes them away.

"You do still want this, right?" he asks.

I snort laugh and say, "Ever since I was thirteen years old I've wanted to be your wife. Yes, of course I still want it."

He kisses my nose and says, "That's good baby 'cause I realize that I can't, and don't, want to live without you." I'm speechless. He says, "We should probably head inside now." I nod in agreeance.

Chapter 13.

'There's a deviant side to that angel soul.'

Tanner I feel reborn. Christmas was incredible with the family. When we left to head back to Austin, I knew everything was going to be just fine. Tonight is New Year's Eve and we are going to s.h.i.+ner's Saloon on 6th Street to celebrate. Menage is one of the bands there tonight and I owe Tyler a thank you and a handshake.

This past week has been a real eye opener for me. I've come to accept that what Jennifer did to me says a lot about her, not me. The hate in me has lessened but not the desire to ruin her. Lyrics has a list of the next six shoots Jennifer is supposed to be on and told me to text it to Chip.

Chip sent me a text saying, "Perfect, I'm on it." He knows many influential people in this industry, and his reputation is flawless. Jennifer Temple's career is on life support and she has no idea!

It's nine p.m. and I'm getting dressed for tonight. The bathroom door opens and holy mother of Christ! My jaw pops open as she steps out in a dress I've never seen before. This dress catches every delicious curve on her body. The neckline frames her perfect b.r.e.a.s.t.s and the way it hangs to her feet is s.e.xy as all get up.

Lyrics smiles and says, "What do you think?" Words don't come out quickly.

"d.a.m.n girl, I think I'm the luckiest man of the planet. It'll be nothing short of a miracle if we make it out of this apartment."

She flashes me her seductive smile and says, "I thought you'd like this."

"You thought right. You look beyond incredible."

"And you, you are delicious. My s.e.xy cowboy."

I gently kiss her lips, making sure I don't mess up her make-up or hair. I really want to peel everything off her and bring in the New Year with a bang!

I tell her, "Babe, if I get to five, you know we aren't leaving, right?"

She smiles and says, "Don't tempt me. Okay, let's get going."

I take her hand and lift it up to my lips, gently kiss her beautiful hand and say, "After you my lady."

We walk into the bar and it is completely packed. Immediately I spot three girls that I'd been with before, so I lead Lyrics the opposite direction. Sometimes I forget that she knows everything about me. She spotted them before I did. She locks her hand in mine and gives me a smile. After small chit chat with some friends, we make our way to the bar. The bartender is Tina. She is gorgeous and very much out about being a lesbian. She's much more interested in Lyrics and always has been.

She leans over the bar and gives each of us a kiss and says, "Dylan, you look absolutely stunning."

Lyrics smiles and says, "Thank you, you too."

Tina looks at me and says, "Oh, you look nice too."

I laugh and say, "Whatever, you don't mean it." Tina laughs and pushes my shoulder.

"Let me guess, two shots of Jack and two s.h.i.+ners?" We both smile. She says, "Like an old married couple already. By the way, let me see that rock." Lyrics puts her hand in Tina's and Tina gawks over the ring for a moment. She looks at me and says, "Good job, handsome." She brings our drinks and I beat Lyrics easily this time. I see Tyler across the bar, near the stage.

I say, "Babe, I'll be right back."

She grabs my hand and says, "Tan, let it go, please. He was only trying to help me."

I kiss her hand again and say, "I know. I need to rectify something with him though. I'll be right back."

Tyler looks up at me and he puts his guitar down and walks toward me.

I say, "Got a minute?"

He looks at his phone and says, "Yep. I have about fifteen before we go on stage. So, what's up?"

"I want to thank you. I know you really dig Dylan, and I fully understand that. What you said to me the last time we spoke really hit me hard. I'm not leaving her. h.e.l.l, I can't leave her. Thanks man. You're a good man and I just wanted to tell you that."

Tyler shakes my hand and says, "I ain't that good, bro. If she'd have considered it, I'd have stolen her at any given chance." I smile and he does too. He says, "So, you gonna sing tonight or what?"

"Hadn't planned on it."

"You wanna? I know the crowd would s.h.i.+t if you got up on stage."

"Y'all know Casey Donahew Band, No Doubt?"

"Absolutely. I'll intro you right after our last song."

I shake his hand again and say, "Cool, thanks bro."

I head back to Lyrics, who hasn't taken her worried eyes off me for one second.

"What was that about?" she asks.

"Just apologizing for being an a.s.shole."

"Wow. Okay then. You ready to slide a bit?"

I take her hand and lift her to her feet and say, "Wouldn't want to miss one dance with you." The song ends as we make our way to the floor and immediately George comes on. I spin her into me and the scent of vanilla, spice, and whiskey wafts into my breath. Our bodies move perfectly together and the feel of her chest rising and dropping on me is a comforting feeling like no other. We slide around the floor as if we are the only two out here. When the song ends, the DJ announces Menage so we head to the bar to watch them. Tina brings us another round and I'm anxiously awaiting Tyler to call me up to the stage. Lyrics is going to freak out! I've never performed a song from Casey Donahew; hope I don't f.u.c.k it up.

The crowd is loving Menage; n.o.body is in their seat. They are really killing it up there.

"Alright y'all, that does it for us, but I have a special treat for you. The luckiest man in the world in my eyes, Mr. Tanner Staff!" Tyler says.

That was a dig, but it's cool, I deserve that. The crowd goes crazy. Lyrics looks at me with shock and wonderment. I shrug my shoulders as if I have no clue about this. I lean in and kiss her on her cheek and say, "This one's for you, baby."

Tyler hands me his guitar and I grab the mic and say, "Let's hear it for Menage! How y'all doing tonight?" The crowd goes crazy again. G.o.d, it feels great to be up here on stage. This song goes out to my fiance, Dylan, my Lyrics, Brooke. Some of you may have heard some bulls.h.i.+t about me, but believe me, there is only one lady for me and I am her cowboy. I'm gonna sing a song called, No Doubt, from a kick a.s.s band y'all probably know, Casey Donahew Band!" The entire crowd is on their feet and I can barely contain my smile.

I hear you're lookin' for a cowboy to take you for a ride

Well baby, I think that I'm your man

'Cause I've been broken and busted

But these spurs still ain't rusted, and this saddle it's a wonder she'll still ride

And it's gonna be a long night, so baby hold on tight

I talk slow, but I still move real fast

I'm here for the real deal, and your heart's all that I'll steal

And girl there won't be no doubt

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