Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 19

Music And Lyrics: Soul-O -

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Tanner smiles and says, "Aren't kids just adorable." He rolls off me and says, "Raincheck?"

I smile and say, "Are you gonna go out there all Magic Mike style? I'm not responsible if I attack you in front of the whole family. You brought this on, my friend."

He pulls me back underneath him and presses his hardness against me as he says, "Let's just stay in here. I can go without dinner and just eat you."

"Food is totally overrated." His tongue is seductively making me forget that we have a house full of people. A louder knock on the door jars us back into reality.

Mom says, "For Christ sake kids, get your out here."

We both yell, "Coming!" We begin laughing as we put our clothes back on. Our s.h.i.+rts are sticking to the oil on our skin but like teenagers, we rush out the door.

When we enter the dining room, there's a herd of people grubbing on what looks like a ton of Mediterranean food. Everybody stops and I swear you could hear a pin drop. In stereo, laughter echoes throughout the room.

Brent says, "Slippery when wet."

Sophia yells out, "No oil shortage in here."

Mom says, "Should I turn the lights off? I don't want y'all getting sunburned."

Anthony shouts, "Let's talk about a less sticky subject." Tanner and I are standing there as their muse.

We bust out laughing when Tucker asks, "Uncle Tanner, why is your s.h.i.+rt so sticky?"

Ca.s.sie says, "Honey, step away from the sticky man."

I say, "What, none of you have dry skin?"

Dad says, "Sure, but normally I just dab a little lotion on it, I don't use a whole bottle of baby oil." My face is burning from embarra.s.sment.

I say, "Well, my skin was really super dry."

Bo says, "It must be a problem for both y'all 'cause Tan looks like he bathed in Crisco."

We both grab a plate and I say, "Let's just eat."

Dad says, "Honey, need help holding the plate? I don't want it slipping and sliding out of your greasy hand."

"I got it, thanks."

Mom takes both of our plates from our hands and says, "The couches don't have plastic on them so both y'all go shower that c.r.a.p off and then come and eat." Without a second thought or argument, we immediately head back into the bedroom; we almost get up to a trot.

Before the bedroom door closes, Tanner wraps his arm around me, lacing his fingers through my greasy hair. He slowly backs me up toward the bathroom, never allowing me to part more than half an inch from his body. I pull his sticky s.h.i.+rt over his head and he does the same to me. We strip the rest of our clothes off and Tanner reaches in and turns the shower on. He whispers, "We're on the clock now."

I respond with, "Then stop wasting time, Mr. Staff." He grabs a hanging towel, lays it across the cold sink, and bends me over it. His hand is under my chin as he pulls my head back. The oil from his stomach makes his thrusts close to silent as he slams against my a.s.s. He reaches around and begins playing with me as he rhythmically slides in and out. He brings my body up to an almost upright position and his cheek is against mine as he pulls my body tight against his. The tightening in my stomach lets me know that I'm about to explode. My body tenses up and Tanner bends me back over and thrusts deeper and slower and my o.r.g.a.s.m takes over my entire body. He thrusts once more and holds himself deep me as he inside me. He holds me in that position and says, "Maybe little Zachary comes to life today?"

I can't help but laugh. I say, "I love you Tan. Let's get showered before the mob comes for us." He agrees.

We walk out to the dining room and it's empty.

Mom yells from the living room, "I made you both a plate, it's in the kitchen."

"Thanks, Mom." We grab the plates, which are piled with food. The living room is filled with chatter and laughter. The coffee table is filled with full handles of liquor. Every adult has a gla.s.s in their hand and George Strait is singing in the background. I take a couple of bites and help myself to some Jack on the rocks.

I get Tanner a gla.s.s and he holds it up high and says, "I'd like to make a toast." The room silences and he says, "Here's to y'all, every single one of you. It isn't often that everybody that means the world to me is in one room, but that's the case right now. Thank you for being part of the most important day of our lives. Thank you for being by our side during the most difficult part of our lives. Each one of you holds such a special part of our hearts and we love you so much. So, here's to the future and whatever blessings it shall bring to us. Here's to family and friends that we consider family."

Everybody holds up their gla.s.s and says, "Here, here."

Chauncy says, "Hey kid, I've been hearing so much about your voice, how about a song?"

I start clapping and chant, "Tanner, Tanner, Tanner." He looks at me with shut-up eyes.

Everybody joins in on the chanting and he says, "There is a song I recently wrote but was planning to sing it tomorrow." My heart skips at least ten beats. There is nothing I love more than listening to Tanner sing, and the songs he's written for me have been my favorite songs. Tanner says, "I'll sing it tonight if Lyrics promises to sing a song with me tomorrow at our wedding." My stomach sinks. The crowd turns their chants to me now. I agree to the terms.

Tanner goes to the music room to grab his guitar. I get a chair, set it in the middle of the crowd, and am so anxious to hear this song. He comes into the room with guitar in hand and everybody begins to clap. He jokingly bows and then takes his seat. My heart races like it's the first time I've heard this beauty of a man sing. The crowd silences and all that is heard is the tuning of the guitar. He looks up and says, "This song is called, You're my Forever Gal and I'm Your Always Guy." Everybody ah's and ooh's. Tanner looks up at me, flashes that s.e.xy smile, and says, "This is for you babe." Everybody chuckles.

I mouth to him, "I love you." He smiles and mouths it back to me.

He takes a deep breath and says, "Here it goes."

Single forever, it's what I always thought The kind of man that's one and done, it's how I always was.

Wine and dine 'em, no that ain't me Lived like a rolling stone, careless and free Didn't know the love of my life was right before my eyes Now she's my forever gal and I'm her always guy Chorus The laughter, the tears The memories throughout the years The best friend of my whole life My lover, my wife After all these years, you opened up my eyes You're my forever gal and I'm your always guy End Chorus Looking back throughout the years We've shared dreams, thoughts, and many beers It's your voice I hear when singing a song It's always been you, always, all along Chorus The laughter, the tears The memories throughout the years The best friend in my whole life My lover and now my wife After all these years, you opened up my eyes You're my forever gal and I'm your always guy End Chorus There's never been a better girl for me Something everybody but me could see Forever and ever, the love of my life From this day forth, you're my wife Chorus The laughter, the tears The memories throughout the years The best friend of my whole life My lover, my wife After all these years, you opened up my eyes You're my forever gal and I'm your always guy End Chorus Tanner stands up and says, "It was supposed to be for tomorrow." Everybody applauds and I'm in tears.

I walk up to him, kiss those inviting lips, and say, "That is the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Thank you, I love it."

He smiles, kisses me again, and then whispers, "I can't wait until tomorrow." That's it, my heart melts right out of my body.

"Me neither. I've waited my whole life for this day to come."

Chauncy yells across the room, "Are you f.u.c.king kidding me, kid? Why in the h.e.l.l didn't you tell me about this voice of yours? You're not just a model, you ninny. You're a s.h.i.+ning f.u.c.king rock star!"

Tanner laughs and says as he points to me, "She's the one that normally writes the songs, well at least the great ones."

Chauncy says, "You two need to sit with me, of course, after tomorrow. A diamond hidden in a diamond!" She points to Lorenzo and says, "Hey s.e.xy, how about another drink?" Like a love-sick puppy, Lorenzo immediately makes her a drink. The whole room stops as Chauncy thanks him with a kiss. Not a peck, but arms around the neck kiss!

Dad says, "Well, the rubber has met the road! Lord have mercy, there must be a wedding coming up." We all laugh and raise our

Its two o'clock in the morning and everybody is still wide awake. Mom looks at her watch and announces that its bedtime. Everyone finishes their drinks quickly and like little children, file out of the room for bedtime. Mom says, "Okay honey, give him a kiss and say goodnight. You're sleeping with me tonight and Bo will join Tanner in y'alls room. The next time you see each other will be when you step outside to walk down the aisle." I wrap my arms around him and plant a kiss on his lips. He doesn't seem thrilled about this new arrangement but wouldn't even think about questioning his mother on it.

I say, "I'll see you tomorrow, err, well today. I love you Mr. Staff."

He smiles and says, "I love you too, almost Mrs. Staff."

Mom and I crawl into bed and I know I'm exhausted but my adrenaline has something else in mind. Mom cozies herself under the big down comforter and says, "Dylan, I want to tell you something." I sit up as does she. Mom says, "Dylan, even if you and Tan never got together like this, I need you to know that you still would have been my daughter. I know you really want your Mom here with you, and I know she's here in spirit, but honey, I'm here. From that first day when we came to your house to introduce ourselves, I knew you were special. Of course, I had no idea the role you'd play in our family, and how I would become your mom. I am so proud of you. I'm so proud of the woman you've become and couldn't feel more blessed. I will always be here for you, for both of you. I just wanted to say that to you." I fight back the tears that are fighting hard to bust out.

I give Mom a hug and say, "Mom, in a million years, I couldn't have asked for a better mom. I know my Mom is here with us and I also know that she made sure that we became your neighbors. I wouldn't trade you as my mom for anything, anything at all. I've always dreamed that one day I'd become your daughter. Of course, marrying Tanner played a huge role in that dream, but now that it's actually going to happen. I'm the happiest woman ever. I love you, Mom."

She wipes the tears that are streaming down her face and says, "Oh honey, I better not have swollen eyes tomorrow." We laugh and then drift off to sleep. This is the last time that I'll go to sleep as Dylan Brooks.

Chapter 31.

'My last name has never sounded as good as it sounds following your name.'

Tanner I reach my hand over to touch Lyrics' and instead I grab my dad's sticky back.

I sit up quickly and he says, "What's wrong cowboy? I'm not your type?"

I laugh and say, "I'm not saying you aren't my type, it's just that I'm about to get married."

My dad says in a feminine voice, "As long as it's not me."

"So, what's the plan for this morning?"

"Ah, us men have it easy. We are just in charge of getting dressed and showing up on time. Considering the wedding is here, I think we'll have no problem achieving that. Are you nervous at all?"

I think for a moment and then say, "Dad, it's my Lyrics, nope not nervous at all. I just want to make sure that she isn't stuck with organizing everything today. I want her to enjoy, too."

"Knock that s.h.i.+t off son, you'll make the rest of us husbands look like c.r.a.p." I laugh and shrug. He says, "Your mom, Sophia, and Ca.s.sie will make sure everything happens the way y'all want it to happen. Dylan just has to worry about making herself a beautiful bride, which we all know won't be hard for her. Smartest thing you've ever done is lock this one down. Sure would have been strange if you were marrying a different girl. Dylan would've been your best man, I'm sure. h.e.l.l, we all knew it'd be you and her. You're gonna make a great husband and father. I'm real proud of the man you've become, son."

I give him a hug and say, "Thanks, Pop, you're the best dad I could've ever asked for. Should we go round up the other guys?"

"You stay here, I'll go round'em up."

"It's almost noon and I'm starving. Wanna run to Whataburger and get some grub for whoever wants it?"

"Heck no. I'll bring some leftovers from last night up here though. You eat greasy food and you'll be farting all over the dance floor tonight."

I nod and say, "Good lookin' out, Dad."

I really want to talk with Lyrics. She's the one person that I want to be with. I grab my phone and text her, "Guess what? Today I'm marrying my best friend. It doesn't feel real unless I tell you, so there it is."

She texts back immediately, "That's so weird! I too am marrying my best friend today! What are the odds of us both getting married to our best friends on the same day?"

My heart feels like it's thumping out of my chest. I text back, "100% out of 100%."

She texts back, "5'oclock can't get here fast enough! I DO wish to see you right now."

I text back, "I DO wish to see you too. I'll stop texting before Mom grounds us. Love you, my Lyrics."

She texts, "I love you, my Tanner."

When I hear the herd of men heading this way, I quickly toss my phone on the end table. Dad, Brent, Chip, and Tucker are in the wedding party. Lorenzo and Anthony are in the room simply because they don't want to be summoned by the women. From behind his back, Brent pulls a handle of Jack Daniel's and then pulls a juice box from his pocket. He hands Tucker the juice and me the handle. I spin the top off and take a swig. It's early, but d.a.m.n that amber lava sure feels good sliding down my throat. Dad brought up an arm full of food so I reach in and grab a couple stuffed grape leaves. I am all too aware what Jack does to an empty stomach. The bottle gets pa.s.sed around the room and then again. Dad gets a call. I can tell it's Mom from the responses he gives.

He hangs up and says, "Gentlemen, they found us. The Queen Bee requested our a.s.sistance with the tables and chairs. Grandma requested you too, Tucker."

His face lights up and he says, "Grandma knows how strong I am."

He flexes his arm making a muscle and I say, "Woe buddy, put those guns away."

He laughs and says in his squeaky voice, "Dad says a real man never lets a lady wait too long so we should hurry up, cause there's a lot of ladies here."

Brent says, "You know, that saying was taught to me by Grandpa." Tucker looks at dad like he's a hero. I can't help but wonder what my kids are gonna look like, the things they'll say, what they'll do. Will they find their soulmate at such a young age like their Mom and Dad did? Guess we gotta say I do first.

I've been basically locked in this room all day and I'm starting to go stir crazy. It's 3:30 and I say, "Dad, I think it's time I get out of this room, the guests should be arriving soon."

"I didn't know why you were staying in here so long. Dylan's been in the room getting ready for a couple hours now. Get dressed and come on out." A breath of relief leaves my body and I hop up and get dressed. I look at my hair, put some gel in it and run my fingers through it. Looks good enough to me. Walking outside, I can't believe how beautiful it looks.

Anthony comes up to me and says, "Looks like somebody's having a wedding here or something."

"That's what the rumors are saying."

"Did you see the appetizer display?"

"No, where is it?"

"Dude, you pa.s.sed it coming out here."

I laugh and say, "My head is elsewhere I guess."

"It looks delizioso." Seriously, I couldn't give two s.h.i.+ts about the appetizers but I do spot the makes.h.i.+ft bar. I'm not nervous at all, its excitement. This woman, the one that has been my best friend for practically my whole life has agreed to marry me and I just want it to happen right now, not in an hour.

I see Mom out of the corner of my eye and she looks beautiful. She walks straight up to me and says, "Look at you, my handsome son, gorgeous. About thirty-five minutes until we get this show on the road."

I kiss her on her cheek and say, "You look beautiful, Ma. Would you like a drink?"

"You mean another?"

I laugh and say, "Sure, why not?"

"Honey, your guests are arriving, I'll get us both a drink." She's amazing to say the least. I nod my head and she glides to the bar. Stoney is getting his DJ booth ready so I leave him alone. This place went from calm and peaceful to a chaotic wonderland.

Brent, Dad, and Tucker begin seating the guests. Tucker looks very dapper in his tiny tux. Chip has already taken a load of pictures. He was up with the ladies for about an hour and I'm sure he took a million pictures of them. We're almost guaranteed to have the best wedding pictures ever with Chip as our photographer.

I hear Chip say, "Please don't be straight, please don't be straight." I look at where his camera is pointing and its Tyler. I can't help but laugh out loud.

I walk up to Chip, put my hand on his shoulder and say, "That's Tyler, the one I told you about. He had a thing for Lyrics so I'm gonna say probably not into men."

Chip says with a devilish look in his eyes, "Maybe he just hasn't met the right man?"

I laugh and say, "Hey, I say give it a try."

Chip pushes me and says, "Not in the mood to get punched today." I smirk as I walk to greet Tyler.

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