Music And Lyrics: Soul-O Part 10

Music And Lyrics: Soul-O -

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I turn around and say, "Yes, I'm ready."

He looks at me directly in my eyes and those golden brown, caramel eyes of his see right through me. He puts his finger under my chin and says, "Babe, we are going to make many great memories in our new house. Oh, did I forget to mention that there's a full recording studio in the house?"

My heart drops through my a.s.s. "A what? Are you serious?" He shakes his head yes. I'm floored. I ask again, in case I heard wrong. "You're saying there's a recording studio in the house?"

He lets out a laugh and pretends to do sign language at me as he slowly says, "Y. E. S. there is a recording studio inside the house. By the way, Mom called and told me about the song you sang for her. Yeah, that's the first song we are recording in that studio."

My stomach tightens up and I say, "Well h.e.l.l, it's our studio so we can do whatever we want in there. Our own f.u.c.king recording studio." Tanner is beaming with pride and he wears it very well. I ask him to tell me more about the house, 'cause all I saw was the outside and inside of the pool area. I definitely loved that! The excitement in his voice is contagious.

"It has five bedrooms, which I haven't seen any of yet. I wanted to see them with you first. There are six bathrooms, I only saw one. There is supposedly an incredibly cool game room. Living room, den, formal dining room, oh, and the kitchen has everything you would want." I can't believe this is happening.

I say, "Five bedrooms, holy cow. Plenty of room for our family to come and visit."

He smiles and says, "I was hoping to fill them up with our kids." I mean really, can he get any s.e.xier?

"Sounds perfect to me, but until then, the fam can use the rooms."

"Whatever you want is good with me. Since everything is packed and we have all day open, how would you feel about going boat shopping?"

I grab my purse and say, "Let's go!"

He laughs and says, "I didn't think I'd have to ask twice." This is f.u.c.king surreal. I call my dad and ask him if he and Sophia could come out here tomorrow to see our new house.

"Tanner already called me. Of course, we'll be there." I punch Tan in the arm and he just flashes me that s.e.xy a.s.s smile he has and all is forgiven.

Tanner says, "I've done a little research and think the Tige boat is the best one for what we would want. I was thinking we could spend $150K and get everything we want on it. Don't worry, we still have plenty of money for the future too." I've always wanted a boat of my own. I don't know s.h.i.+t about them really. I just know I love wakeboarding, fis.h.i.+ng, and being on a lake. Tan has always been good about researching products so if he says Tige, then Tige it is.

We pull into the Tige dealer just outside of Austin. There are about five customers in the showroom, walking around with starry eyes. Smack dab in the middle of the showroom is a gorgeous ski boat. It is black with sky blue accents across the sides of the boat. I guess the salesman recognizes Tanner because he skips over some customers that were there before us and comes straight to us. He looks to be in his early thirties and like he's spent loads of time of boats.

First thing he says is, "Are you that model guy?"

Tan smiles and says, "Yeah, I'm that model guy."

The salesperson shakes his hand and says, "I'm Jake. What can I show you today?"

Tanner points to me and tells him, "You'll want to direct that to her."

"Ma'am, what can I show you?"

I point to the black beauty and he looks at Tanner and says, "A woman with excellent taste." Jake walks ahead of us and Tanner looks at me, crosses his eyes, and sticks out his tongue. I can't hold in my laugh.

Jake turns around and says, "Y'all okay?" We both shake our heads yes. He begins to show us all the features and says, "It has the best wake out today, seats sixteen people comfortably, has built in ice chests, a compartment to store a couple boards, and with a top-of-the-line tower."

I ask him, "What does it cost?"

He gets fidgety and says, "Well, the sticker price is $135,000, but I'm sure we can bring that down a little."

I pinch Tanner's arm secretively because it's in our price range. I thought it would be way more money than that.

Tanner looks at me and asks, "Babe is this the one you want?"

"I love this boat."

Tanner says, "Alright dude, easy sale for you."

Jake just about pulls me in for a hug and says, "Awesome. Follow me and we'll get you started on the finance paperwork."

"No dude, we are paying cash. Let's just get the registration and s.h.i.+t taken care of and get this beauty delivered." Oh my G.o.d! We are totally buying this boat. Tanner puts his hand on my thigh and I swear I want to throw him down in our boat right now!

We finish the transaction and Jake tells us the boat will be delivered tomorrow afternoon and that he is throwing in two wakeboards, a rope, and an inner tube.

The moment we step outside, I jump on Tanner, wrap myself around him, and yell, "We just bought a boat!"

He spins me around and says, "Our future is looking bright, kid. Oh yeah, we need to get some fis.h.i.+ng gear too."

"How about we do that next week?" I put my hand on his chest and let it fall to his stomach and say, "I'd really like to get you home and naked right now."

He smiles and says, "Check please."

We get back to the apartment and there's a package in front of my door. Tanner grabs it and there is no indication of who it's from. I see his face turn sheet white and I know exactly who he thinks it is from. My heart drops.

"Maybe we shouldn't open it. What if it's a bomb or poison?"

"She's not that smart," he says. He slowly opens it and pulls out a cowgirl doll that has had the eyes poked out and its clothes are torn up. A note under the doll reads, "If you don't want your little cowgirl to look like this, you better stop f.u.c.king with my career." Tanner chucks the doll across the apartment and clenches his fists tight. He is fuming mad and he says, "That's it, she's f.u.c.king dead."

I turn his head so he's facing me and tell him, "Tan, she is losing it. She will not hurt me."

Tanner interrupts me and says, "Babe, she has the money to pay somebody to do whatever she wants. If they don't want money, she'll give them herself. She has no regard for herself or others. This cannot come back to you. I'll never let anybody f.u.c.king hurt you."

I tell him, "Let's take this to the police, please."

"I'm gonna call Chip and tell him about this." He calls Chip and tells him what she did. I can hear Chip yelling and I'm not even sitting that close to Tanner. Tanner ends the call by saying, "Alright bro, thanks."

He looks at me and says, "Chip said he would immediately take care of this. He also told me to make sure you stay close to me for the next couple of days. He knows what a f.u.c.king nut she can be. I don't want to go to the police, I think Chip will handle this situation better." My body starts shaking and Tan pulls me close to him. He hugs me tight and rea.s.sures me that it'll be okay.

"I just want this to end."

"It will and soon."

Determined not to let that b.i.t.c.h ruin our great day, I notice the serious look on Tanner's face. I stand up, grab a pen that is on top of one of the boxes and drop it right in front of him. I turn around and say, "Oops, did I drop that? I'm so very sorry." I turn my head and with my b.u.t.t in front of his face, I can see a smile forming. I wiggle and say, "I wish I could take your mind off what you are thinking about right now, but what is a girl to do?" I turn around and slowly take off my s.h.i.+rt, leaving just my bra on. I run my hands over my breast and say, "If only I had somebody to lick these." I reach behind and unsnap my bra, setting the girls free. Tanner lays back on the couch enjoying my show. As I slide my nipples between my fingers I moan extra loud, to take him to the next level. I notice his hand easing toward the bulge that's forming in his pants. With a tone, I say, "Hmm, what's the best way to occupy a man's mind? Oh yeah, maybe I should sit on his huge, delicious c.o.c.k?" He begins rubbing himself outside of his pants. I say, "Oh but first, maybe I should suck his d.i.c.k to make sure he is completely ready to f.u.c.k me like a mad man." Tanner's face has turned from deeply concerned to deeply h.o.r.n.y. His eyes are mellowed out and his c.o.c.k is trying to break through his jeans to get to me. I take off my pants and undies and grab his finger and slide it between my folds. He tries to go inside me and I take his hand away and say, "That's just a preview of things to come." I roughly take off his belt buckle and grab his c.o.c.k out of his boxers. d.a.m.n, he is throbbing. My mouth instantly waters as I wrap my hand around his shaft and put the head in my mouth. The pre-c.u.m makes me want to take him deep immediately. His c.o.c.k is slathered with saliva and I'm gliding up and down, all the way down. He grabs my head and begins to thrust inside my mouth. The noises he is making are driving me crazy. He attempts to lift me up to him but I won't release my mouth from him. I look up at him and wag my finger, no. G.o.d, this man is so d.a.m.n s.e.xy. I slide my finger between my folds and bring it to his mouth.

He sucks the taste of my fingers and says, "That's it baby, I'm taking you right now." He pulls me off him and bends me over a stack of boxes that are marked, "fragile." He says as he relocates me, "We can't be near anything fragile right now. I have no intention of being gentle." Holy hotness! He finds an empty s.p.a.ce on the floor and tells me, "Get on all fours." I do and his big hands grab on either side of my hips and he forces his hard c.o.c.k inside me. The way he stretches me feels so good. He wasn't lying about not being gentle. He is f.u.c.king me hard and has angled himself so there is nothing blocking his depth. He wraps my hair around his hand and yanks my head back toward him. His lips crash onto mine and he asks, "Is this how you wanted to occupy my mind?"

"Yes! Oh my G.o.d, yes!"

"You have my full attention baby." He flips me over and hooks my legs to his arms as he pulls my legs toward my head. He looks down and says, "I love that p.u.s.s.y. It is all mine and I'm going to f.u.c.k you so hard right now." I can almost hear my v.a.g.i.n.a high fiving itself. He drives himself deep into of me and then out. He repeats this a few times until I beg him to leave it in. He lifts my hips up onto his lap and at that angle he's. .h.i.tting my c.l.i.t with just the right amount of force. My moans are growing louder and my p.u.s.s.y is soaking wet. He knows he's about to make me come so he f.u.c.ks me harder and says, "Come for me. Oh baby, come for me." I'm trying to fight the explosion, I don't want it to end.

I tell him, "I want you to come inside me."

"Gladly." His thrusts become slower and deeper and he moans, "f.u.c.k baby, oh G.o.d. Here I c.u.m baby, come with me." He pumps into me hard and that is all it takes, we both explode together. We look at each other and absolutely no words are needed.

Chapter 19.

'Right here in my arms, forever you'll remain.'

Tanner Our last night in this apartment, not as nice as the Four Seasons would have been, but this makes.h.i.+ft bed has its own kind of charm. You know the kind that absolutely sucks. Finally, she falls asleep; I have been waiting to call Chip. I look at the time and it's eleven o'clock here in Texas, so that makes it midnight in New York where he is. I gotta call him. I'm going f.u.c.king crazy here.

He answers and in a sleepy tone says, "h.e.l.lo?"

I quickly apologize and say, "I'm freaking out here man. She f.u.c.king threatened Dylan's safety and I can't have that. It's one thing to f.u.c.k with me, but her, h.e.l.l no!"

"Tanner, I gave you my word that I would take care of this. Stay close to Dylan and don't put yourself in any shady situations. Bro, I got this covered." I begin to speak and he lets out a big huff and says, "Check this out, I'm a h.o.m.os.e.xual photographer, but google my family name. It's Capricio. Google Capricio and you'll feel a bit better and a whole lot safer."

I grab a pen and write his last name down. I say, "Oh hey, I bought Don Henley's old house in Austin on the lake. We get the keys tomorrow so you got your own room anytime you feel like coming to hang out."

"Man, that's awesome. Congratulations. I'll be there in April for your wedding anyway. I'm pretty booked up until then, but if something falls through, I'll be knocking on your door."

I laugh and say, "Just not my back door."

Chip laughs and says, "You aint my type kid." I thank him and we hang up the phone. Immediately I type into my google search: Capricio.

Holy f.u.c.king s.h.i.+t! Chip's family is THE Capricio family, as in the infamous mob family. I watched a doc.u.mentary a year or so on ago what I'm a.s.suming now is his grandfather. It didn't even dawn on me that he would be connected to THE Capricio family. As I open different sites on his family and all the crazy s.h.i.+t they've been busted for, a calming comes over me. I've always been fascinated with the loyalty aspect the mob has. They can be some of the craziest people but when it comes to their family, they are, or seem to be, typical family men. I get a text and I grab my phone fast so it doesn't wake Lyrics. It's Chip.

His text says, "Now that you know who my family is I guess I should tell you that my cousin Anthony and somebody else are in the parking lot of your complex."

I smile and text back, "Really or are you pulling my leg?"

He texts back, "It's one a.m. here. I'm serious. Truth is that they've been following you guys for days. I sent him just on a hunch." I go to the window and see if I see anybody or a car that I don't recognize. Oh s.h.i.+t, there they are.

I text back, "I can't thank you enough man. Tell Anthony they can stay up here if they want. How long are they staying for?"

Chip texts, "Until the problem is resolved."

I am flabbergasted. I text back, "I'll set up two rooms in the new house for them so they're comfortable. I appreciate you so much."

Chip texts back, "Love you, bro, no way am I letting anything else happen to you. Goodnight."

I text back, "Good night." I lie down and wrap my arms around Lyrics. I can't wipe the smile off my face and I know it's crazy of me.

My alarm goes off at six a.m. and I wake up Lyrics.

It's move into our new house day!"

She pops up with a huge smile and says, "Holy c.r.a.p, can you believe we are moving into that house? You are the best!"

"Oh, and don't forget about the boat."

She smiles and says, "Look, I already called you the best." I laugh and give her a kiss. We get up and get dressed and then walk to my apartment to make sure everything is ready for the movers, and it is. On the way back to Lyric's apartment, I notice the two men in the car and I wave.

Lyrics asks, "Did you just wave? Who'd you wave at?"

I act shocked and say, "Oh no, just a mosquito."

"Mosquitos in January? Man, gotta love Texas." I smile and nod. I don't want her to freak out that the mob is protecting us.

It's 8 a.m. and as promised, Ms. Tani pulls into the parking lot. I tell Lyrics that Tani is here and she rushes out and says, "Let's go get those keys."

We walk out to meet Tani and when she gets out of the car, she looks at Lyrics and says, "Well, you must be the lucky lady. I believe he called you his Lyrics." I smile and give her a hug.

"Ms. Tani, this is my fiance, Dylan, or you can call her Tanner's Lyrics." Tani holds out the keys and dangles them.

"Here they are kids, all yours." She takes off the big fluffy beanie she had on and a wave of pink hair drops down, surrounding her face. Lyric's mouth drops open.

"See, I told you that you'd rock the pink hair."

"I'd be lying if I told you I didn't like it. This pink hair is like a c.o.c.k magnet."

I laugh and say, "I'm sure you did just fine without the pink hair."

Lyrics chimes in and says, "Really, it looks s.e.xy on you."

"Okay kiddos, get the f.u.c.k out of here and go begin your new life in that phenomenal house on that beautiful lake. Call me with any questions. Oh yeah, do you already have a wedding venue picked out? I was thinking that your new backyard would be perfect."

"Oh my gosh, that is a perfect idea," Lyrics says. "I love it. I'm gonna send an email and cancel our reservation. Thank you, Ms. Tani, that's such a great idea."

"It's what I do."

I lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek and I say, "You do it well."

She looks at Lyrics and says, "He's a keeper, this one."

When she leaves, I turn to Lyrics and tell her about the two men Chip sent here to watch out for us. She looks over at the car and begins to head that way. I grab her arm and say, "Babe, what in the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

"Tan, if they're here to protect us, I don't want them uncomfortable. I'm going to tell them that we want them to stay with us at the new place."

"Woman, you surprise me all the time. G.o.d, I f.u.c.king love you."

She turns to me and says, "I f.u.c.king love you too."

Lyrics walks up to the car and knocks on the driver's side window. I follow directly behind her. The man rolls down his window and she leans in and says, "Good morning. I'm Dylan Brooks and he's Tanner Staff. Chip told us you were out here and I wanted to come and introduce ourselves as well as demand that y'all stay with us in our new house, which I'm sure you are aware we just bought."

The man smiles and says with a deep New York accent, "Chip told ya, did he?" Lyrics and I both nod yes. He says, "I'm Anthony and this ugly guy is Lorenzo." They get out of the car and we shake their hands.

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