Going Dutch_ How England Plundered Holland's Glory Part 24

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10 CLRO, RCA 82, fol. 268v. CLRO, RCA 82, fol. 268v.

11 J.E. Moore, 'The Monument, or, Christopher Wren's Roman accent', J.E. Moore, 'The Monument, or, Christopher Wren's Roman accent', Art Bulletin Art Bulletin 80 (1998), 498533. 80 (1998), 498533.

12 An Act of Parliament of 1667 contained the instruction that: 'The better to preserve the memory of this dreadful visitation; Be it further enacted that a Columne or Pillar of Brase or Stone be erected on or as neare unto the place where the said Fire so unhappily began as Conveniently as may be, in perpetuall Remembrance thereof, with such Inscription thereon, as hereafter by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen in that behalfe be directed.' Work excavating the foundations was completed in November 1671, and construction must have commenced shortly thereafter. An Act of Parliament of 1667 contained the instruction that: 'The better to preserve the memory of this dreadful visitation; Be it further enacted that a Columne or Pillar of Brase or Stone be erected on or as neare unto the place where the said Fire so unhappily began as Conveniently as may be, in perpetuall Remembrance thereof, with such Inscription thereon, as hereafter by the Mayor and Court of Aldermen in that behalfe be directed.' Work excavating the foundations was completed in November 1671, and construction must have commenced shortly thereafter.

13 Cit. van Strien, Cit. van Strien, British Travellers in Holland British Travellers in Holland, p.263.

14 KA 48 fol. 5. Constantijn Huygens to Christopher Wren, 'Surveyor of the Kings buildings'. KA 48 fol. 5. Constantijn Huygens to Christopher Wren, 'Surveyor of the Kings buildings'.

15 Offenberg expresses uncertainty as to whether the letter addressed to 'a courtier at the court of the Prince of Orange' was actually intended for Huygens (p.420). The letter to Wren (to which Offenberg does not refer) confirms that this was indeed the case. Offenberg expresses uncertainty as to whether the letter addressed to 'a courtier at the court of the Prince of Orange' was actually intended for Huygens (p.420). The letter to Wren (to which Offenberg does not refer) confirms that this was indeed the case.

16 See A. Offenberg, 'Dirk van Santen and the Keur Bible: New insights into Jacob Judah (Ayre) Leon Templo's model Temple', See A. Offenberg, 'Dirk van Santen and the Keur Bible: New insights into Jacob Judah (Ayre) Leon Templo's model Temple', Studia Rosenthaliana Studia Rosenthaliana 37 (2004), 40122. Thanks to Moti Feingold for bringing this article to my attention. 37 (2004), 40122. Thanks to Moti Feingold for bringing this article to my attention.

17 Hooke, Hooke, Diary Diary, p.179.

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