Walk Away Part 3

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The weird energy in the room went poof! Lowell put the iron up.

aIall get her some, Mistress.a He turned to the refrigerator and poured juice into a small plastic cup. Then he walked out to where Lin was undoubtedly enthroned on the living room sofa. d.a.m.n. The perfectly trained houseboy. There definitely was something seductive about that idea.

When he came back, he poured himself a gla.s.s of water, and she watched him tip his head back, the muscles of his throat working as he swallowed thirstily. When he put the cup down, he hesitated, glanced over at her, then turned back to the iron.

aWhy are you ironing on such a hot day anyhow?a Leila pulled up a high stool from under the kitchen counter and plunked herself down.

aTheyare Dekas business s.h.i.+rts. He needs them for next week.a aOh?a Dek hadnat said anything to her about s.h.i.+rts or next week or business, for that matter. She could play it cool and wait for Dek to tell her. She didnat have to lower herself to pump their omega for information.

aItas for a consult in Houston. One of the oil companies is flying him in.a Lowell sounded almost as proud as if he had been the one summoned.

It didnat count if the omega started talking all by himself, did it?

aThat happen a lot?a aSome. Mostly he works from here, though. Dek said he can do just as well online with his own computers usually, and he doesnat want to leave the ranch much now that he bought it for us.a Lowell wet his finger and tested the heat of the iron. aI bet heall leave even less now that youare here.a aHe must be pretty important, then.a aYeah.a Lowell beamed. aHeas one of the best.a The best what? And why hadnat she ever wondered how this huge old ranch had been acquired by the pack? Even if theyad just rented the place -- which shead a.s.sumed up to now -- that required money. Apparently Dek provided all of it, supported all of them in fine style on his own.

Maybe she should put all that leisure time toward thinking some useful thoughts and getting some real information. She really was a a50s woman, just calmly expecting men to provide for her without a thought as to how.

aI think Iall go pay Dek a visit.a Leila stood up again.

aHe doesnat like to be bothered -- I mean, whatever you think, Mistress.a Lowell held up the crisply ironed s.h.i.+rt and carefully put it on a hanger. aIam sure head make an exception for you.a She watched those muscles ripple again as he stretched over to put the s.h.i.+rt on a rack by the was.h.i.+ng machine. Yeah, a trip to visit Dek right now was in order.

Leila paused before she left. Sure, Lowell was the packas omega, but that didnat mean he didnat deserve some common courtesy. Why hadnat she ever offered him some before this? Where had she been for the last two weeks? Maybe Dek had sucked her brain away when head whisked her away to his den.

aAnd Lowell -- thanks.a aFor what?a He looked startled.

aFor everything. You keep this place spotless; you take care of stuff before I even think of needing it; and youare just a generally useful guy. Those are pretty difficult to find.a Leila decided to make a joke of that slightly uncomfortable moment theyad had. aAnd youare not bad-looking without a s.h.i.+rt, either. Nice eye candy.a He blushed and dropped his gaze.

aUh ... well ... thank you for the compliments. Mostly thatas all just part of my job.a aWell, you do it well, then.a She patted his shoulder -- just to rea.s.sure, and definitely not because she wanted to touch that pretty flesh again -- and headed for the office.

She woke up, thinking shead heard something. But all she heard now was the hum of insects and the coo of quail in the early morning. Leila reached out and realized maybe it was too quiet.

Dek wasnat by her side.

aWhy didnat you tell me what you do all day?a aBecause I didnat think youad be interested.a aAm I stupid? Self-absorbed? Why wouldnat I be interested in what my guy does to keep us all in kibbles?a aStop with the dog jokes.a Dek clicked the computer off and stood up. Leila clenched her fists. He might think the discussion was over, but he was very wrong.

aStop with the ano trespa.s.singa signs.a Leila deliberately stepped closer, invading his s.p.a.ce.

aFine. I consult with companies that are either corporate raiders or afraid theyare about to be involved in a corporate takeover. My corporation is called Predators. Iam good at figuring out strategies to take over unsuspecting companies.a Dek brushed past her and began to pace. aSatisfied?a aNo.a Leila swallowed. He looked up at her, and heat d.a.m.n near sent a flaming arc between the two of them.

aNo? What more do you need, baby?a aI need -- I need to do something for myself. To contribute something around here besides being your breeder. Donat even try to fool me by saying you mean me to be anything else. Iave read enough and see how you act around me. You want me around to have more kids.a aIad like more kids. Sure. We all want that.a Dek moved closer to her this time, very close. Another half-inch, and his crotch would be rubbing against her just where she wanted it. aBut thatas not the only reason I f.u.c.k you, Leila. You know how much I enjoy it.a aGee, overwhelm me with charm.a aYou donat want charm right now, Leila.a aMy, no, but I want something. I -- Iam restless, Dek. Bored. Itchy. If I donat have something real to do soon, Iall explode.a aItas almost the full moon, babe. We all feel that way. Restless. Itchy.a He was close enough now, close enough to rub against. She almost cried with the need that rippled through her when she felt his hard length.

aDo me, then, Big Bad Wolf. But I have to have something else to do, too.a Thoughts of Lowell flashed in and out of her mind. No. She didnat mean that. She meant -- He flipped her over so that she was bent over his desk. His zipper slid down with an impatient hiss.

aIf you promise to stay in the hotel room while Iam in Houston, Iall take you with me. There will be just the two of us at night. Iall take you -- anywhere --aHe plunged inside her, and she cried out, sharply. aAnywhere you want to go.a She couldnat think now. All she wanted was the change in his breathing that signaled his transformation, the weight on top on her that meant she was f.u.c.king a wolf, not a man. The slide over the edge to the beast that she was able to create in him.

His howl sent her into the first s.h.i.+ver of climax.

But he wasnat here right now, making those urgent noises. Instead she heard a sudden, broken-off yip in the distance, more a cry of distress than the howl of a mating wolf. It made her sit up in the bed.

Was that a real wolf, or one of the pack? She heard a thud out near the corral.

No matter who or what it was, it was on their land. Then she heard a yell. Dekas voice.

Trouble. Wide awake now, Leila pulled open the nightstand and pulled out the gun, loading it with fingers she willed not to tremble. She didnat like using guns, but some trouble called for them.

No one in her family was going to fight alone and unprotected if she could help.

aWhere the h.e.l.l have you been?a Dekas voice was dangerous as he dangled Lowell in the air.

aDoes it matter?a For the first time ever, Lowell didnat hunch over and try to pretend he didnat exist. For the first time, the kid dared to stare at him, to challenge him. aYouave got your piece of a.s.s tucked away in your bed. Why donat you leave me alone while I look for some of my own?a aListen, pup --a Dek could feel the adrenaline rising. He tried to temper it, to remind himself this was just an adolescent under the influence of the moon. This was family, not a real enemy.

But even family could threaten, if they wanted to take over the pack.

aIam not a pup, even if you do treat me like one.a aIam not the one who stayed out when he was supposed to be on guard. We donat have just us to think about anymore --a aI know. We have a woman and kid. I think about them!a aHe thinks about the woman too much. Thatas probably why he was bar-hopping tonight. Get any, kid?a Grey loomed up on Lowellas other side.

Dek sniffed. aHe sure as h.e.l.l got something that made him come tonight. But I donat smell any p.u.s.s.y.a aYou whoring around again with cowboys, kid?a Grey cuffed Lowell on the side of his face. aThought we broke you of that habit when we took you in.a aSo now all I do is wh.o.r.e for the two of you for free? f.u.c.k you both.a Dek looked over at Grey. Full moon or not, some things couldnat be tolerated.

It was a wonder she didnat shoot when she saw three men thras.h.i.+ng around in the front yard. But the bright rays of the moon soon made her pause. She knew those men, and that wasnat a fight.

She d.a.m.n near pulled the trigger again from the shock, once she realized just exactly what was going on. Instead she carefully put on the safety and slipped the weapon in the desk by the hall. A nice girl would have gone away and tried to wipe the sight from her mind. That was why Leila ventured out onto the porch for an even better look. Shead done pretending to be nice.

Once she did, she put her freed hands to her mouth, willing herself not to make a sound. She sure as h.e.l.l didnat want to be caught. But the men werenat thinking about the almost soundless squeak of the porch door right now. They had more than enough to do.

Lowell was sprawled on the ground, kneeling, a.s.s up high. He was struggling, cursing, spitting, in a way shead never seen Lowell do. Dek had the omegaas arms pinned back.

aYou think youare tough enough to be top dog, pup?a Dek snarled the words.

aMaybe heas tough enough to take it in the a.s.s without lube.a Grey jerked Lowellas head up. aWhat do you think, kid?a aYou can make me do this. You canat make me like it.a Lowell twisted and cursed again.

aAw, kid. You love bottoming. You were born for it.a Grey tossed something small and white at Dek. aHere you go, boss. Even though he doesnat deserve it.a Leilaas throat dried. Dek wasnat going to -- The sound of liquid spitting out of a tube was unmistakable. He was.

Grey already had his pants down to his boots, and Lowell audibly swallowed at the sight of Greyas erection. The noise made Leila s.h.i.+ft her feet. Should she do ... something? Grey shoved his c.o.c.k into Lowellas mouth, and the younger manas lips closed over him without any more words.

aLetas see if we can f.u.c.k the sa.s.s out of you, pup.a Dekas voice was almost gentle, yet the words held just enough threat to make Leila wonder.

But Lowell didnat seem worried. The moan he gave as Dek thrust from behind wasnat from pain or fear. Leila knew just what that sound was because shead made it often enough when Dek f.u.c.ked her. Lowell writhed again, but this time both men over him grunted with satisfaction.

Dear heavenly wonder from above. Leila had seen things in bars and outside them, but shead never ... shead never ...

It was beautiful. Frightening and strange, but beautiful. The three of them rocked together in as intimate an embrace as any trio could have, a mix of force and anger and pure s.e.x.

And tenderness. As they moved together, she could see all of that in how Lowell tilted his head back for Grey. How Grey clutched the omegaas hair. How Lowell sighed when Dek moved inside him. How, in turn, that sigh against Greyas c.o.c.k made Grey cry out with pleasure. She stared as they paused. The tableau s.h.i.+fted from moonlight to shadow, skin gleaming bright and then hidden again, teasing her with a glimpse of the male mating dance.

Leila realized her hand was still over her mouth and she was biting it to keep from shouting out with them. Her other arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, the way she wished she was being held.

Oh, G.o.d. Oh, G.o.d. Oh, G.o.d. Grey was moving again, rapidly, pumping in and out of Lowellas mouth.

aSwallow the whole f.u.c.king thing, pup,a Grey rasped out. aTake my come like it was candy.a She could feel a wet trickle run down her leg when Grey moaned his delight with Lowellas response. His fists dug into Lowellas back for a moment, then slowly relaxed. Lowell dropped his head down once Grey was done and hid his face in his hands, working his a.s.s harder, grinding it against Dek.

aGot the spot, didnat I?a Dek sounded like he was speaking through gritted teeth. aNot so unhappy about me pounding into your a.s.s now, are you?a aG.o.d, no.a aYou donat want me to stop, then?a aJesus, donat stop now, Boss. Iam so ... f.u.c.king ... close ...a A half-second later, Lowellas howl rose up, uncertainly at first, then stronger. He bucked, almost as if to dislodge Dek, and then stiffened in place. Dek stepped back, and Lowell dropped to the ground, panting.

aWho is top dog, pup?a aYou are.a af.u.c.king right. Donat forget that.a aYou didnat come.a Lowell turned to look at Dek. aDo you want me to --a aI have my piece of a.s.s in bed, just like you said. Sheall take care of me.a Leila managed to make her legs work then. She stepped back into the shadows of the porch, creeping back for the door. For a moment she thought she saw Lowell glance her way, but he sank back to the ground without acknowledging her movement or staring in her direction again.

She ought to smack Dek for that remark. But the way she felt right now, it was use him, or wear out the vibrator. She guessed shead best start with him.

He pa.s.sed by her as she huddled in the bed, her heart thumping, her p.u.s.s.y wet and aching. Pa.s.sed by her with barely a sound to let her know he had returned. The sound of water hit the shower stall in their bathroom.

Theirs. Leila clenched her fists, letting the bite of pain as her nails worked into her flesh compensate for the sensations she wanted to feel. That was a lie. Everything on this ranch was his. The bathroom, the bedroom, the people. Her.

Leila stood and unb.u.t.toned her nightie. Wearing even the thin cotton fabric was too much. She was too hot. The fabric sc.r.a.ped against her tight nipples as she pulled it over her head. She threw it on the floor and walked after him.

He had soaped himself up by the time she opened the shower curtain. The water rose in steamy rivulets around him.

And he was still hard. Impressively erect and ready. She watched the droplets of water slide over his p.e.n.i.s and wanted to lick them off.

aYou decided to make me wait?a she asked.

ah.e.l.l, no. At least, I sure donat want to wait. But I was a little ... dirty.a He reached out, fished her into the shower and under the warm spray.

aYou have the d.a.m.nedest ears and nose. And most times you seem to know exactly what Iam thinking the second I think it. So once I stopped to figure it out, I knew you had to be aware of what Iad been doing.a Leila wondered why shead imagined she could hide from him.

aJust like you know what Iave been up to.a He bent, sucked one sensitive nipple, and allowed just the hint of teeth to rest against the tip. Leila choked back a cry. aHow are you feeling about that, woman?a aHot. Bothered.a She spread her legs to allow his hand better access. He immediately took advantage.

aNot just plain bothered?a aSome. I guess. Ahh, Dek, right there.a She s.h.i.+fted and he chuckled. She just wasnat sure if he was amused or not.

aGuess the full moon gets to you, too. Right?a aYou get to me. Always have.a Leila s.h.i.+fted back as he pressed against her, moving her toward the shower wall.

aThen you wonat mind if we --a He lifted her up without so much as a deep breath to show effort, and she curled her legs around his waist. He slid into her without finis.h.i.+ng the sentence.

At least you wonat mind for now. Leila opened her eyes, which had squinted shut to keep the water off. She stared up at her loveras face. Shead heard him, but he hadnat said anything out loud. He hadnat taken to talking to her inside her brain, had he? If he was going to say something nasty to her, he better say it out loud.

He moved, a long, sweet pull within her, and she forgot to talk. There was something else, though, something important -- and then he bit her shoulder, growled into her ear. aI canat wait, Leila. I canat. I need you too much.a Shead have melted then and there if she hadnat been melting already. For an answer she hitched her legs up just a notch higher and kissed him.

Their teeth sc.r.a.ped against each other, harsh and greedy. She wanted blood now. Wanted to feel a little pain. Wanted to feel his need and hers.

He filled her, and the water turned cold, but his body was still hot. She gulped and let herself go under, shuddering as her climax triggered his.

aYou look so tired, Dek.a aBeen a tiring night. You can wear a man out.a He tried to smile. But she was right. He was tired, down to his bones.

Her eyes narrowed, but she didnat say anything. He wondered if that would really be the end of it. Most women would ask. Leila wasnat a peaceful kind of woman. It probably meant something that she was keeping quiet now. What was she thinking?

She smiled as if she could hear him. aI was thinking before how you owned everything and everyone on this ranch, body and soul.a Leila traced an imaginary line down his face. aBut seems like everything and everyone owns you, too.a aIam alpha. Iam responsible for it all.a He knew he hadnat explained it to her very well. Weres never needed to explain such a fundamental idea.

She nodded. aYou do all kinds of things as the alpha. Some you like; some you donat.a Maybe thatas why she hadnat asked. Shead managed to reach inside him and find out for herself.

aYeah.a Dek wondered if they could stop talking now so he could kiss her. His mate. She was perfect. They were in harmony like they were meant to be.

aBut what part of tonight did you like, and what part didnat you?a Ow. The question he hadnat wanted, and she sneaked it right in. He stared down at the pillow. Leila looked mussed and flushed and worn out. She should have been too exhausted to talk. Head done his best to make her that way. d.a.m.n. The woman was tougher than youad think.

He stroked her wild reddish curls. Leila was such a tiny thing -- she almost looked like a kid, except for the womanas build on her. Ah, she was tiny maybe, but she packed a mean sucker-punch. She could also wait forever until he coughed up an answer.

aI liked f.u.c.king you silly. I always have. Soon as we get to Houston -- d.a.m.n, we have to leave in just a few hours now -- Iall do it again.a He pulled her close against him and shut his eyes, hoping to shut off the questions.

He knew he hadnat really answered her and she was still awake, but he was d.a.m.n tired. So long as she was here and safe and with him, head let everything turn off for now. But as he drifted to sleep, he wondered why her silence made him even more uneasy than her words.

Chapter Six.

The hardest thing about being isolated on the ranch -- at least, if you didnat count the enforced leisure -- was the lack of women. Leila wasnat the most social creature on earth, but shead gotten used to being with Sasha and Thea at work, listening to gossip, commiserating on small disappointments, and celebrating small triumphs. Just being with someone who knew what she was about.

It was bad enough being the only human. She was the only grown-up female within miles -- not that she could talk about Dek or what was bothering her. A girl had some pride. You couldnat talk about not being sure why your man was keeping you or how much he really cared. Maybe it was better Sasha and Thea didnat visit.

Leila stared down at the paintbrush. Grey had grudgingly allowed her to paint one of the smaller rooms for a study. The dingy off-white walls were being transformed into a much more cheerful pale, pale yellow. Shead move one of the dozens of computers in the house there and ... and what? What did she need a study for?

ad.a.m.n it.a Leila carefully shut the paint can and dumped the brush in a jar to soak. aI just have way too much time to think.a The boys -- shead begun to think of everyone but Dek as the boys -- had gone to the city for the weekend. In her opinion, they hit the bars in El Paso a little too much for people who were supposed to be worried about safety.

She scowled as she began to scrub her hands in the guest bath off the hall. Maybe it was just her staying home everyone was worried about. Things just werenat fair. She wasnat supposed to wander off, but no one else was around, either. Dek was in his office, Lin was taking a nap before dinner, and here she was with nothing to do again. Lowell had even left them some enchiladas for her to heat up while he was gone. She could whip up a dinner by herself now and then. She used to be able to take care of herself quite well not so long ago.

She stared in the mirror. Shoot, shead managed to sprinkle yellow paint all over her T-s.h.i.+rt. Hissing with annoyance, she pulled it off. It was just her painting s.h.i.+rt, but since she was done painting for the day, she saw no reason to traipse around smearing paint over everything else.

Maybe shead go take a shower before they ate. Or wander over to show Dek her new topless look. Or take a shower and show off her naked look to Dek. Giggling, she shucked off her bra, jeans, and panties.

The bathroom door opened.

aYou should knock before --a Leila blinked. aOh. Oh, s.h.i.+t!a A few humming seconds of shock froze her before she whirled, s.n.a.t.c.hed a towel, and twisted it around her. d.a.m.n it for being one of those skimpy ones you used to show off for guests. Why did they have such small towels anyhow? There were never any guests to impress. aWhat are you doing here?a aI live here.a Lowell looked more stunned than she felt. aI -- I didnat know. Sorry.a His gaze had already taken a good, leisurely trip from her toes right on up, with plenty of stops along the way. But he didnat stop staring. Leila s.h.i.+fted her feet. Whoa, that boy was bigger than youad think at first. The tiny bathroom wasnat made to hold two people. She began to feel crowded and -- if she stepped back, there was nothing but wall behind her.

Back? What was she thinking? She was the alpha here.

ad.a.m.n it, Lowell!a She s.n.a.t.c.hed up her clothes from the floor. aGet those eyes rolled back into your head. Itas a wonder they havenat popped onto the floor by now. While you get yourself together, Iam going to get rid of these dirty things and take a bath. Since you seem to have forgotten your manners, at least try to act like youare housebroken and go away.a He shook his head just slightly, blinked, and then dropped his gaze down to his feet.

aYe-yes, Mistress.a Lowell took the bundle from her hands without looking at her again. aI can take care of that for you. When youare finished, dinner will be ready.a The words were right, but the tone was just a little off. There was just a little too much awareness of her underneath the quick obedience.

aI can fix my own dinner, thanks so much!a She glared at him until he got out of her way. Then she walked, rather than scurried, down the hall to the bedroom, refusing to let herself turn bright red.

If she wanted to stroll around the house naked in front of all of them, it was her right. Certainly some pup, one barely old enough to sneak into bars, couldnat say boo to whatever she chose to do.

Maybe she did take a little longer with her shower than she had to. That didnat mean she was trying to avoid anything. And maybe she dressed in a black s.h.i.+rt and skirt, even though it was foolish to wear black in such heat, because it just looked more authoritative and adult. But she had to admit the truth when she put on her shoes. Leila stared down at her high-heeled sandals and shook her head. When she took to trying to add a few inches to her height just to show she was boss, she was embarra.s.sed.

She hoped Lowell didnat know how much head shaken her.

That was just stupid. They all lived together. Sometimes theyad see each other in ways and places civilized humans didnat expect. Leila swallowed. All right. So they werenat all civilized humans. Some of them were werewolves.

She took a breath, firmed her chin, and opened the door.

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