Walk Away Part 1

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Treva Harte.

Chapter One.

aHeas gay.a aHeas not.a aTheyare all gay.a aYouare going to make me cry.a aWho is gay?a Leila broke into the chatter between the two waitresses as she peered through the little baras murky light.

aTheyare not. G.o.d couldnat be that cruel.a Sasha stared off to the left and jerked her chin instead of pointing. aWeare talking about Them. Three of the most gorgeous men that have ever stepped into this place.a aThey stick close to each other, they donat look at women, and theyare way too good-looking. Gay, gay, gay.a Thea hissed the words to them both.

aIndoor voices, girls.a Leila looked where Sasha was still staring. aOh!a aYou see?a Both of the waitresses chorused together.

aThey are gorgeous.a Leila automatically smoothed her chestnut hair, even though they werenat looking back. aDrop-dead, finger-licking gorgeous.a aIf they were interested, it wouldnat be my finger Iad want licked. Or theirs.a Thea pursed her lips. aYum yum.a The tallest one in the group, the one with the rich brown hair that fell to his shoulders, suddenly looked their way. Leila gulped. Intense blue eyes seared her for a moment. Then he turned his face away and spoke to the other two. Two dark heads bent close to his. He didnat look back up.

aHeas so not interested in women.a Thea shrugged. aWe lose again, ladies. But I win my bet, Sasha. Pay up, girl.a aHe might not be interested in me -- us. But heas not gay.a Leila held on to the counter, trying to settle her stomach. It was as if head hit her. Not that he ever had. Not physically.

aHow do you know?a Sasha asked. aDid he try to wrestle you to the floor and have his way with you one dark night?a aHe must have been about twelve. He doesnat look all that old, and Leila hasnat gone out with a guy in years.a Thea giggled.

aActually, thatas exactly what Dek did.a Leila let go of the counter, very carefully. aIf he asks, tell Jeff Iam taking my break early. No. Tell him Iam leaving early.a aWhat?a Leila knew she never took breaks, much less left before she was supposed to. She never changed routine. She worked her job from start to finish, like a good little girl.

Thatas what she was now. A Good Girl. Shead worked her a.s.s off to get that reputation, and she hadnat messed up in years. Five and a half f.u.c.king years, almost exactly. Not since Dek walked out of her life. Head grown up -- gotten harder and muscular and even more masculine. Shead thought he was devastating before; now he was overwhelming. At least she was overwhelmed.

She ignored the other two gaping women and walked away, one step after the other, balancing her weight as if she were drunk. When she got to the employee exit, she rested her head for a moment against the splintered wood barrier that lay between her and escape. She wasnat sure she had the strength for this. Not again.

She thought she heard noise behind her. Dek?

Leila pushed the door open and ran into the night.

If he did follow her, she was dead meat. He could catch her. She heard her footsteps slapping against the pavement and the hitch in her breath. He could outrun her easily. If he did follow her. If he wanted to.

She turned the corner sharply. Paused a moment. She didnat hear anything behind her. In the distance a caras horn honked. The wind rattled a trash can. They were all normal sounds. Safe sounds.

Dek wasnat normal. Wasnat safe.

The first time shead met him, shead known. Of course, he had made it pretty obvious when he tried to kill her stepfather.

aI tell you, I saw the little b-- booger turn. Iam bleeding from where he attacked me. d.a.m.n it, heas dangerous.a Rodas red face turned even redder in the silence that met his words. He swung toward her. aYou were there! Tell the cop! Go on, girl.a She swallowed. She hated his sweaty face. Hated the piggish eyes that glared at her right now. They might be under the same roof, but that didnat mean she had to like pretending he was kin. She didnat have to enjoy living with him, listening to him ... obeying him.

ad.a.m.n you, girl, if you donat talk up, I swear --a She took a half-step back. The policeman put his hand on her shoulder, and she tried not to flinch. The eyes under the police cap were all right. They were searching her up and down, but they were human eyes. They might even be kind. She took a deep breath.

aTell me what you saw ... Leila, is it? Donat be afraid.a aYes, sir. Thatas me. I-I didnat see anything. I mean, I came in and I saw Rod -- I mean, my stepdad -- screaming and swearing and bleeding. I didnat really look at anything else.a aHow the h.e.l.l did you miss what was going on, you stupid sl-- child?a Fascinated, Leila watched his red face slowly turn purple. She waited for her stepfatheras head to blow off. Instead he whirled and pointed at the one person left in the room who hadnat said anything. aI tell you, he went for my throat. You think something human went for me like this?a Leila stared at the bleeding wounds.

aHe tried to jump me.a Dekas voice was whisper-soft. aRape me. I fought back. What else could I do?a aYou see any of that, Leila?a The policeman sounded safe. But he wasnat. No one was safe. Leila knew that.

What should she do?

aI -- No, sir.a Her voice firmed. aNothing.a aYour stepdad ever try to hurt you the way the boy here said?a The copas voice hardened.

Jesus. He was smarter than shead expected. Or else Rod had what he was like written all over him. Written so clear that anyone could see. Except Mom. Mom always believed Rod.

Leila gazed down.

aNo, sir.a But she let her voice get more Southern and liquid. Let her lips tremble as she said that final word. She knew what it sounded like with that little catch over the syllable.

The copas breath audibly hissed.

aIam the one who is bleeding here!a Rodas voice rose. aArrest that mongrel b.a.s.t.a.r.d.a aIall have the authorities take him back to the County. Iam taking you in for questioning.a The policeman didnat take his eyes off Rod. aStep outside for a minute with me, Mr. Voss.a aWhat the f-- h.e.l.l!a His voice faded a little as he got outside. Leila shut her eyes, tried to pretend she was alone and everything was all right. Shead made a decision, and now shead have to live with whatever happened next.

aI owe you.a Dekas whispery voice cut through her self-protective sh.e.l.l, and she opened her eyes.

She stared at the slight teenager who was maybe a year or two older than her. Her stepdad had brought home a stray kid to abuse and bully, like he did now and then. But this time head brought home something that took him on. Who would have thought it?

aYou donat owe me anything, Big Bad Wolf.a Leila crossed her arms. aIt was my pleasure. Wish youad ripped his liver out.a aI wish I had, too.a Dek smiled, all pointy, big teeth.

aBut for now youad better run out the back door while Rod is keeping the cop busy out there.a aI already had that in mind.a He hesitated. aWhat about you?a aWhat about me? Youare not concerned about me.a aYouare wrong. I am.a aWell, you canat do anything for me, so you might as well do something for yourself. Go on.a aCome with me.a aWhat?a Leila blinked. Shead planned to escape the second she hit eighteen and no one could drag her back. Three months, one week, and four days from now.

aYou heard me.a Or she could go now. Even if he did get out of trouble with the police, Rod wouldnat be chasing this particular stray.

aThatas a h.e.l.l of a big decision to make. Why should I trust you?a Dek flashed that big smile, looking as trustworthy as any wolf in sheepas clothing. He didnat look like just a kid. Why did that make the back of her neck tingle with nerves and ... and something else? He was dangerous. But dangerous wasnat all bad, was it? aYou can find out why on the way out of here, kid.a Leila almost smiled at the memory. Rod Voss had been a nasty pig, but just for once, he hadnat been lying to the authorities. Shead been the liar. Shead never forget the first time shead seen Dek turn. One minute head been another victim for Rod to pick on, and the next he was a big bad wolf whoad almost gobbled down the little piggie. Too bad shead walked in before head finished the job.

Then again, her timing with Dek always sucked.

aLittle Red Riding Hood, did you think taking a shortcut would save you?a Leila jumped. Shead slowed down, getting lost in the past. He hadnat gotten lost, though. Head honed right in on her because there he was, leaning up against her apartment building, looking too casual and too beautiful to be believed. d.a.m.n it. Not only could he follow her physically, he was already back to walking into her brain and picking up her thoughts.

Busted. There was no way to escape Dek once he was on the hunt.

aI should have known.a She was proud that her voice didnat shake. Then again, she never let anyone see what she really felt. Not even Dek. Especially not Dek. aSo, Big Bad Wolf, youare back again.a aYeah. And this time youare finally all grown up, Little Red.a The wide, predatory smile was still the same, even after all these years.

aIam grown up enough to know Iam not interested in a quickie this time.a So what if she lied while her legs shook and her p.u.s.s.y clenched with need? The important thing was to get rid of Deklin Kinkaid.

He reached out for her arm. She tensed, prepared to fight if he pulled her close. Instead he turned her wrist over and gently traced the veins under her skin with one roughened fingertip. His finger tickled. It aroused.

aYour wrists are still tiny. d.a.m.n, youare so dainty.a His voice roughened almost to a growl. Then he bent his head and licked the pressure point where her wrist beat wildly. His rough tongue sc.r.a.ped against her vulnerable pulse. He looked up at her, those blue eyes impossibly hot. aIam interested in something that would take a long, long time, Leila.a Oh, Jesus. She was toast.

But before she grabbed him, she remembered. It wasnat just her. She had someone else to watch over.

Good girl. She was a good girl now.

aIam not interested. At all.a She enunciated clearly and pulled her arm away.

aReally?a aReally.a aYou smell interested. All hot and spicy.a Leila cursed those hot, spicy feelings that were running through her, filling up the air. d.a.m.n pheromones. The way she felt, she probably reeked of s.e.x to him.

aSo Iam interested in s.e.x. What of it? That doesnat mean Iam really interested in you. Maybe I just like a guy who can do it doggy-style. Any guy.a Leila edged toward the street. Much more of this conversation, and shead be underneath Dek with her clothes ripped off. Shead been there before.

G.o.d, she wanted to be there again.

aCall me shallow. I can live with that, as long as Iam the guy on top of you, making you howl.a Dekas voice was impossibly low, incredibly s.e.xy. aI can do that, Leila. Remember?a aListen. I said no. You left last time. Youall leave again whether I say yes or no. Itas going to end the same way, so canat you just accept my answer and this time go before we have the s.e.x?a Leila crossed her arms tight against herself, refusing to let the need overwhelm her. She was stronger and smarter and had more to lose now. She could fight this l.u.s.t.

What was wrong with her? She wanted him. She wanted s.e.x. Every millimeter of his body was in tune to what she was screaming for. He tasted it, smelled it ... he just couldnat see it. Even though his eyesight was blurring a little from the haze of raw desire coursing through him, he saw her crossed arms, that rigid stance. He had learned to read human body language, and Leilaas body was sending up the message like a big flare in the night sky.

No. Not now. Not ever.

d.a.m.n it, why?

The animal in him wanted to f.u.c.k the anoa out of her. It wouldnat take much to have her whimpering under him, writhing, wanting him again. She loved him being inside her. He remembered those scratches and bites she gave him when they f.u.c.ked, the cries to keep going, to go faster, harder. He could hear Pleeease, Dek like she was groaning it in his ear right now. Her a.s.s grinding against him, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggling, demanding his hands all over them ... Dek forced himself to stop the crackling-hot replay in his head. But, dear G.o.d, sometimes head thought he really had met his mate after a bout with her. Head never met anyone else who came close.

But she wasnat. She was a human, and humans went by different rules. Ridiculous rules.

But he had to -- Dek took a deep breath -- play by those rules. For now. He had to try to think like them. Well, at least he had to think like Leila. She wasnat like most humans.

Sudden insight hit. aIs it because I left before?a aNaw. Why would I be upset because you came after me like I was prey, couldnat seem to get enough of me for a month, and then -- disappeared? No calls, no note, nothing. a.s.shole wolf.a He thought her eyes glittered, but he wasnat sure if it was with tears or anger. With Leila it could be either. aI was younger then. Stupider. I thought something had happened to you and Iad never know what.a She didnat understand. She probably never would. Dek circled closer to her, and she backed up a half-step.

aIam a were. Youare not. We werenat supposed to stay together. I have to stay with my own. My pack.a aI bet you arenat supposed to f.u.c.k with non-weres, then, either, but you did. If you can break one rule, why not another?a Dek winced. He had broken the rules to be with Leila. Others did it, too, but head learned breaking those particular rules wasnat smart. He was older, understood more than when they were teenagers together. He struggled for the right words to explain. aI found my first packmate in Del Rio, in an alley near where you worked, after Iad walked you to your job.a aYou always did walk me to work. Said it wasnat safe for me alone.a Her voice softened for a moment. aOnce you said ... the real reason was you wanted to spend every minute with me that you could.a aYeah. Well ...a Dek swallowed. aIt wasnat safe to be alone, as Grey discovered. Head turned, and the humans had turned on him. My packmate was beaten, left for dead. I had to get him out of town fast.a aYou couldnat have told me?a It would have killed him to hear her voice again, knowing he couldnat go back. Back then he truly had meant it about wanting to spend every minute with her. Head followed her everywhere. d.a.m.n it, had he ever been that desperate? Dek looked at her, at those pert b.r.e.a.s.t.s and that firm chin. He licked his lips. Oh, h.e.l.l yeah. He had been just that desperate.

aNo. I couldnat tell anyone from the outside. Grey ... Grey is one of mine. Weare family.a aFamily? You could have had --a Leila stopped short. aFine. Understood. You left me for your family.a She spit the last word out. Dek growled a little, deep in his throat, then caught himself. She wasnat a were. She didnat know what she was saying. And he wanted her, no matter what she said. Screw what he should do. He was as dumb as head been at a randy nineteen, just as willing to break the rules to have her again.

To have her, he had to placate her. It had been a while since it mattered, but he tried to remember more of the human rules. The courting, mating rules. Show an interest. Human women liked that.

aYouare still waitressing. Did you ever take those college like you wanted?a d.a.m.n. Now he was interested. What had happened to her? Shead been planning to go to school, take two or three and waitress at night. Shead been ambitious when he met her at seventeen. Young, driven, determined. She couldnat be so different now from back when she was younger and had lied for him. h.e.l.l, shead been right about how he couldnat get enough of her then. The seventeen-year-old Leila had been s.e.xy. Smart, s.e.xy, and going places.

Of course, head have taken notice of Leila today even if he hadnat known her before. They didnat need a past for that. After all, she was still s.e.xy. Still smart. So why was she still standing in an alley in yet another town in Texas, waiting for him to steal a second bite of the apple?

aYou remembered about the Iam surprised.a Leila didnat take her eyes off him while she spoke. She was waiting for him to pounce. Oh, yeah, she was still really smart.

aI remember everything.a She smiled, a tight little smile. aNo, I never did go. I wanted to, but after you left ... things got difficult. No time, no money. You know. Life stepped in and changed my plans.a aIam surprised anything made you change your plans. You got out of Del Rio, though.a He didnat want to talk. He wanted to sink his teeth into her, to mark her. To sink into her. He smelled her arousal, and it kept teasing his nostrils, making him edgy and hungry and d.a.m.ned hard.

How long did they have to keep talking before he could finally scoop her up and get her on her knees the way they both wanted?

aYeah. There wasnat anything for me there. It just took longer than Iad expected. I guess El Paso is a step up.a She shrugged. aWell, nice talking old times with you. I have to go.a She was leaving?

Leila made it to the buildingas entrance before he got over the stunned outrage that froze him. With a bound he was next to her.

aNot so fast, Little Red. Weare both going together.a

Chapter Two.

aYou can go now.a She pushed on the door to close it against him, but it didnat budge. Neither did he. Of course not. Who was she trying to fool? He wasnat a stray poodle she could shoo away.

aI donat think so.a He barely remembered how to say the words. He was close, so close. He wasnat leaving now. She knew him. She had to realize what would happen next.

aFine. Might as well get this over with.a The words sounded impatient, but when she relaxed her hand against the door, her eyes were wide and dazed. They stared at each other. A fixed gaze was a direct challenge to a were. Was she trying to get him to attack? He didnat want to do that to her. He would win, but that wasnat the right way. She was going to have to agree, not just succ.u.mb.

Of course, he was going to be right here until she did. Dek rested his body against the door frame, keeping his hands close to his thighs, afraid he might disgrace himself if he so much as twitched. He stared her down. When her gaze s.h.i.+fted down, submissively, like a wereas would, his c.o.c.k twitched eagerly.

Soon. Were, no were, she was accepting his mastery.

aYou might as well come in. You will anyway.a Leila stepped back, allowing him in a little further. Those were meant to be tough words, but the last few trembled a little when she said them, as if she was afraid. Truth or lie? He remembered back when she let herself sound vulnerable to the police just that way. Shead been a teenager then. Shead had even more time to practice her technique.

aNot until you ask me nicely.a Dek bit each word off.

There was a long silence.

aPlease.a Now the tone was resentful.

Dek bared all his teeth. aAsk nicer.a She was going to have to do this right, even if it killed them both. No lies or tricks. Complete submission.

As if she read his mind, she pulled off her s.h.i.+rt and unhooked her bra almost before he had time to kick the door closed. With that ch.o.r.e done, he backed up against the wall to watch. Sweat gathered at the base of his spine at the sight of her.

There were marks near her b.r.e.a.s.t.s where the bra had pressed indentations. He wanted to lick the redness away, soothing any hurt they caused. Her nipples were already tight and waiting for his mouth. He wanted to bite them until they were red with hurtful pleasure.

aThere. Is that nice enough?a Her hands shook as she kicked off her shoes, ripped her pants down her legs. h.e.l.l, if he let go of the wall, his hands would shake, too. She was so d.a.m.n beautiful.

Even better than he remembered. Bigger-breasted, thinner at the waist. Long legs, ones he needed wrapped around him. She was perfect. His throat ached at the sight of her standing there with her chin up, wisps of hair in her face, wearing nothing but thin black panties and a scowl. He could have cried at the vision of her naked. Head thought head never see her again, and here she was. Thank you, G.o.d.

aCome on, Wolf Boy. This is what you want. Do me.a Instead of tears, his hand moved to his aching c.o.c.k.

as.h.i.+t.a He ought to ask for more. She should have asked for more. But she was right. He did have to do her. Now. Head waited too long.

It took half a second to rip those black panties away from her crotch. Another instant to have her flat on her back, legs apart. He liked the look of that submissive pose. He liked hearing the catch in her breath when he nuzzled her pubic hair. Wet. Very wet.

He buried his nose in the folds of her l.a.b.i.a. Leila. The smell and feel of her arousal was too much. He moved his face so he could lap her up. This was his. Head made her this way. Every drop inside her was his. The noises shead begun to make in the back of her throat -- they were his, too. The were-need began to wash over him, the clawing desire ripping out of his tight control. He was almost too painfully pleasured by the woman beneath him. He used his teeth, just sharp enough to make her pain real. Her cry rose a little higher, a little sweeter. He licked her again.

When her howl stopped in mid-note, he looked up. She was arched high, quivering, her fist stuffed in her mouth.

aWhat the h.e.l.l?a Dek moved his body, positioned himself so his chest brushed against her nipples. aAshamed of being noisy, Red? You know youare going to scream for me for hours. You always did. Why fight it?a aThe neighbors. The walls. Theyare so thin --a Bright spots of color burned in up from her neck to her cheeks. aEveryone will know.a So? He wanted everyone to know. His b.a.l.l.s were aching with the need to come inside her and mark her again as his. Let them envy him!

But she was different. d.a.m.n human rules.

aAll right, then. We can try to be quiet.a He would have sulked if her hand hadnat slipped over his c.o.c.k just then and given it a short, hard squeeze.

He m.u.f.fled his yelp against her shoulder.

aItas just ... I have a rep around here. Screaming for wolf men isnat part of it.a Her words didnat make sense as the head of his p.e.n.i.s slid against her tight, wet little slit. Nothing made sense but the sensation of female against his c.o.c.k. He was close ... really close. He rested himself just outside her entrance, and her breath tickled his ear as she whispered again, aI wonat do it; I canat do it -- but you can try to make me howl.a She bit his chest when he slid all the way in, fast. Wet, moist, tight. Oh, yeah, that was -- that was -- af.u.c.k!a He remembered to yell the word close against her neck. He might be the one howling soon.

aOh, yeah, Dek. f.u.c.k me.a She bucked up, squirming even closer Her words were too much. He fastened his teeth, hard, into her hair, forcing himself not to go for more sensitive flesh. He pulled back, listening to her soft, m.u.f.fled whimper of protest, and slammed inside her. Her sheath gripped him, milked him, and he lost it.

Were. Scent, sight, sound changed, heightened, and time suddenly teetered. The scent of Leila filled him. His slow-motion vision stretched out as his perception of time changed, and he watched Leilaas mouth fall open as he began to turn.

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