Stage Dive: Lick Part 12

Stage Dive: Lick -

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His gaze searched my face but still he said nothing. He was going to turn me down. I knew it. I'd asked for too much, pushed him too far. He'd walk away from me, and who could blame him after everything?

"It's okay," I said, gathering what remained of my pride up off the floor.

"Ah, man," he sighed. "You're kinda terrifying too."

"I am?"

"Yeah, you are. And wipe that smile off your face."


He angled his head and kissed me, his lips firm and so good. My eyes closed and my mouth opened. The taste of him took me over. The mint of his toothpaste and the slide of his tongue against mine. All of it was past perfect. He lay me back against the stairs. The new bruise at the back of my head throbbed in protest when I b.u.mped it yet again. I flinched but didn't stop. David cupped the back of my skull, guarding against further injury.

The weight of his body held me in place, not that I was trying to escape. The edge of the steps pressed into my back and I couldn't care less. I'd have happily lain there for hours with him above me, the warm scent of his skin making me high. His hips held my legs wide open. If not for my jeans and his towel things would get interesting fast. G.o.d, I hated cotton just then.

We didn't once break the kiss. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands curved around his shoulders. Nothing had ever felt this good. My ache for him increased and caught fire, spreading right through me. My legs tightened around him, muscles burning. I couldn't get close enough. Talk about frustrating. His mouth moved over my jaw and down my neck, lighting me up from inside. He bit and licked, finding sensitive spots below my ear and in the crook of my neck. Places I hadn't known I had. The man had magic. He knew things I didn't. Where he'd learned his tricks didn't matter. Not right then.

"Up," he said in a rough voice. Slowly he stood, one hand beneath my a.s.s and the other still protecting my skull.

"David." I scrambled to tighten my hold on his back.

"Hey." He drew back just enough to look into my eyes. His pupils were huge, almost swallowing the sky-blue iris whole. "I am not going to drop you. That's never going to happen."

I took a deep breath. "Okay."

"You trust me?"


"Good." His hand slid down my back. "Now put your arms around my neck."

I did, and my balance immediately felt better. Both of David's hands gripped my b.u.t.t and I locked my feet behind his back, holding on tight. His face showed no sign of pain or imminent back breakage. Maybe he was strong enough to carry me around after all.

"That's it." He smiled and kissed my chin. "All good?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.



He chuckled in a way that did bad things to me. "Kiss me," he said.

Without hesitation I did so, fitting my mouth to his. Sliding my tongue between his lips and getting lost in him all over again. He groaned, his hands holding me hard against him.

Which was when the doorbell rang, making a low, mournful sound that echoed in my heart and groin. "Nooo."

"You're f.u.c.king joking." David's face screwed up and he gave the tall double doors the foulest of looks. At least I wasn't alone. I groaned and gave him a tight full-body hug. It would have been funny if it didn't hurt so much.

A hand rubbed at my back, sliding beneath the hem of my tank to stroke the skin beneath. "It's like the universe doesn't want me inside you or something, I swear," he grumbled.

"Make them go away. Please."

He chuckled, clutching me tighter.

"It hurts."

He groaned and kissed my neck. "Let me answer the door and get rid of them, then I'll take care of you, okay?"

"Your towel is on the floor."

"That's a problem. Down you hop."

I reluctantly loosened my hold and put my feet back on firm ground. Again the gong-like sound filled the house. David grabbed a pair of black jeans out of a bag and quickly pulled them on. All I caught was a flash of toned a.s.s. Keeping my eyes mostly averted might have been the hardest thing I'd ever done.

"Hang back just in case it's press." He looked into a small screen embedded beside the door. "Ah, man."


"No. Worse. Old friends with food." He gave me a brief glance. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll be hurting too."


"Antic.i.p.ation makes it sweeter. I promise," he said, then threw open the door. A hand tugged down the front of his T-s.h.i.+rt, trying to cover the obvious bulge beneath his jeans. "Tyler. Pam. Hey, good to see you."

I was going to kill him. Slowly. Strangle him with the overpriced thong. A fitting death for a rock star.

A couple about my parents' age came in, laden down with pots and bottles of wine. The man, Tyler, was tall, thin, and covered in tats. Pam looked to have Native American in her heritage. Beautiful long black hair hung down her back in a braid, thick as my wrist. They both wore wide grins and gave me curious glances. I could feel my face heat when they took in the lingerie and clothing strewn about on the floor. It probably looked like we'd been about to embark on a two-person orgy. Which was the truth, but still.

"How the h.e.l.l are ya?" Tyler roared in an Australian accent, giving David a one-armed hug on account of the crock-pot he held in the other. "And this must be Ev. I have to read about it in the d.a.m.n paper, Dave? Are you serious?" He gave my husband a stern look, one brow arched high. "Pam was p.i.s.sed."

"Sorry. It was-ah, it was sudden." David kissed Pam on the cheek and took a ca.s.serole dish and laden bag from her. She patted him on the head in a motherly fas.h.i.+on.

"Introduce me," she said.

"Ev, this is Pam and Tyler, old friends of mine. They've also been taking care of the house for me." He looked relaxed standing between these people. His smile was easy and his eyes were bright. I hadn't seen him looking so happy before. Jealousy reared its ugly head, sinking its teeth in.

"h.e.l.lo." I put out my hand for shaking but Tyler engulfed me in a hug.

"She's so pretty. Isn't she pretty, hon?" Tyler stepped aside and Pam came closer, a warm smile on her face.

I was being a jerk. These were nice people. I should be profoundly grateful not every female David knew rubbed their on him. d.a.m.n my screaming hormones for making me surly.

"She sure is. h.e.l.lo, Ev. I'm Pam." The woman's coffee-brown eyes went liquid. She seemed ready to burst into tears. In a rush, she took my hands and squeezed my fingers tight. "I'm just so happy he found a nice girl, finally."

"Oh, thank you." My face felt flammable.

David gave me a wry grin.

"Okay, enough of that," Tyler said. "Let's let these lovebirds have their privacy. We can visit another time."

David stood aside, still holding the ca.s.serole dish and bag. When he saw me watching he winked.

"I'll have to show you the setup downstairs sometime," Tyler said. "You here for long?"

"We're not sure," he said, giving me a glance.

Pam clung to my hands, reluctant to leave. "I made chicken enchiladas and rice. Do you like Mexican? It's David's favorite." Pam's brows wrinkled. "But I didn't think to check if that was alright with you. You might be vegetarian."

"No, I'm not. And I love Mexican," I said, squeezing her fingers back though not as hard. "Thank you so much."

"Phew." She grinned.

"Hon," called Tyler.

"I'm coming." Pam gave my fingers a parting pat. "If you need anything at all while you're here, you give me a call. Okay?"

David said nothing. It was clearly my decision if they stayed or went. My body was still abuzz with need. That, and we seemed to do better alone. I didn't want to share him because I was shallow and wanted hot s.e.x. I wanted him all to myself. But it was the right thing to do. And if antic.i.p.ation made it sweeter, well, maybe this once the right thing to do was also the best thing to do.

"Stay," I said, stammering out the words. "Have dinner with us. You've made so much. We could never possibly finish it all."

David's gaze jumped to me, a smile of approval on his face. He looked almost boyish, trying to contain his excitement. Like I'd just told him his birthday had been brought forward. Whoever these people were, they were important to him. I felt as though I'd just pa.s.sed some test.

Pam sighed. "Tyler is right, you're newlyweds."

"Stay. Please," I said.

Pam looked to Tyler.

Tyler shrugged but smiled, obviously delighted.

Pam clapped her hands with glee. "Let's eat!"


Warm hands pushed up my tank top as the sun rose. Next came hot kisses down my back, sending a s.h.i.+ver up my spine. My skin came to immediate goose-pimpled attention, despite the truly horrible time of day.

"Ev, baby, roll over." David whispered in my ear.

"What time is it?"

We'd all gone downstairs to the recording studio after dinner for a 'quick look'. At midnight Pam had bailed, saying Tyler could call her when they were done. No one antic.i.p.ated that being anytime soon, since they'd opened a bottle of bourbon. I'd stretched out on the big couch down there while David and Tyler messed around, moving between the control room and the studio. I'd wanted to be close to David, to listen to him play guitar and sing snippets of songs. He had a beautiful voice. What he could do with a six string in his hands blew my mind. His eyes would take on this far away look and he was gone. It was like nothing else existed. Sometimes, I actually felt a little lonely, lying there watching him. Then the song would end and he'd shake his head, stretch his fingers, returning to earth. His gaze would find me and he'd smile. He was back.

At some stage I'd dozed off. How I'd gotten up to bed I had no idea. David must have carried me. One thing was certain: I could smell booze.

"It's almost five in the morning," he said. "Roll over."

"Tired," I mumbled, staying right where I was.

The mattress s.h.i.+fted as he straddled my hips and put an arm either side of my head, bending down over me, covering me.

"Guess what?" he asked.


Gently he pushed my hair back off my face. Then he licked my ear. I squirmed, ticklish.

"I wrote two songs," he said, his voice a little slurred, soft around the edges.

"Mmm." I smiled without opening my eyes. Hopefully he'd take that as being supportive. I couldn't manage much more on less than four hours' sleep. I simply wasn't wired that way. "That's nice."

"No, you don't understand. I haven't written anything in over two years. This is f.u.c.king amazing." He nuzzled my neck. "And they're about you."

"Your songs?" I asked, stunned. And still dazed. "Really?"

"Yeah, I just ..." He breathed deep and nipped my shoulder, making my eyes pop open.


He leaned over so I could see his face, his dark hair hanging down. "There you are. So, I think of you and suddenly I have something to say. I haven't had anything I wanted to say in a long time. I didn't give a f.u.c.k. It was all just more of the same. But you changed things. You fixed me."

"David, I'm glad you got your mojo back, but you're incredibly talented. You were never broken. Maybe you just needed some time off."

"No." From upside down, he frowned at me. "Roll over. I can't talk to you like this." I hesitated and he slapped my b.u.t.t. The non-tattooed cheek, lucky for him. "Come on, baby."

"Watch it with the biting and spanking, buddy."

"So move already," he growled.

"Okay. Okay."

He climbed off me onto the other side of the mammoth mattress and I sat, drawing my knees up to my chest. The man was s.h.i.+rtless, staring back at me with only a pair of jeans on. How the h.e.l.l did he keep losing his s.h.i.+rt? The sight of his bare chest brought me to the dribble point. The jeans pushed me right over. No one wore jeans like David. And having caught a glimpse of him without them only made it worse. My imagination went into some sort of s.e.xual berserker rage. The pictures that filled my head ... I have no idea where they all came from. The images were surprisingly raw and detailed. I was quite certain I wasn't flexible enough to achieve some of them.

All of the air left the room. Truth was, I wanted him. All of him. The good and the bad and the bits in between. I wanted him more than I'd ever wanted anything before in my life.

But not when he'd been drinking. We'd already been there, made that mistake. I didn't know quite what was going on between us, but I didn't want to mess it up.

So, right. No s.e.x. Bad.

I had to stop looking at him. So I took a deep breath and studied my knees. My bare knees. I'd gone to sleep wearing jeans. Now I had only panties and my tank top on. My bra had also mysteriously disappeared. "What happened to the rest of my clothes?"

"They left," he said, face serious.

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