Woodsworth's Scoop Part 14

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"And what does that look like?"

"For me, Jennifer is the only one that I want to be with. She completes me, but I don't expect the same from her. I know that her relations.h.i.+p with Trey is important too. I don't know what the vows or anything can look like to incorporate that. I want this day to be about the two of us, but at the same time not undermine their relations.h.i.+p."

"Lexi, can I just say how n.o.ble of yoow wiu. I am sure, and Jennifer, please stop me if I am wrong, that they both know that you wish this to be about the two of you without taking anything away from them."

"You are right! Lexi, I love you, and what we have deserves its own day of celebration, just like the day I married Trey."

"Jennifer, what does committing to each other look like to you?"

"This is where it is going to get different. I see it as promising to be with each other as long as we are always good to each other. If we ever are not good to each other with there being no help of changing that, then I hope that we could be adult enough to walk away. But, first, we would have to exhaust any manner of fixing things before walking. Finally, Lexi is the only woman I want to be with, just as Trey is the only man. So, I guess you could say if we talked just of women, I commit to a monogamous relations.h.i.+p. I don't want her to, though. I know that, one day, there will be needs that I don't meet for her and want her to have someone that meets them."

"Jennifer, I don't want that!"

"You say that now, but I don't want you vowing just to be with me and later on feeling like you are trapped because you are a woman of your word but met someone that could give you something that I can't."

"Jennifer, Lexi. This is very useful knowledge from the two of you. I know that the two of you have thought long and hard about this and have ideas of what your relations.h.i.+p will look like. I just want to make sure that you--especially you, Lexi--are comfortable with this relations.h.i.+p and what the boundaries are."

"We have talked about some, but I am sure there are others."

"Are you all three putting all your funds together or keeping them separate? What are the living arrangements? Will Lexi help with the kids? What is expected?"

"I guess there are some things that we had not thought of. I a.s.sumed that I would pay what it takes for me to live in the bas.e.m.e.nt and that there would not be a sharing of funds."

"That is the easiest, but you all are talking about becoming a committed couple. With that kind of relations.h.i.+p, there are usually things that combine."

"Well, I guess that if Trey is okay with it, Lexi could pay half. That way it is half paid by me."

"Jennifer, that is a good idea indeed. I will pay what is mine already and you yours already, but as far as the bas.e.m.e.nt bills, I pay half, and you cover the rest. I do like that. It makes it feel more like a team effort. As far as kids, I figured I would help her when needed, but the parenting is all her and Trey. They don't need another adult being a parent."

"This is actually something Trey told me that he wants."

"Good. Glad to see you two have that figured out, and what about other issues?"

"I a.s.sume that we will cross those bridges when we cross them."

At this time, we noticed that Trey was in the lobby. Maxine asked Jennifer to leave and let us talk. I was not sure why all individually, but figured the minister knew what she was doing. he y wI had a.s.sumed that this meeting would be more on the wording and ceremony, but was glad that she was making us think.

"Lexi, are you sure this is the right thing for you? You know that there are times you are not going to feel part of the family and alone. I just want to make sure that this is good for you."

"It is what I want, and I wish people would stop asking me that. When I am with her, it is like with no one else. I feel alive, wanted, and loved. I know this will work."

"And what will you do when the new is off?"

"I will deal with it. All couples have the honeymoon stage--monogamous or polyamorous. It is a fact of life."

"Yes, and with poly families, this is where things get really hard. I just want to make sure you understand that not everything will be wonderful. There will be times that they as the primary relations.h.i.+p make a decision that you are not brought in on. Will you be okay with that?"

"If it doesn't affect me, then yes."

"And if it does?"

"I would then hope that they would talk to me before a decision is made and let my thoughts and feelings be a part of the decision making."

"And if they don't? Is that a deal breaker?"

"I don't know why you are asking all this. I know what I want. I want to commit my life to being with Jennifer."

"I get that. I know you do and can tell that you love her very much. I just want to make sure you understand what all that entails. I would not be a good minister if I didn't."

"Thank you for your concern. I am sure that there is nothing that we cannot get through together. We are better together than apart. I love her, and she loves me."

"I know you two love each other. Now why don't you step out and let me talk to them?"

I walked out, kissed Jennifer and thanked Trey for coming. I sent them in and stepped out for a cigarette. My mind replayed all that Maxine had said. What did I want? I wanted to say she was my wife, but what did I expect that to look like? There were so many things to think about, and all I knew for certain was that my heart belonged to her.

Chapter Thirty.

"Thankand w/di you, Trey, for joining us. I am now going to talk to the two of you together, separate, and then bring all three of you back in. Is that okay with the two of you?"

"Yes. I don't know why you need me here for their ceremony, though."

"Glad you brought that up, Trey. I want you here because I want the feel of you in this whole linear triad that is happening. Trey, are you okay with them exchanging vows?"

"Yes, I think I am."

"You think, Trey? Are you not certain? I love you and need to know that you are okay with this," Jennifer blurted.

"Jennifer, the only two things I know for certain are that I love you and that I want you happy. If that means letting you make vows to another besides me, then that is what needs to happen."

"Oh, baby. I do love you, and making vows to her does not lessen the ones I made to you. Just like ours were none of that forsaking all others deal, so will mine to her, we are all going to have nontraditional vows. As long as we are good for each other and to each other, and when we are not we go to no end to try to make it where we are, then we leave separate ways when we are no longer good with no hope of ever being."


"Yes, Trey. I promise!"

Trey knew that he meant something to Jennifer. He was just not sure what that meant lately, as it hurt to watch her be so happy with Lexi. He also did not know what he wanted from them as far as respect back to him. He could already tell that this relations.h.i.+p was different from any other one in the past, and it scared him what that could mean for him. Maybe Jill had some good points. Maybe he was getting tired of being poly. He loved Jennifer, though, and could not imagine a world without her in it.

Jennifer was thinking for the first time since starting all the preparations for the ceremony about what this must be doing to Trey. She forgot to check in with him and make sure he was okay. She loved Trey and did not want to hurt him, but she knew that there were some aspects to being poly that meant one would hurt at times and then things would move back to the happier sides of life.

"Both of you have shown me that you love each other just as much as I see it in Lexi and Jennifer. Jennifer, why don't I talk to Trey first, and then I will send him out and have you come in."

Jennifer left the room and joined Lexi outside.

"Trey, are there any deal breakers for you that you need to voice? Are there any expectations you have?"

"There are no deal breakers. Expectations, yes--that Jennifer and I parent the kids--not Lexi. That I am the primary partner and respected as such. Other than that, I don't really know yet."

"How do you feel about money? Should all three combine? Should Lexi pay half now of the rent to you?"

"I don't want it all together. I wouldn't mind half. Jennifer is spending half the time downstairs."

"With the two not in he

re, is there anything that you want to voice just so you have it out?="13e ihough, a

"No, don't think so."

"Okay. Go bring Jennifer back in."

Trey went out and directed Jennifer in. Lexi and he sat, just looking at their phones and emails, while Jennifer was inside. They figured that Jennifer was getting the same direct questioning as they had gotten. Neither thought of it as bad--only that it gave them much to think on.

Chapter Thirty-One.

"You two, come back in now. We are almost done. The last part, now that I am comfortable that each of you knows what you are getting into, is the ceremony. I see here, Trey, that you are not giving away but sharing away. I like that. I also see that we are adding in some pagan aspects like the G.o.ddess. Lexi, some of this that you sent me you want done before anyone is on site, like the smudging. Is that something you and I do together, or just you, or what?"

"I would like you to do it with me."

"Very well. You will meet me two hours before the ceremony."

"Is there anything that you three would like to tell me or ask of me now before we depart?"

"No." All three of us said in unison.

We were all happy with things. We left the minister with plans tomeet at the park on the next Friday for the rehearsal at the park and dinner to follow. Jennifer had asked me to let her spend the weekend with Trey away from the family. I agreed to watch the kids and help them in any way possible. Jennifer walked me to m

y car, kissed me goodnight, and thanked me again for everything. I told her how I looked forward to the ceremony but, more importantly, the cruise.

I was pleased with myself for how things were and glad that the meeting had gone well. I was tired and hoped that the kids were going to go down easy tonight. Maybe this weekend would be a good time to work on that relations.h.i.+p with the kids. I had it all planned out and hoped that they would have fun with everything that I had planned.

Chapter Thirty-Two.

Trey went to get into the driver's seat when Jennifer pointed to the pa.s.senger side and said that she was driving. This was not normal for them, but he decided that this was his wife and he would let her have the seat to drive if she wanted. Trey watched her drive a bit and realized they were not headed home.

"Love, this is not the direction to the house. What is going on?"

"We are not going home. We have the weekend to ourselves and are headed out to a bed and breakfast in the country."

"And how long have you had this planned?"

"Since the date was set for the ceremony with Lexi. I asked her to not tell you and watch the kids. Ihe y w13" also told her that you and I needed some time to connect before everything I am gone a week with her."

"You are something else!"

"That is why you love me! Now, really. Are you okay with everything? With the way funds would be split up? If not, please tell me."

"I am fine with it. I am glad that she is not dumping her money into the whole along with her bills. I am okay with the write-up for the ceremony, and I will stand there and support you. Don't worry about it."

"I just forgot how hard this must be for you and don't want to neglect you."

"You have been a little distant, but whenever I am about to say something, you do something like this and take us away to connect. Thank you for always taking us away to connect."

"You are welcome, my love."

The two of them were finally able to let go of the worries of the day, the thoughts of the kids, the ceremony, and anything else that tied them to the city. They took the opportunity to enjoy some time alone with each other. The bed and breakfast was everything that the girls at the clinic said it would be and more. Jennifer spent her time reading, and Trey found a nearby fis.h.i.+ng pond. They had time to be them and night come back to be the couple that they are.

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