Wait For Dusk Part 2

Wait For Dusk -

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aYes, thatas it,a I said calmly.

aYour father is the devil. Heas Satan. Old Nick.a aAnother G.o.d of chaos, yes. This time heas just playing off Christian mythology. Look, it doesnat matter what he calls himself, the point isa"a aIf heas the devil, that makes you the Antichrist!a ad.a.m.n it, Danaus! Listen to me. Iam not some f.u.c.king Antichrist! You know me! Iam not evil, regardless of who claims to be my parents.a I wanted to scream. I had just gotten around to convincing him that all nightwalkers werenat evil, and now it turned out that I was the love child of the G.o.d of chaos. It wasnat exactly a ringing endors.e.m.e.nt for me and the rest of my kind. aPlease, I need you. Donat abandon me now.a Danaus slowly walked back over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out and cupped the back of my head, pulling me forward so my forehead was pressed against his. aI trust you,a he whispered in a shaking voice.

I understood what such a thing cost him. This was a man who had devoted his entire existence to fighting evil in an attempt to reclaim his soul. Now he was potentially siding with a creature that had been sp.a.w.ned by the greatest evil of all. He was siding with me based on the decisions I had made, the lives I had saved while we were together. I had earned his trust, and there was no greater honor in this world.

Placing a trembling hand against his cheek, I let my thumb run along his hard cheekbone. aThank you.a A spark of undiluted desire surged through me as my gaze settled on his parted lips. I wanted to lean in and taste him, drink him in for the first time after so many all-too-brief encounters. I could sense the same longing ignite in the hunter as the sound of his heartbeat increased in its pace. The tip of my tongue darted out of my mouth, wetting my lips. His scent swirled around me, dragging up memories of a distant sea bathed in sunlight. Danaus was so close. Another couple inches and I could feel him, taste him.

With a shuddering breath, Danaus pulled away from me first. He stood and paced the tiny room a couple times, shoving one hand through his thick mane of black hair while I settled back against the pillows. The hunteras willpower and self-control remained intact simply due to the fact that he feared the true nature of the creature that called itself my father. He returned to his spot on the edge of the bed when his breathing and heart rate evened out again, while I settled back against the pillows and closed my eyes, feeling more than a little frustrated.

aWe still have a problem,a Danaus announced. My eyes popped back open and my body stiffened. I thought we finally had everything worked out. aThe coven. What are you planning with the coven?a Curling up tighter in the covers, my gaze drifted away from him to dance around the small plane, anything so I didnat have to face his piercing gaze. aI donat know what youare talking about.a Danaus put his hand under my chin and forced me to tilt my head back so I had to look up at him. aConsort?a Sliding my chin out from his touch, I released my hold on the blanket and pushed myself into a sitting position. I winced as pain stabbed through my body from too many bruised organs and fractured bones. I was almost completely healed from my encounter with Nick, but there hadnat been time to feed. My focus had been entirely on saving Tristanas life.

aWhen I took the vacant coven seat while we were on Crete, I kind of skipped some of the more important formalities. Itas time to take care of those things.a I ran my fingers over the blanket, smoothing it out, anything so I didnat have to look up at him.

aWhat formalities?a aAny nightwalker has a right to challenge my claim to the open seat.a aDoes that include members of the coven?a aYes.a aAnd your liege lord?a aYes,a I murmured, my head dipping a little lower.

aWill Jabari help you?a My hands stilled on the blanket and the world slipped away from me as I thought of the coven and its members. Jabari had been one of my three creators and my mentor. He could also control me that same way Danaus could. It expanded his power on the coven from a single seat to two, giving him an edge over his rival Macaire.

aIf Macaire were stupid enough to challenge me directly, yes, I think he would. If Our Liege took issue with my presence, I donat think so. Jabari knows how to pick his fights, and Iam not worth getting killed over.a aAnd what about this consort business?a His voice hardened and I found myself inwardly cringing. I didnat expect him to honestly go along with this, but I had been backed into a corner. I didnat want to go into Venice alone. Sure, I was a member of the coven. I was also the ill.u.s.trious Fire Starter. But I wanted someone at my back. I wanted someone among this horde that I knew I could trust. Valerio would only help me so long as it was in his best interest. Same with Jabari. I had no others that would be in Venice that I could call comrade.

aI need you with me,a I said, trying to sound strong and confident. aI need you there with me, someone I can trust to watch my back. I wonat lie and say thereas no risk to you. If Iam killed by Our Liege, then youall be next, and it wonat be a quick death. But if I survive the challenges, then I want you there with me when the business of the naturi comes up.a aAs your consort?a Danausas voice had become surprisingly soft, like a gentle caress.

I let out a groan and buried my hands in my face. I wish he hadnat been there for that part. aItas not like it sounds,a I muttered. aI need you there, in the Main Hall, at my side. But to do that, you need a t.i.tle, a standing within my world, and there are only three grades when it comes to a.s.sociating with the Elders. Youare a peta"a aWhich is nothing more than a plaything.a aYes. Or youare a companion, which is just a glorified servant.a aOr youare a consort,a Danaus finished.

I paused, licking my lips as I dropped my hands back into my lap. aItas the closest I can come to putting you on equal footing with me. It means you are my . . . my . . .a aLover?a he supplied, and I cringed.

aTypically, but obviously not in this case,a I admitted. aIt means youare under my protection, you are held in very high regard to me, and anyone risks my wrath if you are harmed in any way. However, you have no power on the coven or within my world. Itas just what little extra protection that I can offer you. No mortal has even held that position, and I honestly donat expect it to go over too well, but itas the best I can do.a aDo I get a say in this matter?a he asked.

I closed my eyes and shook my head, disgusted with myself. I was making all these plans, but I had not bothered with the most important thing: asked him if he was willing to go. The hunter had done his part. He had faced not only the naturi with me, but the bori as well. I needed him to stay close if I was to escape Nickas grasp for the time being, but he didnat need me any longer. He had sworn that he wasnat going to return to Themis. His life was his own now. He could go wherever and do whatever he wanted.

aWill you please go before the coven with me? It will be dangerous, and I will do everything within my power to protect you. I . . . I just want you there with me.a I felt as if I was dangling out on a thin limb, waiting for it to break under the weight of all my hopes and fears. After everything that had happened, I wasnat ready to let him go.

Raising his hand, Danaus ran the back of curled fingers gently across my cheekbone in a caress so soft it nearly brought tears to my eyes again. aIf I donat, I miss out on the latest news regarding the naturi. Maybe even a chance to hunt the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Besides, going would mean that I get the chance to thumb my nose at Jabari and the rest of the coven by being at your side. Iam willing to take a risk for that kind of opportunity.a A surprised laugh escaped me before I turned my head and pressed a quick kiss to his knuckles before he could draw them away. aI think youare spending too much time around me. Youare developing a seriously twisted sense of humor.a Danaus leaned forward and pressed a light, lingering kiss to my forehead, causing my eyelids to slip shut. aIam willing to take that risk, too.a

Chapter Five.

Venice was a haven and a h.e.l.l for all nightwalkers. It was the seat of the covena"the ruling body of the nightwalker nation. It had been the home of the Elders for centuries, and I expected it to remain that way for many centuries more. It was a piece of the Old World, slowly decaying but still grasping to her faded charms and dusty manners like a s.h.i.+eld and sword against the hectic pace of the modern world.

The island of San Clemente rose up around us as we stepped off the boat and onto the stone dock. I stood with my hands resting on my hips, staring at the wall of trees before me. Nightwalkers crowded the island, watching me, anxiously awaiting my arrival. It had been more than a century since a new Elder took a seat on the coven. Elizabeth had risen to power from out of nowhere, destroying Adam to take his open seat. The coup had been a shock to many, and the other Elders declined to challenge her ascent to power. I hadnat been in the city at the time, but Jabari filled me in later with his own speculation.

Now, the Fire Starter was to take her place as an Elder on the coven. I would be the first in a very long time that wasnat a true Ancient. I had yet to reach that critical thousand-year mark and the various powers that came with that age. There would be some willing to challenge me to take the seat, but they had to question whether they were willing to take on Jabari as well. Even though we were at odds, it was no secret that I belonged in some strange way to the Ancient Egyptian nightwalker.

Frowning, I dropped my right hand onto the handle of the short sword I wore at my waist. A second, longer blade hung across my back, while an a.s.sortment of knives was strapped to my body at various points. I would not use my unique gift unless I was backed into a corner. For now, I was content to rely on the fighting skills I had honed over the many centuries. I needed to beat them with a sword in my hand. It was more than the rush of power that came from taking a creatureas life with the edge of a knife. It was the a.s.sertion of my powers beyond my horrifying gift, which allowed me to burn any nightwalker to a crisp in a matter of seconds. They needed to fear me and all my skills.

aAre you ready?a Danaus asked as he came to stand beside me. The hunter wore a long, black leather duster that snapped in the growing bitter winter wind. He was also ready for battle. If things went poorly for me, he needed to at least have a fighting chance to get off the island.

I looked over at my companion, flas.h.i.+ng him an evil grin. aHeavily armed and looking for love.a aIn all the wrong places,a Danaus added, with one of his rare grins.

We walked down the winding path through the wooded area to the ma.s.sive building that housed the coven. It was a tall, dark stone building with a few slit windows. An imposing structure, with its wrought-iron banded doors and stark face. The exterior and surrounding grounds were not lit by any kind of lighting, helping to ward off any curious guests that might have wandered down the path from the nearby hotel. Danaus and I reached the home of the coven unmolested. All the nightwalkers were in the warmth of the hall, waiting for our arrival.

I paused with my hand on the door handle to the structure and let my powers flare out around us. After a while I simply stopped trying to count. More than one hundred nightwalkers waited inside for us. Danaus wouldnat have a chance if I was killed. I was beginning to have second thoughts about bringing him inside. I had felt that I needed someone there at my back. He was the only one capable of freeing me from Jabarias hold, should the nightwalker attempt to control me. He was the only one I could rely on to come to my side if I were injured. He was the only one I trusted.

aIam not leaving,a Danaus announced as he came to stand beside me.

aAnd miss out on this bloodbath?a I forced myself to smile at him despite my gnawing concerns. aI wouldnat dream of it.a Jerking the heavy metal handle, the door slid open. The cold wind rushed in ahead of us, causing the candles to dance on their slender perches. I raised my hands and the candlelight stilled and grew brighter, beating back the heavy shadows to reveal that we were alone in the vestibule. Danaus followed me in, pulling the door closed behind him.

After only a couple steps the set of doors barring our way to the throne room of the coven soundlessly swung open. Danaus drew his blade from his back, ready to take on any that approached us, but no one came. They were waiting for us, though. The hall was brightly lit, and yet the floor remained a dark pool of s.h.i.+ning black marble. Jabari, Macaire, and Elizabeth sat in their respective chairs on the raised dais at the far end of the room, watching my approach. To my surprise, Our Liegeas chair remained empty. I had been expecting him to make an appearance for this rather momentous occasion, unless he didnat actually expect me to formally ascend to the position of Elder. That dark thought slowed my steps a bit as I reached the doors.

My gaze danced around the room to find the three walls before the dais lined with hundreds of nightwalkers. So many faces I didnat recognize. None of them looked particularly friendly. I didnat see Valerio, but I knew he was there. Unfortunately, my eyes did light on Stefan and my frown deepened. The Ancient nightwalker looked at me with a fresh, burning hatred. He had been waiting to officially hit the millennium mark before he finally ascended to the open seat on the coven. I imagined that I beat him to it by a matter of weeks at the most.

Donat do it, I mentally said, pus.h.i.+ng the words exclusively into Stefanas brain. The nightwalker had survived two attacks on Machu Picchu. He had fought the naturi beside me, and even helped me stop Danaus when the hunter was temporarily possessed by the bori.

Itas my right to challenge you, Stefan snarled.

True, but I need you alive, and Jabari wonat allow me to lose. I could feel his instant rage, but the nightwalker said nothing. He had planned on challenging me for the seat on the coven, and I suspected that he would actually have a good shot at defeating me if he acted quickly enough. However, we both knew that Jabari liked his edge on the coven, and he wasnat about to give it up if he could help it. For now, Stefan was willing to step aside, but I knew he would attack me the first chance he got away from the Main Hall.

Stepping farther into the room, I was hammered by a great swell of energy that pulsed out of the throng of nightwalkers that filled the hall. The air was glazed in red, and I felt as if I was moving through a thick wall of heavy mist. The feeling was both energizing and irritating. Their energy was at odds with my own, as if just slightly off center. I couldnat grab it, couldnat use it. It would have been like trying to cram a square peg in a round hole. The only bits that felt in harmony with my own powers flowed from Danaus beside me and Jabari before me. Unfortunately, I wasnat willing to try to use their powers at this exact moment. If I were about to be attacked, it didnat seem a safe time to go out on a limb and try something new.

In the center of the room, I stopped and gave a sweeping bow to the members of the coven, but I couldnat keep the smirk off my lips. Jabari was outwardly grinning, practically beaming at the prospects of putting a puppet on the open seat. At the same time, Macaire appeared to be positively livid, his wizened face twisted in anger. He knew that it would be only a matter of time before Jabari used me to make a play for his head and heart. Only Elizabeth seemed unmoved by the proceedings. Shead been no fan of mine after I slaughtered her companion Gwen last summer. However, such things were a fairly common occurrence when one dealt with the coven and its court. It was wise not to get too attached to anyone.

aI am Mira, daughter of . . . many,a I announced, twisting the words in my mouth before releasing them into the air. Unlike all the other nightwalkers, I actually had three makers: Sadira, Jabari, and Tabor. Oddly enough, only Jabari remained. aI am the Fire Starter and I have come to claim the open seat on the coven. Are there any who would challenge me?a A heavy silence filled the air as I stood waiting for anyone to step forward. I knew what they were thinking. Would I stick to my oath that I would not use fire while on the island of San Clemente? It was an old promise I had been forced to make shortly after being reborn, because I was burning through too many Ancients. During my last visit, I had broken that promise in an attempt to save my life and Danausas. I had done it when I lost my temper at the presence of a naturi in the Main Hall.

aI challenge you,a announced a deep voice in a heavy Russian accent. I flinched before I could stop myself. I didnat need to turn around to see the speaker. I knew the voice, knew the accent. The Ancient nightwalker claimed all of Russia as his domain. I hadnat expected to see Yuri there. Head distanced himself from the coven during the long centuries and had never before expressed any interest in becoming involved in the politics of our people.

Turning slowly so I could see the nightwalker over my left shoulder, I arched one eyebrow at him. aDo you think I am not concerned about what is best for our people? Do you think I will not endeavor to protect our kind from the naturi?a aIt is hard to believe that you are concerned about the best interests of our people when youave got a known hunter at your side as a pet,a Yuri snapped.

aConsort,a I corrected, which sent up a gasp and a murmur of conversation around us. I looked around to find that even Jabari had stopped smiling. Consort meant that I had not bent Danaus to my will as he may have hoped. The hunter was the only one capable of blocking Jabarias control over me. I was trapped between them, a toy both children were fighting over.

aConsort? A human and a nightwalker hunter as a consort?a Yuri demanded, as if his mind failed to fully comprehend what I was saying.

aYes, he is my consort and I will protect him from any who would take a step against him,a I replied calmly. aDo you oppose me because I would not be the best for our people, or because of the people that I a.s.sociate with?a aBoth. You would drive us into war with the naturi. You would leave your aconsorta to run free hunting us.a aWar with the naturi is inevitable.a I turned around to completely face him, my hands resting on my hips. aAurora is free. Rowe is free. The great horde of the naturi race is free. If we hope to survive, we face war with them. They are not interested in coexistence. Not so long as Aurora leads them.a aAnd the hunter?a I shrugged. aHe protects mankind and our secret. Is that not in our best interest?a aHe has no place among our people, not after killing so many of us!a aAnd how many of us have you killed?a That question stopped him, his raised fist dropping back to his side while his face contorted with a fresh surge of anger. Yuri was like any Ancient. He had made a name for himself by killing countless nightwalkers. It was no different than Jabari, Macaire, or even me.

aYou will not become an Elder,a he firmly said, taking a step forward so he was separated from the rest of the crowd.

aThen you must come stop me,a I said, opening both of my arms, welcoming him out onto the floor. My smile never wavered as I glanced briefly over at Danaus. His face was expressionless, but I could feel his powers above all the others, beating against me. He was continuously scanning the area, using it as a warning system against any who might try to sneak up on us. Go stand beside my seat and watch your back, I directed him.

You watch your back, too . The hunter casually strolled over to the open seat on the dais and mounted the three small stairs. It was all I could do to suppress a wide grin when I saw him place one arm on the back of the seat and cross his left foot in front of his right in a relaxed stance. He appeared utterly confident that it would be only a matter of minutes before I was sitting in that seat.

Drawing the short sword from my side, I waved one hand at Yuri, inviting him out onto the floor. The Ancient stepped forward, shedding his heavy, floor-length fur coat to reveal a pale bare chest. The creature was thin and bony, like an animated skeleton wrapped in medical gauze. His brown hair was wild, sticking out in every direction from his head as if he spent his nights running among the wolves he controlled. From his waist he pulled out a long wicked knife. Twisting his wrist, the blade caught the flickering candlelight, winking at me.

The nightwalker took one step forward and disappeared. Every muscle in my body tightened as I fought back the swell of panic that erupted in my chest. Ancients could easily teleport from one spot to another in an instant. I couldnat do that. Not yet. However, I could feel the swell of power just a half second before he reappeared. There was a brush of energy against my back. Pivoting on my right foot, I twisted around and raised my sword in time to block the blow that aimed for my neck. Metal clanged against metal, sending up a brief clash of sparks. Yuri looked genuinely surprised when I pushed him away from me. He had been expecting to take me completely by surprise and end the fight with a single blow.

aYouare going to have to try a little harder than that,a I sneered. In a flash of steel, I sent a flurry of blows in his direction, keeping him backpedaling. Not one had been aimed to be a killing blow. I was simply proving to him that I was better than he antic.i.p.ated. I would kill him in a moment, and I would do it without using my powers. The gathered horde of nightwalkers needed to know that I was just as dangerous when I wasnat using them.

Yet no matter how fast I moved or swung my sword, Yuri was always faster. As an Ancient, he always would be. Backed to nearly the dais, the nightwalker caught a blow aimed at his chest, easily halting the blade before it could pierce flesh. He smiled before pus.h.i.+ng me off of him. I slid more than a yard across the slick black marble, the soles of my shoes squeaking as I struggled to stop myself.

aYouave improved since I last saw you,a Yuri admitted as he closed the distance between us.

aIave had six centuries to practice.a Yuri had appeared before the coven many years ago, when word hit that a fledgling nightwalker that could control fire was making her first appearance. I had been a freak show for all to see as they tested both my strength and endurance. I lasted longer than most, but in the end I broke like all of those before me.

Yuri lunged at me with incredible speed, swinging the blade to remove my head. I barely raised my own sword in time to stop it. The vibrations down the blade nearly shook my hands loose, leaving them stinging from the impact. Muscles burned as I struggled against his greater strength. I was beginning to question my earlier vow. The Ancient was both stronger and faster than me. He had more powers than me. My chances of winning on skill alone were growing dim.

Again the nightwalker vanished before my eyes. Immediately, I sent my powers out from my body, tapping into the energy that surrounded me. I sensed Yuri just before he reappeared behind me. Spinning around, I ducked lower into a squat and slammed the flat of my blade into the back of his legs. The impact was enough to send him sprawling onto his back. Kneeling beside him, I drove my sword down into his chest before he could roll away, narrowly missing his heart. At the same time, he lifted his blade, shoving it through my shoulder.

Our matching cries of pain reverberated through the air as the scent of blood filled the hall. Jerking my sword from his chest, I pressed the tip into his throat.

aWill you yield and swear to follow me?a I demanded through clenched teeth.

aYou have not won yet,a he bit out, twisting the blade that was still in my shoulder. A low moan escaped me, but I held my own sword steady in my hand.

aItas over,a I said firmly. aThis is your last chance to walk away.a To my surprise, Yuri disappeared. I slammed into the floor, my free hand sliding in his blood as I tried to stop myself. A wall of flames shot up around me as I pushed to my knees again. Pain pulsed down my arm and across my chest. The flames had been a reflex reaction to save myself from being stabbed in the back.

Yuri reappeared beside me. He grabbed a handful of my hair, but before he could tighten his grip, I pushed on the floor, using his blood to slide out of his reach and through the dancing flames. Regaining my feet, I threw a knife at him before I stepped back into the circle of fire. The blade embedded itself deep in the creatureas stomach, bending him over in pain. With no remorse, no hesitation, I raised my sword and chopped off his head.

The headless body collapsed at my feet, while the head rolled several feet away. With a snap of my fingers, the wall of flames vanished as Yurias body became engulfed in flames. Walking over, I kicked his head toward the dais so it lay before my chair like a trophy.

aWhoas next?a I shouted, extinguis.h.i.+ng the flames so that only my voice echoed through the heavy silence. No one moved. No one spoke. Even wounded, I was still a threat they were unwilling to take on. I was not an Ancient, but I would take my seat on the coven as an Elder regardless of whether I truly wanted it.

This arrangement will not last , Stefan whispered in my head.

I smiled as I turned to face the three seated Elders before me. Youare right. This wonat last. Just give me time and I will hand you an open seat, I promised. I didnat always agree with Stefan and his outlook toward the other races. However, he was strong and he would help me stand against the naturi. I needed him alive and seated on the coven beside me if my people were to survive the long nights that were approaching.

aIt seems there are no others willing to cross you, Mira,a Jabari said, beaming at me like a proud father. aOnce again I recognize your claim to the open seat on the coven.a My gaze turned to Elizabeth and Macaire, waiting. All the members of the coven had to recognize my claim on the open seat or they had to challenge me. After my fight with Yuri, I was weaker than I had been when I first walked into the Main Hall, making me potentially easy prey for Macaire and maybe even Elizabeth. Both held grudges against me for their own particular reasons. My muscles tightened, increasing the pain in my shoulder even as it struggled to finally heal. My hand tightened around my sword, sending a stabbing pain through my arm, but I was ready.

aI recognize your claim to the open seat on the coven,a Elizabeth declared in a clear, ringing voice that filled the enormous chamber. She lifted her chin a little and even graced me with a small smile, as if daring me to question her motives.

My gaze then turned to Macaire, whose face had grown red during the past few minutes as his rage mounted. I was willing to bet that the nightwalker had goaded Yuri into challenging me, confident that the powerful Ancient would make quick work of me. But yet again Macaire had under-estimated me and my determination to live.

aI recognize your claim to the open seat on the coven,a he announced in a dark growl, his hands tightening on the arms of his chair.

I bowed my head slightly to him, my grin growing wider. It was official now. I was an Elder on the coven that ruled the entire nightwalker nation, and I had at my side a hunter that was part bori. My people might never forgive me if they found out the truth, but I was doing what I believed was for the best.

aAs my first act as Elder, there is some old business that I would like to clear up,a I announced. Gazing around the room, my eyes finally lit on a slender blond nightwalker with icy blue eyes. My smile dimmed as I walked over to him. Lucas took a step backward, b.u.mping into a nightwalker standing directly behind him.

aMira, Ia"a he started, but I didnat allow him to get any further. Grabbing the front of his s.h.i.+rt, I tossed him into the middle of the open floor before the coven. The young nightwalker scrambled to his feet and tried to edge closer to his master Macaire. However, I darted across the room, intercepting his movements.

aWhat grievances do you have against my companion?a Macaire demanded as he shoved to his feet.

aMany,a I said in a low voice. aDonat I, Lucas?a aPlease, Mira,a he pleaded, trying to take a step away from me, but I had already begun to circle him, keeping him trapped in the center of the floor.

I waited for him to say that he was simply following the orders of his master, but the nightwalker stopped himself before he could incriminate Macaire. The Elder would only go so far to protect him, and neither of us believed that he would cross me directly.

aLast summer you were in Savannah trying to incite a rebellion with Bishop among my people. You lingered in my domain without presenting yourself to me. You attacked me and you attacked my guest.a I stopped pacing. aDo you have any excuse that you can offer up?a aPlease, Mira, I had no choice,a Lucas pleaded as a tear streaked down his pale cheek.

aReally? Why is that?a aIa"I canat . . .a he said, his words seeming to drift away. If he offered up an excuse that saved him from me, he would not escape Macaireas wrath.

aThatas what I thought.a Balling my right hand into a fist, I punched through his chest so I could grab his heart. I wrapped my fingers around the cold lifeless organ before ripping it out. The nightwalker gave one little jerk before falling over before me. He never cried out. He never fought me. But then, he never had a chance.

I waved my empty hand over Lucasas body, lighting it on fire. I tossed the heart on the burning body and turned back to face the coven with a wide grin on my face. All the aches and pains I felt earlier had left me as I was filled with a rush of adrenaline that came from killing both Yuri and Lucas. My fangs poked against my lower lip and a part of me yearned for another battle, but now was not the time. Macaire had returned to his seat, his eyes unmoving from the flickering flames behind me.

aMy debts are settled,a I said, and then walked over to my seat on the coven. Blood dripped from my fingers to the floor as I paused before the three short steps that led to the open seat. Danaus had straightened from his relaxed stance and stood like a soldier behind my chair at parade rest, ever ready to protect me. I stared at the gold chair, every muscle and thought screaming for me to not take this place on the coven. It was a road I had never planned to go down. I wasnat supposed to get involved in the politics of my people. I had sworn that I would live out the rest of my existence in peaceful anonymity in my beloved Savannah. But my people were running out of time, and I had no choice but to step forward if we were going to defeat the naturi.

Raising my chin, I walked up the last three steps and sat down in the stiff gold chair, looking out on the ma.s.sive gathering of nightwalkers before me. No one looked particularly pleased with my arrival as the newest Elder. In fact, most looked horrified or angered by my presence. But it didnat matter. I would do whatever it took to defeat Aurora and the naturi that threatened our way of life.

Unfortunately, first I would have to take care of Macaire. Killing his companion Lucas had essentially been an open declaration of war, which only pleased Jabari. He had been looking for a way to finally get rid of his chief rival on the coven. The Egyptian Ancient was wise enough to fear Our Liege, but had no qualms about being the driving force on the coven. However, to achieve that, Jabari had to finally be rid of Macairea"the one nightwalker that had opposed him for more centuries than I cared to count.

It was fitting that I would continue to be the wedge dividing them, since that seemed to be the only role fit for me since I had first been reborn. Macaire could not control me, and Jabari had never been willing to share me with the Ancient.

Macaireas time was winding down. He had been given his warning with the death of Lucas. He couldnat step down. It was a sign of weakness, and other nightwalkers would seek to take advantage of that weakness at the first chance. No, if Macaire wished to survive, he would need to kill me before Jabari and I got around to killing him.

Chapter Six.

T he naturi were attacking.

The cry went up from every domain keeper that stepped before the coven that evening. Dozens came forward, frightened and angry that their territory was now the hunting ground for countless naturi during both the daylight and evening hours.

I could see the bitter accusation in their eyes. Our world was overrun with naturi because I had failed to stop them at Machu Picchu. It didnat matter that Macaire tried to forge an alliance with the naturi or that we had been outnumbered on that Peruvian mountain. It didnat matter that the coven had acted too slowly to counter the threat Rowe posed. It didnat matter that Jabari had wasted time trying to kill me when he should have been helping me. All they knew was that I had been sent to stop the naturi and now they were running free.

I sat in silence, enduring their dirty looks and sneers as they whined about daylight raids on nests and hunting parties by moonlight. The shapes.h.i.+fters had turned against us, controlled by the animal clan within the naturi. I didnat expect the witches and the warlocks to stay friendly much longer, considering that Ryan and Danaus were no longer on speaking terms, because of me. The head of Themis was not only a powerful warlock in his own right, but also wielded a great deal of clout within the magic usersa community. Our world was falling apart and we needed to start taking some steps to preserve and protect what we could.

aWhat have you done to protect those within your domain?a I snapped after listening to what had to be the tenth supplicant. My limited patience had finally reached its end.

aWeare being slaughtered during the daylight hours,a the nightwalker complained, flas.h.i.+ng me an ugly glare. It was all I could do to not set him on fire that second, but I tapped down the urge.

aAny nightwalker that doesnat know how to protect his lair and keep it secret deserves to be staked and dragged out into the sun,a I snarled, lurching forward so I was perched on the edge of my seat. aWeave grown too sloppy and complacent over the long years. Weave been the dominant species for centuries. The naturi should not have an edge over us!a The nightwalker took a brave step forward as he balled his fists at his sides. aWhat about the lycans? Theyare hunting us as well.a aHave you spoken with the pack alpha?a aNo, not yet,a he replied, his voice losing some of its earlier strength.

aTalk to the alpha. Set up limitations as to where the lycans can roam during the night hours.a aThey wonat agreea"a aThey will if they want to continue to live and be free of the naturi,a I argued, cutting him off. aAnd start hunting down the naturi, d.a.m.n it!a aWhat about the humans?a I slid back from the edge of my seat and rested my head in my hand as I put my elbow on the arm of the chair. aWhat about the humans?a I repeated. My head was beginning to throb. This was growing tiresome, and I was confident that we werenat making any real progress. During the early years of my existence, when I was living with Jabari, I spent many hours hovering on the fringe of the coven because it meant that I was close to my mentor. I donat recall that time being as particularly tedious as it was right at this moment.

aTheyare being slaughtered at an alarming rate. The police arenat going to buy this serial killer garbage weave been feeding them for much longer. Itas only a matter of time before the truth gets out. We wonat be able to protect the secret for much longer if the naturi continue their rampage unchecked.a aThen check them!a Jabari growled. aThe coven cannot be everywhere at once fighting the naturi. These are your domains. Police them as you are supposed to or step down and let someone else take care of what you canat.a aBut the coven can be in a few select places, looking into the matter and making an example of the naturi that are there,a Macaire smoothly interjected, jerking my head in his direction.

Taking a slow breath, I forced a brilliant smile on my lips as I looked at him, trying not to flash my fangs at him. aThat is true,a I agreed sweetly. aDo you have someplace particular in mind?a aActually, I do. Budapest.a aBudapest? Have we heard from her keeper this evening? I donat recall that one,a I said, maintaining my polite demeanor while fighting the urge to grind my teeth. The Elder had something up his sleeve and was simply waiting for me to step into his trap.

aI have been contacted separately by nightwalkers that live within the city limits of Budapest,a Macaire replied, smiling back at me. aI have also been seeing a growing number of reports out of that city regarding human deaths under mysterious circ.u.mstances. Someone must act quickly to quell the chatter that is starting to hit the human media.a I slouched in my chair, staring blindly out at the crowd of nightwalkers fanned out in front of me, watching my every move. I hadnat visited Budapest in years. I wasnat even sure who her keeper was now. However, it didnat take a rocket scientist to guess that the keeper was most likely loyal to Macaire.

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