Sleight Of Paw Part 18

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"You have a twinkle, too."

Rebecca came back with a plate piled high with her cinnamon-raisin waffles. The smell made my mouth water. "Don't wait," she told us. She made one more trip to the kitchen, returning with a gla.s.s ca.s.serole dish.

"This is a new recipe," she warned. "So the two of you are my guinea pigs."

"I have no worries, my dear," Everett said, spooning fruit on his waffle.

I just nodded. My mouth was already full of waffle and fruit.

Breakfast was delicious, from Everett's coffee to Rebecca's experiment-a ca.s.serole of eggs, cheese, potato, onion and ham. The two of them kept me entertained with stories about past Winterfest celebrations.

With my plate clear and a second cup of coffee, the conversation turned to Agatha. "Could she have had as much as half a million dollars?" I asked Everett.

He ran his fingers over his beard. "Yes."

That surprised me. "How?" I asked. "I know she was extremely thrifty, but half a million dollars on a teacher's pension?"

"Agatha was very savvy," Everett said. "She took an interest in business and finance at a time when, frankly, women were considered incapable of it."

Across the table Rebecca nodded in agreement.

I leaned back in my seat. "I understand being frugal," I said. "It's how I grew up. But from what I saw at Agatha's house, she'd gone beyond frugal."

"And you a.s.sumed it was because she had very little money," Rebecca said. "So did most people."

"I was surprised she left all that money to someone she didn't know," Everett said. "Although"-he gave a slight shrug-"it is for a camp for troubled kids, and Agatha was a big believer in education being the way to solve most of our problems."

"I'm not surprised," Rebecca said.

"Why?" I asked, leaning forward.

"Out of all the young people Agatha helped-and there were a lot, believe me-she had a soft spot for Ruby."

"I think Ruby felt the same way."

"Ruby's been seeing Justin Anders. He's important to her and so is his project," Rebecca said. "So I think Agatha probably did it for Ruby as much as anything." She looked at Everett. "I'd do anything for Ami."

Ami was Everett's only grandchild and she was very close to Rebecca-always had been. Ami's parents had died when she was a baby, and her grandmother, Everett's wife, had pa.s.sed away before Ami was born. Although Everett and Rebecca hadn't been in each other's lives, Rebecca, whom Ami loving referred to as Rebbie, had been part mother figure, part grandmother to Ami since she was a little girl.

Everett's face softened, "I know you would," he said. He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to me. "Kathleen, Agatha was demanding and stern, not at all a sentimental person, but she loved kids. She dedicated her life to helping them. It does make sense."

I thought about the affection in Roma's voice when she talked about Agatha. I thought about Eric feeding her, and even Harrison Taylor insisting on keeping his promise to her. I was letting my big-city suspiciousness get to me.

Everett stood to clear the table and I got up to help him. He shook his head. "No," he said. "You're our guest."

I looked at Rebecca. "Then let me help with the dishes." I knew she didn't have a dishwasher.

"Thank you, Kathleen," she said. "But no. Everett will wash and I'll dry." She brushed off her hands, signifying that as far as she was concerned the subject was settled.

Rebecca studied my hair as I fastened my coat. "Your layers are growing out nicely." Maybe we'll trim it in another couple of weeks."

I nodded. We'd been working on shaping my hair as it grew out ever since the summer.

"Come over and see me when you have time," I said. "Owen and Hercules miss seeing you."

"I miss seeing them." She wrapped me in a hug. "I'll be over soon, I promise."

"Owen loved his chicken," I said, "and Hercules was in heaven with the sardines. Thank you again."

"You're welcome," she said, giving me a last squeeze before she let me go.

Everett was already running water in Rebecca's sink. I wondered what some of his business rivals would think to see him up to his elbows in soapsuds and wearing a flowered lavender ap.r.o.n.

"I'll see you later in the week," I said to Everett. He waved a soapy spoon at me in acknowledgment.

I walked back along the path between the two streets. As I unlocked the kitchen door, I could hear the phone ringing. Now, I knew in theory that I shouldn't run for the phone. I knew if it was important the caller would leave a message, but a ringing phone was like a plate of iced brownies-not something I was going to leave alone.

I skidded over the kitchen floor and launched myself across the living room to grab the phone.

"Kathleen, I'm so glad you're there." It was Maggie.

I undid my jacket, pulling out one arm and then switching the receiver to my other hand to pull out the opposite arm. She didn't sound right. "Mags, is something wrong?"

She cleared her throat. "Yes. The police arrested Ruby. They say she killed Agatha."


My knees went rubbery and I dropped into the chair. "What?" I said.

"They arrested Ruby. She was in her studio." Maggie's voice dropped to a whisper. "They put handcuffs on her."

"How long ago did this happen?"

"Um, right before I got here, I guess," she said. "Jaeger Merrill has studio s.p.a.ce across the hall. He said it happened ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago."

What was Marcus thinking? "Mags, does Ruby have a lawyer?" I asked.

"I don't think so. And her mom and stepfather are on that cruise."

"I just came from having breakfast with Rebecca and Everett," I said. "I'll call and ask him to recommend a lawyer for Ruby. I'll call you back."

"Okay," Maggie said. "I'm at the studio. Call my cell."

I hung up and dialed Rebecca's number. "h.e.l.lo, Kathleen," Rebecca said when she heard my voice. "Did you forget something?"

I explained about Ruby. "I don't want to interfere," I said. "But I doubt Ruby has a lawyer and, Rebecca, she couldn't have done this."

"Ruby's a lovely girl," Rebecca said. "She wouldn't hurt a fly, and you're not interfering."

"Do you think Everett could suggest a lawyer?"

"He certainly could," she said. "Wait just a moment."

She set down the phone and I heard murmuring in the background, and then Everett picked up the phone. "Kathleen, are you certain they arrested Ruby?"

"Yes," I said. "Maggie said they handcuffed her."

"I'll send one of my lawyers to the police station," he said. "Don't worry about Ruby. I can't promise you she won't have to stay in custody, because it's Sunday, but her rights will be protected."

"Thank you, Everett," I said, struggling to keep the emotion out of my voice. "I owe you."

"No, Kathleen, you don't," he said. "If you need anything else you call me."

I said I would and hung up.

Owen and Hercules were sitting in front of me, a set of gold eyes and a set of green eyes fixed on my face. "Marcus arrested Ruby," I said angrily.

Hercules gave his head a vigorous shake.

"I don't understand what he was thinking."

I was still wearing my hat and scarf. I took them off and set them on the footstool. "I have to call Maggie back."

Mags answered on the second ring. I explained Everett was sending a lawyer for Ruby.

"Thank you," she said. "When I found out Ruby had been arrested, my mind went blank. What are they thinking? Ruby would never hurt Agatha. Never."

Owen came over and leaned his head against my leg. I stroked his fur. "It's a mistake," I said. "Everett's lawyer will straighten the whole thing out."

"You're right," Maggie said. "This is just some mix-up. Maybe because she was the one who found Agatha. You found Gregor Easton's body and the police looked at you."

Marcus had actually suggested I'd been having an affair with the much older and hugely egocentric composer. But he'd learned he'd rushed to judgment, and he'd learn the same thing about Ruby. I felt myself start to relax.

"Got any plans for this afternoon?" Maggie asked. "If we've done all we can for Ruby, I need to get my mind off things." She was starting to sound more like herself again.

"Nothing special."

"I want to work for a couple more hours, but after that do you want to go skating?"

"Mags, I can't skate," I said.

"How can you be such a good hockey player and not be able to skate?"

"Street hockey."

There was silence for a moment, then she said, "Okay, this is the perfect time to try skating."

"Of course. Only half the town will be down there; nothing embarra.s.sing about that."

"Lots of people to help you," Maggie said.

I lifted Owen into my lap. He nuzzled the phone receiver. "Owen says h.e.l.lo," I said.

"Hey, Fuzz Face. How are you?" Maggie crooned.

Owen flopped across my lap and started to purr. "You're such a suck-up," I whispered to him. "He heard you," I told Maggie.

"Give him a scratch for me," she said. "So, are you coming skating?"

"I can't. I don't have skates."

"I can borrow a pair for you. What size shoe do you wear?"

I could stay home and worry about Ruby for the rest of the day, or go watch Maggie skate and maybe try it myself. "Okay, you win."

I told her my shoe size. She reminded me to bring an extra pair of socks. We settled on the time and I hung up.

I gave Owen a scratch behind the ears. "That's from Maggie," I told him. The purring went up a notch.

I went into the kitchen to make more coffee, leaning against the counter while it brewed. I kept coming back to what Marcus had been thinking.

He wouldn't just arrest Ruby on a whim. He had reasons, evidence. He was clearly interpreting the evidence incorrectly, but he had it. Was it because she'd found Agatha's body?

I'd been there in the alley, too, and unlike the last time we tangled, I didn't seem to be a suspect. Was it the money? It looked like that rumor was true.

When the coffee was ready I poured a cup and pulled out one of the kitchen chairs. Owen was roaming around and Hercules wandered in from the porch.

"When I finish my coffee let's go outside," I said to them. They exchanged glances but ignored me. "You both could use some exercise and so could I. Maggie's taking me skating this afternoon."

Hercules ducked his head and put a paw over his face. Owen yowled as though someone had stepped on his tail.

"Very funny," I said dryly.

With their little melodramatic display over both cats headed for the living room. I jumped up and stood in the doorway. "I was serious. We're going outside. And don't even think about doing an end run around me."

Both sets of whiskers were twitching.

"It's not that cold," I said darkly. "Move your tails." I went for my coffee without looking at them, and when I was ready, they were sitting sullenly by the outside door.

I widened the path around the side of the house, burning off a little of the anxiety about Ruby being arrested. Owen prowled the yard while Hercules sat on the bottom step, looking annoyed. We spent a half hour outside. When we went back in the cats disappeared and didn't come out until lunch, when they tried to mooch some of my sandwich.

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