Weakness: No Longer Weak Part 11

Weakness: No Longer Weak -

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Jennifer screamed and ran up the stairs as Luke's fist connected with my face. I stumbled before planting my feet, and threw more punches. I slammed his body against the wall and held him by his throat.

"You're my b.l.o.o.d.y brother." I stared into his eyes; his right one was already swollen from the beating, and the bruises were coming to the surface.

"I deserve this, but I'm not sorry for loving her first," Luke said to me, then proceeded to head b.u.t.t me. Blood dripped from my nose, and my lip swelled up. I grabbed his shoulders and slammed his back against the wall. Pictures fell to the ground and the gla.s.s shattered.

"Stop, please," Jennifer said. She tried to come toward us to stop the beating, but Abbot held her back by her shoulders. We were relentless with our blows.

"Stop this. You didn't f.u.c.king love her first, Luke. And she doesn't love you back. She never has," I said, trying to stab him in the heart with my words. He wrapped his hands around my throat, and I instantly placed mine around his, both of us squeezing as hard as we could.

"Stop! Please don't do this!" Jennifer screamed. The sound of her desperate voice tore me apart. My world began to fade as Luke took all the air from my lungs, and I knew his was fading too.

"Okay. Just kidding. That really is enough." Abbot let go of Jennifer and broke us apart. Luke and I both huddled over, gasping for air.

I stood up and cracked my knuckles. "You touch her again and I'll f.u.c.king kill you."

Luke looked at me and knew I wasn't joking. I glanced at Jennifer and sadness filled her eyes.

"No you won't," Abbot said. I looked at him throwing darts in his direction.

"Do it, Luke. And we will all find out whether I'm bluffing." I walked away, my face and hands burning with pain. When Jennifer saw my face, she covered her mouth with her hands. Drops of blood stained my s.h.i.+rt and I needed to clean up.

"Your sister will be here soon. Let's get cleaned up for dinner," I said, not waiting for a response. Luke and Abbot pa.s.sed me as I walked toward the bedroom. I made eye contact with both of them and slammed the door behind me.

I had so much anger and frustration building inside me. I walked to the bathroom, turned on the hot water, then removed my s.h.i.+rt, when a few knocks echoed on the outside of the door.

I walked into the bedroom with my arms crossed against my chest, waiting.

Abbot entered with a smile. "The two of you are f.u.c.king insane," he said, laughing.

My nostrils flared.

"It's going to be okay, though. Spoke with your brother, and he really is sorry for being such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but not for kissing your fiance. You really gave it to him, Finn. He might have two black eyes."

I wiped the blood away from my nose and continued to look at Abbot. "He deserved it. He said he was over it. That I could trust him. Then the first time they are alone, he f.u.c.king kisses her? Jennifer is already an emotional wreck. I don't need him confusing or adding more pressure on her. She doesn't feel that way about him. She never has."

"Then what are you worried about?"

Abbot's words echoed out as the door cracked open and Jennifer stepped in. The air in the room was heavy, unbreathable almost. "How about a little f.u.c.king control, Finnley? Did you see what you did to Luke? It killed me inside to watch that and not be able to stop it. Like Abbot said, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not going anywhere. That"-she pointed toward the living room-"was unnecessary."

Abbot burst in with hefty laughter, though nothing was funny. "I think she just told you off."

I walked back into the bathroom and slammed the door. I didn't want to look at either of them. Luke had to know this wasn't a game, that Jennifer was mine. He would have to control his emotions. I stood in front of the mirror, hovering over the sink and looking at the scratches, while feeling the tenderness on my face. Abbot swung the door open. Privacy didn't exist in his world.

"I thought instead of making a scene, I would tell you both what I've learned. The driver's name was Darrel Freeman. I dialed the last number in his phone, and a familiar voice answered. Jesse. She asked if I had the van parked in the garage at the Elite building. I muttered it was done to shut her up. So we were the targets. She also asked whether Jennifer was taken care of, and I told her yes. The problem is, when none of these things happen, she will most likely spiral into an uncontrollable rage. I've dealt with psychopaths like her before. We must be a step ahead of her at all times. If we aren't, someone could get hurt, or even killed." Abbot glanced at Jennifer, then me.

How many curve b.a.l.l.s would get thrown at me today? How many could I catch? "I understand. We should prepare for what will happen next. How much time do you reckon we have?"

"Twenty-four hours. Forty-eight at the most." Abbot patted me on the shoulder then walked out of the bathroom.

I turned back to the sink without acknowledging Jennifer. I couldn't, not right now. I needed to calm down first.

Jennifer stepped into the bathroom as I undressed and stepped into the shower. "Are you worried?" she asked.

Blood mixed with the warm water that streamed down my body. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore that she was even talking. I didn't want to say something I would regret.

She pulled the gla.s.s door open and stared at me as I washed my hair. "Are you f.u.c.king worried?"

Her eyes didn't move from mine when I looked at her. "Worried about what?"

There were so many things that I could be worried about at the moment: Jesse, Luke, and life in general. How could I answer that question?

"That I'm going to leave you for him? Do you trust me at all? I don't understand what your issue with this is. You know love better than anyone I've ever met. It's not that easy to turn your feelings off. Let me reiterate, just in case you somehow forgot: I don't want anyone but you. But let me say that beating your brother to a b.l.o.o.d.y pulp because he kissed me was unnecessary. I wanted to tell you because you needed to know, but I didn't have the chance before you went into attack mode. You're my fiance, the man that I plan to spend the rest of my life with. I didn't expect you to beat the s.h.i.+t out of him for a kiss that meant nothing to me. I promised to be honest. I'm disappointed with your lack of control." She slammed the gla.s.s door closed, followed by the bathroom door.

Her words repeated over and over in my head as I washed my burning b.l.o.o.d.y skin.

You know love better than anyone . . .

Jennifer had a point. I did know love, and I knew loving her was easy. Could I really fault Luke for falling in love with Jennifer? No. But I could fault him for making moves on my fiance, especially since he's my brother. Maybe he lost control, just like I had on his face.

Though he was wrong, it would be my responsibility to make this right.



I couldn't believe they would fight each other like animals over a kiss. If I would have felt something-anything-when it had happened, I could have understood his reasoning. But I hadn't. There was a complete void of emotions. Kissing me meant something for Luke, and that was where the problem lay.

I picked up my cellphone and texted him, needing to make sure he was okay.

Me: Luke, I'm so sorry.

Luke: I'm not. I would do it all over again just to feel your mouth on mine. It's something that I will remember and treasure for the rest of my life. I often think back to Paris and have too many what if's left unanswered.

Me: We can't do this.

Luke: I know. It won't happen again.

Me: You have to come back so we can talk about this like adults.

Luke: No.

For some reason, I felt like I had done something wrong, though I knew I hadn't. Should I have told Finnley? Yes. There was no doubt about that, but then again, I hadn't expected that reaction from either of them. Emotions were soaring, and though Abbot found the whole thing extremely comical, the rest of us knew how serious the situation was. I didn't want to be the person who ended a brothers' bond.

The smells of Finnley filled the room. I looked over and saw him standing at the edge of the stairs. His face was pink from the fight, but somehow he had walked away with mere scratches and no black eyes. He glanced at me then walked into the kitchen. I leaned back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. This was a mess, and I couldn't stand the tension.

I stood and walked to the kitchen, where Finnley was pouring a gla.s.s of water.

"What is your problem?" I asked, leaning on the door.

Finnley took two steps toward me, completely erasing the s.p.a.ce between us. He looked down at me, not saying a word, and that was more powerful than anything he could have said.

"My problem is that I don't like to share."

I swallowed and sucked in a deep breath. "You don't have to," I said. "But Luke is your brother. Your only brother."

"I don't care who he is. I will not share you with anyone. He should have never done that. Ever. It's disrespectful in every sense. It's almost unforgiveable." Finnley's tone was harsh, full of anger, and he didn't try to hold back how he felt. His walls were down.

"I-I-I don't expect you to."

He grabbed my chin between his fingers and forced me to look up at him.

My arms fell beside my body, and I gasped.

"I won't," he said, then leaned down, kissed my neck, and trailed kisses up to my ear. "So don't expect me to. I will always react this way when it comes to you."

A chill swept over my body. Hearing him say those words made me melt from the inside out. He leaned his body against mine until my back rested against the doorframe. All I could smell was his clean body and soap that reminded me of fresh mountain air. His palms rested on the side of my neck. He pulled me closer to him, then dipped his head down and connected his lips with mine, but with more behind the kiss than before. Protection, hurt, and anger mixed together and created a combination of strong emotions that he poured into his touch.

"What will you do when our love isn't new anymore? When we fall into a routine of just being with each other? When it doesn't feel like this?" I asked.

"I will never stop trying. Every day I want to win your love. Every day I want to fall in love with you all over again. Just because I will be married to you, doesn't mean I won't date you, court you, or go the extra mile to impress you for the rest of our lives. Isn't that one of the most beautiful thoughts in the world? To be able to win your love every single day. I know that today I lost control. I know that I should have handled myself better, but when it comes to you, I lose myself."

I had no words. I swallowed and looked into his green eyes as love swirled within me.

"Every day that you're with me, I fall in love. I never want to be without you, Finn. I can't. I wouldn't be whole. This is my life now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. And I've accepted Abbot. I've accepted Luke and the fact that I have a sister. I won't lie; it's a lot to take in all at once. Most of all, I've accepted your love and you. You're mine forever."

"I love you, babe," Finnley whispered over my mouth.

"I love you more."

As Finnley dipped his head down to kiss me, the doorbell rang. We stared at each other, and it rang again. Finnley went to the front door and opened it. Charlie stood there with buckets of chicken, and pints of sides. Behind him stood the ghost of my mother. My nerves teetered on edge as Finnley instantly transformed into the perfect gentleman.

"Thank you, Charlie. Caitlyn, welcome." Finnley stepped to the side and allowed them both to come in. Abbot drifted down the stairs and helped Charlie with the plastic bags full of food.

"Hi Cait!" I gave her a hug because Texans were huggers. Charlie set the food on the table, and I grabbed plates and silverware from the drawer. Finnley helped me place them around.

"Charlie, you'll stay for dinner, won't you?" Finnley asked.

"No, sir. I appreciate the offer," Charlie said, shooting a wink in my direction.

The smells of mashed potatoes, fried chicken, and corn filled the room. We pa.s.sed around buckets and pints of sides, with spoons stuck inside them. We all acted as if nothing had happened just an hour earlier. I hated it, but understood it was an act. What kind of impression would that make for my sister?

"I'm terribly rude, Caitlyn. This is Abbot, one of my best friends, and of course, you've met us," Finnley said, giving her that cute little side smirk that drove me crazy.

"Hi Abbot, it's a pleasure to meet you," Caitlyn said. She even sounded like my mother.

A few more bites of chicken and potatoes later, and a loud bang rang out on the front door. Finnley looked at all of us, then excused himself and went to the front door.

I heard him chatting with someone, his voice m.u.f.fled. The front door clicked shut. We all looked around the table at each other. Caitlyn was clueless, Abbot was on full alert, and I was curious to know what was going on. I wiped my mouth with my napkin and excused myself.

I heard Finnley outside, yelling at the top of his lungs, and then I heard Luke yelling back, apologizing. He'd said he wasn't coming back, but he had. He cared and that made me happy. I continued to listen to the heated words they were throwing back and forth. As long as it wasn't their fists, I was okay with that.

"I can't help the way I feel, Finnley. f.u.c.king give me a break. It will never happen again. I promise," Luke said.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me when you act like this? Do you have any idea what you do to her? You're selfish and you weren't thinking about anyone but yourself when you f.u.c.king kissed her. The consequences of your actions didn't even cross your mind. She is my fiance. Next time you feel so compelled to do something, f.u.c.king think first. Think about what it will do to other people. Do you understand what you've done? Can I even trust you?"

"It was stupid. I understand that. I drove around for twenty minutes and knew I had to come back. I don't want you upset with me. I don't want Jennifer to be upset with me. It was a lapse in judgment."

Silence. I heard nothing else.

The door swung open, and I was busted.

Finnley tilted his head, narrowed his eyes, and then tucked the edge of his bottom lip into his mouth. I gave a small smile, then looked over at Luke, and back at Finnley.

"Join us for dinner, won't you?" Finnley asked Luke.

Luke nodded and walked past me with his eyes glued to mine. I mouthed, "I'm sorry," and Luke shook his head then followed Finnley into the kitchen.

Caitlyn and Abbot were cutting up. Tears streamed down her face from laughing so hard. I smiled and glanced over at Finnley, who was watching me. Luke looked like total s.h.i.+t, with two swollen eyes and a bruise on his upper cheek. When Caitlyn looked at him, both her eyebrows lifted.

"Hi. I'm Luketon Brand. You can call me Luke. Finnley's little brother," Luke said, stretching his hand across the table to shake hers. She wiped her hand on a napkin then met his. She searched his face, then smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"Don't mind my face. I got in a little fight, but I'm fine," Luke said. He placed a piece of chicken and some potatoes on his plate, and then sat across the table from Caitlyn.

Abbot's phone rang, and he picked it up and waited. Whatever was said on the other line must have been serious, because he hung up then checked his watch.

"I've got to go. I hope you'll excuse me. It was a pleasure, Cait," Abbot said, kissing her hand.

A pink hue met her cheeks, and she smiled at him.

Blus.h.i.+ng? Oh no. Abbot was a cold-hearted killer who was openly flirting with my sister.

This couldn't happen.



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