Project Exorcism - Paranormal Payload Part 5

Project Exorcism - Paranormal Payload -

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They were nothing more than women. Their brothers had been forced into exile long ago, leaving them defenseless. Well, all except for the Chieftain and his brothers. Samson had taken some effort to sway but when he finally managed to find his weakness, Lorelei, he broke the man quickly. The nameless, faceless elders-the ones who managed to exist beyond his grasp had deemed Samson worthy of Lorelei's hand should her mate not show himself.

No one held out much hope of finding their one true mate on Sargaidia. Its sister planet, Margaidia was more a vacation paradise, held under tight control by the Commission.

Having crashed aboard a Project Exorcism vessel over a hundred and fifty years ago, Stegian had reveled in the fact that the planet's natural resources began to immediately enhance his already superhuman qualities. No longer requiring daily feedings, Stegian could go for extended periods of time and not lose his strength or powers. Being both a vampire and a sorcerer had left him in need of replenis.h.i.+ng his system often while on Earth.

The human officials who had come to an agreement with the traitorous heads of the supernatural committee never planned on an accident throwing their vessel off course and they never planned on how much stronger the supernaturals would be on account of it.

Sensing Lorelei's power riding the air, Stegian narrowed his eyes and sought to connect with her mentally again.

He'd been doing it on and off for six months each time managing to stay a bit longer before she noticed he was there.

In his mind he could see her mate, his blond hair and green eyes staring down at her as he caressed her body slowly.

The smell of arousal managed to transcend the distance between Stegian and Lorelei, allowing him to catch the scent of her damp p.u.s.s.y. Need slammed through him and his d.i.c.k hardened instantly. She and her sister, the captain of the Shamenian guards had always made his c.o.c.k thirst to be buried in them. Now, as he stayed linked to her, viewing the events in third person, Stegian couldn't help but reach down into his pants and stroke his rapidly growing erection.

"Yunoc," he called out, knowing his loyal servant would come immediately.

He heard him standing quietly behind him but didn't bother to turn around. "Bring me one of the Shamenian mixed females we have. I want one with black hair and an appet.i.te for rough s.e.x." "Yes, Master."

Stegian concentrated on Lorelei again, mentally tracing the contours of her body, wis.h.i.+ng it was he touching her now not that dreaded Commission Captain whom he'd tried desperately to block from her dreams with no success.

The man slid his hand down the front of Lorelei's pants and cupped her mound. Stegian could almost taste the cream the smell was so great.

Warm hands moved over his arm and he knew the woman he'd sent Yunoc for had arrived. Looking up, he smiled as he found her wearing nothing but a collar. Being part wolf and part Shamenian left her an outcast in both worlds.

Stegian knew she'd have been better off staying with her own kind but when he'd first spotted her, he had to have her. The female reminded him of Lorelei and Nina, making her a perfect bed partner when the mood struck him.

Taking hold of her waist, he pulled her before him, still sitting in his chair and still smelling Lorelei's cream. He stared into the female's well maintained black thatch between her thighs and snapped out at it, not biting but wanting to. Parting her folds, Stegian leaned forward and licked her, instantly picturing Lorelei's p.u.s.s.y before him. Not the woman there now. "Mmm, you taste sinfully delicious."

When Stegian watched the Captain before Lorelei drop to his knees, pull her pants down and mimic Stegian's actions he couldn't hide his joy. The man was sensing his presence and reacting to Stegian's lead.

Wanting to test the theory, Stegian pushed two fingers into the s.l.u.t before him and began thrusting them into her with superhuman speed. The Captain followed suit. Still wanting to push it further to know for sure, Stegian stood fast, licked the cream from his fingers and immediately spun the woman around. Grabbing her hips, he bent her over exposing the globes of her a.s.s to him.

He freed himself from the confines of his pants and fisted his c.o.c.k. The Captain continued to do exactly as Stegian did. He rubbed the head of his p.e.n.i.s over the female's wet core twice before grasping her hair and ramming himself to the hilt in her. She screamed out and tried to get away from him. Tightening his hold on her, he kept her in place.

Slowly, her tight channel loosened for him and she began to rock back onto his d.i.c.k.

"Do you like that, s.l.u.t?" he asked, shocked to hear the Captain ask Lorelei the same question.

Lorelei nodded as best she could, moaning and arching her back, leaving Stegian drilling into the female before him, f.u.c.king his desires away and not caring how rough he was. The woman didn't seem to mind. She continued to cream on his shaft as he f.u.c.ked her and began to knead her fingers into her thighs, panting as she went.

"Yes. Take it, s.l.u.t. Take it."

He f.u.c.ked her harder, bending her over more, exposing the pink rosette of her a.s.s to him. The need to take it hit him hard. Knowing that he couldn't let Lorelei's mate spill his seed into her, Stegian pulled his c.o.c.k free from the female's p.u.s.s.y and pressed it into her a.s.s quickly, allowing her little to no time to prepare for it. She bucked against him, taking the full, ma.s.sive length of him into her tight a.s.s.

It felt too good to stop. It wasn't the woman from his never ending harem bent over before him in his mind. No.

To Stegian it was Lorelei's a.s.s he was in. He searched out and to his shock found the Captain still f.u.c.king her p.u.s.s.y, still thrusting into her. Each of them panted as they stay locked together. The second Stegian saw the Captain reaching around to tweak Lorelei's c.l.i.t, he let his rage out.

"No! Obey me. Pull out and do not release your seed into her."

"Master?" the woman before him asked, sounding as though his d.i.c.k was filling her to the point she bordered on pain.

"Speak only when spoken to." Unable to stop himself, Stegian continued to thrust into her, enjoying the feel of her tight pa.s.sageway around his shaft.

"Pull out!"

The captain ignored his command. Infuriated, Stegian thrust harder, needing to find the ever elusive release he thought sure would come. As the smell of Lorelei hitting her peak hit him, Stegian gave into the need to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, instantly bathing the woman in his come. It was then he knew that the captain, Lorelei's true mate was filling her with his seed, fertilizing the egg that had come forth demanding his seed.

Raking his dagger-like finger nails down the female's back, Stegian smiled as she cried out. Pulling his d.i.c.k free from her, he turned her quickly and bent her over his desktop. The blood that welled to the surface on her back called to him. He dropped his face down and lapped it up slowly. Stegian's c.o.c.k returned to a need of s.e.x almost instantly as the blood of the woman filled his veins, breathing new life into him.

In mere seconds he had his c.o.c.k shoved back into her a.s.s as he bent down, licking her wounds. It was exactly what he liked-a f.u.c.k and a suck. As a vampire there was no greater high. Well, the Janelle sisters would certainly improve that.

Stegian focused on the female before him, breaking away from Lorelei just as she began to sense him. "I shall deal with you later. Know that I will not permit a child to be born from you."

Lorelei's head snapped up as she felt the presence of evil all around them. Holding tight to Sevan's thigh, she continued to feel him coming in spurts deep within her, fertilizing the egg that her power a.s.sured her was there.


Running his hand over her low abdomen, Sevan sighed in her ear. "I'm sorry our first time was like this, Lorelei. I couldn't seem to stop myself. The need to be in you was unlike anything I've ever felt before."

Every alarm bell in her went off. Stegian. It was his presence she'd sensed. "He touched your mind, Sevan."

"Who touched my ... oh, G.o.ds. That's why I wanted to pull out in mid thrust and ram my c.o.c.k into your...." He stopped in mid-sentence.

"Into my what?"

Sevan hugged her tight to his chest. His c.o.c.k was still in her, partially sated but there all the same. "I had the strongest urge to pull out and come in your a.s.s."

Lorelei nodded as she drew in a deep breath. "He didn't want you to release your s.e.m.e.n into me. The last thing he wants is another generation of Janelles standing in his way of owning everyone on this planet."

"It was hard to resist, Lorelei. All I could think about was missing our window of opportunity for a child together. I couldn't do it. I couldn't give that up. Not when you want it so bad. h.e.l.l, I want it too. I want a life with you. I want a family. There is no way in h.e.l.l that some crazed lunatic with some half c.o.c.ked gift of mind control is going to stop that."

It hit Lorelei then. Sevan had stood up to Stegian without even knowing it. Somehow he'd managed to keep from falling completely under his spell. If he'd found a way then that meant the others might be able to as well. "You did it.

You blocked him from taking full control."

"No. I didn't allow him to take my chances at a family with you, Lorelei. That's all I did."

He didn't understand. He couldn't. Sevan wasn't raised with the fear of Stegian in him. No. She understood that and she almost felt sorry that he couldn't appreciate what an accomplishment he'd achieved.

Opening her mouth to comment, Lorelei stopped when her stomach cramped. She took hold of it, cradled it tight and cried out as heat flared through it. Sevan's hand which still rested on her lower abdomen pulled her back into him more.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you so hot?"

Lorelei glanced down and watched her markings fading fast. "Oh G.o.ds, Sevan."

"What?" he asked, sounding as panicked as she felt.

"It worked."

"What worked?"

Placing her hand over his, she smiled. "We created life."

He held her so tight that Lorelei thought she might burst. The feel of Sevan's large arms wrapped around her and the sense that he was as happy if not happier than her made it all perfect. Granted, being bent over outside and f.u.c.ked hard and fast wasn't how she envisioned their first meeting to be but in truth, this wasn't their first time together. Six month's worth of dreams had placed them in one another's arms more times than she could count.

Holding tight to her husband's hand, Lorelei let it all sink in. "You're here. You're real and you're here."

"And I'm not going anywhere, honey. I promise you that."

Chapter Six

"Yeah, back at you, lady," Jordan bit out glaring at Nina as she stormed off in the other direction. Her tight little a.s.s sashayed even though she struck him as a woman who would never do it on purpose. Naturally s.e.xy and everything his c.o.c.k could hope to dive into, the woman could bring him to his knees if she tried hard enough. Christian laughed and Jordan snarled. "What's so funny?"

"I have not seen Nina take a real interest in a member of the opposite s.e.x ever."

"She's into women?" The thought, while exciting, worried Jordan. He'd already made a fool out of himself by opening his mouth and inserting his foot when he suggested that someone with b.r.e.a.s.t.s was hardly qualified to lead an army but the idea of Nina not even giving him a second thought because he had a p.e.n.i.s scared him even more.

Christian laughed again. It seemed to be what he'd done most since they'd gone to a.s.sure themselves that the children were safe. "Jordan, she more than likes men. The problem is, Nina views them as disposable. She can bed one and move onto the next. She has unlimited access to the unmated males and they adore her."

He swallowed hard at the implication that Nina f.u.c.ked her entire army. "She hasn't, um...?"

Christian pulled a box of tools down from the cargo bay container and arched a sandy blond brow. "If you are asking if Nina has pleasured the entire legion of men under her command the answer is no. Even she needs to pace herself." The smirk on his face told Jordan he was kidding but that didn't stop the jealous streak that threatened to consume him.

"Have you been with her?"


Jordan kept a close eye on Christian, hoping to get to know him better. There was something about the man that screamed powerful yet he hadn't tried to use that on any of them yet. "Have you been with Lorelei?"

Christian stilled and Jordan knew the answer to his question. Christian had indeed been intimate with Lorelei. It would kill his brother to know that but if Jordan had to guess, Sevan already knew and didn't like it one bit. "Lorelei and I have a unique relations.h.i.+p. It is difficult to explain to an outsider. Our customs and ways, while similar to that of humans, are not the same."

"Meaning you've not only f.u.c.ked her, you've done it many times."

"She is to be my wife as decided by the elders and that is all I am willing to offer on the matter at the moment. Let us see to your s.h.i.+p. So far, the reports coming in from our FST department are bleak."

"Yeah, one of my Lt. Commanders gave me the abridged version of your Fleet Support Team's a.n.a.lysis. Our own system dialogistic matches and I have to agree it's not looking so good." As Jordan looked out at Alpha Brig Three, he shook his head and sighed. "The air compression chambers in all s.p.a.ce pod docks have completely gone haywire. Our navigational system appears to be offline but we can't tell for sure due to our data a.n.a.lysis log's issues with staying active."

"Do you often pilot a vessel that should be in a salvage station?" Christian asked, his lip curling into a half smile.

If the man didn't fill the doorway and look as though he made a habit of breaking others in two, Jordan would have punched him just for the h.e.l.l of it. It wasn't like he was a small guy in any way, shape or form but Christian had him beat. "No, I don't make a habit of that. The Alpha Brig Three is only four years old and that makes her a baby in the eyes of s.h.i.+p life. She's also top of the line and has pa.s.sed all of her inspections with flying colors. It was weird. We were on our way to Margaidia and pa.s.sed through a stream of stellar remains. Our fuel tank spontaneously cracked, leaking fuel out and into the gas from the remains and we cut the engines, unsure if a spark would ignite a ma.s.sive explosion or not."

"Stellar remains? Where? We've had no supernovas in our region of the galaxy for thousands of years," Christian said, confirming what Jordan already believed. "What would you say if I told you that it didn't feel right? The entire event felt different, like something was interfering with us, something big and...."

"Mystical?" Christian nodded. "It would explain much. It was written long ago that when the time came for the rise against evil that great warriors would fall from the sky and old ones we'd lost along the way would return. I did not believe this legend. Perhaps I was wrong."

"Warriors would fall from the sky?" Jordan wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.

Christian nodded. "Yes. Long before the others came to be it was said that demons populated us and that warriors would soon follow. Well, the demon part was accurate. But they have all but overrun our planet in the last one hundred and fifty years. Not all are demons and evil. In fact, it is the select minority that terrifies so many villages into states of panic, leaving them prejudice to any who contain the blood of the others. I find that rather ironic due to the fact that Shamenians and natives of Sargaidia have always possessed skills and gifts greater than humans."

"The others? Care to elaborate?"

"Don't bother going into detail with the likes of him. You will waste your breath and he will retain but a tiny bit of it all."

The sound of Nina's voice, while alluring and c.o.c.k hardening made Jordan see red. "Woman, stop treating me as though a human is the lowest life form in the universe."

"Stop treating me as though a woman should be barefoot and in the kitchen and we will no longer buck horns, Vasil."

"It's Jordan and you know it."

Nina smiled and blinked her eyes innocently. "Right you are and my name is Nina not woman."


Grinning, the vixen pushed past him and put her hand on her slender hips, leaving his c.o.c.k twitching madly in his pants. "Christian, it is clear we cannot have them up and operational at the current rate of repairs on their vessel.

As adamant as I am that we not allow outsiders to stay on our world after suns set, it would appear we have little choice in the matter."

"I agree. Have sleeping quarters arranged for the entire crew. Give them free access to the village but allow no outside to be administered to them. I will not allow them roaming out of the boundaries and ending up food for Stegian's men."

Nina nodded and glanced over her shoulder. The second Jordan locked eyes with her his chest pounded. She smiled wickedly. "You can pretend not to like me all you want, Vasil. I can smell your desire pouring off you."

"Yeah and I can smell your b.i.t.c.hiness, woman, so we're even." Jordan had never wanted to f.u.c.k a woman more and she knew it. Since the moment he'd stepped off the s.h.i.+p and watched her approach, his c.o.c.k had been in a constant state of readiness.

Watching Nina in action only served to make it worse. The way she seemed to handle herself, no fear, no restraint, made his gut twist into a tight knot. Sure, Jordan was accused of the very same things when it came to issues of his own safety but that was different. He was a man, not the most beautiful creature in the entire universe. The need to protect her was almost overpowering.

Nina licked her lower lip. "Can I help you?"


"You are staring at me."

"No, I'm not," Jordan said firmly but somehow still managing to sound like he was only ten years old.

Nina offered him a sly smile and shrugged. "Your eyes are locked on me and you aren't looking away. Correct me if I am wrong but is that not staring among your people?"

"Perhaps it is just called concentrating too hard where he comes from," Christian said, laughing softly under his breath.

Clearly not getting any help from Christian on the Nina front, Jordan narrowed his gaze. "I'm not staring-well, not that much anyways." The second a smile poured over Nina's face Jordan couldn't help but grin. This woman, this compact, pet.i.te stick of dynamite had the power to break him with nothing more than a flash of her amus.e.m.e.nt. She also held the gift of being able to set his temper off faster than a Palertaire barge trader on a hot Exellion day.

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