Project Exorcism - Paranormal Payload Part 1

Project Exorcism - Paranormal Payload -

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Project Exorcism.


By Mandy M. Roth.


Sevan moved slightly, getting a better angle on the beauty below him. Lorelei had haunted his dreams now for months and although he'd come to understand that he'd wake to find his sleep quarters empty and the raven haired G.o.ddess below him only a memory, he still caressed her tenderly. For the time being, she was his and he'd use that to his full advantage. He circled her belly b.u.t.ton with his tongue as he looked up the length of her perfect body. Letting his eyes linger over her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s and dark nipples, he could find no imperfection unless owning his heart was considered one.

The Fates themselves must have taken pity on him. Loving someone wasn't an option for him or others like him- the ones who carried the tiniest bits of supernatural DNA. Thankfully, Sevan's blood carried so little that the Commission's screening didn't catch it. Only he and his family knew. Humans from Earth had thought they had wiped out all traces of the monsters of night long ago during Project Exorcism. While humans did succeed in escorting the majority of the supernaturals off the planet in 2055 a small percentage remained, hiding among the humans or simply hiding. Now, a little over a hundred and fifty years later, supernaturals still existed, though finding a full-blood was almost impossible.

Hiding under the Commission's nose was the best place to be. The only problem was, should Sevan ever be lucky enough to find his mate, that one special person made just for him, he would have to disappear. If the Commission ever learned of his ancestry they would court-martial him if he was lucky. Death would be the alternative. Not just for Sevan but for his mate as well.

Now, coming upon the phase in his life where he wanted a family more than life itself, he found himself daydreaming about his mate, what she would look like, who she might be. It was then that the dreams of Lorelei began. No part of Sevan believed she was truly the one for him. No. She was too perfect. Too beautiful. Too glorious to be real. He now looked forward to sleeping in hopes of seeing her. So far, in the six months since the dreams began they'd been together each and every night.

Licking his way down her flat stomach, Sevan stopped when he reached the thin well maintained strip of black hair covering her mound. He parted Lorelei's slit, revealing her pink bud and smiled wickedly. "Baby, you're gorgeous. The sight of you all spread out before me makes my d.i.c.k so hard that I can't stand it."

"Please, Sevan," she whispered.

He couldn't help but smile at Lorelei's soft pleas for more. This woman his mind had created was so far beyond faultless that it was immeasurable. The idea of waking terrified him. Inching lower, Sevan dropped his head down and captured her c.l.i.t, flicking his tongue back and forth over it.

She inched up on the bed, doing her best to try to escape him. Knowing that she loved it when he did it, Sevan continued, hooking his arms around her thighs and pulling her to him. He licked, sucked and caressed her, bringing about tiny gasps and sweet moans from her lips.


Sevan sucked gently, his heart beating wildly. He knew she wanted him in her but he wanted her to come first.

Her happiness meant everything to him. Of course, his need to please her was part selfish as well. When she came he was able to lick it, taste it, enjoy it coating his tongue as he shared in her joy, forever committing it to memory.

Sliding a hand around, he inserted a finger into her tight channel as he continued to run his tongue over her c.l.i.t.

Lorelei cried out and laced her fingers in his hair. The knowledge that she was close to hitting her peak spurred him on. He increased his pace and added a second finger. The second her legs drew together, effectively clamping his head, he knew she'd reached culmination. Her p.u.s.s.y convulsed around his fingers and cream trickled freely from her.

Sevan's d.i.c.k jerked painfully, needing to find solace in her and soon.

Crawling up the bed quickly, Sevan took hold of his rigid c.o.c.k and aligned it with her heated core. He entered, instantly burying himself to the hilt. Lorelei bucked beneath him, grabbing hold of his a.s.s and pulling him to her. He increased his thrusts. Her body took hold of his, fisting his shaft as he worked in and out of her. It was heavenly. Every dream always was. It was as though Lorelei were made especially for him. His subconscious had created a woman so perfect that no woman in his waking hours could compare to her. Sadly enough, he doubted that even his true mate would measure up next to Lorelei and the place she'd taken in his heart.

"Do you like that, baby?" he asked, already knowing she did.

Nodding her head, Lorelei bit her lower lip and stared up at him with eyes so blue they didn't look natural. The walls of her p.u.s.s.y grabbed him tight, holding his c.o.c.k in her as she came again. This time Sevan joined her, pus.h.i.+ng down and locking to her tight. Unable to stop himself, Sevan gave in, emptying his seed deep within her, filling her to the point she couldn't possibly hold it all.

Lorelei's grip on him loosened slowly, making way for tiny caresses. She ran her hands through his hair and hugged him tight, giving him the rea.s.surance he needed that she was still there. "Thank you."

He let out a soft laugh. Normally, it was him thanking her. It had become a running joke between them. The first time he'd experienced the joy of being in her he'd repeatedly thanked her while he f.u.c.ked her. "Mmm, you are most welcome."


He kissed her lips as he stared down at Lorelei, not wanting to pull out. The second her lips began to tremble Sevan knew she was on the verge of tears. "Baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No," she said, her voice weak. "I don't want to want to wake up and find you're not there with me."

For some reason his mind had been having the woman he'd invented react with the same emotions as him. The same fears of waking and the other not being there. No part of Sevan wanted to wake to find himself alone in his quarters, his arms empty and his heart heavy. The idea of remaining in a dream-like state for all eternity had occurred to him more than once. Seeing Lorelei teetering on the edge of tears only added to that. "I'll come back."

"How do you know you will?"

"Because I've come every night for almost six months, Lorelei."

She swallowed hard. "What if the dreams just stop, Sevan? What if this is our last time together?"

Hearing her voice his ultimate fear left him needing to kiss her. Dropping down, he did just that, tasting her mouth as if it were the last time he'd ever be permitted to sample it. The fear of waking at any moment struck him hard and he drew back a bit. "Lorelei, I love you. Know that in case this is the last time."

It didn't matter that she was a figment of his imagination. He'd fallen in love with her upon first sight and it had only increased. In the waking hours he tried to find a real love, someone to fill the hole in his heart but he couldn't even stomach the idea of touching another woman. She was all he wanted.

The stunned expression on her face was priceless. He kissed the tip of her nose and chuckled. "That wasn't the response I was expecting."

She touched the side of his face and locked gazes with him. "And I wasn't expecting to fall in love with you either."

Suddenly, it felt as though he'd been stabbed through the heart. The news of her loving him should have been joyous. Instead, it only made matters harder for him. He was in love with a dream. It was sick and he knew it but he couldn't stop. Too many nights they'd spent together, talking about their pasts, their people, their futures and too many times they'd fallen into one another's arms, making love until it was time to wake.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked, running her hand over his bare chest.

Taking hold of it with his own, Sevan brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "I want to claim you, Lorelei. Make you mine for all eternity."

"This is only a dream, Sevan. Trust me, I want it too but it can never really be."

"Then what does it matter?" He s.h.i.+fted a bit. "I want to know that I claimed the person I love in my life not just the person I'll be forced to."

"Do it."

"What?" he asked, shocked by her response.

Lorelei reached down, cupped his c.o.c.k and squeezed it gently. "f.u.c.k me and make me yours, Sevan." Needing no further encouragement, Sevan adjusted himself over Lorelei and chuckled. She gave him a questioning look and arched a black brow. "Something funny about this?"

"Only that I can't claim you the way it should be done. I can't fully s.h.i.+ft, Lorelei. I only possess the strength, speed and skill of a lion. I can't actually s.h.i.+ft forms or have my teeth grow long enough to bite you, mark you as my own and taste of your blood."

Running her hands through his hair, Lorelei managed to soothe him. "This is a dream, Sevan. Anything is possible."

His c.o.c.k responded instantly, seeming to find her wet core all on its own. It wanted her as much as he did. Never one to tell his d.i.c.k no, Sevan pushed into her instantly finding the pleasure he sought. Lorelei met him thrust for thrust, taking all that he had to offer while begging softly for even more.

"Uh, Sevan, please."

It was on the tip of his tongue to protest and tell her that he truly couldn't mark her when he felt his mouth begin to burn. His gums seemed to light with a painful fire and he felt a change in his mouth occurring. Knowing his teeth were lengthening, Sevan did nothing to try to stop them even though his mind told him to panic. Somehow, his body knew it had been created to do this very thing.

Staring down at Lorelei's creamy smooth neck, Sevan watched with a supernatural eye as the veins seemed to pulse. Unable to control himself, he began to drill into her, striking the head of his c.o.c.k against her cervix. Lorelei thrashed beneath him, clawing at the backs of his arms and staring up at him with her beautifully blue eyes.

"Mine, Lorelei. Mine," he growled out, his voice suddenly lower than it had ever been. He f.u.c.ked her harder, knowing she not only could take it but demanded it during the mating ritual. "I claim thee as my mate, my soul, my love for all eternity. Take my seed as proof and taste of my blood as I taste of yours."

He struck out fast, sinking his newfound incisors into her tender shoulder. Lorelei cried out a second before Sevan felt her biting him back. The sweetly coppery taste of her warm blood filled his mouth. The man who had ruled his body all the years of his life was repulsed by the events. The beasts who'd spent that time caged rejoiced in the knowledge that she now belonged to him, real or not.

A spasm tore through Sevan's body as his b.a.l.l.s drew up tight and s.e.m.e.n shot forth from his c.o.c.k, filling his mate fully. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held him to her as they continued to drink of each other's blood.

Slowly, she released her hold on him. "Mine."

A wind came out of nowhere, whipping around them, yanking on them yet leaving them joined. A strange force slammed into Sevan, entering his body from behind and coming out the front. He knew the second it hit Lorelei because she jerked and cried out. Fearing he'd done something to hurt her, Sevan released his hold on her and felt his teeth recede. "Are you hurt?"

"No," Lorelei said, shaking her head and smiling. "It was supposed to happen, Sevan. It means we're true mates."

Laughing softly she shrugged beneath him. "Well, I guess in our dreams anyway."

"I'll never take another, Lorelei." Shocked by his own proclamation, Sevan just stared down at his mate-his wife.

She kissed the tip of his nose quickly. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Sevan. Let's just enjoy what we have now."

"I meant what I said. You are my wife now. And I won't...."

Pressing her fingers to his lips, she silenced him. "You will not live for a dream. You will enjoy your life as you were meant to. I love you and understand this. Who knows, Sevan, maybe the fates have bigger plans for us yet."

Chapter One

Lorelei Janelle plopped behind the control panel in the central observation deck to see what vessel had sparked the warning probe's alert system. She didn't like the idea of intruders in their vicinity, but it only happened every now and then so she couldn't complain. As much as she disliked worrying about outsiders, she did enjoy the company.

Her nights had been filled by erotic dreams of a man too good to be true and her days were a rude awakening to the harshness of her world. Her nocturnal lover hadn't come to her in two weeks and her fear that her mind had finally given up generating him was great. It would, of course, wait until she'd mated mentally with him to pull the plug.

"Unit One, this is Captain Vasil of the Alpha Brig Three requesting permission to enter atmosphere and dock.

Emergency commission code 327 has been initiated," a deep, familiar voice said in her earpiece.

Her inner thighs damped and for one brief moment, her breath caught in her throat. Who was this man that sounded so very much like her secret lover? How had he elicited that shocking response from her body with nothing more than his words? Fearing he was another Dsendiyun, she sighed. Lorelei was beginning to think the s.e.x starved planet they came from encouraged them to "get lost' as close to her people as possible. It wasn't like they got any sort of s.e.xual stimulation while they were here. Not unless they considered being chained together good fun.

Some men do.

Lorelei glanced up at the gla.s.s ceiling. Seeing no sign of a vessel nearby, she double checked her radar to be sure she hadn't imagined the entire thing. There was no way she could have received a hail signal yet have the radar detect nothing. The electromagnetic waves that a vessel put out in a non-cloaked state would have shown up before. None did.

Having had many unauthorized vessels attempt to dock in her lifetime, Lorelei knew exactly how to handle them.

She tweaked the computer's controls, demanding a more precise reading. Varying the frequency of the waves being sent off, she hoped to initiate a reflection of some sort, allowing the radar system to accurately pinpoint the vessel's location. It didn't work. Tweaking the calibrations even more, Lorelei set the control tower's sensors to ultra in hopes of catching a pattern of bounce backs consisting of the direct opposite waves than they were sending out. If the outsiders thought they were going to get away with active cancellation they were wrong. Dead wrong.

Much to her surprise, nothing showed up on radar. Having never had one elude her, Lorelei tried another approach. She s.h.i.+fted to the Commission based recognition systems they'd installed many years ago after a sanctified vessel crashed into their red sea. Instantly, a blip appeared on the screen. Zeroing in on it, she brought it up closer and began to run a remote diagnostic on it. The main fuel tank had a crack so large that she knew they'd lost the majority of their liquid fuel as soon as it happened. Their life support systems were dangerously close to giving out and their alternate source of power seemed to be having issues as well.

Who would be stupid enough to enter our atmosphere with that amount of damage?

As soon as the question formed in her head, Lorelei knew the answer. The Dsendiyuns. Once located on radar, they were easy to spot with their flashy crafts and telltale too strong pick up lines. They would certainly have announced themselves to her by now. The tiny bit of thrill they got from trying to make her work at pinpointing their point of entry would have long worn off and she'd have gotten it right within seconds. Not to mention their ability to stay cloaked for long intervals within the planet's atmosphere was almost non-existent. No. Who or whatever approached them couldn't be the notorious romancers from Dsendiyun.

Disappointment shot through Lorelei, catching her by surprise. It had been a long time since she'd been touched by a man her mind did not create. The two weeks that she'd gone without Sevan coming to her nightly felt like an eternity. She missed the feel of his strong arms wrapped around her, the feel of him buried deep within her and knowledge that even though she'd invented him, he loved her. Her body was reaching the point where the desire to reproduce was almost on her. The only problem being, it had transcended her normal boundaries and infected her mind with a make-believe man whom she mated with in a dream.

It was as absurd as it sounded and although she truly did love the idea of Sevan, she couldn't live her life married to a fantasy. Waking up and crying every morning would get her nowhere and she knew it.

Irritated, Lorelei stared at the radar, watching the blip approach. "No way would a Commission vessel venture into uncharted territory. The s.h.i.+p's probably stolen and I bet it was those d.a.m.n traders again. Probably want to try to nab off with more of our artifacts or to try to sell us more household cleaning equipment. I will not have my people's legacy sold to the highest bidder, nor do I need the latest and greatest debris remover. Do I look like a domestic G.o.ddess? No. I swear I will shoot them on sight if they attempt to take one thing." She wagged her brows and smiled. "If they've come to take me to bed, I'll reconsider. Mmm, b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l I'm h.o.r.n.y."

Lorelei groaned as her nipples hardened. As much as she wanted to sneak away and "handle' her current problem, she didn't. Thinking about s.e.x was the worst thing she could do. It only seemed to intensify her craving for it-for Sevan. And there truly were only so many times she could m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e before her fingers pruned and her wrist hurt.

Sadly enough, she'd hit that state long ago.

"Excuse me, Miss, but I am no trader, nor am I a thief. Not to sound shallow here but I tend not to agree to f.u.c.k someone until I've had a look at them. As shocking as it sounds, not all men stick their d.i.c.k in whatever moves. Plus, as overly romantic as this sounds, I'm the last guy you want. I'm holding out for a dream, honey, and to date no woman can stack up to her." He cleared his throat and the sound wreaked havoc on Lorelei's body.

She wanted desperately to come back with a witty comment but the tingling in her p.u.s.s.y fogged her mind enough that she didn't know or care how to respond to his comments. All she knew was that his voice was divine and so familiar that she was positive she knew him somehow.

"My s.h.i.+p's run into a bit of a snag and I need to work on it. If you'd be so kind as to tell your people to open the loading doors I will be out of your hair in no time flat. I'll require some fuel along with the use of some of your tools.

I can a.s.sure you that each one will be returned in pristine condition. Though, I have been wanting a new set of torch acceleration adjustors."

Lorelei cursed herself for forgetting, yet again, that her voice transmitter was on. She had a bad habit of failing to remember to deactivate it after leaving the main tower. The teasing tone in his voice told her his comment was lighthearted, yet it was easy to tell she'd offended him. Why that mattered to her, she didn't know. But it did.

"Need I remind you that I have just initiated a code 327?" The frustration was evident in the heavy sigh that followed his comment.

Not one to fall for a s.e.xy voice or succ.u.mb to guilt, Lorelei readied her inborn defense mechanisms. "Need I remind you that we are not part of the Commission and we do not recognize their laws? If you're seeking Commission friendly territory you will not find it here. We are not a repair station nor are we to allowing arrogant to dock for giggles. And for future reference you will not take that condescending tone with me again or you will sit there until your s.h.i.+p gives out. I am not one of your disciples, nor will I ever be. And, I'll have you know that basing the choice of having intercourse with someone off appearances places you below a lechranki worm in my book."

"Less than a blood sucking worm that eats its own vomit?"

"Mmmhmm." Lorelei grinned from ear to ear as though she were just a child again. Goading this man had to be the highlight of her month. Why? She wasn't sure but it felt good all the same.

There was some mumbling and then she heard another male laughing. "Shut up, Jordan," the s.e.xy man said, his voice reminding her of Sevan's.

"Always good to know that you are an a.r.s.e with everyone, not just people you are trying to sweet talk into allowing you to dock. And in case you should have the misfortune of needing repairs this deep into s.p.a.ce again, might I suggest you pretend to be mute and allow someone to speak for you. Perhaps sending a holographic image would even work. Just be sure not to model it after yourself or it too will find a rather cold reception."

"Listen lady, you better check that ... ouch! Hit me again and I will toss your a.s.s out into s.p.a.ce, brother or not."

Feigning glee, Lorelei clapped her hands together. "Oh goodie, mummy, they come in pairs. Do you think I could have a set of slime lechranki worms to go with the arrogant, ill-mannered boys that wish to dock here? Oh, please, mummy. I've been such a good little girl this year."

Captain Vasil laughed and the seductive sound of it rolled over her, caressing her in places she never dreamed a voice could. Places she hoped he really would touch her. Shocked and a bit embarra.s.sed by her sudden state of need, Lorelei lashed out at him. "Oh my, my, he has a sense of humor. Be still my bored out of its mind heart." He was quiet for a moment and Lorelei was almost sad that he had no comeback for her. Suddenly a bit panicked that she may have been too harsh, Lorelei took a deep breath and prepared to apologize to the stranger. That in itself should have tipped her off that something was amuck. Before she could get a word out, Vasil beat her to it.

"My apologies. My crew and I have had a rough go of it. We would like to clean up and get our s.h.i.+p fixed before heading onward." Captain Vasil was sincere. Her powers picked up on that immediately. It was a bit disheartening that he'd decided to end their back and forth but understandable due to the serious condition his s.h.i.+p was in. Still, giving in to him could cost him his life.

Knowing the risk he and his crew would be in if they docked here this late in the day and were unable to leave before the suns set didn't sit well with her. The man may possess the s.e.xiest voice she'd ever heard but it would get him nowhere in life if he didn't have his head attached to his body. "Sorry, Alpha Brig Three, permission to dock denied. Seek a.s.sistance in the next quadrant over. I'll monitor your s.h.i.+p until it reaches the new destination. Two units will be sent up to refuel and escort you. Control tower out."

Lorelei went to cut transmission when she heard the mysterious man on the other end sigh-again. Her gut twisted and her stomach flipped at the very sound of his breath exhaling in her earpiece. She hated giving in, but disliked the thought of never hearing that voice again.

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