The Optimist's Daughter Part 4

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"Why, here's Dot," said Miss Adele, posted at the front door.

To everyone in town, she was known simply as Dot. She came in with her nonchalant, twenties stalk on her high heels.

"I couldn't resist," she said in her throaty baritone as she approached the coffin.

She must have been seventy. She had been Judge McKelva's private secretary for years and years. When he retired, her feelings had been hurt. Of course, he'd seen to it that she was eased into another job, but she had never forgiven him.

"When I first came to work for him," said Dot, looking at him now, "I paid thirty-five dollars of my salary to a store in Jackson for a set of Mah Johng. It was on sale from a hundred dollars. I really can't to this very day understand myself. But, 'Why, Dot,' this sweet man says, 'I don't see anything so specially the matter with giving yourself a present. I hope you go ahead and enjoy it. Don't reproach yourself like that. You're distressing my ears,' he says. I'll never forget his kind words of advice."

"Mah Johng!" gasped Miss Tennyson Bullock. "Great Day in the Morning, I'd forgotten about it." gasped Miss Tennyson Bullock. "Great Day in the Morning, I'd forgotten about it."

Dot gave her a bitter look, almost as if she'd said she'd forgotten about Judge McKelva. "Tennyson," she said across his body, "I'm never going to speak to you again."

Somebody had lit the fire, although the day was mild and the room close now, filling with more and more speaking, breathing people.

"Yes, a fire seemed called for," said Major Bullock. He came up to Laurel and sc.r.a.ped his face against hers as though his were numb. His breath had its smell of Christmas morning-it was whiskey. "Fairest, most impartial, sweetest man in the whole Mississippi Bar," he said, his gaze wavering, seeming to avoid Judge McKelva's face, going going only to the hand that had been placed like a closed satchel at his tailored side. "How soon is that poor little woman going to bring herself downstairs?" only to the hand that had been placed like a closed satchel at his tailored side. "How soon is that poor little woman going to bring herself downstairs?"

"Eventually," Miss Tennyson told him. Whatever she said, in times of trouble, took on all the finality in the world. Finality was what made the throb in her voice.


"NOW WHAT COULD they they want," said old Mrs. Pease, who stood at the front window parting the draperies. want," said old Mrs. Pease, who stood at the front window parting the draperies.

"Polly," warned Miss Adele.

Everyone turned, and those seated stood up, as two equally fat women and a man walked past Miss Adele into the parlor.

"I said this had to be the right spot, because it looks like the very house to hold a big funeral," said the old fat woman. "Where's Wanda Fay? I don't see her."

While she was speaking, the two women, old and young, were walking up to the coffin, and while they pa.s.sed it, they looked in. Laurel heard herself being introduced by one of the strangers to the other.

"Mama, this is Judge and Becky's daughter," said the young woman.

"Becky's the one she takes after, then," said the mother, seating herself in Judge McKelva's smoking chair, which now stood nearest the casket. "You don't favor him," she told Laurel. "A grand coffin my little girl's afforded. Makes me jealous." She turned toward the man. "Bubba, this is Judge and Becky's daughter."

The man with them raised his arm from the elbow and waved at Laurel from close range. He wore a windbreaker. "Hi."

"I'm Mrs. Chisom from Madrid, Texas. I'm Wanda Fay's mother," the fat lady said to Laurel. "And this is some of my other children-Sis, from Madrid, Texas, and Bubba, from Madrid, Texas. We got a few others that rather not come in."

"Well, you're news to me," said Miss Tennyson, as if that were simply all there was to it.

Major Bullock came forward to greet them. "I'm Major Bullock!"

"Well, if you're wondering how long it took us, I made it from Madrid in close on to eight hours," the man in the windbreaker said. Madrid was p.r.o.nounced with the accent as in Mildred. "Crossed the river at Vicksburg. And we're going to have to turn around and go right back. The kids wanted to all pile in, but their mama said you don't ever know what germs they might pick up in a strange place. And she's right. So I left 'em with her in the trailer, and didn't bring but one of 'em. Where's Wendell?"

"I reckon he's looking over the house," said the young woman. She was pregnant, rather than fat.

"Sis brought the whole brood of hers. Sis," said the man. "This is his first wife's daughter."

"I knew that's who she was, you didn't have to introduce us. Feel like I know you already," said the sister to Laurel.

And oddly, Laurel felt that too. Fay had said they didn't even exist, and yet it seemed to Laurel that she had seen them all before.

"I told my bunch they could just play outside in the front yard and watch for us all to come out," said Sis. "That seemed to pretty well satisfy 'em."

Old Mrs. Pease was already at the window curtains, and patting her foot as she peeped out between them.

Major Bullock looked gratified. "I summoned 'em up without any trouble at all," he said. "They were delighted to come." He threw a hopeful glance into the hall.

"You just forgot to warn us," us," said Miss Tennyson. said Miss Tennyson.

Laurel felt a finger twine its way around her own finger, scratch under the ring. "You have bad luck with your your husband, too?" Mrs. Chisom asked her. husband, too?" Mrs. Chisom asked her.

"Year after she married him," said old Mrs. Pease. "Gone. The war. U.S. Navy. Body never recovered."

"You was was cheated," cheated," Mrs. Chisom p.r.o.nounced. Mrs. Chisom p.r.o.nounced.

Laurel tried to draw back her finger. Mrs. Chisom let it go in order to poke her in the side as if to shame her. "So you ain't got father, mother, brother, sister, husband, chick nor child. Not a soul to call on, that's you."

"What do you mean! This girl here's surrounded by her oldest friends!" The Mayor of Mount Salus stood there, clapping Laurel on the shoulder. "And listen further: bank's closed, most of the Square's agreed to close for the hour of services, county offices closed. Courthouse has lowered its flag out front, school's letting out early. That ought to satisfy anybody that comes asking who she's got!"

"Friends are here today and gone tomorrow," Mrs. Chisom told Laurel and the Mayor. "Not like your kin. Hope the Lord don't ask me to outlive mine. I'd be much obliged if He'd take me me the next round. Ain't that a good idea, children?" the next round. Ain't that a good idea, children?"

A little boy came into the room at a trot while she waited for an answer. He did not look at her or anybody else. He was wearing a cowboy suit and hat and double pistol holsters. He stopped when he saw where he was going.

"Wendell, you pull off your hat if you go any closer," said Sis.

The child bared his head, continued to the coffin, and stood there on tiptoe, at Laurel's side. His mouth opened. He was about seven, fair and frail. The ferocious face he looked at and his own, so near together, were equally unguarded.

"How come he wanted to dress up?" asked the child.

"Who promised if they could come in the house they wouldn't ask questions?" asked Sis.

"Yes, me and my brood believes in cl.u.s.tering just as close as we can get," said Mrs. Chisom. "Bubba pulled his trailer right up in my yard when he married and Irma can string her clothesline as far out as she pleases. Sis here got married and didn't even try to move away. Duffy just snuggled in."

"What's his name?" asked Wendell.

"Wendell, run up those stairs and see if you can find your Aunt Wanda Fay. Tell her to come on down and see who she's got waiting on her," said Bubba.

"I don't want to," said Wendell.

"What you scared of? Nothing's going to bite you upstairs. Go hunt her," said his father.

"I don't want to."

"She better hurry if she wants to see us," Bubba said. "Because we're gonna have to turn right around in a minute and start back to Madrid."

"Now, wait!" said Major Bullock. "You're one of the pallbearers."

"What did he call you, Dad?" cried Wendell.

"It seemed only right," Major Bullock said to the room.

"Tell her to come double-quick," said Bubba to Wendell. "Run!"

"I want to stay here," said Wendell.

"I'm sorry. This is his first funeral," said Sis to Laurel.

"Let me show you Judge," Mrs. Chisom said placatingly to Bubba.

"I just finished seeing him," Bubba said. "I couldn't help but think he's young-looking for a man pus.h.i.+ng seventy-one."

"That's right. Not a bit wasted. I'm proud for you, Wanda Fay," Mrs. Chisom said, addressing the ceiling over her head. "Your pa was wasted and they didn't have the power to hide it." She turned to Laurel. "But I reckon he'd lasted longer on nothing but tap water than anybody ever lasted before. Tap water, that's all Mr. Chisom could get down. I kept listening for some complaint out of him, never got one. He had cancer but he didn't whimper about it, not to me. That's because we both of us come from good old Mississippi stock!"

A big, apple-cheeked woman in a hairy tam smiled into Laurel's face from the other side. "I remember, oh, I remember how many Christmases I was among those present in this dear old home in all its hospitality."

This caller was out of her mind, yet even she was not being kept back from Judge McKelva's open coffin. By the rundown heels on her shoes as she lumbered toward her, Laurel knew her for the sewing woman. She would come to people's houses and spend the whole day upstairs at the sewing machine, listening and talking and repeating and getting everything crooked. Miss Verna Longmeier.

"And they'd throw open those doors between these double parlors and the music would strike up! And then-" Miss Verna drew out her arm as though to measure a yard-"then Clinton and I, we'd lead out the dance," she said.

In Mount Salus n.o.body ever tried to contradict Miss Verna Longmeier. If even a crooked piece of st.i.tching were pointed out to her, she was apt to return: "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

"Oh, I've modeled myself on this n.o.ble Roman," declared the Mayor, sending out his palm above the casket. "And when I reach higher office-" He strode off to join the other members of the Bar. Laurel saw that they were all sitting more or less together on a row of dining room chairs, like some form of jury.

Miss Thelma Frierson creaked over the floor and stood above the casket. She had filled out the fis.h.i.+ng and hunting licenses at her Courthouse window for years and years. Her shoulders drooped as she said, "He had a wonderful sense of humor. Underneath it all."

"Underneath it all, Father knew it wasn't wasn't funny," said Laurel politely. funny," said Laurel politely.

"Too bad he ever elected to go to the hospital," old Mrs. Chisom said. "If he knew what ain't funny."

"I tell you, what they let go on in hospitals don't hardly bear repeating," said Sis. "Irma says the maternity ward in Amarillo would curl your hair."

"Doctors don't know what they're doing. They just know how to charge," said Bubba.

"And you know who I wouldn't trust for a blessed second behind my back? Nurses!" cried Mrs. Chisom.

Laurel looked over their heads, to where the Chinese prints brought home by an earlier generation of missionary McKelvas hung in their changeless grouping around the mantel clock. And she saw that the clock had stopped; it had not been wound, she supposed, since the last time her father had done duty by it, and its hands pointed to some remote three o'clock, as motionless as the time in the Chinese prints. She wanted to go to the clock and take the key from where her father kept it-on a small nail he'd hammered, a little crookedly, into the papered wall-and wind the clock and set it going at the right time. But she could not spare the moment from his side. She felt as though in death her father had been asked to bear the weight of that raised lid himself, and hold it up by lying there, the same way he'd lain on the hospital bed and counted the minutes and the hours to make his life go by. She stood by the coffin as she had sat by his bed, waiting it out with him. Unable to hear the ticking of the clock, she listened to the gritting and the hissing of the fire.

Dr. Woodson was saying, "Clint and me used to take off as s.h.i.+rt-tail lads with both our dogs and be gone all day up in the woods-you know where they used to call it Top o' the World? With the gravel pit dug out of the claybanks there. I've been his doctor for years, h.e.l.l, we're the same age, but after all this time it hasn't been until now that something made me think about his foot. Clint went swinging on a vine, swinging too wide and too high, and soared off and came down on a piece of tin barefooted. He liked-to bled to death a mile from home! I reckon I must have carried Clint into town on my back and used strength I didn't know I had. You know Clint always gave you the impression you couldn't kill him, that nothing could, but I believe he really must have been kind of delicate."

Light laughter broke out in the room and hushed itself in the same instant.

"Is this it, Aunt Sis?" Wendell Chisom asked. "Is it the funeral yet?"

"It'll be the funeral when I say so," said Sis.

"After I'd got got him here, he fell out cold. But there's houses in sight by then. It's where the Self-Serve Car Wash is now. I reckon I'm to blame for saving Clint's life for him that time!" him here, he fell out cold. But there's houses in sight by then. It's where the Self-Serve Car Wash is now. I reckon I'm to blame for saving Clint's life for him that time!"

"Father was was delicate," said Laurel. delicate," said Laurel.

"With everything that's the matter with me, you'd have thought he'd outlive me," the doctor went on.

"Not for me or you to ask the reason why," Mrs. Chisom told him. "It's like the choice between Grandpa and my oldest boy Roscoe. n.o.body in Texas could understand what the Lord meant, taking Roscoe when He did."

"What happened to Roscoe, Grandma?" Wendell asked, abandoning the coffin to hang over her lap and look up into her face.

"Son, you've heard me tell it. Stuffed up the windows, stuffed up the door, turned on all four eyes of the stove and the oven," said Mrs. Chisom indulgently. "Fire Department drug him out, rushed him to the Baptist Hospital in the firewagon, tried all their tricks, but they couldn't get ahead of Roscoe. He was in Heaven already."

"He beat the fire engines? Was you there, Grandma?" Wendell cried. "You see him beat 'em?"

"I'm his mother. Well, his mother could sit and be thankful he didn't do nothing any more serious to harm his looks. He hated more than anything having remarks made against him. In his coffin he was pretty as a girl. Honey, he just stretched him out easy and put his head on a pillow and waited till he'd quit breathing. Don't you ever let me hear you tried that, Wendell," said Mrs. Chisom.

Wendell turned and looked back at Judge McKelva.

"Roscoe told his friends in Orange, Texas, what he was figuring on doing. When it's all done, they wrote and told me he'd called 'em up crying and they went and cried with him. 'Cried with with him?' I wrote those people back. 'Why couldn't you-all have told his mother?' I can't get him?' I wrote those people back. 'Why couldn't you-all have told his mother?' I can't get over over people. I says on my card, 'I had the bus fare. I'm not that poor. I had the round-trip from Madrid to Orange and back again.'" She was patting both feet. people. I says on my card, 'I had the bus fare. I'm not that poor. I had the round-trip from Madrid to Orange and back again.'" She was patting both feet.

"He's better off, Mama," said Sis. "Better off, just like Judge McKelva laying yonder. Tell yourself the same thing I do."

"I wrote another card and said at least tell his mother what had been fretting my son, if they knew so much, and they finally got around to answering that Roscoe didn't want want me to know," Mrs. Chisom said, her face arranging itself all at once into an expression of innocence. It lasted for only a minute. She went on, "Roscoe was my mainstay when Mr. Chisom went. They said, 'Prepare your mind, Mrs. Chisom. Mr. Chisom is not going to go anywhere but downhill.' They was guessing right, that time, the doctors was. He went down fast and we buried him back in Mississippi, back in Bigbee, and there on the spot I called Roscoe to me." She pulled Wendell to her now. "'Roscoe,' I says, 'you're the mainstay now,' I says. 'You're the head of the Chisom family.' He was so happy." me to know," Mrs. Chisom said, her face arranging itself all at once into an expression of innocence. It lasted for only a minute. She went on, "Roscoe was my mainstay when Mr. Chisom went. They said, 'Prepare your mind, Mrs. Chisom. Mr. Chisom is not going to go anywhere but downhill.' They was guessing right, that time, the doctors was. He went down fast and we buried him back in Mississippi, back in Bigbee, and there on the spot I called Roscoe to me." She pulled Wendell to her now. "'Roscoe,' I says, 'you're the mainstay now,' I says. 'You're the head of the Chisom family.' He was so happy."

Wendell began to cry. Laurel wanted at that moment to reach out for him, put her arms around him-to guard him. He was like a young, undriven, unfalsifying, unvindictive Fay. So Fay might have appeared, just at the beginning, to her aging father, with his slipping eyesight.

At that moment, Wendell broke from Mrs. Chisom and ran tearing toward the hallway. He threw his arms around the knees of an old man whom Miss Adele was just showing in from the hall.

"Grandpa Chisom! I can't believe my eyes! It's Grandpa!" Sis cried out.

Wendell at his side, the old man came slowly into the parlor and through the crowd, carrying a yellowed candy box in one hand and a paper sack in the other. Wendell had possession of his old black hat. He came up to Laurel and said, "Young lady, I carried you some Bigbee pecans. I thought you might not harvest their like around here. They're last year's." He held onto his parcels while he explained that he had sat up most of last night, after walking to the crossroads to flag down the bus at three this morning, and had sh.e.l.led the nuts on the way, to keep awake. "Where I got lost was after I got inside of Mount Salus," he said, giving the box to Laurel. "That's the meats. You can just throw the away for me," he added, handing her the sack. "I didn't like to leave 'em in that nice warm seat for the next pa.s.senger." He carefully dusted his hands before he turned toward the casket.

"Who you think it is, Grandpa?" asked Wendell.

"It's Mr. McKelva. I reckon he stood whatever it was long enough," said Mr. Chisom. "I'm sorry he had to go while he's so many miles short of home."

"Out of curiosity, who does he remind you of?" Mrs. Chisom asked him as he gazed down.

The old man reflected for a minute. "n.o.body," he said.

"Clint thought it was too good a joke not to play it on somebody!" Laurel heard behind her, at the end of a long spate of words.

She saw that most of the Bar had gathered themselves up and gone behind the screen of ferns, without being missed. They had retired into her father's library and were talking among themselves back there. Now and then she heard a laugh. She smelled the cigar smoke. They were all back there but Major Bullock.

"How's my fire?" cried Major Bullock. "Somebody tend to the fire!" he called toward the kitchen. "Important time like this, you can't do without a fire, can you?" But he kept his own watch on the doorway leading from the hall, and looked eagerly to see each one who came in.

Old Mrs. Pease kept a watch on the front walk through the parlor curtains, making herself at home. "Why, here comes Tommy," she said now. She might have been entertaining a notion of running him away, as she might have to run those Texas children if they played too near the house.

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