Reinvention Of Chastity Part 18

Reinvention Of Chastity -

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"I...I was hoping that you would, still love me, I mean. You were right to call me a coward, because I was. I was just so scared that you'd eventually lose interest in me, that I didn't give our love a chance. I didn't realize then, that love is all about taking risks, and laying your heart on the line. You understood that. I was a fool." She walked up to him and knelt, her dark eyes looking up at him imploringly. "I love you, Sebastian. It breaks my heart when I think about how much I hurt you. Believe it or not, it hurt me, too. Tell me that I have a chance."

Sebastian clenched and unclenched his fists. He wanted to believe her, but the taunting words of her rejection seared through his mind. What's the matter, Sebastian? Can't your ego take being dumped?

He lifted a brow. "I don't really know what to tell you, Chast.i.ty. I kind of like playing the field. There are just too many women out there...willing and waiting. I really don't see why I should oblige, especially for you."

Chast.i.ty clutched his hand. "I'll take whatever I can get from you. If no strings attached s.e.x is all you want from me, then fine. I'm willing to do that, but please don't send me away." Tears glistened in her eyes, threatening to spill.

His resistance was faltering, but he still needed to be sure of her.

"So, if I called in the middle of the night, and asked you to come over for a midnight f.u.c.k, would you?"

She nodded, wiping away a tear that had escaped.

"And then if I told you to leave afterwards? What would you do?"

"If that's what you wanted, I'd leave."

"Would you let me f.u.c.k you anytime, anywhere...any hole I wanted?"

"Yes," Chast.i.ty answered, barely above a whisper.

"And you wouldn't expect anything else from me?"


"And what if I want to date other women?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't mind the other women, but if I have to share you, then so be it. I'll...I won't like it, but I won't make a fuss about it."

He had her just where he wanted her. "That sounds nice, but you're going to have to back those words up with some action."

She gulped. "What do you want me to do?"

"Stand up and get undressed. I want to see if you're even worth the effort."

Chast.i.ty flinched. Those words sounded harsh, even to his ears, but it was like a devil riding him. Slowly, she rose to her feet and took a few steps back. Sebastian's breathing grew shallow as she lifted the T-s.h.i.+rt over her head. This was what he'd been waiting for.

Chast.i.ty forced herself to stop trembling. Sebastian was out for blood, but she knew this was what she deserved. The time had come for her to grow up and stop being afraid. She loved this man with every fiber in her being. If this was what it took to be a part of his life, then she'd do it.

"Slower," he commanded, as she tossed the T-s.h.i.+rt aside. She trembled as his green gaze slid up and down her body insolently. Shame burned through her, as her nipples tightened. Chast.i.ty wanted his hands on her so badly she thought she'd faint with need, but she dared not move unless he spoke.

"Very nice. Now take off your jeans, and this time, don't go so fast."

She knew he was intentionally trying to humiliate her, but it didn't stop the excitement racing through her. Discarding the jeans, Chast.i.ty licked suddenly dry lips. Sebastian wasn't giving anything away. She couldn't gauge his reaction. Had Jeremy been wrong? Maybe Sebastian had gotten over her.

No. Don't talk yourself out of this, Chast.i.ty. Fight for him.

"Chickening out, Chast.i.ty?" Sebastian taunted.


He chuckled. "It seems you have more guts than I thought. Now, take off the bra and panties."

She hesitated briefly, wondering if he'd come to her now. She finally stood naked, waiting for what he'd do next. Why didn't he move? "Sebastian?" she asked tentatively.

"I've decided I won't take you up on your offer, after all. I don't want you in that capacity."

Chast.i.ty's heart plummeted. Is this how Sebastian had felt when he'd laid his heart on the line? Tears scalded her cheeks, but she refused to leave until he said the words.

"Okay," she whispered. "In what capacity do you want me?"

He stood then and stalked toward her like a jungle cat locked on his prey. "So compliant. I like that." Sebastian trailed a finger across her breast. Chast.i.ty gasped as bolts of desire flickered through her body. "Will you give me anything I ask for?" he asked, lightly pinching one hardened tip. Her p.u.s.s.y clenched with need, as she mashed her thighs together to temper the aching heat.

"Anything," she promised.

He cupped her sensitive mounds in his palms, his thumbs grazing each tip. It felt like forever since she'd been touched like this. Chast.i.ty desperately wanted to throw her arms around him, but Sebastian called all the shots right now. Closing her eyes, Chast.i.ty savored the delicious sensations zipping along every single nerve ending.

"What if I want your love?" he asked softly.

Chast.i.ty's eyes shot open. If he was playing games, she wished he'd hurry up and end this torture. "You have it. With all my heart."

"Good. Because I'll settle for nothing less than a committed relations.h.i.+p from you." His words stunned her so much, that she didn't immediately react when Sebastian pulled her into his arms, and started raining kisses all over her face and neck. "I love you so much, Chast.i.ty. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

Before she could respond, his mouth covered hers in a hungry kiss, his tongue shooting past her lips. She clung to him, pressing her body against his, reveling at the feeling of being in his arms again.

Chast.i.ty returned the kiss, her tongue darting out to meet his in a syncopated dance of l.u.s.t. Sebastian's erection pressed against her stomach. Lord, she missed this. Right now, there was nothing she wanted more than to feel his c.o.c.k sliding into her slick channel, but there were still things that needed to be resolved.

Reluctantly she tore her mouth away from his with a laugh. "Sebastian, let me catch my breath."

"No." He cupped her face, capturing her bottom lip with strong white teeth. Chast.i.ty placed her palms against his chest, meaning to push him away, but then his hands slid down her body to cup her a.s.s. She was lost. Sebastian ground his c.o.c.k against the juncture of her thighs, and she wished he was naked too.

He lifted his head after what seemed like an eternity. "Chast.i.ty, I missed you, so much."

She caressed the side of his face. "I missed you, too. I love you."

"Say that again."

"I love you."

"If you ever leave me again, I swear to G.o.d, I'll hunt you down and lock you in the bas.e.m.e.nt, only letting you out to make love."

Pain lanced through her heart when she thought of what she did. "I'm so sorry to have caused you so much pain. It was a stupid reason to do what I did."

"Only if you can forgive me for being such a pompous a.s.s. I have to admit, that I shouldn't have taken advantage of your kindness in the first place. I had a lot of time to think about what I did to you, and I'm not proud of myself. As my mother and Jeremy have told me on countless occasions I can be a son of a b.i.t.c.h. Thank you for loving me, sweetheart."

"But what I did was inexcusable, I reinvented myself into someone I didn't like very much."

"Bite your tongue, woman, I liked that woman very much." He laughed, giving her a light kiss on the forehead.

Chast.i.ty frowned. "You did?"

"Oh, I'm not talking about the glammed-out diva, although the appearance was pretty s.e.xy. I'm referring to the sweet Chast.i.ty, whose eyes lit up with wonder whenever we made love, and the one who'd lay her head so sweetly in my lap after I had a long, hard day."

Her heart swelled with love. This time when she cried, they were tears of joy. "I can't believe this is happening. I thought I'd lost you."

Sebastian engulfed her in his arms, burying his face against her neck. "You couldn't lose me if you tried. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Are you...are you..."

"Asking you to marry me?"

"Yes. Are you?" She'd never pictured being proposed to like this, while she was buck naked, but there was nothing she could think of that would make her happier than being Sebastian's wife.

"No. I'm telling you we're getting married. When I get the chance, I'll do it right with the flowers and the ring and hoopla, but I want you to know my intentions right here and now. I want it all. You, a couple kids, or however many you want. I'll even take your d.a.m.n cats to have you in my life."

Chast.i.ty didn't think she could love him any more than she did right now. Chast.i.ty Rossi. That had a nice ring to it. "Sebastian, I don't need pomp and circ.u.mstance. I only need you. What will your mom say?"

"She'll love you, because I do."

"What about the other women?" she asked, still not believing this was all real.

He shook his head. "There've never been any other women, since you. I only went on one date with Marcy, and that was it."

She smacked him playfully on the shoulder. "You had me believing that you'd moved on."

A sheepish grin split Sebastian's handsome face. G.o.d she loved this man. "I'm sorry about that little lie, my love, but my pride wouldn't allow me to admit how badly I hurt. Were you jealous?"

"Terribly. Tell me where you hurt, Sebastian and I'll make it better."

He pointed to a place with his finger over his heart. Chast.i.ty pressed her lips against that point. "Better?" she asked.

"It's definitely getting there. And what about you and your friend, Kevin?"

"Jealous?" she teased him with his own taunt.

"I wanted to rip his d.a.m.n heart out."

Chast.i.ty laughed. "Kevin is definitely the last person you'd ever have to be worried about. Besides being one of my best friends, he's in a committed relations.h.i.+p with his boyfriend Nick."

Sebastian's jaw dropped momentarily. "That guy is gay?"

"If he isn't, his boyfriend certainly is," she laughed.

"Why you have any idea what you put me through? I would lay awake at night imagining you with him and it would eat me up inside."

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. "Now you can put your nights to better use."

"Oh, I intend to." He scooped her up in his arms. "Starting now. I hope you don't have plans on getting a lot of sleep tonight, because we have a lot to make up for."

Chast.i.ty wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck as he carried her to his bedroom. Despite her glamorous makeover, Chast.i.ty learned that the real catalyst that led to her complete transformation was love. The caterpillar was now a full-fledge b.u.t.terfly.

About the Author.

To learn more about Eve Vaughn, please visit Send an email to Eve at or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as Eve. Look for these t.i.tles.

Now Available:.

The Life and Loves of April Johnson.

A Night to Remember.

An old-fas.h.i.+oned undertaker who asks for lessons in what turns a woman on...what more could any teacher ask for?

Mortified Matchmaker.

2007 Alexis Fleming.

When circ.u.mstances force kindergarten teacher Melissa Morgan to take her twin sister's place as proprietor of a dating agency, the last thing she expects is to meet a funeral director in desperate need of lessons in what a woman wants. Despite his quirky behavior and antiquated ideas, Matthew Campbell pushes every one of Melissa's b.u.t.tons and it's not long before the lessons become more important than finding Matthew a mate.

But how will Melissa react when she finds out Matthew is an undercover federal agent in pursuit of a blackmailer and she's the prime suspect?

Enjoy the following excerpt for Mortified Matchmaker: "Make yourself comfortable, Matthew, and I'll put the first of the tapes on."

Wobbling slightly as the unfamiliar high heels caught in the thick pile of the carpet, she moved to the far end of the room, slid the video into the machine and turned on the television. Remote control in hand, she joined Matthew on the sofa and started the tape.

"This first lady's name is Martha Frazer. She's perhaps a little older than you specified on your application form, but she sounds very much a homebody. Anyway, I'll let you view the tape and you can tell me what you think."

As Matthew watched the screen, Melissa tried to find a comfortable position on the sofa. With it being so wide, she couldn't lean back against the cus.h.i.+ons. If she did, she'd have to sit with her legs extended out in front of her like a child. Not very professional.

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