Reinvention Of Chastity Part 13

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"Open your mouth, G.o.ddammit," he muttered against her lips, tugging on her hair. When she gasped at his forcefulness, Sebastian's tongue shot into her mouth, aggressively. Pulses of sensation shot through her nervous system, her arms inching themselves around his narrow waist.

Releasing her hair, Sebastian slid his hand down her back and cupped her bottom, squeezing and kneading it, molding her body closer to his. Sebastian's c.o.c.k pressed against her thigh, and her legs went weak.

Sebastian held her firm, his mouth still ruthlessly claiming hers. She was a fool to think she'd be able to break things off so easily, especially when Sebastian only had to give her one look in order for her body to burst into flames. Drowning in a sea of pa.s.sion, Chast.i.ty wasn't sure that she wanted to be rescued.

Anger may have driven him to pull her in his arms, but it was l.u.s.t that kept her there. No other woman had ever made him feel the need to strangle and screw her at he same time. He'd taken care of her all week and in his own way, tried to show her that he did indeed have feelings for her, only to have his deed tossed back in his face. So she wanted to f.u.c.k? Then he'd give her what she wanted.

Lifting his head, Sebastian pushed Chast.i.ty against the kitchen table and yanked off the tablecloth, sending everything cras.h.i.+ng to the floor. "Sebastian!" she gasped in horror. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything yet, but I fully intend to f.u.c.k you."

She placed quivering hands against his chest, her eyes wide with an unreadable emotion, yet Chast.i.ty didn't push him away. "Not like this, Sebastian," she whispered weakly.

"Yes, like this. It's what you wanted, right? You just want to be f.u.c.k buddies."

"But I-"

"Changed your mind?" he growled. "Well that's just too d.a.m.n bad, because this is exactly what you asked for and you're going to get it." He pushed her on the table and tore her nights.h.i.+rt down the front, baring generous globes. She turned her head to the side, as if she couldn't look at him, but not before he saw the gleam of desire in her eyes.

He trailed a fingertip over one taut peak, making her tremble. "Don't pretend like you don't want this, Chast.i.ty, because your body will always give you away."

"Please," she whispered.

"Oh, don't worry about that, baby. I intend to." Sebastian placed one hand against her belly while slowly sliding the other one up her thigh. Then he pushed her legs apart and rubbed Chast.i.ty's c.u.n.t through her underwear.

He chuckled. "You see? I've barely touched you and you're already wet. You hunger for my c.o.c.k, don't you? You can't get enough of it."

"You're a son of a b.i.t.c.h," she muttered, raising her chin defiantly.

"But you want this son of a b.i.t.c.h, don't you? What does that make you?" Pus.h.i.+ng the crotch of her panties aside, he spread her l.a.b.i.a with two fingers, pus.h.i.+ng into her p.u.s.s.y.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, squirming as he slid his fingers out then jammed them back into her wet hole.

"Does this p.u.s.s.y get wet like this for your friend Kevin?"

"There's nothing between Kevin and I. He's just-"

"Just a friend? Oh, yeah, I've heard that line before." He finger f.u.c.ked her until all Chast.i.ty could do was whimper and moan.

Her eyes lit up with l.u.s.t and wonder as she, her juices flowed over his hand as he rubbed her tight a.n.a.l ring with two fingers. Sebastian enjoyed pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k into her hot c.u.n.t more than anything else, but the delight of thrusting into her big round bottom was a treat he couldn't pa.s.s up.

Chast.i.ty, he'd discovered, loved his c.o.c.k in her a.s.s. There were nights when he'd slide his come-soaked d.i.c.k past that puckered hole and she'd scream as if she couldn't get enough. He wanted to hear that scream now. Wounded pride would not allow him to settle for less than her absolute surrender.

He unfastened his pants and eased his c.o.c.k out. Jesus, he was hard. She looked so beautifully wanton, laying on the kitchen table, b.r.e.a.s.t.s heaving, and a look of unabashed desire. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you now, Chast.i.ty?" he asked, pulling her panties completely off before slipping another damp finger into her b.u.t.t.

"You're going to stick your c.o.c.k into my rear," she groaned, gyrating her hips against his hand.

"That's right, baby, but first I'm going to make you beg for it."

"And if I don't?" she whispered back, nearly breathless.

"Then I'll stop." It was a lie, but she didn't know that. Walking away when he was so f.u.c.king hard would have been like cutting his own arm off.

"You wouldn't," Chast.i.ty shrewdly challenged.

Sebastian halted the back and forth motion of his fingers. "Try me. As much as I enjoy f.u.c.king this juicy p.u.s.s.y and a.s.s, I can easily go to the bathroom and finish this myself. What would you do?"

"I'll...I can do the same. I don't need you."

Sebastian threw his head back and laughed. "Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart. We both know it won't be as good as the real thing. Go ahead. Walk away. I dare you."

Chast.i.ty lay there, her mouth opening and closing. As she nibbled on her bottom lip, Sebastian nearly lost it. d.a.m.n, why didn't she say anything?

With downcast eyes, she whispered, "You know I can't walk away. Please, finish what you started." She wiggled her a.s.s against his hand, obviously wanting him to continue.

Sebastian hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath, until he exhaled deeply. Chast.i.ty was so unpredictable at times, he didn't know what would come out of her mouth, but he'd have his payback. "Beg for it."

Her lips tightened momentarily, but when he started to move his finger in and out of her a.n.u.s again, she released a ragged sigh. "f.u.c.k my a.s.s, Sebastian. Please f.u.c.k me now! I need you. I beg of you. There! Is this what you wanted to hear?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Slowly he pulled his fingers out of her a.s.s, and then grasped his c.o.c.k. "Spread your cheeks. Offer yourself to me, Chast.i.ty."

Trembling hands cupped her rounded bottom, as she obeyed his command. Sebastian's breath caught in his throat at the erotic sight before him. Her dark l.a.b.i.a opened ever so slightly to reveal the tempting pinkness within. Come oozed to the crack of her a.s.s. She'd be plenty wet for him.

Sebastian licked his lips. "What a delicious sight you make, Chast.i.ty. There's nothing more beautiful than you on your back open, ready and wet for my c.o.c.k. When I enter you, I want you to say my name."

"Anything you want, just do it."

It suddenly dawned on him that he wasn't wearing a condom. "s.h.i.+t," he cursed, not wanting this moment to end.

Chast.i.ty frowned. "What's the matter?"

"I don't have protection."

She stiffened, before a smile crossed her face. "We've discussed our s.e.xual histories with each other. We're both in good health, and I'm on the pill. Besides, I want to feel your skin against mine."

A sensation of pure ecstasy raced down his spine. There was nothing he wanted more right now, than to f.u.c.k her without the barrier of a rubber. The intimacy of it was something he'd only shared with one other woman, and that had been a foolish moment in college that had him nervously waiting in a clinic weeks later. Fortunately, he'd been given a clean bill of health, but Sebastian vowed he'd never be that careless again. With Chast.i.ty, however, things were different. "Are you sure?"

"Very sure."

Pus.h.i.+ng the tip of his d.i.c.k against her a.n.u.s, he slid it along her crack. She moaned. "Stop teasing me and stick it in."

"How badly do you want it?"

"Very badly. Do it now!" she screamed, the frustration evident in her voice.

Sebastian chuckled, before sliding past the puckered ring. He moaned as he slid deeper into her tight r.e.c.t.u.m. It was so snug and wet, he felt like he'd explode right then and there. He watched her expression while he pushed inch by inch of his c.o.c.k into her a.s.s.

Chast.i.ty shouted. "Sebastian! Sebastian! Sebastian! f.u.c.k my a.s.s!" She wiggled beneath him.

His hands dug into her hips as he pounded into her, his b.a.l.l.s slapping against the seat of her a.s.s, making it jiggle. Leaning forward, he nipped Chast.i.ty on the side of her neck, the primitive need to brand her taking hold of him. This was his a.s.s and p.u.s.s.y and he wanted Chast.i.ty to know it as well.

"Finger your c.l.i.t for me," he ordered huskily.

She rubbed two fingers between her swollen c.u.n.t lips, squirming and moaning. "Sebastian, I'm going to come."

"Then do it. Don't hold back."

Chast.i.ty's thighs quivered, the movement slowly taking over her entire body. "Sebastian! Oh my G.o.d!"

A warm stream of honey flowed from her c.u.n.t and oozed down her crack. His c.o.c.k was slicker than ever. His own o.r.g.a.s.m was near. Pounding into her luscious backside as hard as he could, he shot his seed up her r.e.c.t.u.m. "This a.s.s belongs to me and only me."

"Yes! It's yours!" she cried, pulling him against her, their mouths melding together.

The table, not built to take their collective weight, began to wobble. "d.a.m.n, I have to get up before this thing collapses under us," he sighed. No sooner had the words left his mouth, did the table give way, sending them cras.h.i.+ng to the floor.

Chast.i.ty broke Sebastian's fall. Her hands flew to her face and her shoulders started to shake. Alarm seized him. He'd hurt her. Sebastian eased his c.o.c.k out of her a.s.s, his come seeping out. "Chast.i.ty, are you okay? Honey, speak to me." Her shoulders shook even harder. "Baby, tell me where it hurts. Please, don't cry."

She took her hands off her face and to his surprise she was laughing. "Chast.i.ty, I thought you were hurt."

She laughed louder than ever. "I'm sorry, but that was pretty funny. I guess you're going to have to get a new kitchen table." She wiped a tear from her eye. Now that he knew Chast.i.ty was okay, he also saw the humor in the situation. Sebastian had seen plenty of movies where people had had s.e.x on the kitchen or dining room table, but none of the scenes ever ended quite like this.

Pulling her close, he stroked Chast.i.ty's back, wis.h.i.+ng the moment would never end, but he knew it would have to. Just how could he convince her that what they had was more than just s.e.x?

Chapter Thirteen.

"I can't thank you enough for taking care of me and sending your housekeeper over to clean my place. I owe you so much," Chast.i.ty sighed. When she'd checked her answering machine from Sebastian's place there'd been a message from her mother, who said she'd be in town around seven, which gave them plenty of time to get her house ready.

"It's my pleasure."

"And you don't mind keeping Fluffy and Monty with you? I know how much you dislike them, but I-"

He covered her lips with one finger. "Chast.i.ty, it's okay. I don't mind doing this for you."

And that was exactly what worried her. What was Sebastian up to? First, he'd taken care of her. She supposed she could have objected, but that would only have ended with her getting thoroughly f.u.c.ked.

"I accept your thanks. Look, I should get going since you want some alone time with your mother."

She lowered her lids, trying to hide her anxiety.


"What what?"

"What was that look for? I thought you wanted me to go, although I'd much rather stay."

"Seeing my mother always makes me nervous."


"We don't really have a typical mother-daughter relations.h.i.+p. I don't want you to think that my reluctance for you to meet her is because of you."

"I see. Well, unless you hide me in your bedroom, I don't think there's any avoiding that now."

She frowned, her forehead creasing. "What do you mean?"

"Is that her coming up your driveway?"

"Oh, c.r.a.p," she muttered. With a shrug, Chast.i.ty released a deep sigh. "Well, I guess you'll get your wish after all."

"Is it really going to be so bad?" he asked gently.

"You'll find out soon enough for yourself." An impending sense of dread washed over her. When the doorbell rang, Chast.i.ty took a deep breath and answered.

Instead of a h.e.l.lo or long time no see, Brenda's eyes widened. "What happened to you?" The question came out as though it was an unpleasant surprise to see her daughter's transformation.

There wasn't much that had changed about her mother however. Still slender as ever, Brenda's caramel skin glowed without the hint of a wrinkle, belying her forty-six years, although she'd only admit to forty of those years. Her perfectly coiffed hair rested on her shoulders, and make-up expertly done. She reminded Chast.i.ty of a younger, s.e.xier version of Diane Carroll.

"How was your trip?" Chast.i.ty ignored Brenda's question, opening her door wider to let her mother in.

Brenda frowned. "Are those cats around?"

"No, they're at a friend's."

When Brenda's hazel gaze locked on Sebastian, a faint look of surprise entered her eyes before a wide smile split her face. "Well, h.e.l.lo. Don't tell me you're one of Chast.i.ty's friends." She held out her hand as though she expected him to kiss it.

Chast.i.ty rolled her eyes. Here we go.

Sebastian shook the hand offered to him, but immediately let it go much to Brenda's obvious displeasure. "Sebastian Rossi. I'm very pleased to meet you, ma'am."

"Ma'am!" came Brenda's outraged squawk. "Bite your tongue, Sebastian. I'm much too young to be called ma'am. I was practically a baby when I had Chast.i.ty. People mistake us for sisters, and most of the time they think I'm the younger one, but my daughter has always been a bit of an old soul."

Chast.i.ty balled her fists at her side. Her mother was bearable and actually fun to be with when there wasn't a man around. "How about I put your things in the room you'll be sleeping in tonight. Would you like something to drink?" Chast.i.ty asked as a means to escape the now stifled room.

"Diet soda...if you have it. I'm trying to maintain my girlish figure. It really wouldn't hurt if you put forth the effort either, dear." The barb hit its mark, making Chast.i.ty's face grow hot with embarra.s.sment. Seeming satisfied that she'd gotten her point across, Brenda then turned to her prey. "Now, Sebastian, tell me what you do for a living," the older woman cooed, smiling at him like the Ches.h.i.+re cat.

Humiliation and anger burned in Chast.i.ty's stomach. Not waiting to hear Sebastian's response, she left the room to put her mother's things in the bedroom before storming to the kitchen. She knew this would happen the moment her mother laid eyes on Sebastian. No matter what the circ.u.mstances, the woman just wouldn't stop competing.

He was probably eating it up, just like the other men Brenda set out to charm, so it was a surprise to find him pacing the floor, a perturbed expression on his face when she returned.

"Here's your soda, Brenda. I hope diet cola is okay."

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