Bloodlust - Midnight Shadows Part 20

Bloodlust - Midnight Shadows -

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She jerked her head up and met his gaze. She shook her head. "No, Vlad. That's not it. It's not because I'm used to talking to Aleksei... please don't think that."

"Then what is it?"

How could she look him in the eye and tell him she was obsessed with the male who had done his best to kill him? On the other hand, how much longer could she expect to keep her relations.h.i.+p with Jason hidden? Even if she managed to conceal her shameful desire from Aleksei and Vlad, she and Andrei were too close for her to be able to keep it from him for any length of time.

"You can tell me," he urged, his voice soft. "No matter what's bothering you, you can share it with me."

She sighed. "I love you as much as I do Aleksei. I hope you know and believe that."

He nodded. "I know and I'm thankful for that."

She frowned. "Why should that make you thankful?"

He released her hand and averted his gaze. She watched the muscles in his jaw flexing. When he spoke it was in a low, brusque voice. "I know I've done many things that made you ashamed to be related to me."

Her eyes filled with tears and her throat tightened. For the first time she realized the damage her misguided attempt to be human and distance herself from Vlad had done. At a time when he had been most fragile and most in need, she had turned her back on him in her selfish quest to seek personal happiness.

She rose and went to kneel at his side. Slipping her arms around his waist, she pressed her cheek against his leg. "Nothing you've done has been as shameful as what I did," she whispered, tears running unchecked down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"We've already had this conversation and I told you then there were no need for regrets, little one." He lifted her onto his lap and held her, stroking her hair. "Now tell me what's bothering you. When Mikhel was missing you mentioned something that felt like a betrayal. What is it?"

She laid her head on his shoulder. "It's him."


"When you still wanted to kill Mother, Andrei and I were out looking for you. To cover more distance, we separated. I met him while I was alone. He was injured. I probably shouldn't have, but I stopped to help him. Somehow, things got out of hand and we ended up making love.

"I knew at the time it was a mistake, but I couldn't stop myself. There was something about him that drew me to him. I knew there could never be anything real between us, so I didn't tell him who I was. He wanted to pursue a relations.h.i.+p, but I ran from him. I never thought he'd find me, but he has. And like before, I can't resist him. I slept with him again."

She fell silent, waiting for Vlad to speak. When he didn't, she lifted her head and looked at him. His lips were pressed into a tight line and his gaze was narrowed.


He sucked in a deep breath. "And this... him?"

Her throat tightened and she found she couldn't speak.

"It's Makefield, isn't it?"

She closed her eyes, nodding.

He swore slowly and bolted to his feet so abruptly she was hard-pressed not to land on her a.s.s. He flashed across the room to the door and turned to stare at her, his eyes blazing, his incisors bared. "Did you know who he was when you slept with him?"

She swallowed hard several times and rejected the temptation to lie. "When we first met, all I knew about him was that he was a hunter."

"And that wasn't enough to make you keep your distance from him? What the h.e.l.l were you thinking, sleeping with someone who hunts us? Had he succeeded in killing me, would you still have found him so d.a.m.ned irresistible?"

Fresh tears filled her eyes. "How can you ask me that?"

"How can I not?" he challenged. "He set out to kill me. His d.a.m.ned master did his best to kill Aleksei and Mikhel. Even after you knew all that, you slept with him again?" He leveled a finger at her. "Has trying so hard to be human robbed you of your common sense?"

She stared at him silently, her lips trembling.

He stalked back across the room to glare down in her eyes. "There's not much I wouldn't do to please you, as you knew when you invited me for this cozy little dinner.

But let me give you a reality check, Tatiana. He is the hunter who tried to kill me. Out of consideration for your l.u.s.t for him, when I kill him, I'll make sure his death is as painless as possible."

She clamped her hand on his arm. "No. Vladimir, no. Let him live. Please."

Her curled his fingers in her hair and tugged her head back so he could stare down into her eyes. "You had better decide where your loyalties lie, Tatiana. When I go after him, will I find you at his side ready to battle in his defense?"

"It's not just l.u.s.t I feel for him-"

"I don't give a flying f.u.c.k what you feel for him. He's going to die. Is that clear? Which side will you be on?"

She jerked away from him. "How dare you ask me that? When have I ever done or said anything to make you think I'd ever align myself with any male against you?"

"Then you won't interfere?"

She wiped at her cheeks. "Please, Vladimir...don't do this. Please."

"I am going to kill him." "Why? Doesn't how I feel count for anything?" "How the h.e.l.l can you feel anything for a creature who kills your kind? Have you been playing at being human for so long you've forgotten what it's like to act and think like a full-blood?"

His jab hurt. She clenched her hands into fists. "Have you forgotten what it's like to really care about someone so much that those feelings drive you to do things you know you shouldn't? If I could wipe him from my thoughts, I would, but I can't!"

"When I kill his a.s.s that should help the process." A knot of rage tightened her stomach muscles. She bared her incisors. "If you go after him, I will not challenge you, but know this, Vladimir, if you kill him, I will never, ever forgive you. Never!" "Then I'll have to learn to cope with your hatred," he retorted and flashed out of the kitchen. When she heard her front door open and slam, she sank down to the kitchen floor, wrapped her arms around her body and sobbed. Several hours later, lost and afraid, she did something she hadn't done since she was a very little girl. She closed her eyes and reached out. Mother. Mother. I need you. Help me. Please.

Seated across the table from Madison Savoy, Jordan found himself hard-pressed not to suggest they forget their drinks, forget business, and go somewhere more conducive to f.u.c.king like bunnies than a smoky sports bar. He sipped his drink. "So you were apparently right about Santiago and Makefield. Neither is human."

She sat back against her seat, her dark gaze meeting his. "Do you think Makefield is guilty?" "Of offing Chalkin? Absolutely." "He admitted it?" She scooped a handful of nuts from the small bowl on the table they shared.

He watched her full lips part and felt the unmistakable stirring of his c.o.c.k. d.a.m.n, he couldn't remember the last time any woman had got him so hard and so hot with so little effort. What he wouldn't give to kiss her soft, sweet-looking lips.

"Sergeant?" He blinked and smiled. "I'm sorry? You were saying?" "Are you all right?" "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" "Because you're licking your lips and staring at mine." He laughed and raked a hand through his hair. He forced his gaze away from her lips. "Was I? I'm sorry. My mind wandered."

"Where?" "Where what?" "Where did your mind wander?" "Why do you ask?"

"Because now you're talking to my b.r.e.a.s.t.s." Oh h.e.l.l. What was the use in playing games? He raised his gaze to hers. "That's probably because they're large and round and..."

Her eyes widened. "Excuse me? Are you sitting there talking about my b.r.e.a.s.t.s?"

He widened his gaze. "Of course not. You were saying?"

"Perhaps we should continue this conversation at another time in a place more conducive to conducting business."

"There's no time like the present."

"I was asking if Makefield had admitted to killing Chalkin."

"Not in so many words, but when we went to see Santiago, he practically offered me a job."

"What kind of job?"

"Without actually saying it, he-Santiago-implied he wanted to teach me the fine art of vampire killing, or dispatching, as he called it."

She sucked in a breath. "What did you say?"

"I told him I already had a job, but I'd consider it."

She frowned. "Why?"

He shrugged. "Why not? I happen to agree with him that vampires who kill humans need killing. Don't you?"

"Yes, but that's hardly the point-"

"Actually, I think it is the point. Maybe you should meet with him, then you can gauge for yourself whether or not he's someone doing something we want to interfere with."

"He can't go around killing people."

"He's not. I wouldn't call rogue vampires people. I think if you met him, you'd be convinced that he's okay."

"Would that be safe?"

He nodded. "If he wanted to, he could have killed me. He made no effort to do that."

"Okay. Then set something up."

He nodded. "I will. Now, can I buy you dinner?"

She hesitated before shaking her head. "We have to stay focused and keep things strictly professional between us."

"Why? I happen to know you're divorced and not seeing anyone. And I'm sure you' ve learned from your investigation that the same is true of me."

"That doesn't follow that we should mix business with pleasure."

"It would certainly be a pleasure to take you out to dinner."

She moistened her lips. "I heard you were dating Detective Malone."

"I'm not dating anyone. She and I are friends."

She arched a brow. "I heard you were lovers."

"Were being the operative word here. We tried it for a while and decided we made better friends than lovers."

"She's very beautiful."

"Yes, she is...if you like that type. So, can I buy you dinner?"

She shook her head. "I don't think...well, actually...yes. Yes, you can, but I think I should make it clear that dinner is all I'm interested in tonight."

That implied she might be interested in something more at a future date-if he pressed her hard enough. And he intended to press very hard. He smiled. "Dinner it is. Can I call you Madison?"

"Yes, Sergeant, you can." She turned that wonderful smile of hers on him. "What would you like me to call you?"

"Oh, I love the way you call me Sergeant."

Her smile widened. "Sergeant it is then."

Several hours later when they said goodbye outside of her apartment door, he was hard-pressed not to wrap his arms around her and kiss her until she couldn't breathe.

"I'll contact Santiago and set up a meeting," he told her, his gaze on her lips.

She nodded. "Okay. Thanks for dinner. Goodnight."

She spoke in a low, breathless voice. He dragged his gaze from her mouth to look in her eyes. "I wouldn't say no to a nightcap."

She shook her head. "You of all people should know better than to drink and drive, Sergeant."

"After a few hours in your company, my intoxication level is probably off the charts. One little drink isn't going to hurt."

She moistened her lips. "Look, Jordan, we have to work together. We can't afford to let our...libidos get out of control."

"Mine's already out of control." He bent his head, stopping with his lips just inches from hers. "What about yours?"

She pressed her hands against his shoulders. But instead of pus.h.i.+ng him away, she lifted her lips and linked her arms around his neck. "It's on overload," she admitted. "So let's just...kiss and say goodnight."

He slipped his arms around her and brushed his lips against her soft, sweet mouth. "I'm going to do a lot more than kiss you," he told her. He pressed her against her apartment door with his body. He licked the side of her neck, just below her ear. "We should go inside-unless you want to be f.u.c.ked out here in the hallway."

She shuddered against him and pushed against his shoulders. "If you think I'm going to let you f.u.c.k me on a first date-"

He pressed his fingers against her lips. "I am going to f.u.c.k you tonight. The only question you need to decide is where it's going to happen. Here in the hallway or inside on a bed. Or would you like to go to my place?" He stroked her cheek. "We can f.u.c.k in the Jacuzzi, on the bed or in the living room in front of the fire. Which do you prefer?"

Her saw the surrender in her dark gaze before she leaned against him. "It's been a long time for me. Are you prepared to give me what I want?"


She pressed her cheek against his shoulder. Trailing a hand down his body, she unzipped his pants and palmed his c.o.c.k. "I'd like to lie on my stomach and feel this big, hard c.o.c.k of yours slowly sliding in and out of my a.s.s. I want a slow, tortuously sweet a.s.s-f.u.c.k. I like it slow and deep. Can you handle that?"

Hot d.a.m.n! He'd hit the jackpot. He smiled at her and palmed her a.s.s. "It will be my pleasure to f.u.c.k your large, lovely a.s.s until I make you come." He bent his head and kissed her lips. "Then I'm still going to want some p.u.s.s.y."

"Give me a sweet a.s.s-f.u.c.k first and you can have all the p.u.s.s.y you want, Jordan."

"It's been a long time since I've been with a woman who excited me as much as you do. I'm going to want to eat and f.u.c.k your p.u.s.s.y all night long."

She caught her breath and licked her lips. She removed her hand from his pants and linked her fingers with his. "Then let's go to bed, Sergeant."

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