Bloodlust - Midnight Shadows Part 17

Bloodlust - Midnight Shadows -

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When the phone rang again, she ignored it and walked through the apartment to her bedroom. She undressed, took a quick shower and then slid into the Jacuzzi. Closing her eyes, she tried to allow all the worries and fears of the last few months to dissipate. Instead, she found her thoughts centered on the impertinent Jason Makefield.

She was far too old to be obsessing over a male not even a third as old as she was. She gave an angry shake of her head. Why couldn't she stop thinking about him? h.e.l.l, now she was even imagining she could feel him when he wasn't there. Her nostrils quivered with the remembrance of the wonderful masculine scent that belonged exclusively to him.

It was so strong, he could almost be... Her eyes snapped open. She shot upright from her reclining position. Jason, naked, with his fully erect c.o.c.k jutting out in front of his body, stood in her open bathroom doorway. In one hand he held a bottle of wine. His other hand held an elaborate gold box with the words Marsh's Ancient Delicacies embossed in s.h.i.+mmering red letters.

She licked her lips, her nostrils quivering anew.

He smiled, advancing slowly into the room. "I come bearing gifts, prepared to beg forgiveness."

Instead of getting out of the Jacuzzi and kicking his a.s.s out of her condo, she lay back, resting her head against the cus.h.i.+oned neck rest. He knelt beside the Jacuzzi, placing the bottle of wine in one of the refrigerated cubbies on the wide ledge to her left. He opened the box and extended it.

Inside were dark chocolate mounds, which she knew contained chilled, sweetened and jelled cow's blood. If he thought she would be bribed into forgiving his sorry a.s.s so easily...

"I come bearing sweets for my sweet."

If he thought that line, albeit smooth, would soften her up...

He lifted one of the b.a.l.l.s from its gold foil wrapper and placed it against her mouth.

Despite herself, she parted her lips and bit down. Dark, rich chocolate and jelled blood touched her tongue. She closed her eyes as the decadent dessert sent a chill of delight through her. Although she had been addicted to the delicacy for some fifty years, it had never tasted this wonderful.

As she swallowed the last mouthful, she opened her eyes. His lips were a breath away from hers. He lifted another ball, licked it and placed it against her lips.

She ate the second one with greater enjoyment, her pleasure heightened by the taste of his saliva. As she swallowed the last mouthful, she felt a tingle between her legs. By the time he pressed the next mound against her lips, her p.u.s.s.y was moist and aching to be filled with his c.o.c.k. She had to clench her hands into fists at her sides to keep from reaching out and wrapping them around his hard length.

He lifted another mound, licked it and lifted it near his mouth. "Do these taste as good as they look?"

She nodded silently, licking her lips in antic.i.p.ation.

He tilted his head. "Hmmm. I think it's time I found out for myself."

He put the box next to the bottle of wine on the ledge. Instead of popping the mound in his mouth as she expected, he dipped his other hand in the Jacuzzi, found her p.u.s.s.y and parted her wet folds.

She caught her breath, but let it out in a quick exhalation when he eased the chocolate mound between her c.u.n.t lips.

"What are you doing?"

He smiled. "You had yours with saliva. I'd like mine covered with p.u.s.s.y juice."

As if they had a mind of their own, her legs parted.

He rose and slipped into the Jacuzzi with her. Positioning himself between her thighs, he eased his hands under her body. With his palms cupping her a.s.s, he lifted her hips out of the water and buried his mouth against her body.

He licked and nipped at her flat belly before kissing his way over her wet skin to rest against her pubic hair. He inhaled deeply. "You have the most incredible scent when you're aroused. I can't wait to taste you."

To encourage him, she pushed her hips higher.

He licked the length of her outer lips, sending chills all through her. His warm, firm lips nibbled at her c.l.i.t.

She moaned.

He slid his mouth down her slit, parted her and bit into the chocolate. She felt some of the jelled blood ooze into her p.u.s.s.y. Antic.i.p.ating his shooting seed there soon, her nipples hardened.

She resisted the need to s.n.a.t.c.h his body up hers, grab his c.o.c.k and stuff it deep in her p.u.s.s.y so she could f.u.c.k him until he was too limp and sore to stay hard.

With his tongue, teeth and lips probing at her swollen lips, she cried out, pressed her hands against the back of his head and came. Settling against her, he kept his mouth on her c.u.n.t, eating what was left of the chocolate while licking her juices.

He didn't lift his head from her body until she moaned and slumped back against the Jacuzzi.

"Hmmm," he murmured, lifting his head to look up at her. "They're delicious mixed with p.u.s.s.y juice."

She parted her legs further and stared up into his eyes, allowing her expression to tell him what she wanted.

"That's my woman. Prepared to give me some of the p.u.s.s.y that belongs exclusively to me?"

She nodded, her hunger to feel him inside her leaving her bereft of words.

He slid up her body, moved his hips against hers and pressed downward.

The first inch of his c.o.c.k sliding into her p.u.s.s.y sent a shock of delight so strong through her it left her almost breathless, while simultaneously sending a chill of dread through her. She'd had more lovers than most human woman could imagine. There was no reason for her to need s.e.x with him half as much as she did. This man had done his best to kill Vladimir. Knowing that and yet allowing him to f.u.c.k her again was outrageous. Why did all her self-respect vanish the moment he waved a stiff d.i.c.k at her? Why- All thoughts were chased from her head as Jace slid b.a.l.l.s-deep inside her. He groaned then grabbed her a.s.s again, crushed his hungry lips down on hers and f.u.c.ked quickly, roughly in and out of her, treating her p.u.s.s.y as if it was his personal possession to be used however he liked.

Returning his demanding kisses, she wrapped her legs and arms around his body. She arched her back, driving his c.o.c.k deeper in her p.u.s.s.y. Each delicious stab of his d.i.c.k sent a corresponding jolt of almost unbearable pleasure through her. Her p.u.s.s.y radiated with a joy that quickly spread through her entire body.

No other male, human or vampire, had ever created these intense feelings or this level of pleasure in her. Breathing was difficult, nearly impossible. His c.o.c.k became an extension of her body...a vital part of her internal system she couldn't survive without.

A gigantic rush of satisfaction thundered through her p.u.s.s.y, setting it on fire before quickly spreading down to her toes and fingers. She tore her mouth away from his and sobbed as she experienced the most amazing climax of her long life. A powerful thrust of his hips sent his c.o.c.k deep inside her. Feeling the jets of his seed blasting into her p.u.s.s.y prolonged her release.

He held her tightly as he continued to thrust into her, pumping the last of his c.u.m into her c.u.n.t.

"Oh s.h.i.+t," he groaned, burying his face against her neck. "That had to be the most incredible f.u.c.k..." He lifted his head. "Open your eyes and look at me."

Feeling as satisfied as a cat in heat, she forced her eyes open and gazed up at him.

He shook his head. "That wasn't a f.u.c.k. Anyone can f.u.c.k, but only two people destined to spend eternity together could make love as we just did." He licked her lips. "I love you and I don't care what you say or how much you deny it, I know you love me too."

Shaken by what had just happened between them, she was in no mood for any of his s.h.i.+t. She pushed him off her. His c.o.c.k came out of her with a popping sound. Some of their combined fluids oozed out of her body. She set him on his feet beside the Jacuzzi and rose. "Don't be so d.a.m.ned dramatic. If I were you, I wouldn't let one f.u.c.k go to my head, Jason. You live long enough, you'll have better."

Ignoring the tightening of his lips, she stepped onto the tiles beside him. She reached for a towel from the warmer and wrapped it around her body. Or at least she started to.

He grabbed the edge and tossed it aside. He swung her around to face him. "You've lived close to four hundred years. Have you ever had better?"

She swallowed hard and averted her gaze, unwilling to lie about something that had touched her so deeply.

He cupped her cheeks between his palms, pus.h.i.+ng her chin up. "Don't look away from me. You maintain my gaze and tell me you've had better with any of your lovers."

She jerked away from him, putting several feet between them. "Don't forget yourself or who you're dealing with, Jason. I'm not some human wh.o.r.e whose will you can bend to your own."

He closed the distance between them. Slipping an arm around her waist, he drew her body against him, until his hard length pressed against her. "I know just who you are." He curled the fingers of his other hand in her hair and drew her head back so they were staring at each other. "You're my fem... my woman."

He rubbed his c.o.c.k against her c.u.n.t and she shuddered.

She hated the triumphant look in his eyes at her involuntary reaction.

He slid his hand over her a.s.s. "Everything about you belongs to me from your beautiful t.i.tties, your big, brown a.s.s and your honey-sweet p.u.s.s.y." He nibbled at her lips. "They all belong to me. Tell me they don't."

Although she shook her head, when he reached down to part her wet slit, she made no effort to stop him shoving his c.o.c.k into her. He glared into her eyes. "This sweet p.u.s.s.y is mine, and you'd better get used to the idea that I'll take it and you whenever I like."

He slapped her a.s.s so hard she gasped.

Smiling and staring into her eyes, he eased in and out of her. "Tell me you love me," he ordered.

She shook her head.

"Never mind. Shall I tell you what I love about you?"

She nodded.

"I love how my p.u.s.s.y tightens and ripples around my c.o.c.k. I love the smell of my p.u.s.s.y when it's filled with my c.u.m. I love the way your dark skin glistens with sweat when we enjoy a really hard, raunchy f.u.c.k. I love everything about you. I love you."

His erotic words had a hypnotic effect on her. She linked her arms around his neck. Pus.h.i.+ng off the floor, she wrapped her legs around his body. Keeping their gazes locked, they enjoyed a quick, explosive standing f.u.c.k.

She rotated her hips and moaned with pleasure each time he shot his powerful hips forward, driving his thick, hard length into her p.u.s.s.y. At one point, he held her by her waist and bounced her up and down on his c.o.c.k. Pure, sweet delight washed over her.

She wanted to close her eyes to savor the delicious feelings buffeting her body, but she didn't want to miss watching the expression on his face as they f.u.c.ked each other. She moaned and raked her fingers through the hair at his nape. Lord, who knew s.e.x could devastate her so thoroughly?

She didn't close her eyes until her climax thundered through her. Only then did she moan and lay her head against his shoulder. With his arms still holding her, she felt weak and needy.

He kissed the top of her hair. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, oh yes."

He placed a hand under her chin and stared down at her. "d.a.m.n, I'd give anything to knock you up and watch your beautiful brown belly slowly swell and your b.r.e.a.s.t.s start to sag, heavy with milk, as my baby grows inside you."

He eased his c.o.c.k out so only the head remained in her.

She made a small sound of protest.

His dark eyes alight with triumph, he quickly sheathed himself inside her again. He licked her neck. "I'm about to come. Maybe this time you'll get pregnant and have my baby."

His words tore at her emotions. At this point in her life, she wondered if she were capable of getting pregnant. If he managed to impregnate her, the miracle of it would be overshadowed by the grief any relations.h.i.+p with him would entail. Nevertheless, his words aroused her.

Holding her a.s.s in his palms, he emptied the contents of his heavy b.a.l.l.s deep into her p.u.s.s.y. Then, with his d.i.c.k still buried inside her, he carried her to the bedroom. Once there, he withdrew from her and tossed her facedown onto the bed.

Instead of objecting to his lack of gentleness, she lay with her eyes closed, her legs parted.

He kneeled between her legs, raining kisses on her a.s.s. Parting her cheeks, he rimmed her hole with his tongue and teeth.

"Hmmm." She wriggled her hips and lifted her a.s.s against his mouth. "Oh yeah."

A finger replaced his mouth against her nether hole. "You know what I like most about fems?"


"They can take a c.o.c.k up their a.s.s without any lube. So get your a.s.s ready, baby, here comes my d.i.c.k."

"Hmmm." She reached back and eagerly parted her cheeks. Her p.u.s.s.y convulsed at the thought of his thick c.o.c.k sliding in and out of her a.s.s.

Rising above her, he pushed his c.o.c.k against her puckered hole, pressing forward with steady pressure. He pierced her a.n.u.s, easily sliding b.a.l.l.s-deep up her a.s.s.

"Oh yes!"

He laid his body along her back and slipped his hands under her shoulders. "Oh h.e.l.l yes," he groaned, thrusting in and out of her. "Oh d.a.m.n, sweet, your a.s.s is so hot and tight... it's almost as good as your p.u.s.s.y." He licked at the back of her neck as he f.u.c.ked her. "Oh baby, you've ruined me for any other woman... fem or human."

She smiled, tightening her a.n.a.l muscles around his c.o.c.k. Pressing her cheek against the bed, she lay underneath him, savoring the joy of having her a.s.s f.u.c.ked by a handsome young man she knew she could no longer resist. While she wasn't ready to think in terms of love or bloodl.u.s.t, there was no way she was giving him up or sharing him with any other woman. This c.o.c.k and this man were hers-until she tired of him.

He rammed his c.o.c.k up her a.s.s so hard and so rapidly, her body was repeatedly thrust forward against the bed. Her c.l.i.t, hard and hot, erupted and she came, her thighs quivering and her a.s.s muscles tightening around his c.o.c.k.

He bit into her neck.

With a shock of delight, she felt his incisors piercing her flesh. She moaned in ecstasy as her blood flowed into his mouth at the same time his c.u.m shot in her a.s.s.

Long after he stopped coming, he continued to feed on her. She loved having an a.s.s full of c.u.m and c.o.c.k while he ingested her blood. Finally, when she was about to come again, based on the sheer, unexpected delight of him ingesting her blood, he removed his incisors and eased out of her well-f.u.c.ked a.s.s.

He rolled her onto her back, climbed on top of her and buried his face against her shoulder, his body shaking.

She held him, stroking her fingers along his back. Although her hunger for c.o.c.k had been satisfied for the moment, she had another hunger only he could full satisfy. "I need you," she whispered.

He tilted his head. "I'm here to satisfy all your wants and desires. Take what you need, love."

One of the beauties of being a full-blood was the immunity to all human diseases, including those that were s.e.xually transmitted. She eased Jace's c.o.c.k into her p.u.s.s.y. Cupping her hands over his a.s.s, she bent her head, her incisors descending. His blood, warm and sweet, filled her mouth. Keeping her incisors firmly buried in the side of his neck, she rolled him over so that he lay on his back with her impaled on his c.o.c.k.

f.u.c.king him slowly, she fed on him. As she did, she knew why the Ancient Delicacies had tasted so wonderful. The main ingredient had been his blood, rather than cow's blood. He had wanted to please her so much he had taken the time to find out what she liked then donated his blood to one of the few humans who knew how to make the delicacies craved by fems.

He lay under her, stroking her back and a.s.s. Undulating her body and rotating her hips to get the maximum pleasure for them both, she leisurely f.u.c.ked herself to the most natural and wonderful high a vampire could experience-one driven by blood and an undeniable affection.

With his c.o.c.k throbbing in her and his blood flowing into her, she surrendered to her climax. The powerful contractions in her p.u.s.s.y triggered his o.r.g.a.s.m, and they came within seconds of each other. Still impaled on his c.o.c.k, she settled against him, withdrew her incisors from his neck and laid her cheek against his damp shoulder.

"You tell me that wasn't love," he challenged, his voice husky. When she didn't respond, he rained sharp blows on her nether cheeks. "Ouch!" He slapped her a.s.s again. "p.u.s.s.y and c.o.c.k only jells this well when the people mes.h.i.+ng them together are in love." "Whatever." "Whatever? If you keep being a hard-a.s.s, I'm going to pack my bags and take my c.o.c.k to a woman who's not afraid to admit she loves me." "Dream on." "Does that mean you're ready to admit you're not only in l.u.s.t with my c.o.c.k but in love with me?" "Dream on," she repeated. He slapped her a.s.s cheek. "You keep that up and-" "And what?" he asked, bringing his palm down on her already stinging a.s.s. And what, indeed. "I'll don one of my toys and f.u.c.k your a.s.s." He stiffened. "Don't count on that ever happening." "Then don't you tell me you love me again, until you're prepared to allow me to f.u.c.k your a.s.s." "You're not getting anywhere near my a.s.s." "Don't tell me a fearless vampire killer is afraid of a little a.n.a.l s.e.x." "You might as well dismiss your unholy designs on my a.s.s, but guess what?" "What?" she asked sleepily. "I love you." She knew he was experiencing l.u.s.t rather than love, but d.a.m.ned if a fem couldn't get used to hearing a handsome, s.e.xy man chanting that he loved her. "When did it happen?" "When did what happen?" She lifted her head and looked down at him. "When we first met, you were a human latent. Now you're sporting incisors and ingesting blood. How did that happen?" "What difference does it make?" The loss of Tim's humanity had bothered her. The loss of Jace's did not. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps because she had never known Jace when he was fully human. She sighed, feeling drowsy but weary. She should pursue the subject. And she would- later. Right now she just wanted to sleep. Settling against his body, she drifted to sleep in his arms.

Chapter Ten.

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