Thieves: Steal The Day Part 21

Thieves: Steal The Day -

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"What the h.e.l.l is that?" Dev asked. I could feel the magic starting to work on him. The evidence was suddenly poking me in the belly. His erection popped up, straining at the fly of his slacks, and his heart was thumping against my palm for a different reason now.

"Heaven, baby," I replied because there was nothing Dev loved more than pleasure and this was exquisite.

Looking up at Dev's confused face, I found myself filled with more than simple l.u.s.t. It was the only time in my relations.h.i.+p with Dev where I had more experience. He was the innocent one now, and I got to lead him through an encounter that would blow his mind. I didn't know what was wrong with his previous vampire, but there was nothing painful about Daniel when he was on his game. I knew my Dev. He was going to enjoy this and more than likely feel absolutely no shame afterward.

Daniel growled a little, the vampire inside him taking over. I caught a flash of gleaming white fangs when Daniel struck. Dev's whole body tensed as Daniel drew hard against Dev's neck. The whole while, Daniel's eyes were up, focused on me, drawing me into their intimacy.

"f.u.c.k, that's amazing." Dev tried so hard not to moan, but it came out of his chest, a low, s.e.xy sound. His hands finally found my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, fingers tugging in time to the beat of Daniel's mouth. He pinched at my nipples before cupping my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and groaning again.

I let my hands run up the sides of his torso, glorying in the muscles I skimmed over. My hips seemed to move of their own accord. They nestled against his erection and I could feel it lengthening further, getting ready to go off and ruin those expensive slacks of his.

Daniel stared at me while his throat worked. I brought a hand to touch his sandy blond hair, holding him to Dev's throat.

"Oh, G.o.d. That feels so f.u.c.king good." Dev rubbed his erection against me. "Zoey, sweetheart, you know how my magic goes a little crazy sometimes?"

His magic went wild at times, which was precisely why he almost never used it. "Yes. Just hold on, Dev. He's almost done."

"Too late. It's already here. It feels so f.u.c.king good. Yes." His head rolled back, touching Daniel's, fitting against him. "This is going to be wild."

The room was filled with Daniel's will, but suddenly there was something else. It was much stronger, and it crowded out that soft pa.s.sion of Danny's. It pulsed from Dev's body, and it was l.u.s.t. There was no other way to describe it. It was l.u.s.t and need and love all rolled into one pulse that screamed across my skin, making my every nerve ending roar with wanting.

Every cell in my body seemed to come alive. Blood pounding. Heart racing. Pure grade A l.u.s.t.

Daniel released Dev and, sure enough, my faery promptly fell over, a ridiculously happy smile on his face.

Daniel's chest worked, trying to get enough oxygen into his body. He'd already forgotten Dev. His eyes were focused on me, and I was pretty sure I might not need that ice cream. Desire pulsed through the room. His fangs were still out, his eyes a glorious blue, and his c.o.c.k was pressed hard to the front of his slacks. "I hate to f.u.c.king admit this, but he tasted really good. Almost as good as you, but nothing, nothing compares, baby."

It was wrong. It had to be. I was in the same room with Dev, but I couldn't take my eyes off Danny. I wanted him so much it was an ache in my body. The idea of having to walk away didn't even make sense, but I couldn't make love with Danny while Dev watched.

Could I?

"G.o.d, can you feel that?" Dev pushed himself up, looking from me to Daniel and back again, his green eyes darker than I had ever seen them. "Can you feel it?"

I could. It was Daniel's need, and it rolled off his body, a wave of desire that crashed against me.

"Tell me no, Z," Daniel commanded because he never merely took what he wanted. His hands twitched, but he didn't move toward me. "Tell me no, and I think I can leave."

"Don't tell him no, Zoey." Dev hopped off the bed and then got behind me, his chest pressed to my back. His hands wound around, finding my hard nipples and playing with them, rolling them between his thumbs and fingers. I could feel the insistent twitch of his c.o.c.k against my backside. I couldn't help rubbing back against it. He whispered into my ear. "I can feel how much he needs you. It's like a drug in my system. This could be so f.u.c.king good. Don't deny him. Don't deny us. Just stop thinking and feel, Zoey. You too, Dan. This can be good if you two just let it."

All I had to do was move the slightest bit toward my husband, and he was on me. He pulled me to him, slamming our bodies together. His mouth came down on my mine, overwhelming me with his dominance.

This wasn't a soft tease. It was a full-on a.s.sault and I let him in.

He kissed me, our tongues playing around his fangs while his hands found my a.s.s and pulled me up against his straining c.o.c.k. He rubbed himself against my belly, letting me feel everything he was offering me. I shoved my hands between us to unb.u.t.ton his jeans and ease the zipper down. Need filled my world. I needed to touch him, needed him inside me. It had been so long since I felt him moving over me, connecting us and making us one.

He rewarded me with a groan as he fell into my hand. Big and thick, his d.i.c.k filled my palm and I could barely close my fingers around it.

"f.u.c.k, yes, Z. Touch me. Stroke me." His hands wound in my hair, dragging me close so he could kiss me again.

While our tongues tangled, I stroked along his c.o.c.k, from the plum-shaped head all the way to the base. He was big and hard in my hand, and I loved the soft feel of the skin that covered all that steel. He was already coated with cream, and it made my hand glide easily back and forth.

Dev moved on the bed, putting a hand on me.

Daniel growled his way.

"Don't you f.u.c.king pull that s.h.i.+t with me, Dan." Dev didn't move an inch, didn't back down despite the fact that Daniel was fully in beast mode. He didn't take his hands off me. "I'm sharing with you, not the other way around."

Just for a moment I thought Daniel would attack, but then his hips moved, thrusting up into my hand, and I knew we'd moved past the violence point. He finally put his lips on mine again, devouring me with luscious kisses.

A million erotic images skimmed the surface of my mind. I wanted to taste him, to take that hard c.o.c.k in my mouth and swallow him whole. I wanted Daniel in my p.u.s.s.y, my mouth, anywhere I could take him. I wanted to be his.

And Dev. Oh, I wanted everything that half fertility G.o.d could give me. I wanted to kneel in utter submission before him and let him have his way, pounding into me from behind.

But most of all, I wanted to be between them.

I wanted to never have to choose.

"Time for this to come off, sweetheart," Dev was saying behind me as he slid my skirt over my hips, his fingers taking the opportunity to glide across my core, causing me to cry out. His fingers made soft circles over my c.l.i.toris, enough to make me shake, but not to push me over the edge. And I was close, so close.

Daniel pulled back, taking the moment to get out of his jeans and boxers. He stood back, his c.o.c.k hard against his belly. "f.u.c.k, she's gorgeous."

Dev cupped my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, holding them up like an offering to Daniel. "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"I should kill you for touching her." But Daniel's words were soft, non-threatening. His hand stroked his c.o.c.k, running the full length over and over again. I couldn't get my eyes off the sight even as Dev's fingers tugged on my nipples.

"You like watching," Dev said, his voice as sultry as the air around us. Dev's magic was thick, catching us all in its spell.

"Get rid of those panties." Daniel didn't bother to give Dev a yes or no answer, but his actions spoke plainly. "Spread her legs. Show me her p.u.s.s.y."

"I can do that." Dev's tongue traced the sh.e.l.l of my ear before he dispensed with the rest of my clothes, eager to do Daniel's bidding. All the while, l.u.s.t thickened in the air, filling my lungs and brain until I couldn't think of anything but them.

When I was naked, Dev eased me back into his arms, his back against the headboard. He hooked his ankles around mine and spread my legs, showing off my p.u.s.s.y for Daniel's view. When he'd had the chance to undress, I had no idea, but I pressed myself against his heat, loving the way he felt against me.

The magic heightened the effect, and I didn't even try to fight it. I could have left the room. It wasn't the kind of magic that robbed you of your will. It was like a long, slow intoxication. I could walk away, but I was with two men I loved and trusted. I wasn't about to walk away.

"She's wet, Dan. But you know that because you can smell her. f.u.c.k, I can smell her and I don't have your senses." His fingers slid through the petals of my p.u.s.s.y, showing my husband how aroused I was. I tried to wiggle, to get him to f.u.c.k me with his fingers, but he held me tight.

Daniel looked down at the picture Dev and I made and stilled, his hand falling away from his c.o.c.k. His blue eyes were heavy with desire, but he didn't move to join us. "What the h.e.l.l is this?"

Dev kissed my hair as he played with my p.u.s.s.y. "It's a sort of magic. It comes naturally to me, though I haven't felt it so strongly before. It's attached to the three of us, but it's going to spread through the hotel."

"s.e.x magic?" Daniel asked, his whole focus on that place where my legs had parted for him.

Dev's hand had found my c.l.i.toris and was rubbing gently, taking my breath away. "Yes, it's a part of who I am, but this is a breakthrough for me. It's so f.u.c.king strong. It feels so good. I would use it to start a ceremony; you would call it an orgy. I didn't mean for it to come out, but if you really don't want this, Daniel, you should leave. I'd put at least four or five floors between us to be safe."

He did want this. He wanted it so bad I could feel the need pouring off him, but still he hesitated.

"Do you love her, man?" Dev asked flatly.

"Yes." There was no hesitation, no pondering of his answer.

"I love her, too," Dev stated. "So what the h.e.l.l's wrong with loving her together? This would be perfectly normal in my birthland. It would be good and right to bring her as much pleasure as we can."

Daniel still seemed reluctant. "It's not normal here."

"f.u.c.k normal, man. Normal will make us all miserable. We make our own normal." Dev kissed my ear. "Zoey, your husband wants permission to join us tonight. I don't think he's going to take anything but a vocal invitation from you."

"Daniel, please." I would do just about anything to get him to join us. The last thing I wanted was for him to walk away. Tomorrow would be another problem entirely, but I wanted tonight.

That was all he needed. Daniel crawled across the bed, his big body covering mine, and I was finally where I wanted to be, surrounded by them. Dev was at my back and Daniel spread out on top of me. My legs wound their way around that powerful body, hooking around his waist so I was spread as wide for him as I could be.

"I love you, Z." His c.o.c.k was poised right at the entrance to my p.u.s.s.y, teasing me with his width.

"I love you, Danny." He'd been my everything for most of my life. It felt natural and right to be there with him.

He didn't have to get me ready. I was so wet he just slid in with a groan, stretching my p.u.s.s.y until I was so full of him our breaths were in synch and his heart beat in time with mine. His chest rubbed against mine as he brought our foreheads together. He held himself inside, tight against my body as he kissed me, his tongue penetrating while his c.o.c.k made a place for itself deep inside me.

Slowly, so slowly I thought I would go mad, he started to move. Dev's magic was pulsing from his body, feeding our pa.s.sion and making us both groan. There was no more arguments from my husband as he pressed his face into my neck. I felt the tips of his fangs graze my skin, and I prayed he would bite down.

"Hold her still for me, man." Daniel's voice was guttural, almost drugged with l.u.s.t.

"She's ours tonight. Do you understand, Zoey?" Dev's lips were against my ear, his words hot on my skin as Daniel started to thrust. "We're going to make you scream for us. We're going to hold you down and make you come until you don't remember a time when one of us wasn't inside you. We'll pa.s.s you back and forth until we're satisfied, until we don't have an ounce of come left in our bodies."

Daniel's lower body worked hard, pumping into me, pounding his flesh into mine, seeking the connection we'd been missing for months. "You'll take everything we give you, Z. And I intend to give it to you all night long. I'm going to f.u.c.k you until I can't anymore. Until the sun comes up and I can't move and even then, I might sleep with my d.i.c.k inside you. I missed you, baby. I missed you so f.u.c.king much."

His fangs grazed my neck and his magic was working in tandem with Dev's. I would have done anything they wanted me to, anything to keep them close to me. I was willing to be their plaything, their sweet little s.e.x toy.

All the while, Dev was whispering to me. He told me how much he loved me, how much he wanted me, how beautiful I was. I pushed back up against Danny, finding that special spot and working it as hard as I could.

Then my eyes were rolling into the back of my head, and I screamed when Daniel's fangs pierced and he began to feed. I dug my nails into Daniel's back and clutched Dev's hair with my other hand. My o.r.g.a.s.m washed over me, a wave that threatened to drown the world and I wouldn't care. Pleasure still hummed through me when Daniel released the vein.

Daniel pushed up on his arms as his pace picked up, and he drove himself into me as hard and fast as he could manage. He threw his head back and cursed as he held me still, pumping his release into me. He fell forward, landing on my chest, his adoring lips finding my b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Love you, Z." Daniel sighed as he rolled off me.

Dev took immediate action, twisting me around until he was on top. He kissed me, his hands wandering everywhere. When he came up for air, there was a happy decadence in his eyes, and I knew Dev was in a place he'd missed for a very long time.

"Let's have some fun, lover."

They proceeded to show me just how much fun three people could have.

Chapter Twenty-One.

I woke up with a sigh because I really didn't want this particular dream to come to an end. It was the craziest, most erotic dream I'd ever had. It came from nights of s.e.xual frustration. In the dream, I was between Dev and Daniel, pa.s.sed between them like some plaything they really wanted to please. They were tireless in their quest to see how many times they could make me come. I didn't have to choose between them. I just had to wait to see whose turn it was. I smiled because that decadent thought made me happy. It was a good dream.

So why was I so sore?

My eyes flew open, and I realized I'd taken this whole crazy Vegas thing to its limits. There was no way to deny it because there was a mirror over the bed. I heard my shocked breath as I took in the picture.

Dev was asleep on his side to my right, his hand reaching toward me as though I'd turned away from him in my sleep. Daniel was on the other side, asleep on his stomach. He'd kicked the covers off so his perfectly muscled backside was in glorious view. I could see all of this because, despite the fact that the heavy curtains were closed, we left the lights on. Apparently boys really like to watch.

I sat up like a shot, and the night came back in a rush. I might have thought about it further if Neil hadn't been standing at the end of the bed, Starbucks in hand. His mouth was open wide, and he stood perfectly still.

"How long have you been standing there?" I hoped the answer was not very long because apparently we might not have noticed extra people.

"I think the coffee's cold now," Neil managed. "And it was like four hundred degrees when I got here. I thought you might like some. I spent the night out. I see you spent the night in."

I struggled to find anything to say. "Would you believe we were all just really tired?"

Neil took a deep inhale and looked at me with an amused light in his eyes. "Nope. The nose doesn't lie. Then there are all the condom wrappers. It's an impressive collection. Zoey's been a very bad girl."

Dev growled as he stretched. He didn't seem to care that he was completely naked and not alone. He sat up and kissed me briefly. "Zoey was an awfully sweet girl last night in my book. I'm going to go take a shower. We have a big day ahead of us."

"A big day to go with a big night," Neil said.

Dev ignored that statement and stood up, nodding at Neil, who didn't even try to hide the fact that he was looking. Dev lifted the coffee out of his hand and tasted it. "This is cold. Call down and have them send up, oh, everything. I'm so hungry. And mimosas. I can still taste that Scotch. We have to do something about Daniel's taste in alcohol."

Dev walked into the bathroom, and Neil turned to me. "Zoey, holy s.h.i.+t. Did you see how big that thing was? Why isn't he gay? It's just wrong."

I threw a pillow at him. "Just give me that s.h.i.+rt."

Twenty minutes later I was still in shock as Neil pa.s.sed me a cup of hot coffee this time. We'd gone into the living room of the suite which was now covered in a lovely breakfast spread, though it was almost two in the afternoon. I was still in Dev's dress s.h.i.+rt. The b.u.t.tons were askew because I hadn't really been paying attention to them. I kept going over last night in my head, trying to figure out how I felt about it.

"You're going to be troublesome, aren't you, sweetheart?" Dev held a champagne gla.s.s in his hand. He looked delicious in a masculine robe that showed off that chest of his to great advantage. I could also see the marks on his neck. He could see the one on my neck, but there was another fresher set on the inside of my thigh. Daniel needed a late-night pick me up. He'd expended a lot of energy. Hours and hours of s.e.x will do that to you.

"She grew up human." Neil was already on his second plate. "They have very different ideas about s.e.x."

"Please explain to me the problem you have with what we did last night. I know it had nothing to do with the pleasure because I got the feeling you were satisfied. It has to have something to do with odd human ideas about sin and guilt," Dev said, sounding deeply annoyed. "Let's get through this so we can get to the part where I get to cuddle you and tell you how much I enjoyed last night and what an amazing s.e.x G.o.ddess you look like in my s.h.i.+rt. It really gets me hot."

I had to smile because he really did know exactly what to say. "I'm worried it will change the way you and Daniel feel about me."

He looked at Neil. "What the h.e.l.l is that supposed to mean?"

Neil translated. "She thinks you'll think she's a s.l.u.t."

Dev's eyebrows climbed up his forehead as he shook his head. "Why would I think that? You've slept with two men in your life. Last night did not elevate your numbers. I wouldn't care if you f.u.c.ked a thousand. If you're worried I'll view you as a s.e.x object now, let me put your mind at ease, sweetheart. I always viewed you as a s.e.x object. From the minute I saw you, I viewed you as something I really wanted to put my d.i.c.k in and last night didn't change that. I would like very much to put my d.i.c.k in you right now. I love you. As long as we both want something, I can't conceive of how it's wrong."

"It wasn't normal," I whispered.

"I thought I went over this last night with your husband. Darling, you slept with a faery prince and a vampire," Dev pointed out. "You pa.s.sed the exit for normal a couple hundred miles back. You're going to have to explain to me how wanting to watch isn't a perfectly normal impulse."

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