Sea Legs Part 3

Sea Legs -

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aHappy New Year, Natalie.a She clinked their together.

aI hope youall count me as one of your friends.a aI already do.a Natalie sealed it for certain by planting a kiss on her cheek.

Chapter 9.

Kelly twitched her nose at the familiar aroma. Coffee. She opened her eyes to see Natalie sitting across from her,a Styrofoam cup in hand.

aI finally woke up before you did. And since you said you werenat running today, I thought it might be my only chance to return the favor.a She pushed up in bed and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. The back of her head throbbed. aI should know better than to drink champagne. Even one gla.s.s gives me a headache.a aIall get you some aspirin.a aThatas okay, this is my penance.a She took the coffee and smiled. aCoffee helps, though. Are we in port?a aNot yet. You want to sit outside and watch us dock?a Kelly stumbled straight from her bed to the balcony without changing from the flannel shorts and tight white tank top she slept in. Mornings with Natalie had become her favorite part of the trip.

aIsnat this weather gorgeous?a Natalie remarked as she sank into a deck chair, her mood surprisingly cheerful after last nightas misfortune.

aFantastic. Weare not even halfway through the cruise and Iam already dreading going home to Rochester.a aI would think your kind of work would slow down in the winter.a aSome parts of it hit a lag, like laying foundations and putting on roofs. But itas a big season for interior remodels and thatas harder to keep up with because people do a lot of their own work, and some of it is pretty shoddy. That keeps me busy because I have to keep going back to the same places over and over.a aI really would like it if youad come over and walk through my house with me. Iall pay you whatever the going rate is for contractor advice. I donat want to take advantagea"a aHold on there. I thought we agreed last night we were going to be friends when we got back home. I donat charge my friends when I help them out.a Natalie grinned. aYou say that now, but you havenat seen my house. Once you realize how much work it needs, you may go looking for new friends.a aNot a chance. It takes me a while to make friends, so once I do I tend to hold onto them.a aIam the same way, which probably explains why I have trouble letting go of other things too,a Natalie said quietly, tilting her head in the direction of the balcony next door. aBy the way, thanks for putting up with me last night.a aI didnat consider that aputting upa with you. I just wish youad felt more like celebrating.a aI feel better today. I slept on it, and I have an idea.a aAn idea?a Natalie leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and lowered her voice. aWhen I came on this cruise, I was thinking I might try to give Didi a taste of her own medicineamaybe have a fling with somebody and rub her nose in it for a change. You remember Julie, the redhead from Australia?a Kellyas stomach dropped and she nodded.

aI thought about hooking up with her, but she was a little too interested.a aYeah, I remember you said that the other night. So if not Juliea?a aI was wondering if maybeayou?a Kelly wasnat sure she was hearing this right. aYou want Didi to think weare involved so sheall be jealous?a Natalie nodded. aIt doesnat have to be over the top or anything. Maybe just a little hand touching, a few suggestive looksapay me compliments whenever sheas around, that sort of thing. I would never ask you to do something that made you uncomfortable.a Uncomfortable wasnat exactly the word for it. Wellamaybe it was. She realized she was actually twisting in her chair with discomfort. aBut there wouldnat actually be anything between us.a aOh, no.a Natalie wrung her hands as if nervous. aItas a lot to ask, I know. And Iam not even sure shead buy it.a aBecause you go for women like Didi.a Natalie nodded. She went for femmes. Now she was the one looking uncomfortable. aThis was a stupid idea, wasnat it? I shouldnat havea"a aIall do it.a It might be the closest she would ever get to dating a woman like Natalie. aWhatever you want me to do, just say it.a A brilliant smile broke over Natalieas face. aKelly, youare terrific.a aNot so fast. We have to sell it.a Her mind was already racing about the possibilities. aAnd thereas one more thing. I donat want this to turn into a sticky situation later on. I want us to be friends when we get back to Rochester, so whatever we do, letas not p.i.s.s anybody off.a aWeall make it work. If she goes for it, weall just act like I told you I was going back to her and you took it well and wanted to be friends anyway. We wonat try to make her think we were likeayou know, intimate.a Kelly felt her pulse rate pick up. Intimate with Natalie. aI guess we should probably start doing more things together. Wouldnat that be a good idea?a Natalieas eyes got big. aCan we start after you go scuba diving?a Their laughter broke the tension, and they relaxed as the island of Tortola came into view off the bow.

From behind her, Kelly studied Natalieas profile, admittedly excited at this new turn. She was a very pretty woman, one of the prettiest she had ever known personally. The sun brought out the red highlights in her hair and turned her green eyes aqua. Those colors accentuated a smooth, creamy complexion which belied her thirty-seven years. Given Didias taste for beautiful women, it was easy to see why she had been drawn to Natalie.

aGorgeous, isnat it?a aTotally,a Kelly said, turning her attention back to the island, where small cottages and majestic terraced homes dotted the hillside. Kelly lifted her so Natalie could see her eyes. aYou have a beautiful smile, by the way. I like seeing it, and Iam going to make it my personal mission to put one there every chance I get.a Her declaration sounded more flirtatious than she had intended, but when Natalie gave her another full-on smile in response, she decided it was a good thing.

The door opened on the balcony next door. aIf she says no, Iam jumping off the side,a Didi yelled.

aGood morning,a Natalie said, leaning over the rail. aHappy New Year.a aIt will be if we get out of here. Pamelaas on the phone with the nurse and they might spring us in time to get off the s.h.i.+p.a aI take it youare both feeling better.a aPhysically, weare fine. But weare cracking up from being inside this pillbox.a Didi lowered her voice. aCome closer, Natalie.a Since she was still in her chair, Kelly was out of Didias line of sight, but could hear her clearly.

aIf the nurse says we can leave the s.h.i.+p, will you go somewhere with me? I donat think Iall survive five more hours alone with Pamela. I need a break.a Natalie shook her head and smiled. aIave already made plans with Steph to go over to Virgin Gorda since Kellyas going diving with Yvonne.a Kelly recognized the inflection as Natalieas way of saying she was making her plans based on Kellyas.

aBut you two are welcome to join usaprovided Pamela still wants to put up with you.a aI guess we could do that. I just need to see some new faces.a aIam sure she does too.a aAre you implying that Iam difficult?a Kelly covered her mouth too late to hide a snort.

aHey!a Didi peeked around the divider. aYou better not be laughing at my misery. Iall report you to the nurse. Iall say I saw you throwing up. Thatall get you seventy-two hours in lockup.a Kelly raised her coffee cup in a toast. aTo your health.a Didi squinted at her. aYouare going swimming with the fishes today? Literally, I mean.a aScuba diving.a aWill you take Pamela?a aHush,a Natalie said. aSheas going to hear you.a It was interesting that Natalie seemed concerned about Pamelaas feelings when a fight between Pamela and Didi could have blown things up once and for all. Clearly she was serious about making sure n.o.body got hurt.

aAre you talking to Natalie?a Pamela emerged on the other side of the divider.

aWhat did the nurse say?a Didi asked, ignoring her question.

aSheas doing rounds. She wonat get here for another hour or two.a aNatalie just invited us to come along with her and Steph. Or you can go with Yvonne and Kelly if you want.a She leaned around and gave Kelly an exaggerated wink. aYouare going out on a boat, right?a aYes, buta"a aTheyare going on a boat ride around the island or something.a aWeare full, actually. Yvonne got the last seat, and weare going scuba diving on a s.h.i.+pwreck.a aI could never do something like that,a Pamela said. aBut it sounds exciting. I hope we get to hear about it at dinner.a Still leaning around the divider and out of Pamelaas line of sight, Didi made faces as Pamela talked, eliciting a glare from Natalie.

aKelly and I are going to breakfast now. Good luck on getting the all clear. Maybe weall see you down on the dock. If youare not there, weall see you when we get back. We can all have a drink together while weare pulling out of port.a Kelly gave Didi a mocking wink and followed Natalie inside.

Steph poked Kelly in the chest. aYouare the one who talked Yvonne into this, so Iam holding you personally responsible for bringing her back to this dock in one piece and breathing on her own. You got that?a Kelly nodded emphatically as everyone laughed.

aFine. Then go have fun.a Yvonne and Kelly hurried along the dock to a waiting dive boat while Natalie and Steph walked toward their ferry.

It hadnat occurred to Natalie that scuba diving was risky. aYouare not really worried about them, are you?a aOh, no,a Steph answered, shaking her head. aIn fact, Iam thrilled to see Yvonne out having a good time. Sheas been so wrapped up with work lately that she hasnat let herself have fun.

And itas great sheas made a friend who likes to do that kind of stuff.a aI donat know how you two do it,a Natalie said. aOne of the things that worked so well with Didi was we liked to do the same things.a aOverrated if you ask me,a Steph said. aAnd I hate to point out the obvious, but things didnat exactly work all that well with you and Didi.a aTrue, but it wasnat because we grew apart.a Actually they had, but not because they didnat have things in common.

Steph led the way onto the ferry and slid into a seat on the lower level. Most of the pa.s.sengers had gone upstairs for the sun and the view. aI like the fact that Yvonne and I have different interests. It gives us more to talk about. I like to hear about her day and she likes to hear about mine. We never seem to get bored with each other.a Natalie thought back to her last few years with Didi. It was true they shared an interest in the store and the fas.h.i.+on industry, but working together all day obviated the need to talk about it at night. aWe didnat talk about work at home because we talked about it at work.a aSo what did you talk about at home?a She shrugged.aWe liked our own s.p.a.ce. She had the bedroom. I had the den.a aThatas what Iam talking about. I think your next girlfriend should be totally opposite from Didi,a Steph said. aNow letas seeawho do we know that doesnat care all that much about fas.h.i.+on? Maybe someone on the athletic sideasomeone not so fixated on appearances?a aNot again.a Natalie sighed and shook her head. aKelly isnat my type and thatas all there is to it.a aNatalie, Iave known you for twenty years and youave only had two relations.h.i.+ps that lasted longer than a month. Considering the fact you were only marginally happy in both of them, maybe you ought to think about getting a new type.a She rolled her eyes and blew out a breath of irritation. aA person canat just decide to be attracted to someone. Itas all about the chemistry.a aNo, chemistry is about s.e.x appeal. And for me, s.e.x appeal is about a little spark in my brain that says Yvonne Mooney is the s.e.xiest creature on earth, and it has nothing to do with what she looks like or how she dresses. I think sheas beautiful inside and out.a aIn other words, you think Iam shallow.a aI didnat say that. But I hope if you meet someone really nice, you wonat blow her off just because she doesnat look like a fas.h.i.+on model.a Natalie had already conceded that Kelly had her virtues, but the spark she needed to turn that into s.e.xual attraction just wasnat there. It suddenly occurred to her she needed to fill Steph in on her scheme to make Didi jealous so that she and Yvonne wouldnat think it was real. aBy the way, if you notice something between Kelly and me, donat jump to any conclusions. I asked her to help me plant a few ideas in Didias head.a aExcuse me?a She wouldnat look at Steph directly, but that didnat matter since she could practically feel her look of dismay. aSheas going to help me make Didi jealous.a aI canat believe youad use someone like that,a Steph said indignantly.

aItas okay. Kelly doesnat mind, so why should you?a aBecause youave lost your mind.a Natalie sighed. aLook, sheas just helping me out. I donat want to go through the rest of my life feeling like I didnat do everything I could for this relations.h.i.+p. I know how you guys feel about Didi, but I love her and I think she loves me too. Kelly understands that and she wants to help.a Steph glared at her with obvious irritation. aI donat like it, Nat. Somebodyas going to get hurt with all these games. If you and Didi are so immature that you canat sit down with each other and talk honestly like adults, then either both of you deserve to be alone for the rest of your lives or you belong together in misery.a aNow donat be that way. This is complicated. If Pamela wasnat in the picture, Didi and I could talk about it. But I canat just go marching in there and push Pamela out of the way. Didi has to be the one to do that.a They paused long enough to politely decline drinks from the ferryas steward.

aIam more worried about Kelly getting hurt,a Steph told her. aWhat if Didi falls for this? Sheall make Kellyas life miserable. That isnat fair.a aWe already talked about that. Weare not going to carry things so far that we wonat be able to be friends when itas over. I promised her that.a The ferry docked at Virgin Gorda and they filed off to start their tour of the Baths. Natalie didnat want to belabor her plan, but she wanted Stephas a.s.surance that she wouldnat interfere. The only way to get that was to make concessions.

aLook, Steph. I donat want anyone hurt either, especially Kelly. If this starts to get out of hand, weall drop it. But please let me have this one last chance.a Steph sighed and rolled her eyes. aAll right, but I still think youave lost your mind.a aAnd make sure you tell Yvonne, okay?a aI think weall just eat some Waldorf salad and spend the rest of the trip in our room.a Kelly grasped Yvonneas forearm and pulled her onto the landing. aWas that fantastic, or what?a Yvonne kicked off her flippers and loosened the straps on her tank so the dive instructor could stow it with the others. aThat was freakina awesome.a aAnd youare okay, right? I donat want your girlfriend kicking my a.s.s.a aIam good. You get to live another day. But if you tell her about seeing that shark, you better say I was out of the water already.a aGot it.a They stepped over the scattered gear and made their way to the front of the dive boat where Kelly began to scroll through her digital pictures from the wreck. aNatalieas going to love these.a Yvonne toweled her hair briskly and slid an oversized T-s.h.i.+rt over her swimsuit. aSo whatas up with you and Natalie?a Kelly was surprised by the question, and her first thought was to unveil the scheme she and Natalie had concocted to make Didi jealous. On second thought, she decided to leave that to Natalie. aNada.a aYou donat like her?a aI never said that. I think sheasaa Unable to find the perfect word, she simply grunted her approval.

aYou think sheasaa Yvonne grunted too. aSo what are you doing about it?a Kelly knew she was blus.h.i.+ng, but couldnat contain her grin. aIam not going to do anything. I donat get the feeling that she wants me to. I wish I did.a aMaybe you need to hit her over the head.a aWhy? So I can drag her back to my cave? I donat think so.a aYou know, Iave known Natalie for eighteen years, and in all that time sheas only fallen for two womena"Theresa and Didia"and both of them were divas. I think she needs something different, whether she realizes it or not.a aThe cave thing?a Yvonne smacked her forearm. aNot that, you idiot. You need to hit her over the head with the fact that you know how to treat a woman. I watched her last night when you guys came to dinner. She actually waited for you to get her chair. Believe me, Didi never did s.h.i.+t like that for her.a aBut Natalie must like doing those things too,a Kelly replied. aOtherwise, she wouldnat be attracted to women who expect it.a Yvonne shook her head. aI donat think thatas it. I think sheas attracted to pretty women, but arenat we all? Didi isnat my favorite person in the world but sheas d.a.m.ned attractive. Iall give her that.a aI think sheas cast a spell over Natalie or something.a Yvonne nodded vigorously. aShe can be very charming when she wants to be and make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the room. I think Natalieas basically insecure so she looks for approval from the people she admires.a aThatas all fine and good, but where does that leave me? If she doesnat find me attractive, my approval of her isnat going to mean anything. Besides, I donat think sheas over Didi.a aThatas true, and Iam not so sure Didias over her. I think she knows full well how Natalie feels about her and sheas eating it up. The minute she feels Natalie start to slip away, sheall yank on that leash and pull her back.a That made perfect sense now that Kelly had more of the puzzle pieces. Thinking back on her impressions from their first night at sea, it was no wonder the lovemaking noises from next door had sounded contrived. Didi was goading Natalie, hoping to make her jealous. And after the feverish display last nighta" which she had probably orchestrated for Natalieas benefita"there she was on the balcony this morning trying to get Natalie to go off alone with her.

If Didi was playing her game too, it meant both of them wanted to get back together, so it was only a matter of time. Kelly wanted to be happy for Natalie but all she felt was frustration, as if she had just barely missed something really special.

Chapter 10.

Kellyas bare leg rested against Natalieas as they sat together on the couch in their stateroom. As discreetly as she could, she studied the texture of Natalieas thigh, which showed the first hint of a tan. It was soft and supple, just as she would have predicted for someone so elegant, and Kelly could do little but desire to feel more.

aI canat believe how beautiful that is,a Natalie said, peering at the viewfinder of the underwater camera. aLook at all those fish.a aWait till you see the next one.a Kelly shook off her sensual thoughts and advanced the screen.

aOh, my gos.h.!.+ Is that what I think it is?a aItas a reef shark. Theyare all over the Caribbean. Mostly harmless, unless youare dangling a b.l.o.o.d.y foot.a Natalie shook her head in awe. aYou canat show this to Steph. Sheall have nightmares.a aYeah, Yvonne said I had to swear she was already out of the water when this one came by.a aWas she?a Kelly looked about innocently before shaking her head.

aWerenat you scared?a aNah, theyare just curious. They live around there, so Iam sure theyare used to seeing divers come out to the wreck.a aItas so fascinating. If I werenat such a chicken, Iad love to see it for myself.a aYou can, you know. You donat even have to dive. You can see a lot of this stuff just snorkeling.a aRight. You want me to jump off a boat into water over my head where there might be a shark waiting to chomp on me because I have a hangnail.a Kelly laughed. aLook, you wonat have to jump. You can go into the water like some of the others did on the boat yesterday. You just glide right off the ladder.a aButa"a aAnd youall have your vest on, so you canat possibly sink. When you get comfortable with your mask and snorkel, all you do is lie on your belly with your face in the water.a Though Natalie was clearly dubious, Kelly knew she was making headway with her sales pitch. aIall be right there beside you the whole time.a aI remember an old jokeasomething about how you wouldnat have to swim faster than the shark.a aRight. I only have to swim faster than you.a She jabbed her elbow in Natalieas ribs as they laughed. aSo how was your tour today?a aIt was fine, I guess. We walked all along the Baths and heard about their history. I would tell you what I learned, but Steph and I talked over most of it.a aI bet you got in trouble for that at school.a aI did. I spent more time out in the hall with my nose against the wall than anyone else in my cla.s.s.a aIf we had been in school together I would have been out there with you. My dad said I used to talk all the time and so fast that no one could understand me.a aTalking too fast was never my problem,a Natalie said, emphasizing her Mississippi drawl.

aDid you guys hook up with Didi and Pamela?a aNever saw them. But I called their room when we got back and didnat get an answer. Either theyare out or they killed each other. Iam not sure which one Iad bet on.a aAt least they got sprung. It really is too bad they missed three days.a aYou can feel sorry for Pamela, but trust me, Didi will get a lot of mileage out of telling the story.a aaso there we were, Pamela on the toilet and me with my head in the sink puking my guts outa"a Yvonne cleared her throat loudly. aWeare trying to eat here.a Didi sighed dramatically. aFine, but if you ever get deathly ill donat come crying to me.a Natalie took pity on her.aWhat did you two do this afternoon to celebrate your freedom?a aWe got out too late to catch a tour so we took a cab into Road Town and walked around the shops. Pamela found some sandals but I didnat see anything I liked.a aYou liked that orange scarf,a Pamela interjected.

aBut I certainly wasnat going to pay ten dollars for it. If she had come down to five, we would have had a deal.a Didi motioned for the waiter to bring her another gin and tonic. aThereas a place in Antigua called Heritage Quay thatas supposed to have some good duty-free shopping. You with me, Nat?a aYou know, I was thinking I might try something a little more adventurous.a Didias mouth dropped open in exaggerated shock. aYou?a Natalie tilted her head and scowled. aI never said I was going to dangle a b.l.o.o.d.y foot in a shark tank.a She turned toward Kelly and gave her a wink that Didi couldnat see. aKelly was showing me the pictures from where they went diving down to a s.h.i.+pwreck and I thought it was interesting.a aI want to see those,a Steph said. aYvonne said it was gorgeous.a Kelly pushed her chair back. aLet me run get my camera. I didnat order an appetizer, so go ahead and start without me.a Didi folded her arms and smirked at Natalie. aSo now youare outdoorsy. Does this mean youare going to go get all your hair whacked off?a aI will if I want to,a she answered sharply.

aGirls, girls,a Yvonne chided.aAntigua has a really nice beach. We were thinking it might be fun for all of us to go together. We can rent some chairs and umbrellas, anda"a aIf weare going to the beach, there will be no umbrella for us,a Didi said emphatically. aWe have to make up for lost time. Iam not going back to Rochester with my skin lily-white.a Kelly returned as they were starting the first course and pa.s.sed her camera around.

aI think weave planned a day at the beach,a Natalie said. aSo weall have to put off our adventure for another time.a aThat sounds like fun. I read in the brochure that d.i.c.kenson Bay is supposed to be one of the best beaches in the Caribbean.a She leaned in front of Natalie to address Didi. aItall be great to have you guys join us. Youave missed out on too much fun. Weall have to make up for it.a Didi smiled stiffly and nodded.

Pamela was more gracious. aKelly, itas so nice of you to say that. Youave had to listen to so much of our complaining.a Natalie wanted nothing more than to sneer at Didi, but she resisted. There was sweet irony in having Kelly kill her with kindness.

Natalie dipped her toes in the warm, churning water of the spa. aThis feels divine.a aWait till you get all the way in,a Steph said. aIt feels like youare floating in Jell-O.a She inched into the hot tub and positioned herself so that a jet pounded on her lower back. It was a beautiful night and the winter sky was full of bright stars. aI wish Iad known about this place last night. Kelly and I would have been out here drinking champagne.a aDid you see the look on Didias face when Kelly made nice with her at dinner? In all the years Iave known her, thatas the first time Iave ever seen her speechless.a aIt takes a lot to shut her up, thatas for sure. And Kelly was so sweet and innocent about it.a aI like her, Nat. I hope sheall come around when we get back to Rochesteradinners and things. She fits in well with our little group, donat you think?a aIs this going to turn into the same conversation weave had already?a She lowered her voice, suddenly aware they were shouting over the jets.

aI just canat believe you donat think sheas hot. She looks really strong and agile.a aLike Yvonne, which explains why you like that.a aNo, Yvonne isnat built like Kelly. Sheas athletic, but she doesnat have that sleek runneras body.a aBut that athletic look isnat my type.a aHow do you know? When did you ever date someone like that?a This was a circular argument. aNever, because that look doesnat appeal to me. I canat just manufacture an opinion like that. It would be like kissing my sister.a Steph scrunched her nose in disgust. aIave met your sisters. Kelly has it all over both of them.a aBad example. But the point is if Iam going to kiss somebody, there has to be some kind of spark that makes it interesting. Iam not sayingaa"she looked around to make sure they were alonea" aI want to have s.e.x with everyone I kiss, but I want the possibility to be there. To me, a kiss is intimate. Iam not going to share that with someone who doesnat excite me s.e.xually.a aIs it just the way she looks?a aNoayes. Itas hard to explain. The way she looks is the way she is. Everything about her isaa The word amasculinea seemed pejorative in this context. Besides, it was undeniable that Kelly had a distinctly feminine side. aThere are things I like in a woman that donat interest Kelly at all, like clothes, hair and makeupa jewelry. Thereas nothing wrong with that in a friend, but it isnat the kind of woman I want to have a romantic relations.h.i.+p with. Itas perfectly fine if some people find that attractive. Kelly obviously accepts who she is, and why shouldnat she? She has a great body and a gorgeous smile. And she couldnat be nicer.a Steph leaned back and rested her arms on the edge of the hot tub. aYouare right. I canat see why on earth youad be attracted to someone like that. Not when you can have pretty women who expect you to drop everything and kowtow to thema"like Theresa and Didi.a Natalie was growing frustrated under the scrutiny, and was tempted to pick up and go back to her room. She was tired of defending herself when it came to her choices.aYou know, friends are supposed to be supportive. Back when you and Yvonne almost broke up over buying the house, I stood right there with both of you.a aIam sorry, Nat. I donat mean to sound so snarky, but youare my best friend and I hate to see you pouring yourself into people who donat give it back. It isnat just about Didi, though I told you already I never liked you two together. You always go for women who need to be adored and told how special they are. When are you going to let someone do that for you?a aMaybe you havenat noticed, but women arenat exactly standing in line in front of me to do that.a aYouare the one who hasnat noticed. Kellyas already doing it.a She leaned over and put her hand on Natalieas shoulder. aLook, Iam not saying you ought to get involved with her. I just want you to be open to it if it happens. Even if it doesnat work out, at least youall know what itas like to be on the other end of the giving spectrum.a aI donat want to be on the end of anything. I want a partners.h.i.+p that feels equal.a aDid you ever feel equal to Theresa or Didi?a She had a point.

aNatalie, you know you have it in you to really love someone with all your heart. Just try doing it with someone who can love you like that too.a Natalie hadnat planned to turn her whole life upside down in the hot tub. This was one soak that left her anything but relaxed.

Chapter 11.

With a mighty thrust, Kelly jammed the umbrella into the soft sand. aThink thatall stay?a aHow should I know?a Yvonne said. aYouare the construction engineer.a aSmart-a.s.s.a Natalie stood off to the side, her arms loaded with towels and a beach bag. Her hid the fact that she was watching Kelly closely, studying the contrast between her and Yvonne that Steph had pointed out. Indeed, Kelly was sleek, almost catlike, with sinewy muscles that wrapped around her legs and shoulders.

It was impossible not to notice Didi and Pamela also,who were spreading a rented woven mat in the sun. Pamela in particular looked great in her bikini, better than Didi, who had no business wearing something that small at forty-two years old.

aWho wants sunscreen?a Kelly asked.

aI wouldnat mind getting a little sun,a Natalie said. aNot much, just enough for my legs to look nice without nylons.a Kelly rummaged in her backpack and produced a plastic bottle of oil. aTry some of this. Itas got sun block in it but lets you tan.a As she smeared the oil on her legs, she noticed that Kelly was slathering herself with thick white lotion. aDonat you want to get a tan?a aNah, I go from white to brick red in about an hour. Then I spend the next two weeks molting.a aEww, thatas gross,a Didi said.

Natalie looked at Kelly and rolled her eyes. aThis from a woman who told us every detail of her digestive system during dinner.a She stretched to cover her upper back with the oil.

aLet me get that,a Kelly offered.

She smiled to herself, wondering if Didi had caught the hint of familiarity in Kellyas voice. Kelly had played this beautifully all day, carrying her bags and complimenting her on her outfit. At one point, she was almost certain she had seen Didi scowl.

She turned her back and savored the warm feel of Kellyas hands. Too bad Didi couldnat know what she was feeling, the gentle pressure of the fingertips that slipped underneath her straps and the edges of her suit. She wasnat even aware of her smile until she raised her eyes and met Stephas, which twinkled with mischief. Natalie responded in her usual waya"she stuck out her tongue.

aAnyone else?a aSure,a Steph said, turning her back so Kelly could apply the oil.

aCareful where you put those hands,a Yvonne cautioned.

aI was just thinking Iad died and gone to lesbian heaven. Then you had to spoil my fantasy.a Kelly grinned and wiped the excess oil onto her neck. aWe can rent some Wave Runners over there. Anyone up for that?a Didi rolled onto her stomach and grinned. aNatalie said she was ready for adventure.a aNot on one of those,a she said emphatically. aI was thinking more along the lines of putting my face in the water under extremely controlled circ.u.mstances. I didnat say I was giving up living.a aIf youad like to come, you can ride with me and weall take everything nice and easy,a Kelly offered.

aAw, isnat that sweet?a Didi said sarcastically, prompting a glare from both Natalie and Steph.

Yvonne took some bills out of her wallet. aIam in, but Iam not taking anything nice and easy. In factaa"she pointed to a buoy well offsh.o.r.ea"aI think we should start way down on that end and race to that buoy. You up for that, Grandma?a Kelly grinned. aDid you just call me Grandma?a aI do believe I did.a aLetas go. Iam going to smoke your a.s.s.a aIn your dreams.a They hurried off to the vendor stand and moments later took to the water aboard two of the Wave Runners.

Natalie settled in a lounge chair alongside Steph to watch. aMy moneyas on Kelly.a aSheas toast. Yvonne cheats.a Even Didi and Pamela sat up on their blanket to see the race.

Natalie grew concerned as the jet skis scooted farther and farther offsh.o.r.e. aWhy do they have to go so far out?a aThey have to get past the swimmers,a Steph explained. aDonat worry. They have on ski vests.a Finally they came to rest side by side in the ready position. The course was set to run parallel to sh.o.r.e about two hundred yards out in what looked like choppy water. aThere they go!a Kelly got a slow start, but her water exhausta"the rooster tail, as Steph called ita"grew as she caught Yvonne at the halfway point. She then surged ahead before sinking into a trough, which Yvonne jumped cleanly. But once again, Kelly overtook her and pulled slightly ahead.

Natalie jumped to her feet and cheered, and Steph joined her. Didi yelled for Yvonne, Pamela for Kelly.

In a mad dash for the finish line, Yvonne swerved into Kellyas path, causing her to lurch sideways to avoid a collision. Kelly toppled over a wave and her Wave Runner came to a standstill. She was nowhere in sight.

aOh, my goodness,a Natalie said, running toward the sh.o.r.e.

aItas okay,a Steph said.

Yvonne circled the buoy with her fist in the air and doubled back to taunt Kelly just as she surfaced over the chop. Kelly climbed back aboard her jet ski and fell into line behind Yvonne as they snaked a course of jumps, donuts and spins through the waves.

aEverybodyas okay, right?a Didi asked nonchalantly.

aTheyare fine. Theyare like a couple of children,a Steph said.

aWho won?a Natalie sneered. aThe cheater.a She settled back in her chair to watch the antics of the two women in the water, laughing when Kelly exacted her revenge on Yvonne by aiming her rooster tail in her face.

Kelly shook her head in disbelief as Didi and Pamela returned to their mat after lunch. She could already see red lines at the edges of their bikini bottoms, but they stubbornly resisted putting on sunblock or moving into the shade.

aI think Iam ready for something a little stronger,a Natalie said, interrupting her thoughts. She was holding the tube of sun block Didi had declined to use.

aGood idea.a Kelly was more than ready to help Natalie with her lotion again, though the episode with the oil had nearly done her in. Even standing behind her, she had gotten a jolt of desire from lowering the straps of her bathing suit to run her fingers over her naked skin. It might have killed her had Natalie asked her to do the backs of her thighs. aAnyone interested in a walk on the beach?a aThat could be fun,a Steph said.

Yvonne gave Steph a poke. aIam ready for a nap after all that food.a aThat sounds even better. Never mind.a aIall go,a Natalie said.

aI want to come too,a Didi said, jumping up abruptly.

aWait, I need you here,a Pamela said. aI think I need some of that sunblock on my back. Itas starting to burn.a aI think thatas smart,a Kelly said. aYou donat want to be hurting later.a She put her hand on Natalieas back and quickened their pace to put distance between them and Didi. aWas that too obvious?a Natalie snickered and looked over her shoulder. aI donat think so. I think sheas catching on, though. Sheas been watching us all day.a aI hadnat even noticed.a Kellyas attention had been riveted all morning to finding opportunities to be close to Natalie. She wasnat going to waste permission, and she couldnat have cared less if Didi was watching them or not. aIam glad we all came out here. Itas turned into a nice day.a aItas fun for all of us to be together. Itas almost like being back in Rochester, except without the snow.a aAnd having to get up for work in the morning.a aAnd since you mention it, having someone bring me coffee in bed.a aYeah, I have to admit, itas a little different sharing s.p.a.ce with someone,a Kelly said.

aI hope I havenat been a bad roommate.a aNot at all. Iave enjoyed it.a She almost laughed at her lame conversation, like that of a teenager on a first date, shy and vapid.

aI was talking with Steph last night out in the hot tub, and we both said we hoped youad join our group when we got home. We get together for dinner a couple of times a month or we go to movies, things like that.a They reached the water and waded up to their knees.

aYouare going to see a lot of me at your house if youare serious about those renovations.a They strolled casually and talked of remodeling until Kelly turned them around and headed back. When they reached the Wave Runners, she stopped. aHow about coming for a ride?a Natalie shook her head adamantly. aIave seen you in action. Lord only knows where the nearest chiropractor is.a aI wonat go that fast with you. I promise. You told Didi you were going to do something adventurous.a aYou canat let me fall off. Iad panic and drown both of us.a aNot a chance.a She returned to the rental hut and collected another key and two ski vests. aWhatas your favorite color?a aGreen.a aThe color of your eyes.a Kelly grinned, recognizing that she was still in full-flirt mode even though Didi was nowhere to be seen.

aOr we could take the blue one that matches yours.a aNope. Weare taking green.a Kelly pushed the small craft into waist-deep water and climbed aboard. aYou always get on one of these from the back. Just grab my shouldersa"a Her words trailed off as she felt Natalieas arms encircle her waist and her body press against her back. aYou catch on fast.a aNot really. I started thinking about whether or not there were any sharks swimming around my legs, and I had an overpowering urge to get out of the water.a aThere werenat.a She pulled gently on the throttle and started forward. aThe guy in the vendor hut told me about a sandbar. Itas about half a mile down the beach, but not too far out. Iam not going to go very fast, but weall still have some b.u.mps. Just hold on and youall be fine.a Telling Natalie to hold on was unnecessary, since her hands were clasped tightly in Kellyas lap.As their Wave Runner rounded a bend, they lost sight of the beach where their friends were, and bounced along in the steady chop for ten minutes before running aground on a high shelf of sand.

aHow did you know it was right here?a aThe guy said to go out about three hundred yards parallel to the coast until we pa.s.sed the blue house with the widowas walk.a Kelly pointed to the sh.o.r.e.

aLook at these. Theyare beautiful,a Natalie said excitedly as she sloshed through the ankle-deep water and picked up a colorful conch sh.e.l.l.

aNot only that, theyare alive.a aTurn it over and look inside.a She smiled at the look of wonder on Natalieas face. aWe used to pick these up off Key West all the time. In fact, they call Key West the Conch Republic.a aIad love to have one of these to take home, minus the critter, of course.a aYou definitely donat want the critter. They donat smell so good when they die in there.a Kelly climbed back onto the Wave Runner and scooted forward. aI bet you can find a sh.e.l.l like that in Na.s.sau.a Natalie poked her in the ribs as she settled in. aWhat do you know about shopping?a aI saw it once in the movies.a When she felt Natalieas arms go around her waist again, she realized that two things had her giddya"the fact that she and Natalie were off on their own, and that Natalie finally trusted her. She wanted to make the feeling last as long as she could. aWeall take it nice and easy on the way back.a A motorboat pa.s.sed towing a parasail, and she felt Natalie shudder. aThere isnat enough money in the world to get me on something like that.a aI did it once down in Cozumel. Itas kind of a rush, but once youave done it, the thrill is gone.a She eyed a series of waves headed their way from the motorboatas wake. aHold on. Weare going to rock a little.a Natalieas grip tightened as they rode out the gentle swells.

Steering only with her throttle hand, Kelly dropped her other hand and intertwined her fingers with Natalieas. She savored the sensation for as long as she reasonably could, and couldnat resist giving a light squeeze before grasping the handlebar again.

Too bad there werenat any more boats headed their way.

Natalie trudged through the sand toward their group while Kelly returned the Wave Runner key and their vests to the vendor. She needed the few moments to collect her thoughts on what had just happened. It was only a small, protective caress when the motorboat had pa.s.sed, so benign that Kelly probably hadnat even realized she was doing it. The fact that they had been well away from sh.o.r.ea"and Didias line of sighta"made it clear that Kellyas gesture had nothing to do with their scheme. For that matter, neither did Natalieas response.

aHow was it?a Steph asked.

aI hate to admit it, but it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be,a Natalie said as she reached for a towel.

aYou should have seen Didi. She got up and started pacing the minute you two disappeared around the bend. She came back over here twice to ask Yvonne how far you were going and if it was dangerous out there. Then she started on Kelly for taking you so far out and probably scaring you half to death.a That Didi was suddenly worried about her was proof positive their plan was working. It would have been understandable had they gone parasailing or scuba diving, but a simple ride on a Wave Runner was no cause for concern. No, she wasnat concerned. She was jealous.

Natalie scanned the beach,locating Pamela at the refreshment hut and Didi by the sh.o.r.e where she appeared to be collecting It was interesting that Didi had been frantic about her well-being while she was gone, but not enough to express her relief when she returned. Instead, she was behaving with her usual nonchalance, never overtly showing that she cared. Natalie chuckled to herself, thinking if she had gone out there wearing the wrong swimsuit she would have heard about it the second she returned.

Kelly hummed to herself as she ambled down the hallway toward her stateroom juggling two ice lattes she had picked up at the coffee shop in the atrium. The day at the beach couldnat have gone much better, though she could have done without Didias persistent efforts to get Natalie to commit to shopping with her in Barbados and St. Lucia. Natalie had resisted the efforts to nail down her plans, but it was plain the idea was appealing. Kelly had hoped for more time together, even if it was orchestrated to make Didi jealous.

She found Natalie out on the balcony, fresh from her shower, but still in her robe.

aHereas your latte. I ran into Steph. Theyare going to order room service tonight. So I guess itas just us and the girls next door for dinner,a she said, her lack of enthusiasm obvious.

Natalie chuckled. aDo I detect exuberance in your voice?a Kelly laughed aloud. aOops.a She slumped into the other deck chair and propped her feet high on the rail. aIam sure it will be fine. I was just thinking about what to wear.a aDonat worry about it. Just be yourself.a Natalie got up to peek around the corner of the balcony divider to make sure they were alone. aI think we got to Didi today.a aYeah, she seemed kind of peeved, like wead gone off without her permission or something.a Kelly was still reveling in the fact that their closest contacta"when Natalie held her hand on the Wave Runnera"had happened well outside of Didias line of sight. aDidi or not, I had fun out there. Iam glad you went with me.a aI wouldnat have missed it for anything. Iave never done anything like that before. Where I come from, it wouldnat have been considered ladylike.a aBelieve me, Natalie. Everything about you is ladylike.a aYou say the sweetest things. If the women back in Rochester had any idea what they were missing, youad have a line out the door.a She met Natalieas eyes and gave her a small smile. aI save my best for ladies who interest me.a The awkward silence that followed seemed to last for hours, as Natalie merely looked away and sipped her coffee. For once, Kelly welcomed the sound of the sliding gla.s.s door on the next balcony.

aHey, girls,a Natalie called. aSteph and Yvonne are ordering room service. Itas just the four of us for dinner.a aDid you bring any aloe?a Didi asked gruffly, peering around the divider to show off her bright red face. aI can barely move. Weare both burnt to a crisp.a aOh, my goodness.a Natalie stared slack-jawed.

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