Neighbors Of Lancaster County: Amish Weddings Part 14

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But Beth nodded.

Again Rose wondered if Reuben had said something to his Dat. Sure, it would be perfectly acceptable within their community to be concerned. Dat worked for Reuben, and they were friends besides. If anyone should say something, it should be Reuben. But the thought of him doing so still troubled Rose. What was the harm? Dat and Beth knew they couldn't marry. It was like Reuben to put his principles before people.

"Is your Dat doing all right?" Beth asked.

"A little quiet." Rose wrinkled her nose. She'd noticed but hadn't been paying a lot of attention to him.

Trudy bounded back onto the porch, a book in her hand. She gave Beth a hug and then hurried down the stairs. Rose waved to Beth and followed Trudy to the buggy. Once she'd unhitched the horse and climbed up, Trudy asked her, "What's wrong with Beth?"

"She's a little sad."


"Well, you know how she and Dat have been friends for a while?"

Trudy nodded.

"Gideon-Bishop Byler-doesn't want them to spend so much time together."

"Why not?"

"Because they can't marry."

"Do they want to marry?"

Rose wasn't sure. Perhaps, if Beth could, they might. But then again, she couldn't imagine Dat marrying again. Almost all Amish widows and widowers remarried, and soon after their spouses died, but Dat had never seemed interested. Finally, Rose said, "I don't know."

"Well," Trudy said, "if they wanted to why couldn't they?"

"Because Beth was married before, and her husband is still alive."

"Oh." Trudy bit her lower lip. Obviously all of them had failed to explain that to her, which wasn't surprising. Sometimes Rose felt as if there were all sorts of things they hadn't told Trudy that she might need to know someday. Information about their mother and her illness and why Simon joined the Army and why Lila didn't marry Reuben. But all of that could wait until another time. Sometimes it felt like a relief to have one person in the family still innocent.

Instead Rose said, "In the eyes of the church she's still married to her first husband until he dies."

Trudy s.h.i.+fted on the bench. "So he didn't marry anyone else?"

"I don't know for sure." She had the impression he had. "But I know he left the church."

"Oh," Trudy said, taking it in. "Did Beth want to leave the church?"

Rose shook her head. "No, she didn't." Rose didn't know that Beth's ex-husband wanted her to leave though. She had the idea he left both the church and Beth.

"Did you think maybe Dat and Beth would get married someday?" Rose asked, motioning for Trudy to scoot closer.

Her sister nodded as she snuggled up against Rose. She hiccupped. Rose realized she was crying. "I'm sorry," she said.

Trudy continued to cry. Rose wanted to also. Beth would add so much to all of their lives. Then she realized Dat probably felt the same. Did his heart ache for Beth the way Rose's was beginning to for Trevor?


Zane stood beside Tim and held a lantern high as the veterinarian examined Billie's foreleg. "The swelling has gone down. I'd say he's going to make it."

"But will he be able to pull a buggy?" Tim asked. "Or will he be to reinjure it?"

"Another injury will be a little more likely, sure," the vet said, "but I think he'll do all right. He should have several more good years."

Tim wouldn't want Zane to keep the horse if it couldn't pull a buggy. As gentle as he was with his cows, Tim was still practical when it came to animals. He wouldn't condone keeping one around just to feed.

"All right," Tim finally said. "We'll give it another week or so and see how he's doing."

Lila would be heartbroken if Tim thought Billie should be put down. So would Zane and his budget. He already had to buy a new buggy-and perhaps with no insurance money to help.

Zane continued to hold the lantern up as they all left the barn. "Thank you," Zane said as they reached the door. "How much do I owe you?"

"Ach," Tim said. "I'll cover it." He turned toward the vet. "Put it on my bill."

"I will," the vet said. He'd checked on one of the dairy cows too.

Tim turned toward Zane. "Thank you for helping with the milking."

"Sure." Zane had gotten off work early and knew Rose could use a break.

"Could you listen to a message on the machine before you go?" Tim asked. "It's about the accident."

"Oh?" Zane thought he'd given everyone his parents' phone number, hoping they'd call there.

"From the insurance company, I think," Tim said. "Go listen to it."

Zane stepped into Tim's office, wis.h.i.+ng he'd told him earlier about the call. The agent had most likely left by now. Zane clicked the b.u.t.ton on the machine. A man's voice came on, identifying himself and the insurance company he worked with. Zane grabbed a pen. The man said, "After gathering more information from Mr. Addison, the driver of the SUV, and reading the police report filed by a Deputy Howell, I wanted to give you an update. Please call me back at your convenience." He rattled off his phone number twice and then said good-bye.

Zane scribbled down the number and quickly called the insurance agent back. He let it ring several times, expecting a voice message after each ring. He wanted to at least leave a message. He didn't want to have to call back the next day.

Just as he wondered if he should hang up, the insurance agent picked up and said h.e.l.lo.

"Zane Beck, here. Calling back on behalf of Lila Lehman."

"Thank you," the man said. "May I speak to Ms. Lehman?"

"No," Zane said. "I'm in her father's barn, using the phone in his office. She's in a house without a phone."

"I see," the man said. "And you are?"

"Her fiance."

"I see," he said again. "You'll still need to have her call me back. I can't divulge any private information to you."

Zane exhaled sharply. None of this was easy. "How long will you be in your office?"

"I'm on my cell. Call me any time."

"I should be able to get a phone to her within a half hour, at least."

"Perfect," the man answered.

Zane hustled out of the barn and jogged across the field. When he reached the little house, Rose and Reuben stood on the porch. At first, Zane felt relieved to see them together. He'd been worried by the way Trevor was looking at Rose the evening Simon and Casey showed up. After he called out a h.e.l.lo, he realized they were deep in conversation. It looked pretty serious. Reuben had his hat in his hands and Rose had her arms crossed.

Reuben said a quick h.e.l.lo, but Rose didn't say anything.

"Sorry to interrupt," Zane said as he approached. "Is my mom around?"

Rose shook her head. "She went home about twenty minutes ago. She was going to heat up supper and bring some over."

"Denki." Not wanting to intrude, Zane started toward his parents' place. "Tell Lila I'll be over in just a minute," he called over his shoulder.

Rose sighed. "All right. And then I'm going home to get supper on the table for Dat and Trudy."

Zane waved to let her know he'd heard her, tipped his hat to Reuben, who nodded in reply, and then hurried over to his parents' house. He opened the door, stepped inside, and found Trevor sprawled the length of the sofa, asleep, and Adam sitting in a chair, reading a book.

"Mom," Zane called out, veering off toward the kitchen. She stood at the stove stirring a pot of something. "I need to borrow your cell phone."

"What for?" Mom let go of the spoon and reached into her ap.r.o.n pocket.

"So Lila can talk to the insurance agent."

She handed the phone to Zane. "Tell Rose I'll bring supper over soon."

Zane nodded toward the living room. "What's Trevor doing?"

"Sleeping," Mom answered. "And soundly. I dropped a cookie sheet and he didn't even stir."

"But why is he here? Why didn't he go over to Eve and Charlie's?"

Mom shrugged. "Ask him when he wakes up, but he probably feels more comfortable here, rather than hanging out with Eve until Charlie gets home."

That made sense. It also reminded Zane he needed to call Charlie and tell him he needed more time off from volunteering at the station. He wasn't sure when he'd go back-it might be a long time. "Thanks," he said, holding up the phone as he headed for the front door.

He had to wake Lila up, which wasn't easy. "How many pills did you have?" Zane asked as Lila rubbed her eyes.

She shrugged. "Just one. The usual."

Zane held up the bottle. There were only a few left. He'd talk to his mom about renewing the prescription.

"Babe," Zane said, his frustration growing. "I need you to talk to the insurance agent. I'll put the phone on speaker and take notes so we don't miss anything."

"All right," she said. "Help me with the backrest."

He adjusted it so she was reclining at an angle, the fixator jutting out in front of her.

Zane pulled the slip of paper with the phone number on it from his pocket, dialed, and then put the phone on speaker. It rang twice and then the agent picked it up. Zane told him h.e.l.lo and then nodded at Lila.

"h.e.l.lo," she said.

"How are you doing?" the man asked.

"Fine," she answered.

"Oh, good," the man said.

Zane winced. He'd believed her. "Actually, she's not fine," Zane said. "She has a crushed pelvis with a fixator bolted to her hip bones. Have you seen one of those before? It's like a Frankenstein contraption. She can't sit up straight. She can't walk more than a few feet. No one would even use it as a torture device." Zane's frustration turned on the man. "Plus, she's recovering from a ruptured spleen, a bruised bladder, a bruised liver, and a concussion."

"Oh, well," the agent said. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He paused for a moment and then said, "I wanted to give you our update after interviewing Mr. Addison and examining his vehicle. And reading the deputy's report."

Lila didn't respond.

"Are you there, Ms. Lehman?"

"Jah," she answered. "I'm just a little sleepy."

"Is this an all right time to talk?"

"I think so," she said.

"Yes or no?"

"Jah," she answered. Zane wished she'd stop saying jah. It sounded so lackadaisical. Yes sounded much more precise.

"Okay, then listen carefully," he said. "We've come to the conclusion that your buggy veered out in front of Mr. Addison's SUV, causing him to hit the back of your buggy. There was no way for him to avoid the collision."


"You heard me."

Zane bristled again, his frustration turning to anger.

"No," Lila said. "I don't think that's what happened."

"Mr. Addison hasn't changed his story, beginning with the 9-1-1 call. We have it as evidence."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what happened," Lila said, her voice soft and calm.

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