The One Year Daily Insights With Zig Ziglar Part 60

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A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.


JOE HAD SEEN his comfortable, stable, happy life crumble over the last few months. Demands of his in-laws created tension with his wife, and the tension continued to escalate. He found himself figuratively kicking the dog and literally yelling at the children. The strain spilled over into his work because he was so preoccupied with the problems at home. He noticed that his circle of friends gradually diminished. It seemed that few of them wanted to hang around somebody who wasn't much fun anymore.

"I've never felt so lonely in my life," he reported later. "I thought they'd all leave, but Phil stayed. When I was at my worst, he didn't walk away. You have no idea what that meant-and still means-to me."

All significant relations.h.i.+ps are tested by disputes and difficulties. It's easy to walk away when friends no longer give as much as they take, but a true friend moves toward someone who is hurting. He or she provides stability when life is out of control and a listening ear when no one else wants to understand. A true friend doesn't jump in to fix problems. He or she offers advice sparingly.

We all want friends like this. To have a friend who cares about us during difficult times, we need to be this kind of friend.

In your life, who has been this kind of friend?

Who needs you to be this kind of friend today? What will you do to show support?

"Be slow in choosing a friend . . . even slower in leaving a friend."-IKE REIGHARD "The best way to have more friends is to be a friend."-ZIG ZIGLAR



G.o.d both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power.


THE CORINTHIAN BELIEVERS were very young in their faith, and they were, to say the least, earthly. Paul spoke to them on their level, and in his first letter to them, he addressed two issues that concerned him very much: food and s.e.x (see 1 Corinthians 6:12-13). Spiritual growth sometimes has to pa.s.s through physical territory, and for the Corinthians, Paul had to start with the basics.

The Corinthians believed that since we have natural, normal urges for food and s.e.x, those urges must have come from G.o.d. (Great reasoning, don't you think?) Paul told them, "No, no. You've got it wrong. Everything we have and everything we are, including our bodies, is for the Lord." Natural appet.i.tes for food and s.e.x aren't meant to enslave our bodies. Instead, our bodies are to be dedicated to G.o.d, to be used to honor Him in everything we do.

To make his point even more p.r.o.nounced, Paul explained that the physical body is so important that Christ's body was raised from the dead, and one day our bodies will be resurrected too. The power of G.o.d works in and through our bodies today to enable us to accomplish His purposes. Yes, we have natural urges, and yes, our bodies aren't perfect in this life, but they are vital instruments we can use to honor G.o.d and help others. Bodies that will one day be resurrected and glorified should be considered sacred, not used for immoral behavior. They're too valuable for that.

In what ways are you using your body to honor G.o.d? In what ways are you failing to use it for that purpose?

What are some choices you can make today to use your body more effectively for Christ?

"If Christ was not raised, His death was in vain. Your faith in Him would be pointless, and your sins would still be counted against you with no hope of a spiritual life."-JOHN MACARTHUR



When He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him; when He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

JOB 23:9-10.

IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF JOB, we find out what's going on behind the scenes in his story. Job, however, doesn't have a clue. He can't figure out why he is experiencing such tragic loss, and his friends are no help; they tell him it must be his fault!

Job wants to talk to G.o.d directly to ask Him a few questions, but like everything else in his life at this point, G.o.d doesn't cooperate. Whether Job turns to the left or the right-whatever he does-he feels lost, abandoned by G.o.d.

Some difficulties we experience are, in fact, the natural consequences of our sins and bad choices. Others, though, come from a completely different source. G.o.d tests us, not to make us fail, but to strengthen our faith as we trust Him through difficult times. Jesus called this process "pruning" so that we bear more fruit (see John 15:1-5). Job compared it to purifying precious metals in intense fire to burn away the impurities and leave only pure silver or gold.

When we experience hard times, we need to look for the source. If we can trace our problem back to a selfish or foolish decision, we can make appropriate changes. But if we can't connect those dots, we need to accept the problems from the hand of G.o.d as a test, pruning shears, or the refiner's fire. These trials aren't meant to harm us, but to make us stronger. Recognizing the source shapes our response.

What are some ways G.o.d tests, prunes, and refines believers?

How has He done this in your life? How did you respond?

"Trial is G.o.d's alchemy by which the dross is left in the crucible, the baser metals are trans.m.u.ted, and the character is enriched with gold."-WILLIAM MORLEY PUNSHON



What great nation is there that has G.o.d so near to it, as the LORD our G.o.d is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?


WHEN G.o.d PREPARED THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL to enter the Promised Land, He gave them laws to direct their steps and signs to remind them to trust Him. The laws prescribed their choices and the consequences for disobedience. Unlike any other country ever created, the nation of Israel would be guided by G.o.d's decrees. For many years, G.o.d had also given them two undeniable signs-the Tabernacle in the camp and the pillar of fire and smoke over the Tabernacle-to rea.s.sure them of His presence and guide them on their journey. These signs were an open invitation to come to Him in prayer, day or night, formally or informally, collectively or individually.

Our nation's laws are derived from a long history of Judeo-Christian ethics. They provide an amazing balance of freedom and direction, reward and punishment. Throughout our history, secular and Christian leaders have called us to pray in difficult times of wars, famines, floods, and earthquakes and to give thanks for G.o.d's wonderful blessings of peace, prosperity, family, and homes.

Many of our nation's founders looked to G.o.d for direction as they crafted the Declaration of Independence and the Const.i.tution, and they thanked Him for leading them as they saw the nation begin to flourish. But how quickly we can forget Him! Today, as never before, we enjoy G.o.d's blessings, and we need His continued care. We need to remind one another to call upon Him in the good times and the bad so that we don't forget the One who has given us so much.

What leader do you know of who called on people to pray to G.o.d in either good times or bad?

What are some ways you can remind yourself and others to pray more often for our country?

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."-THOMAS JEFFERSON



Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the LORD your G.o.d which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the LORD your G.o.d, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other G.o.ds which you have not known.


IN HIS EXPLANATION of the benefits of following His law, it's as if G.o.d is saying, "You have a choice. You can have a thousand dollars in cash or a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Which one do you want?" Sadly, the history of the children of Israel is that they often chose the poke in the eye. We look at this choice and we think, How could anybody make the wrong decision? It looks so clear! But they did, and quite often, so do we.

G.o.d has made Himself abundantly clear, but like Eve in the Garden, we question His motives, His authority, and His purposes. Satan came to Eve and asked, "Did G.o.d really say not to eat of that tree?" (see Genesis 3:1). The correct answer, of course, was, "Yes, but He gave us all the rest of these, and that's plenty!" But the subtle questioning of G.o.d's authority and goodness was enough to drive a wedge into Eve's heart. Doubt grew, and she walked away from G.o.d.

In the same way, we experience temptations every day to doubt G.o.d's goodness and His central place in our lives. We think having s.e.x with that person sounds really good, and n.o.body will ever know. Blowing off this responsibility won't hurt anybody. Lying about that person may help us get the promotion, and he wasn't going anywhere anyway. Having one more toy won't hurt anything. Another double cheeseburger and large fries? What can it hurt? But all these thoughts (and countless others, great and small) cast doubt on G.o.d and question the benefits of obedience.

We face big choices every day. Each one may seem small, but together, they are steps in a direction toward G.o.d or away from Him, toward wonderful blessings or in the direction of painful curses. It's our choice.

What are the choices you face each day that question or affirm G.o.d's authority in your life?

Which path are you on? How much progress are you making?

"There is no failure in G.o.d's will, and no success outside of G.o.d's will."-GEORGE W. TRUETT



Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.


ROMANTIC RELATIONs.h.i.+PS, as well as our relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, go through seasons. Sometimes, we feel as if we're in the midst of winter, mustering the discipline to keep going even though there's little warmth. The deadness of plants in late winter symbolizes the barrenness of our hearts, but it doesn't last forever. Soon, the first signs of spring appear, warmth returns, and hope fills our hearts.

We can learn a lot about walking with G.o.d by observing mature marriages. They began with the heat of pa.s.sion and the idealism of pure love, but when the honeymoon ended, reality hit husbands and wives hard. A time of rea.s.sessment was necessary but challenging. If they failed to rebuild their relations.h.i.+p based on realistic expectations and good communication, the marriage became an empty sh.e.l.l. However, if the winter of discontent ultimately led to richer conversations and deeper affection, the marriage flourished as never before.

In the same way, many of us began our Christian experience with great joy and high hopes. In those early days, G.o.d gave us wonderful experiences to confirm our faith, then sooner or later, He chose a more difficult curriculum for us. Struggles, disappointments, and misunderstandings about the nature of the Christian life threatened our fledgling faith, but the winter season provided the opportunity to go deeper and grow closer to G.o.d.

In the seasons of the year, in romantic relations.h.i.+ps, and in our walks with G.o.d, the beauty of spring doesn't come without the dormancy of winter. If we develop greater trust when it's cold and dark, we'll experience more love in the warmth of spring.

How have you observed seasons in relations.h.i.+ps with people and G.o.d?

In both kinds of relations.h.i.+ps, what are some things we can do in winter to prepare for spring?

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved."-WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN


Genesis 1:26 January 10 Genesis 32:24 September 6 Exodus 3:3-4 November 13 Exodus 8:9-10 March 19 Exodus 20:1-3 August 2 Exodus 20:4-6 August 3 Exodus 20:7 August 4 Exodus 20:8-10 August 5 Exodus 20:12 August 6 Exodus 20:13 August 7 Exodus 20:14 August 8 Exodus 20:15 August 9 Exodus 20:16 August 10 Exodus 20:17 August 11 Exodus 20:20-21 October 9 Exodus 36:8 January 4 Leviticus 25:18 November 21 Numbers 6:24-26 January 12 Deuteronomy 4:7 December 29 Deuteronomy 11:26-28 December 30 Joshua 1:8 February 26 1 Samuel 17:17-18 August 17 1 Samuel 18:3-4 October 27 1 Samuel 18:8-9 October 25 1 Samuel 25:32-33 July 29 2 Samuel 23:20-21 November 15 1 Kings 20:28 February 20 2 Kings 22:11 May 21 1 Chronicles 4:10 April 22 1 Chronicles 29:28 November 24 2 Chronicles 12:9-10 November 6 Nehemiah 1:3-4 January 7 Nehemiah 3:8 January 5 Nehemiah 4:15 November 29 Job 23:9-10 December 28 Job 37:14 January 13 Job 42:10 September 5 Psalm 5:11 March 12 Psalm 12:6 January 19 Psalm 19:1 August 18 Psalm 19:8 March 13 Psalm 19:14 January 20 Psalm 20:7 January 21 Psalm 21:13 April 20 Psalm 22:26 January 25 Psalm 23:1-2 January 23 Psalm 23:6 January 24 Psalm 24:1 January 28 Psalm 24:3-4 February 7 Psalm 25:14 February 9 Psalm 26:1 January 30 Psalm 27:1 October 7 Psalm 27:14 March 14 Psalm 28:7 March 24 Psalm 29:11 February 12 Psalm 30:11 February 16 Psalm 31:23 March 28 Psalm 32:10-11 March 27 Psalm 33:12 January 16 Psalm 33:18 March 17 Psalm 34:7 March 16 Psalm 35:27 April 10 Psalm 36:7 April 11 Psalm 37:4-5 March 29 Psalm 38:21-22 March 31 Psalm 39:7 April 12 Psalm 40:16 April 13 Psalm 41:1 April 14 Psalm 46:10 May 28 Psalm 51:8, 12-13 October 14 Psalm 67:4 March 25 Psalm 73:22-24 July 27 Psalm 78:70-72 November 30 Psalm 90:12 April 30 Psalm 91:1 September 11 Psalm 91:14 April 26 Psalm 100:1-5 November 26 Psalm 103:12 November 16 Psalm 107:31-32 July 5 Psalm 113:1-4 July 2 Psalm 117:1-2 July 3 Psalm 118:24 September 26 Psalm 119:44-45 July 4 Psalm 119:71 February 3 Psalm 121:4 October 15 Psalm 126:2-3 July 6 Psalm 133:1 February 25 Psalm 139:1-3 May 2 Psalm 139:8-10 May 3 Psalm 139:11-12 May 4 Psalm 139:13 May 5 Psalm 139:14 May 6 Psalm 139:17-18 May 7 Psalm 139:23-24 May 8 Psalm 147:3 February 28 Proverbs 3:5 May 19 Proverbs 3:6 May 22 Proverbs 3:7 May 23 Proverbs 3:9 May 25 Proverbs 4:23 July 14 Proverbs 10:9 April 21 Proverbs 10:16 June 12 Proverbs 11:25 July 23 Proverbs 13:12 September 3 Proverbs 13:20 June 13 Proverbs 15:18 November 3 Proverbs 17:17 December 26 Proverbs 19:14 May 10 Proverbs 19:21 April 27 Proverbs 21:23 February 15 Proverbs 22:1 May 27 Proverbs 23:7 February 1 Proverbs 23:17 May 13 Proverbs 24:12 April 28 Proverbs 25:11 April 29 Proverbs 27:21 May 14 Proverbs 28:5 May 24 Proverbs 29:18 May 1 Proverbs 30:5 May 16 Proverbs 30:6 May 17 Ecclesiastes 1:9 October 18 Ecclesiastes 3:11 October 19 Ecclesiastes 3:14 October 20 Ecclesiastes 4:6 October 21 Ecclesiastes 5:10 October 22 Ecclesiastes 7:5 October 23 Song of Solomon 2:11-12 December 31 Isaiah 26:3 December 12 Isaiah 30:21 June 24 Isaiah 40:4-5 September 28 Isaiah 40:8 May 18 Isaiah 40:29 March 11 Isaiah 40:31 July 16 Isaiah 41:10 June 26 Isaiah 45:3 July 13 Isaiah 48:17 February 23 Isaiah 55:8-9 June 27 Isaiah 57:1-2 July 26 Jeremiah 9:23-24 September 29 Jeremiah 18:3-4 October 4 Jeremiah 29:11 March 15 Jeremiah 33:3 October 1 Daniel 3:17-18 February 4 Daniel 12:3 June 25 Micah 6:8 October 29 Micah 7:8 October 24 Habakkuk 2:2-3 January 2 Malachi 3:10 November 11 Malachi 4:6 August 12 Matthew 4:4 May 20 Matthew 5:3 March 2 Matthew 5:4 March 3 Matthew 5:5 March 4 Matthew 5:6 March 5 Matthew 5:7 March 6 Matthew 5:8 March 7 Matthew 5:9 March 8 Matthew 5:10 March 9 Matthew 5:11-12 March 10 Matthew 5:16 June 15 Matthew 5:37 November 17 Matthew 5:44 October 8 Matthew 5:45 February 2 Matthew 6:6 December 8 Matthew 6:14 June 16 Matthew 6:24 April 17 Matthew 6:33 January 22 Matthew 7:7 July 15 Matthew 7:12 July 20 Matthew 8:13 April 18 Matthew 9:21 April 19 Matthew 9:22 October 28 Matthew 10:30 September 7 Matthew 11:25 April 23 Matthew 11:28 April 24 Matthew 11:29-30 April 25 Matthew 12:36-37 May 11 Matthew 13:23 May 12 Matthew 14:23 December 11 Matthew 14:27 June 2 Matthew 15:11 June 3 Matthew 16:23 June 4 Matthew 17:20 June 8 Matthew 18:2-3 June 5 Matthew 18:6 June 6 Matthew 19:14 October 5 Matthew 20:26 February 8 Matthew 21:22 June 7 Matthew 22:31-32 June 9 Matthew 23:39 June 10 Matthew 24:13-14 June 11 Matthew 25:40 June 14 Matthew 26:41 August 13 Matthew 27:46 April 5 Matthew 28:6-7 July 31 Mark 1:14-15 November 12 Mark 1:17 November 20 Mark 1:35-37 December 10 Mark 1:37-38 September 14 Mark 8:35 June 17 Mark 8:36 March 20 Mark 8:38 November 14 Mark 9:23-24 December 18 Mark 10:21 January 27 Mark 11:25 December 9 Mark 12:29-30 June 22 Mark 12:31 June 23 Mark 16:15 September 22 Luke 4:18 July 7 Luke 6:38 April 16 Luke 7:34 July 25 Luke 11:1 December 7 Luke 12:20 September 2 Luke 12:48 July 18 Luke 13:11-13 September 10 Luke 18:1 June 28 Luke 18:27 November 9 Luke 23:34 April 2 Luke 23:43 April 3 Luke 23:46 April 8 John 1:1-2 December 19 John 1:3 December 1 John 3:3 March 22 John 3:16 February 14 John 3:17 December 21 John 4:23-24 February 13 John 8:6-7 July 24 John 9:25 October 31 John 13:13-15 March 23 John 13:34-35 February 24, November 8 John 14:1-3 February 19 John 14:12 July 10 John 14:23 October 30 John 15:5 August 19 John 15:13 December 23 John 16:13 December 15 John 17:4 June 21 John 19:26 April 4 John 19:28 April 6 John 19:30 April 7 Acts 1:8 June 20 Acts 9:3-4, 8 March 21 Acts 13:36 December 3 Acts 15:39-41 November 25 Acts 17:26-27 November 7 Acts 20:35 December 17 Acts 26:19 January 3 Acts 26:28 February 17 Romans 5:3-5 January 14 Romans 5:8 June 30 Romans 8:1 August 15 Romans 8:26 December 13 Romans 8:27 December 14 Romans 8:28 March 1 Romans 8:35, 37 October 10 Romans 8:38-39 September 1 Romans 10:9 July 30 Romans 10:15 May 30 Romans 11:29 December 6 Romans 12:1-2 February 6 Romans 12:3 November 1 Romans 12:11-12 November 18 1 Corinthians 1:18 April 1 1 Corinthians 1:30 August 21 1 Corinthians 2:9 August 23 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 December 4 1 Corinthians 3:12-14 September 13 1 Corinthians 3:16 August 24 1 Corinthians 4:8 July 8 1 Corinthians 6:14 December 27 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 January 11 1 Corinthians 7:20 December 5 1 Corinthians 9:24 July 17 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 February 22 1 Corinthians 13:13 September 15 1 Corinthians 14:8 August 27 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 October 12 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 July 28 2 Corinthians 2:8-9 August 16 2 Corinthians 2:14 February 5 2 Corinthians 4:7 November 23 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 September 9 2 Corinthians 5:7 December 20 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 January 9 2 Corinthians 12:9 September 4 2 Corinthians 12:10 October 11 Galatians 2:20 April 9 Galatians 4:3-5 December 25 Galatians 6:2-5 May 15 Galatians 6:9-10 December 22 Ephesians 2:10 January 8 Ephesians 3:20-21 June 1 Ephesians 4:11-13 October 2 Ephesians 4:22-24 July 12 Ephesians 4:29-30 September 8 Ephesians 4:31-32 September 21 Ephesians 5:1-2 September 19 Ephesians 5:15-16 August 14 Ephesians 6:10-11 January 31 Philippians 1:6 May 9 Philippians 2:2-4 February 21 Philippians 2:5-7 December 24 Philippians 3:7-8 August 31 Philippians 3:13-14 January 1 Philippians 4:1 December 2 Philippians 4:4 June 29 Philippians 4:6 January 15 Philippians 4:8 August 30 Philippians 4:11-12 January 18 Philippians 4:13 August 22 Philippians 4:19 July 9.

Colossians 2:6-7 November 28 Colossians 2:13-14 January 6 Colossians 3:17 January 29 Colossians 3:23-24 April 15 Colossians 4:2-4 November 27 Colossians 4:5-6 November 4.

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