The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children Part 26

The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children -

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21. What had been said to St. Polycarp in the Revelation?--Rev. ii. 10.

22. In what persecution did St. Polycarp suffer?

23. What did he say of himself at the tribunal?

24. What was his last thanksgiving?

25. What was the manner of his death?

26. What was the story of the Thundering Legion?


1. How had our Lord forewarned His followers of their sufferings?--_Matt_. x. 16, 17.--_John_, xvi. 2.

2. How had they been told to meet their afflictions?--_Matt_. v. 12.--1 _Peter_, iii. 14.

3. What had He said of confessing or denying Him?--_Matt_. x. 32, 33.

4. What had been promised through St. John to such as overcame?--_Rev_.

ii. 17.--iii. 5 and 21.

5. How had the lot of the martyrs been shown to St. John?--_Rev_. vii.


6. How many periods of persecution had been predicted?--_Rev_. ii. 10.

7. Name the ten chief persecutors.

8. How is Severus memorable in Britain?

9. Who were the martyrs of Carthage?

10. Who were the chief martyrs of the persecution of Valerian?

11. What were St. Lawrence's treasures? 12. Why did Sapricius fail?

13. What became of Valerian?

14. Whose was the fiercest persecution?

15. How did the Theban legion witness their confession?

16. In what manner were Christians brought to trial?

17. Mention some of the martyrs of the Diocletian persecution.

18. Who was the British martyr?

19. Who s.h.i.+elded the Britons?

20. How was the Empire divided?

21. What was the difference between a martyr and a confessor?

22. What was the remarkable end of Galerius?


1. Who was the first believing monarch?

2. How was Constantine converted?

3. Tell me a few of the promises that Gentile sovereigns should obey the Church?--_Ps_. lxxii. 11.--_Is_. xlix. 23.--lx. 4.--lxvi. 12.--_Rev_.

xi. 15.

4. What was the date of Constantine's conversion?

5. What was Helena's expedition to Jerusalem?

6. How did she do honour to the holy places?

7. What did Jerusalem thenceforth become?

8. What prophecy thus had a partial and material fulfilment?--_Is_ lx.

10.--lxvi. 20.

9. How did Constantine change the capital of his empire?

10. To whom was his chief church dedicated?

11. Who were the patriarchs of the Church?

12. What name was given to the patriarch of Rome?

13. What were those called who retired from the world?

14. What is a heresy?

15. How had our Lord foretold that heresies would arise?--_Matt_. xviii.


16. What warnings had He given against them?--_Matt_. vii. 15.

17. What warning had the apostles given?--_Acts_, xx. 29, 30.--1 _Tim_.

iv. 1.--_t.i.tus_, iii. 10.--2 _Peter_, ii. 1, 2. 18. What had St. John given as the test of the truth?--1 _John_, iv. 15.

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