The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children Part 14

The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children -

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14. What fate did Jeremiah foretell for him?--_Jer_. xxii. 11, 12.

15. Whither was Jehoahaz carried captive?

16. Who was set up instead of Jehoahaz?

17. What did Jeremiah predict concerning Jehoiakim? _Jer_. xxii. 18, 19.

18. By whose favour had Jehoiakim been set up?

19. Who was Jehoiakim's enemy?

20. What injury did Nebuchadnezzar inflict in 606?

21. What prophet was then carried captive?

_A_. Daniel.

22. What was the promise of Jeremiah?--_Jer_. xxv. 12.

23. Why was Jeremiah persecuted?

24. What was the great wilfulness of these kings?

25. What was the end of Jehoiakim?

26. By what names was his son called?

27. What does Jeremiah say of Jehoiachin?--_Jer_. xxii 24 to 30.

28. Was he really childless?

_A_. Either he was childless, and Salathiel was his adopted son of another branch of David's family, or else it meant that his son should not reign.

29. What became of Jehoiachin?

30. What prophet was carried off in this captivity?

31. Who was the last King of Judah?

32. What message did Ezekiel send Zedekiah?--_Ez_. xxii. 25, 26, 27.

33. What was Ezekiel's lamentation for the sons of Josiah?

--_Ez_. xix. I-9.

34. What were Ezekiel's chief prophecies of the Redeemer?

--_Ez_. x.x.xiv. 23, 24.--x.x.xvii. 24, 25, 26.

35. What was Zedekiah's duty?

36. How did he show his want of faith?

37. What was the consequence?

38. What was the prophecy of Ezekiel that Zedekiah thought impossible?--_Ez_. xii. 13.

39. What were the sufferings of Jeremiah in the siege of Jerusalem?

40. What prophecies of Moses had their first fulfilment in this siege?--_Deut_. xxviii. 52, 53.

41. Who boasted over Jerusalem?

42. What was the desolation of Jerusalem?

43. Which book in the Holy Scripture mourns over it? A. The book of Lamentations of Jeremiah.

44. What became of Jeremiah?

45. How did the remnant act who were left in Judea?

46. Who was the prophet who spoke against Edom? A. Obadiah.

47. What was the great prophecy of Jeremiah?--_Jer_. xxiii. 5, 6.

48. What was the year of the taking of Jerusalem?


1. Who were the Chaldeans?

2. What does Isaiah say of the origin of the Chaldeans?--_Is_. xxiii.


3. Who was their chief G.o.d, and how was he wors.h.i.+pped?

4. Describe Babylon.

5. What were the prophecies of the state of the Jews in captivity?--_Lev_. xxvi. 33, 34.--38, 39.--_Jer_. v. 19.

6. What change for the better pa.s.sed over the Jews?

7. Who were the royal children brought up as slaves?

8. How had their slavery been foretold?--_Is_. x.x.xix. 7.

9. What instance of self-denying faith was given by them?

10. How was Daniel's inspiration first made known?

11. What was the first dream of Nebuchadnezzar?

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