Resident Evil - Genesis Part 22

Resident Evil - Genesis -

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His face was covered in blood. Scars lined his face. His s.h.i.+rt had been ripped open, and there were cuts and dried blood on his chest.

The first day Rain and J.D. went to the firing range, J.D. couldn't stop talking s.h.i.+t about what a crack shot he was. That was why the CIA stole him from the SEALs, because they valued his skills as a sniper.

"You know why I think Oswald acted alone?" he had asked then. " 'Cause one guy could make the shot from the book depository window-if he's got the s.h.i.+t. Me, I got the s.h.i.+t." got the s.h.i.+t. Me, I got the s.h.i.+t."

To prove it, he put on his goggles and earm.u.f.fs, grabbed the six-shot revolver the firing range had provided, and fired it into the target, which was thirty feet away.

When he pulled it in, all six shots were to the head.

Kaplan had been impressed. Warner's eyes had gone wide. Drew kept saying, "f.u.c.k me," over and over again.

But Rain just said, "Not bad."

That drove J.D. nuts. "Not bad? Not f.u.c.king bad? What, chica chica, you can match that?"

"No, I can't match that." Then she grinned. "Unless I fire left-handed or something. Otherwise, no, I couldn't shoot that badly."

Warner laughed. "I think she's calling you out, my friend."

"f.u.c.k you, Warner. And f.u.c.k you too, Melendez. Put your money where your foot is."

Rain took the s.p.a.ce next to J.D., put on the goggles and earm.u.f.fs, moved her target back fifty feet, and grabbed another revolver. "Only place my foot's going is up your a.s.s, J.D."

She threw all six shots, then pulled it in.

J.D. laughed when it came back with only one hole in it. That one hole was between the eyes.

"One lucky shot. Big f.u.c.kin' deal."

"Look again, a.s.shole," Rain said.

When J.D. didn't get it, Drew said, "The hole's too big for one bullet."

It wasn't until Kaplan played back the video log, slowed down, that J.D. believed it.

All six of Rain's shots were to the exact same between-the-eyes spot.

After watching the video log, he turned to Rain with his mouth hanging open.

Rain just grinned. "Oswald was a f.u.c.king wuss."

J.D. didn't speak for the rest of the day.

But after that day, he finally started taking her seriously.

Now he was dead. She had resigned herself to that the minute those zomboid motherf.u.c.kers went all Dawn of the Dead Dawn of the Dead on him. on him.

But she should've known that wasn't the end of it. Not the way this day had been going.

She stood there, holding the gun on him, but unable to pull the trigger.

He was already dead; she shouldn't have to do this again!

Then his mouth fell open like it was some kind of f.u.c.king dump track and he bit her on the neck.

"Aaaaahhh!" She grabbed J.D.'s head and yanked him off, his blackening teeth tearing out big chunks of skin off her shoulder.

f.u.c.k this. J.D. was already dead. This was just some f.u.c.king nightmare.

She raised the Colt and shot J.D. right between the eyes.

Just like the target.

"Guess I still got the s.h.i.+t," she muttered.

J.D. fell back on two more zombies, and that gave Rain the chance to climb up the pipe. It was only when she almost lost her grip that she realized that her hands were now covered in her own blood.

The five of them were now up on the pipe while the zombies shuffled around. She held out her hand to check it out. A drop of blood fell from her thumb, and three of the zombies lunged after it.

Great. They drink blood. That just f.u.c.king figured.


Their motor functions weren't juiced up enough by the stupid virus to let them climb-s.h.i.+t, they could barely walk walk-so they were safe for now.


She finally turned to acknowledge Alice.

"We have to do something about your wounds."

"I'm fine."

Alice tried to grab her collar to expose her neck wound. Rain smacked the pushy b.i.t.c.h's hand aside.

"I said said I'm fine!" She held her hand out, watching more blood drip. "You like that, don't you? Huh? I'm fine!" She held her hand out, watching more blood drip. "You like that, don't you? Huh? Huh Huh? You like the way it tastes, don't you? You like the taste of that?"

"She was right."

Rain looked over at Kaplan. He was holding his own wound. He also looked about as lifeless as those mindless motherf.u.c.kers below them.

"We're all gonna die down here."

"No," Alice said. "We're getting out. All of us."

Rain shook her head. This was a.s.s-Kicking Alice, back in f.u.c.king business.

Not that it mattered.

J.D. was dead.

She watched him die.



"There's a vent over this way." Rain looked up to see that it was Addison talking. Looked like he was scoping out the pipes to find a way out. Bully for him.

Maybe he really was a cop.

Maybe someday she'd give a s.h.i.+t.

Addison led the way across the pipes. They had to crawl, since the s.p.a.ce to the ceiling was only a few feet.

The smell got worse. And was there something in the air? Everything was getting all blurry and s.h.i.+t.

Maybe it was tears. Rain wasn't a cryer, but dammit, J.D. was dead. So was One and Warner and Drew and Olga. The whole f.u.c.king team.

Well, except for Kaplan, but that weenie boy barely counted.

Addison came to another one of those wire-mesh things and kicked it in. He crawled in, then Spence, then Rain. Alice and Kaplan were right behind her.

"Kaplan, you okay?" Alice asked Kaplan didn't say s.h.i.+t, the f.u.c.king little wimp.


Rain turned around. Everything was all blurry, still, but she saw that the pipe finally collapsed. Not really a big shock, since the thing wasn't designed to have five people crawling all over it.

Kaplan fell into the sea of hungry dead.


Alice almost fell in, but Addison and Spence managed to catch her and pull her in.

Rain thought she'd be glad to see Kaplan go. His f.u.c.k-up got One and the others killed, and if he'd remembered the f.u.c.king code, then he'd he'd have been the one taken at the door instead of J.D. He deserved what was coming to him. have been the one taken at the door instead of J.D. He deserved what was coming to him.

But seeing him mobbed by the zombie hordes of f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, watching him kick and scream and struggle to stay alive, she realized that, G.o.ddammit, Kaplan was part of the team, too, and she was not not going to let these freakazoids take anyone else. going to let these freakazoids take anyone else.

Not even Kaplan.

So she took aim.

And couldn't make a f.u.c.king thing out.

It wasn't tears, it was the f.u.c.king virus. She had it.

She couldn't see.

"Help him!" Alice yelled.

The words were painful to say: "I can't."

"What're you waiting for?"

"I can't focus focus! I can't see see!"

She couldn't believe it. Six between-the-eyes shots in a target fifty feet away, but now, less than half that distance away, she couldn't tell where Kaplan ended and the zombies began.

If she missed, she'd hit Kaplan.

If she missed.

Words she'd never had to think before.

Suddenly, the Colt was ripped from her hands. What the f.u.c.k?

It was Alice. She shot two of the zombies in the head, which gave Kaplan the freedom to run up the fallen pipe.

Unfortunately, it put him about ten feet away, with no direct access to the vent.

"Kaplan-hold on!" Alice urged. "We're gonna come get you. We need to cut this wire, then we can throw it to him. Then we can go get him. Hold on!"

Rain thought Alice was out of her f.u.c.king mind.

Kaplan emptied that stupid revolver he carried as a backup. She missed the part where he emptied the Beretta. Or maybe he lost it in the crowd down there.

He had one bullet left.

"That's lucky," he muttered. Then he looked at the rest of them. "I want you to go."

"No," Alice said. "We're not leaving you, Kaplan."

"Yes, you are."


"You can't kill all of them! I'm not goin' anywhere. I want you to go, now now! Please, just do do it! Just do it now! Please- it! Just do it now! Please-go!"

For the first time since she joined One's team, Rain respected Kaplan.

She never would've given him the credit to take one for the team. s.h.i.+t, she doubted any of them would.

Then again, they'd never come across anything like this. n.o.body had.

Either Addison or Spence started guiding her down the vent. Normally she'd have told him to go f.u.c.k himself, but her vision was getting worse. She didn't trust that she wouldn't into a wall or some s.h.i.+t like that.

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