Resident Evil - Genesis Part 17

Resident Evil - Genesis -

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"Stay down."

The b.i.t.c.h didn't listen, but started to get to her feet.

"I'm warning you," J.D. said, "stay down down!"

Rain shook her head. "She's crazy."

"Come any closer and I'll fire," J.D. said as she started walking toward him.

No, she wasn't walking. n.o.body walked like that. She was-she was shuffling shuffling, like some kind of late-night-movie zombie monster s.h.i.+t.

This was getting too f.u.c.king weird for Rain.

"I mean it!"

J.D. spoke those words as if it mattered, but Rain knew he shouldn't have bothered. This woman was f.u.c.king nuts.

She moved closer and closer. J.D. shook his head, aimed his pistol downward, and fired.

The shot went clean through her knee.

Normal people would react to a .357 Magnum bullet tearing through their knee by stumbling, falling to the floor, and screaming in deep pain. It was a cripple shot, and it usually meant the victim would never walk again.

This b.i.t.c.h just stumbled for a second, snarled, showing teeth stained with Rain's own f.u.c.king blood, and then kept moving forward.


J.D. mouthed the words "What the-." Rain couldn't blame him for not being able to say anything. This was beyond beyond f.u.c.king nuts. f.u.c.king nuts.

After her second step, J.D. shot her in the other knee.

This time it didn't even slow her down.

J.D. took three more shots at her, this time in the chest.

f.u.c.k this. Rain was tired of p.u.s.s.ying around.

She hefted her MP5K, paused just long enough to make sure it was on automatic, and then squeezed the trigger.

Dozens of bullets slammed into the crazy lady's chest, blowing her back about ten feet and sending her sprawling into the tubing that was all over the floor of this f.u.c.king "dining hall."

She looked over at J.D. with a triumphant look, but the sonofab.i.t.c.h barely noticed.

"I shot her five times. How was she still standing?"

Rain reached into one of her arm pouches and pulled out a bandage.

"b.i.t.c.h isn't standing now."

More footsteps. It was Addison. She was about to ask him what the f.u.c.k he was doing, when Alice, Kaplan, and Spence ran up behind him. Rain wondered where the rest of the team was.

"What was all the shooting?" Kaplan asked.

"We found a survivor."

Kaplan looked at her like she was nuts. "And you shot him?"

"She was crazed. She was crazed. She bit bit me." me."

"She's gone."

Rain looked over at J.D. when he spoke. He had just walked over to where the crazy lady had fallen.

"She's gone!" he said again.

"That's bulls.h.i.+t!" You didn't shoot someone three dozen times just to have them get up and walk off. That s.h.i.+t didn't play.

"She fell right here and now she's gone gone."

"Look at this," Alice said. "It's blood-but not much."

The cop squatted down to take a closer look. "Looks like it's coagulated. But that's not possible."

J.D. sounded p.i.s.sed off when he asked, "Why not?"

Rain already knew the answer, but let Matt the Wonder Detective take it.

"Because blood doesn't do that till after you're dead."

Spence looked bored. "Can we go go now?" now?"

"We ain't going anywhere till the rest of the team get here." As Rain spoke, she loaded another clip into the MP5K. She was for d.a.m.n sure not getting caught without a full load.

Then she saw the look on Kaplan's face. He looked like someone strangled his favorite pet.

For that matter, Alice and Spence looked all uncomfortable now, too.

Finally, Kaplan said, "There's no one else coming."

"What the f.u.c.k are you talking about?"

"Wait." J.D. grabbed her shoulder. "Quiet."

Then Rain heard it, too. Metal against metal.

Raising her rifle, she turned and saw it: a tall bald guy dragging a fire axe on the floor behind him. He was wearing a white lab coat and white outfit under it, too, though his was all wet and filthy. The guy's shoulder was all f.u.c.ked up, and his right foot was perpendicular to his leg-like he'd broken his ankle. But he didn't seem to feel it.

Behind him, she saw more. Just like the crazy lady, they all kinda shuffled, they all had milky eyes, and they all had f.u.c.ked-up teeth.

And some of them were injured.

Fatally injured.

This was in the next county after f.u.c.king nuts.

One guy had half his head carved out, another was missing his right eye and his entire nose.

n.o.body was bleeding, though. Any blood she'd seen was coagulated.

"f.u.c.k," J.D. muttered.

"Don't come any closer." Kaplan sounded like a total moron.

"They're behind us!" Spence pointed out.

"Jesus," Kaplan muttered.

"They're everywhere," Alice added, stating the f.u.c.king obvious like it was some kind of revelation. "Guys, they're everywhere, they're all around us!"

Then the crazy lady, lab coat and white outfit full of bullet holes, jumped Rain.

This time Rain grabbed her by the head and twisted until she heard the snap of her neck bone.

b.i.t.c.h didn't get up this time.

Then she flipped the MP5K to semi-automatic-she was gonna need to conserve ammo with this many people-and fired on the big bald guy right in the chest.

He fell to the floor.

Then he got back up.

f.u.c.kity f.u.c.k f.u.c.k f.u.c.k f.u.c.k.

Kaplan, still in total moron mode, yelled, "I said stay back!" Then he took a few shots with his Beretta.

"Watch the tanks!" Alice cried.

Rain didn't give a rat's a.s.s about the f.u.c.king tanks, she just wanted these whatever-the-f.u.c.k-they-were dead.

Or deader.

d.a.m.n, this was f.u.c.ked up.

These things kept getting back up. She and J.D. exchanged a look. Without even having to speak, they knew what to do: can't kill 'em, at least clear a path.

So they switched their rifles to automatic and concentrated their fire on one area, plowing down these shuffling b.a.s.t.a.r.ds one by one.

"Let's go!" J.D. yelled even as Rain cried, "Hurry up!"

Then one of the tanks exploded...


MATT ADDISON HAD BEEN TRYING TO unlock himself when the tank exploded.

At some point during her struggle with the woman who bit her, Rain's keys had fallen off her person. Matt noticed the keys lying there on the floor as soon as he, Kaplan, Alice, and Spence joined J.D. and Rain.

His opportunity came when Alice pointed out the blood. On the pretense of squatting down to take a closer look at it-and to show off his knowledge as a "detective" by imparting his brilliant bit of wisdom about coagulated blood, even though that was something he remembered from high-school biology-he palmed the keys and had been working to free himself ever since.

At least he'd convinced the security goons that he was a legit cop. The hazing story worked like a charm, and he hadn't even had to supply the details. Rain and J.D. knew the RCPD well enough to fill in the blanks. Sending a neophyte detective on a fake call to the infamous Mansion You Stayed Away From was a run-of-the-mill prank, and Matt knew there were enough ex-cops in Security Division's employ for that to be common knowledge.

Now, though, things were just getting too weird. He knew that Umbrella was into some hardcore s.h.i.+t, but this...

As the numbers of people stumbling toward them grew, Matt came to several realizations. The first was that these people were all wearing suits or lab coats over all-white jumpsuits. He knew from Lisa that Umbrella had a dress code-unusual in the post-dot-com world of Business Casual, but not unheard of-matching that of these people's clothing.

The other was that they were already dead.

When he was a kid, one of Matt Addison's favorite words was "zuvembie." He came across it in a lot of the comic books he read when he was a child, and it referred to reanimated dead bodies. In later years, he would learn of the word "zombie"-mostly from horror movies-and later still discovered that the comics called them "zuvembies" only because they weren't allowed to use the word "zombie." The Comics Code Authority established in the 1950s that kept comics G-rated forbade that word, and some bright mind at one of the comics companies made up a synonym that was similar enough to convey the meaning without actually violating the code.

Twelve-year-old Matt, picking up some monster comic or other, just thought it was a really, really cool word.

Now, decades later, he found himself confronted with real-life zuvembies.

More than ever, he needed to get out of these d.a.m.n cuffs and ditch these gonzos so he could find Lisa's desk and get to the bottom of this. Umbrella's fingers were in s.h.i.+t much worse than anything he, Aaron, and the rest of them could possibly have dreamed of if this this was the kind of thing coming out of the Hive. was the kind of thing coming out of the Hive.

He was pretty close to finally getting the cuffs off-no mean feat when you have basically no leverage whatsoever-when one of the tanks blew up. Alice-who seemed to be the only person in the group with anything like a brain, even with the drag effect of her amnesia-warned them to beware of the tanks, but n.o.body listened, and one of them exploded, sending Matt onto his back.

Glancing around quickly, he caught sight of the keys and crabwalked his way back to where they were: under a table.

A zombie followed him, and tried to reach in under the table and pull him out. Said zombie was wholly undeterred by the fact that he was on fire.

Matt kicked at the zombie and tried to grab the keys, but succeeded only in knocking the latter into a vent.

Splitting his focus, he reached into the vent for the keys while continuing to kick the zombie.

Eventually he succeeded in both endeavors. The zombie's neck broke from one of the kicks, which stopped it coming after him, and he managed to grab the keys.

The bad news was, now his leg was on fire.

He couldn't do a d.a.m.n thing about it while bound, so he fumbled agitatedly with the keys, hoping the fire didn't spread past his right s.h.i.+n, knowing that it was a pretty slim hope.

But he for d.a.m.n sure wasn't dying down here. Not until he found out what happened to Lisa.

It was one thing to be prepared for something to go wrong-that was almost a given. His boss at the Federal Marshal's office always used to say, "Plan A never never works." This, however, was several orders of magnitude beyond something going wrong. Arriving at the mansion to find some woman dressed like she was going to a c.o.c.ktail party or something, then being attacked by the Security Goons from h.e.l.l, and finally reliving works." This, however, was several orders of magnitude beyond something going wrong. Arriving at the mansion to find some woman dressed like she was going to a c.o.c.ktail party or something, then being attacked by the Security Goons from h.e.l.l, and finally reliving Day of the Dead Day of the Dead wasn't even on the contingency plan list. wasn't even on the contingency plan list.

He got the cuffs unlocked.

Then he tamped down the fire on the leg of his pants before it could spread to even less comfortable regions of his body.

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