Matisse Picasso And Gertrude Stein Part 29

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It was not the troubling every one that hurt every one. It was not the following one that meant that they followed something. There was room for ten when there was room for six. Sixty came and they stayed when they stayed. And two would not believe that they had stayed all they had stayed. There was room for ten when there was room for six.

They were all staying and they did not stay because they had stayed to stay. They had not stayed to stay. They had come to stay.

In staying they were not following one, they were following all who stayed, and following all who stayed they did not follow as they all stayed.

They did all stay and staying they did with feeling that they were saying what they knew they were saying.

They did begin one and one and all of them to stay. They did stay. They were saying, one was saying, they were saying, each was saying, all were saying that which they said they knew they were saying.

They did all of them come to staying. They did all of them come to following each one. They did all of them come to say that they had been saying what they knew they were saying.

If they had any of them refused all they could refuse they would have been all of them important as they were. They were saying what they knew they were saying. They were refusing all they were refusing.

They did not see all who were staying to say what they knew they were saying. They did hear very much of all they heard. They were enlightened when they said they were staying and that they were saying what they knew they were saying.

They had enough to be attacking confusion, they had enough of staying.

They had enough of staying in accomplis.h.i.+ng to be aspiring in saying what they were knowing they were saying.

Addressing themselves then they were saying what they were saying.

Allowing themselves then they were saying what they were saying.

Intending then they were saying what they were saying. Following then they were saying what they were saying. Leading then they were saying what they were saying. Having been staying they were coming in saying what they were saying. Expecting then they were deciding destroying and knowing what they where saying. Working then they were producing saying what they were knowing they were saying.

It was not a fantasy this which was an open movement of staying. It was not a desertion this which was a complete staying in recognising. It was not completely enterprising that which was creating following. It was not determining that which was intending some destroying. It was completely enlivening this which was contrasting what was remaining. It was completely intending that which was opening alarming. It was completely meaning that which was beginning explaining understanding. It was vaguely attacking that which was distinctly clearing. It was deciding believing that which was expecting demonstrating.

They all were where any one who was not there was and they all were where they would be when they were where they had come when they had stayed as they had stayed, because they had stayed and staying and saying that which they were knowing they were completely what if emerging is accepting constraining is not destroying and intending is continuing.

In having meaning, in expecting realisation, in deserting wearying, in exhausting attending, in loving insisting, in embarking anything, in continuing meaning, in persisting working, in hoping having been realising, in urging continuous hoping, in longing for existing, in hearing encouraging, in desolating what is waiting, in returning what has been being the ridiculous part of everything, in remembering all of conquering that has meaning, in straining all of selling that has buying, in operating all the desolation that has repeating, in all that is and was these who were and came were the ones who are when they stay and do not remain where they will be, these were the ones who are when they are and they are when they are as they had when they had what they had because they did not have what they could have since they did not have all they did have as they were when they are.

In staying and not waiting in choosing and progressing, in following and destroying, in succeeding and denying, in aspiring and varying in remaining and not saddening, in looking often, in expecting everything, in remaining after leaving choosing some, in selling after succeeding, in expecting to be selling after succeeding, in not denying selling after succeeding, in saying that saying can be saying, in arranging to be seeing what has been being seen when it has been seen, in returning when changing, in not going back in returning, in succeeding when they were remaining, in remaining when they had been succeeding, in remaining when they were not going to be succeeding, they were living. They were living. There had been room for ten when there had been room for six.

There was room for six when there was room for ten. They were living.

They said that they knew that to be living was to be living. They said that they knew that if there was room for ten there was room for ten.

They said there was room for ten. They said if there was room for ten there was room for six. They said there was room for ten. They said if there was room for ten there was room for six. They said there was room.

They said there was room for ten. They said there was room for ten and they said if there was room for six there was room for ten.

They prepared something. They did not prepare saying they were knowing what they were saying. They were knowing they were saying what they were saying. They were staying. They were preparing what they would be doing as they were staying where they were staying. They were not preparing staying.

He did say what he did say and that was to say that many kept away there where they said what they knew they said when they stayed as they stayed. He did not say that they stayed away. He did not say that staying they were saying that they were knowing that they were saying that they were staying. He did say that staying they were saying that they were knowing what they were saying, he did say that they were staying. He did not say that he was staying when he was saying that he was knowing what he was saying. He did not say that he was saying what he was knowing what he was saying. He was saying that he was knowing that he was saying what he was saying and he did say that he was knowing he was staying. He did not say that he would be staying. He did not say that he would be knowing that he was saying what he was saying. He did say that if he would be staying he would be knowing he was saying what he was saying. He did say that he would be saying what he would be saying and he would be staying when he would be staying. He did say he would be staying.

They were all there was of the ones they all were and this was not because they were moving in unison, this was not because they were regular in working, this was not because they were defending what they were leading, this was not because they were holding what they were having, this was not because they were not succeeding, this was not because they were not realising all that was breathing, this was not because they were acting as they were intending, this was not because they were feeling in being needing, this was not because wonderfully exciting was being progressing, this was not because they were placing what they were inspecting, this was not because they were not urging what they were using, this was because they were following where they were leading.

If expecting nothing is not disconcerting expecting something is not annoying. He who had what was refused sold what he had given. He did not sell it again. He sold it once and that was satisfying. He felt it all all there was of selling. He knew he felt it all all there was of selling. He knew that he was having refused again what he had the obligation of having being existing. He felt all there was of having being knowing what he was intending would be satisfying when the obligation of selling would be completing selling what he had been creating.

He did not live then and he was then the one living who was saying what he was saying, saying he was knowing what he was saying, saying that all who were leading and staying were saying that he was saying what he was knowing he was saying.

He did use the complete way of showing leading being staying and staying being saying what was knowing being saying.

If seeing all and feeling all, if seeing all and feeling all and producing all and explaining all and attending all and demonstrating all, if seeing all and feeling all, if producing all and explaining all and demonstrating all and attending all, if producing all and explaining all and feeling all and seeing all and attending all, if seeing all and producing all and explaining all is the condition of any one being like many men then he who was the one who was that one was undoubtedly that one and is undoubtedly this one and this one had done that which as acc.u.mulating and explaining and existing is persisting.

He and continuing, prospering and a.s.sorting, varying and meaning, hoping and enlarging, tolerating and turning, he and producing, he and seeing, he and feeling, he and continuing, he and some of them were not then what he had when he had what he had.

If making again and again the complete tinkling that moving anything is producing is annoying it can be that it is a heavy horrid thing the thing that is produced by some one, it can be that it is a thickening dull thing, a visibly weakening thing, a prettily cherished thing, a large awkward thing, a large dreary thing, a large boisterous thing, a large thing, a small thing, a tiny thing, an agreeable thing. One making something is making a vigorous brilliant completed ragged covered thing.

One making something is making a completed, heavy, brilliant, vigorous, startling, adjoining thing.

He came to be the one who was the one who could say what he did say when he said that he had done all he had done. There were enough who had what they had so that they all said that they had done what they had done.

They were what they were as they said that they were and they were doing what they were doing as they said they were doing what they were doing.

If it is a willing thing to be fairly active in determining that leaving leaning forward means marrying, if it is a happy thing that exhibiting means coming to be withdrawing what one was expecting to have had remaining, if it is a lonely thing to be telling some one who is one who has come to be one that they are waiting and certainly not any one had been so completely despairing as some one is worrying, if it is a lovely thing to have what is remaining lasting so that leaving it is not destroying loving being something, if it is succeeding to be discovering that having been is losing coming to be, if it is an aspiring thing to be marrying when a little thing is a big thing and a big thing is selling for what it is selling, if it is a steady thing that all that has been is following when all that has been has been completing arranging being and not being deceiving, if all that can be worried is lost and all that can be gained can be won and all that remained can be shown and all that is sold can be seen, if seizing is not doing and doing is progressing and progressing is denying and denying is constructing and constructing is explaining and explaining is unifying and unifying is repeating and repeating is creating, if creating is not exhausting and if not exhausting is allowing saying what is saying when talking is enlarging what enlarging is meaning when meaning has expression, if expression has emotion and emotion has a medium and a medium is adaptation and adaptation is not being used when anything is coming then all who had the room that they had when they were what they were saying was what saying is if it is producing and it is producing, all had the room where they put what they put as they made what they made and felt what they felt and followed what they led and led where they went.

Late in looking like a young man, long in looking like a young man, young in being quite a young man, last in beginning continuing being a young man he who was clearly using all he was using was feeling enough of having what he was having to be feeling all he was feeling in suffering all he was suffering and producing what he was producing. In producing what he was producing he was not spending what he was paying in buying what he was buying. He bought something and he used something and he had something and he produced something and he sold what he sold and that which was selling was not being deceiving because he was producing what he was producing and having what he was having.

It is not likely that exchanging producing for buying and buying for selling and selling for worrying and worrying for succeeding and succeeding for marrying and marrying for having children and having children for directing and directing for explaining and explaining for complaining and complaining for winning and winning for receiving and receiving for antic.i.p.ating and antic.i.p.ating for remaining, it is not likely that being for being and producing for explaining and suffering for producing and winning for suffering and continuing for winning and spending for continuing can be meaning that largely continuing is not needing producing and needing producing is not achieving existing and achieving existing is expressing explaining and expressing explaining is convincing realising and convincing realising is active repet.i.tion and active repet.i.tion is expressing complete being and expressing complete being is undertaking disagreeing and undertaking disagreeing is winning harmonising and winning harmonising is showing objection and showing objection is fulfilling producing and fulfilling producing is understanding creation and undertaking creation is destroying filling and destroying filling is arranging existing and arranging existing is demonstrating anything and demonstrating anything is fulfilling something and fulfilling something is emptying filling and emptying filling is creating action and creating action is suggesting realisation and suggesting realisation is expecting working and expecting working is attending continuing.

Everything that came went and every one who went came and they all and there were six when there were two and there were five when there were ten and there were thirty six when they were twelve and there were fifty-six when there were eighty and there were three when there nineteen and there was one when there were ten and there were two when there were three and they all came and went and they all went and they all came and they all came and went and they all came and they all went and they all came and they came and they came and they went and came and they came and went and they came. They came and they all they all stayed and left.

When any one is every way and every one is every way when any one is every way they are all working and they are not working together when each one is working.

They are working and all working they have hanging what they put where they put it where it is. And they can easily have them together they being where they are and they can publish it in a report they writing what is written and leading where they are following, and leading where they are leading, and leading.

It is a robust decision that would be made by a robust man not suffering and a robust man is suffering if he has a little child who is a little girl and living. He can then keep what he has and take what he gives and place what he receives and marry what he will have. He can then tell what he explains and he can then ask that he hears what will be said.

He was not astonis.h.i.+ng, he was not despairing, he was leading.

The way he came not to laugh was by continuing to talk and talking was not what he was doing and he was doing what he was doing. If they were there and they were there if they were there they were not destroying what he was not destroying.

There were eight who were not laughing. There were eight and he was not laughing. There were eight who were not laughing.

There were four who were not laughing. He was not laughing. They were talking. He was talking. They were producing. He was producing. They were intending. He was intending.

He was producing and he was not laughing and he was talking and he was asking that he could have the whole list that he had made mean something. The whole list he had made meant something. It meant all of something. He did not disoblige all when he did all he did and he was all he was and he did all he did and he was talking and he was producing and he meant all of something.

They did not call each other and they did not say a man, a man. They did not call each other. They did say that there was a man and there would be men and they would not be calling.

They meant that they said that there would not be calling. They meant that they said what they knew and they said what they knew they said.

They said that not calling was different from calling in a way and they said that there were men and they said there was a man and they said that they would be the men they would be and there would not be calling. If there was the following and leading, if there had been calling, if there was not calling, if there would be what there would be they were all what they were and though they said there was a man they said that there was not any calling. They said there was not any calling, they said they were saying what they knew they were saying.

They were not continuing intending, they were continuing saying that calling is calling, they were continuing proposing saying they were saying what they were knowing they were saying.

He was one and he did not stumble when he heard that calling is calling.

He did not deny that saying a man is having calling is saying a man is having calling. He did not deny that calling is calling. He did not hear that any one calling and saying what they were saying were saying that calling is calling.

He did not hesitate and he was there and he was not calling and he was saying that not calling is not calling. He was not saying that he knew he was saying what he knew he was saying. He was saying that not calling is not calling. He was saying that he knew he was saying what he was saying. He was saying that not calling is not calling. He was saying that calling and saying a man is not calling is not saying that not calling is not calling.

They always thought that they did not fail all of any of them and they did not and they were there where if they were they were. It was the way to be that which they did not do and they said it, they did say it, and they did not declare it and they could not hear all that was said although they did hear often that all that was said was said.

If showing what is done is one thing, and doing what is shown is one thing, and saying what is said is one thing, and hearing what is heard is one thing, then to be some one must find out in some way that they are the one who are the one to do what is shown, to show what is done, to hear what is heard, to say what is said. The way to find out that the one showing is showing, the way to find out that one is that one is to be that one. The way to find out that the one doing what is showing is doing what is showing is to be the one doing what is showing. The way to find out that the one hearing what is heard is the one hearing what is heard is to be the one hearing what is heard. The way to find out that the one saying what is said is the one saying what is said is to be that one the one saying what is said.

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