Deadly Promises Part 39

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Evalle tensed. She had no offensive edge. Not until she either linked with the two men or was released from the shackles where she could s.h.i.+ft. Both options twisted her stomach into a sick knot of terror.

When the rock disappeared, leaving a hole big enough to drive a small automobile through, a diminutive Medb figure wearing a pale gray robe entered. Light glowed from inside the hood. Where were the four brutes who had hauled Tzader into this chamber?

"You shouldn't be here." Quinn's soft voice was full of tender feelings.

Evalle glanced at him. Was he talking to that warlock?

The person in the robe moved toward Quinn, as though floating across the floor. Evalle debated the risk of linking with Quinn and had just about talked herself into helping him when the hood fell away from the Medb's head. Not a warlock, but a stunning witch with hair so bright it had to be the color of a flame in natural lighting.

The witch stood a head shorter than Quinn, angling her chin at him. Without saying a word, she lifted up on her toes and cupped his face with her hands then kissed him sweetly on the mouth. Quinn didn't just let her kiss him, he joined in until she finally pulled away. "When my men described the three Beladors they'd caught I didn't want to believe what I heard. I had to see for myself. What are you doing here?"

"Protecting my tribe." Quinn's heavy sigh bulged with regret. "Leave before your men find you here."

"I don't know how to help you," she whispered desperately.

"You can't. If you do, they'll kill you for treason, regardless of your being a priestess."

"You shouldn't have been caught in this trap," she whispered. "They weren't looking for you-"

"Who do they want?" Quinn's voice sharpened. do they want?" Quinn's voice sharpened.

The witch shook her head. "They'll take you last. I'll come up with a way to free you. I have to go." She turned to leave.


When the witch turned around, Quinn said, "Don't try to save me. I'm bound to my tribe and will die with these two if they can't also be saved."

"Ever the fool." She shook her head. "You should not have protected me that day."

"I must uphold my oath of honor in all all situations." situations."

Quinn's reply renewed Evalle's hope at gaining an ally in keeping secrets. If she had to s.h.i.+ft to escape, would either of these two be willing to say she'd done so with honorable intent?

The Medb witch visiting Quinn lifted her hood back into place and started to leave then hesitated. "Your time nears." She vanished and the wall was solid again.

The tight muscles in Evalle's chest relaxed after that bizarre scene. Quinn was friends-more than friends-with a Medb priestess. Not kosher in the Belador world, but she couldn't fault him if he'd acted out of honor and spared an enemy rather than kill without thought as their bloodthirsty ancestors had. Their G.o.ddess would respect that, but Quinn had a secret to protect as vigorously as Evalle s.h.i.+elded hers.

Now, if only Tzader had something to hide.

But he was a warrior who would die before exposing any vulnerability. She'd bet he hadn't shared all his powers either.

"Want to explain that visit, Quinn?" Tzader asked.

"Sorry, chap. Rather not."

Evalle smiled. "Maybe you should both reconsider my offer to hold each other's confidence in order to escape."

Quinn gave a quick shake of his head. "I won't ask either of you to put yourself in jeopardy with Brina or Macha. Not for me."

d.a.m.n. d.a.m.n. d.a.m.n. What was with these two? Why couldn't they bend an inch? Evalle wouldn't admit defeat, but winning their freedom wasn't looking too promising either. The witch had said they were running out of time.

Quinn narrowed his eyes. "I'm roving mentally through the tunnels for a mind."

Evalle was starting to like this guy in spite of his being cozy with a Medb. He knew his a.s.s was in a sling if word of his a.s.sociation with a Medb made it to Brina, but he was still determined to help. Maybe she could trust him him.

Tzader still didn't have her vote, though.

"Got one... don't think he's the leader." Quinn's voice changed to a monotone. "He's listening to one of the other warlocks... they can't wait on the spell to drain the Beladors... Kizira arguing they should wait... Beladors dangerous even one at a time... leader says..." Quinn's head jerked back. His shocked eyes swung toward her. "You're the one they want, Evalle, and you don't want to know what they plan to do to you."

"Bring it," she said with more arrogance than she felt capable of backing at the moment.

Quinn's eyebrows tightened, his eyes staring at nothing as he concentrated. He sucked in a breath. "I hope you can take on four warlocks alone, because that's what's coming for you... Right now."

The warning in his voice spiked chill b.u.mps along her arms.

"Link with us, Evalle. Now! Now!" Tzader's tone brooked no argument or questions.

She had seconds to make up her mind. Tzader and Quinn couldn't link unless she lowered her mental s.h.i.+elds. "How do I know you aren't lying just to trick me into linking?"

"You don't." Quinn shrugged. "Just like I don't know what I'm in for when I link with an Alterant, but I'm willing to trust you for a chance to escape."

The wall to her left started fading again, slowly widening as though to accommodate more people this time.

Grace be to Macha, it was time to decide if she'd live or die.

As the cave wall disintegrated under Medb majik, Evalle realized she only had to answer one question. Could she let even one Belador die after vowing to protect her tribe?

The answer was an unfortunate one for her...


She sighed softly. "Let's do it."

Flexing her fingers quickly before the warlocks entered, she opened the channel to her mind for Tzader and Quinn.

The immediate synergy that shot between the three of them sparked the air with combined power. She flagged physically for a couple seconds, experiencing how drained the other two were, then she focused only on sending energy to them.

You got some screamin' optics, babe, Tzader's voice whispered in her mind.

And her vision isn't her only a.s.set, Quinn muttered through her thoughts like a warm flood of fine whiskey.

If she wasn't so concerned over the threat entering as soon as the wall disappeared she'd have smiled at the flirt.

Don't move until I give the signal. Tzader gave that order with enough heat to let everyone know he was in no mood to joke.

Guess we'll allow him to lead this one, eh? eh? Quinn's sarcasm took the edge off Evalle's anxiety and filled her with a flush of confidence. Quinn's sarcasm took the edge off Evalle's anxiety and filled her with a flush of confidence.

She glanced over at the rogue and winked then sent them a message. I'll wait for the word to attack, but let them unshackle me before you do anything if you want the full force of my power I'll wait for the word to attack, but let them unshackle me before you do anything if you want the full force of my power.

Tzader gave a curt nod of his head.

Quinn lifted a finger in acknowledgment.

The wall cleared. Four warlocks in swirling gray robes with no hoods carried torches into the room, all headed for Evalle. Without her shades on, she squinted to be able to see in what for her eyes was brilliant light.

A serpent tattoo wrapped their thick necks then swept around each bald head until the pointed tip of the viper's head stopped at the bridge above the warlocks' wide noses. Yellow-orange eyes with narrow black diamond centers glowed brightly above their smooth cheeks. When one warlock stood in front of each of her arms, they chanted in unison, releasing the shackles.

She dropped to the floor.

One of the other two warlocks extended his hand, not touching her. His fingers kinetically circled her throat and lifted her off the dirt floor.

She fought to breathe. Tzader? What the h.e.l.l are you waiting on? Tzader? What the h.e.l.l are you waiting on?

"She is secure, Priestess," the warlock choking Evalle called out in a loud voice.

Kizira appeared at the entrance, her face stoic.

Quinn answered Evalle. Tzader was waiting on Kizira to enter. I'll deal with her Tzader was waiting on Kizira to enter. I'll deal with her.

Kizira closed her eyes and held her hands in front of her with the palms turned up. Her eyes glowed yellow. She began murmuring foreign words that sounded ancient and deadly.

Now, Evalle, Tzader roared in her mind.

Evalle willed herself into battle form, a minimal physical change all Beladors were approved to use when engaging with an enemy. She tightened her fingers into fists. Spiked cartilage raised along the length of her arms. Power surged throughout her, expanding muscle tissue and driving her adrenaline to a volcanic level.

She gripped both hands around the invisible arm holding her and bared her teeth. "You're dying first, just to kick this party off on a high note."

The blunt-nosed warlock smiled and squeezed tighter, drawing tears to her eyes.

Using her kinetic ability, she knocked the torches into the dirt, killing the flames. The warlocks howled in anger.

She shouted Ready? Ready? to the Beladors. to the Beladors.

Tzader and Quinn broke free of their shackles, drawing the other three warlocks around to face them.

Battle screams ricocheted off the walls, gathering force like the wail of a banshee.

Pulling in opposite directions with each hand, Evalle snapped the force holding her throat. The warlock screamed in agony, his arm falling uselessly to his side. Released from his power, Evalle dropped to the dirt floor. Blunt-nose snarled with pain and dove at her. She shoved her hands up, palms out, blocking him with s.h.i.+eld of power. He bounced back, falling to the ground.

Kizira swayed, caught in a deep trance.

Evalle stomped each foot and silver spikes with razor-sharp tips shot out from around the boot soles. She took a step toward Tzader who fought two warlocks.

Quinn snapped the neck of the Medb he battled, tossing the body aside quicker than yesterday's trash then s.n.a.t.c.hing one of Tzader's opponents away.

The warlock Evalle had knocked out gained his feet. He charged her, his mouth opening wide to release demonic curses on a stream of black breath.

She spun, whipping her boot high, the lethal tips slicing his neck like a buzzsaw. Purple liquid bubbled from the mortal wound, filling the air with a soured orange stench. Evalle whipped her boot up again in a crosskick. The warlock's head flew off sideways, hitting Kizira in the chest. That jolted the priestess out of her trance. Her glazed eyes started clearing.


Evalle swung back to the fight, but she couldn't jump in kicking and risk killing the Beladors who now fought the only two warlocks still alive. Of the two dead, one lay facedown on his chest with his head spun around to stare at the ceiling.

Tzader battled a warlock armed with a three-p.r.o.nged sword he hadn't possessed a moment ago.

Quinn blasted the fourth warlock backward with a shot of energy, then produced three Celtic Triquetra with jagged blades and threw them with deadly accuracy. The blades struck the warlock in his throat, heart, and eyes, killing him instantly.

"Not my brother! No!" Kizira screamed. She looked at Quinn, her agonized face a mix of shock and betrayal. When the priestess lifted her hands at Quinn, Evalle dove at her.

Quinn shouted, "No, Evalle!" "No, Evalle!"

She slid to a stop at the side of Kizira who froze in mid-motion with arms extended, eyes stuck open, full of fury.

Quinn appeared next to the priestess. "I've locked her mind, but I can't hold her long without harming her." He cut eyes teaming with sadness at Evalle. "Help Tzader."

She nodded then felt a blow to her midsection and doubled over. Quinn groaned but held his position with his back to the room. When she turned to Tzader she found him on the ground, the three-p.r.o.nged spear staked through his chest.

Tzader looked over at her. His face twisted with pain. Unlink... before I die and leave me Unlink... before I die and leave me, he called into her mind. You can't kill this one You can't kill this one.

Evalle looked at the last warlock who laughed in triumph until he eyed Kizira immobilized. That's when the eyes on the serpent tattoo on his head came to life. That meant he carried the same blood as the Medb High Priestess.

We stand together or we die together, Evalle told Tzader.

Agreed, Quinn confirmed on a gasp. But I can't help you and hold Kizira immobile But I can't help you and hold Kizira immobile.

Evalle faced the warlock. Intimidation played a role in every battle won. "You don't look so hard to kill."

The warlock whispered a chant, lifting his hands to his lips and blowing across the palms. Both hands tripled in size, extending into claws. He swiped one long talon at the nearest wall, digging a trough through stone that crumbled as though cutting b.u.t.ter with a cleaver. He crooked the same claw, smiling when he goaded her to attack.

Well, c.r.a.p. She hadn't really expected to get out of this mess without facing this decision. But she'd only s.h.i.+fted once-part way-and that had been a reaction to terror. Returning to her normal physical state had been a struggle.

No time to worry about what might happen.

It was time to live...

Evalle mentally reached inside herself, deep into the core of her life source. She urged her body to free itself. Power rolled through the center of her, surging into her legs and arms. Bones cracked and popped, skin stretched tight. Her clothes split, shredding into tatters that fell away from her body.

Quinn would get an un.o.bstructed view of all her a.s.sets later if they survived this. Leather ripped with a squeal when her feet thickened, toes growing the length of a human hand. Her jaw expanded to accommodate a double row of teeth that sharpened into jagged fangs.

Nerves and tendons cried out in pain, but she roared, now able to stare down at the warlock from ten feet off the ground.

He dared to laugh then threw a ball of energy at her.

She batted it away, blowing a hole in the rock wall.

The warlock c.o.c.ked his head, still smiling, but with a little surprise. He flew at her, arms drawn back to swing a clawed hand at her neck. Before he could sever her head, she blocked him, using an oversized arm that sizzled with unspent power.

He bounced back, stunned for the two seconds she allowed him to live.

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About Deadly Promises Part 39 novel

You're reading Deadly Promises by Author(s): Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love, Cindy Gerard, Laura Griffin. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 563 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.