Deadly Promises Part 12

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"They'll kill you the minute I leave."

"For once, it'll be worth it." He swallowed. "You're worth any cost."

She didn't like the sound of that. "No, Jeremy-"

"n.o.body moves," Starface snapped. "Not until I get my card."

"I'm staying. She's leaving," Jeremy said in an unyielding tone. "Once she's gone you get the card." He paused, then ordered, "Now, CeCe." staying. She's leaving," Jeremy said in an unyielding tone. "Once she's gone you get the card." He paused, then ordered, "Now, CeCe."

How could she leave him? They'd kill Jeremy the minute he handed over the card. "But-"

"You're putting us both in more danger if you stay," he said, ending any argument she could come up with.

Jeremy had a plan and she might get him killed by not knowing what it was. In spite of everything that had happened, she trusted him so she had to trust what he told her right now.

CeCe backed slowly to the rear exit while the three men stood silently facing off. When she reached the door and stepped outside backward she was slammed by a driving rain. As the door was closing all the lights inside the bar went dark.

Shots boomed through the room.

Jeremy. She reached for the door but hands grabbed her, wrenching her back. FBI agents surrounded her.

She struggled to free herself, yelling at them to get inside and help Jeremy.

Vinny rushed up, ordering, "We had a deal. Give her to me."

Sirens screamed between booms of thunder exploding overhead. More gunshots cracked inside the building.

"Jeremy's in there," she yelled at her brother and anyone who would listen. "Somebody help him. Let me go!"

"They know," Vinny told her and held her firm in his grasp while she struggled and beat at his hands like a wild woman.

The gunshots stopped.

She held her breath, afraid to think of what had happened to Jeremy. Vinny wrapped a coat around her.

FBI and a SWAT team poured in from everywhere, swarming the building from all sides. New shots were fired inside but the battle was over in seconds.

An ambulance tore into the lot, spraying water off the tires.

Vinny tried to guide her away.

"No! I want to see Jeremy." Her heart had shattered at Jeremy's admission, but she had to know if he was alive. She gripped her hands together, praying for a miracle. I want to see Jeremy." Her heart had shattered at Jeremy's admission, but she had to know if he was alive. She gripped her hands together, praying for a miracle.

The EMTs stood ready. What the h.e.l.l was taking the FBI so long? Jeremy could be bleeding to death if he'd been hit.

Special Agent Denton emerged from the back door. She hadn't realized he was here. Denton waved the EMTs forward. "Interior is secured. We got one alive."

She weaved on her feet as the EMTs disappeared into the building. Vinny wrapped his arm around her for support.

The rain subsided into a drizzle. Water mixed with tears that ran down her face.

When the EMTs rushed out with the gurney, her knees almost buckled at the site of an oxygen mask over Jeremy's face. Blood spread across his chest from where he'd been shot in the shoulder.

She broke free of Vinny and ran to catch up with the gurney. Jeremy's eyes were shut, his skin a blanched gray, but he was alive.

"I want to go with him," she told the EMTs when they started to load him.

"You can't, ma'am."

"Why not?" She'd take on the whole lot of them, including the FBI and her brother, if she had to so she could stay with Jeremy.

Vinny was pulling her back again. "You can't, sis." He gave up when she wouldn't move and said, "He's under arrest."

That's when CeCe saw Jeremy's wrist handcuffed to the rail on the gurney.

Vinny added, "But you're free to go. I made a deal with the FBI."

The EMTs loaded the gurney and closed the doors.

CeCe turned on Vinny, all the misery and hurt she'd kept bottled up today gus.h.i.+ng out. She yelled, "He risked his life to save me. How could you throw him to them?"

Vinny sighed and leaned close to her, whispering, "It was Jeremy's idea. He gave me the real photo card to trade for your freedom."

Oh, dear G.o.d. Her brothers didn't think any man was good enough for her, but she'd finally found a man she loved... and didn't deserve.

And now she'd never see him again.


Jeremy pressed the b.u.t.ton on his Bluetooth to engage the cell call while he drove along Dallas Highway, headed to his gym in Marietta. "What?"

"You're a surly b.a.s.t.a.r.d this time in the morning," Retter replied. "Get up on the wrong side of the bed?"

If he'd been in bed at all last night, Jeremy might have gotten up on the wrong side. But after being gone for over two weeks, he'd spent the first night at home rambling around like an abandoned dog dumped on the highway.

"I'll be ready to work by the end of the week," Jeremy told him rather than address Retter's question.

"Joe wants you to put in some time in your gym for a couple weeks before you come back to active duty. Get that shoulder in shape. Besides, we're not sure what we're going to do with you now that the president personally cleared you from any trouble with the FBI. Not sure you're of much value undercover in a prison. Too big a risk that someone inside a federal agency might slip and blow your cover."

"I still have the best rap sheet on the team," Jeremy argued, though his heart wasn't in it. He'd done such an outstanding job for BAD he was their number one ex-con.

"Not any more."

"What do you mean?"

"Joe got your entire rap sheet expunged in exchange for heading off an apocalypse in North America. We're looking at moving you into coordinating short-term missions. Tee was actually the one who said you had enough holes in your body. She figured your warranty would run out with one more."

"Tee?" Jeremy said, incredulous. Hard to imagine any sympathy from Joe's codirector, who had ice in her veins and loved only her furry little mutt, Petey.

"Don't take that to heart," Retter cautioned. "She said at the cost of training new recruits she was just thinking of saving money."

"That sounds more like her." Jeremy couldn't believe the irony in all this. Now Now he had no criminal record. Too bad it had come two weeks late. he had no criminal record. Too bad it had come two weeks late.

As if CeCe hearing him admit that he knew Starface and had cut a deal with Sam the Man hadn't been d.a.m.ning enough. From what Jeremy had been told later, CeCe had watched in horror as EMTs carried him off in handcuffs.

BAD had taken him to one of the agency's safe houses in northern Georgia to heal once Jeremy was stable enough to be moved from Piedmont Hospital. He'd a.s.sumed Joe and Retter had worked some magic to free him but never expected to have a clean record. They'd sent a medical team to oversee his recuperation from then until he'd been released to come home yesterday.

Clean bill of health. No criminal record. Just an average guy for once and unable to have the only woman he wanted. Vinny had made it clear that his family would protect CeCe from danger, even her own bad decisions.

Jeremy would top that list of bad decisions in her family's view.

"I'll be in touch." He hung up and tossed the phone into his cup holder. He unhooked the Bluetooth. At least tonight he could burn off his stored-up energy in the gym.

Blade had a couple guys with remodeling experience who needed some work so Jeremy figured the weight room and aerobic area could stand a new look.

He'd instructed Tim, his evening manager, to close the gym early so Jeremy could survey it without having to talk to everyone. He enjoyed his customers, but his heart wasn't up for making happy talk.

Or for seeing the gym without CeCe stretching and smiling.

Jeremy parked in the lot and frowned. Blade's Corvette was the only car out there. Where was his manager's car?

When Jeremy pushed his car door open his shoulder ached, but not so severely today. He stretched that arm on his way into the gym.

Blade opened the gla.s.s door and broke out a high-powered smile. "Heard you were coming in tonight."

"Where's Tim?" Jeremy stepped inside. Instead of the ghostly quiet he'd expected, soft rock music spilled from the overhead speakers. But the gym always seemed abandoned when it was empty like this.

Would forever be empty without CeCe.

"Tim had a hot date, so me being the incredibly generous person that I am-"

"And humble," Jeremy added, finding his first smile in a while.

"That too." Blade nodded. "I offered to keep an eye on the place until you showed up."

Jeremy walked over and leaned his good arm against the check-in counter. Blade always had an angle. He probably expected Jeremy to do a quick scope of the area to be remodeled then pick up the tab for some cold brews so they could chase skirts.

He owed Blade that, and more. Blade had come through when he needed someone. He'd tapped contacts who were known felons and put his freedom at risk to get the information Jeremy had needed to save CeCe.

He'd been a true friend.

"Thanks for letting Tim go early." Jeremy glanced in the direction of the aerobic room. "We'll do a walk-through for your guys then get some beers." He'd go with Blade, but the idea of taking anyone home after having had CeCe in his bed just didn't seem right. Didn't excite him in the least.

"No can do." Blade fished his keys from his pocket. "Gotta roll. I'll take a rain check on those beers."

"You're kidding. So what are you doing here?"

"Dropped off CeCe's fibergla.s.s base. Didn't know what you wanted to do with it."

Jeremy's breath caught at hearing her name. He'd have to get used to it since she'd been well liked in the gym and he was bound to hear someone ask about her not being around.

"Guess she's gone for good," Jeremy muttered.

"Mm-hmm." Blade shrugged with understanding. That was as close as they ever came to discussing something personal. "I stuck the base in your aerobic room. Figure you wouldn't forget it that way since I understand you got another problem in there."

Standing away from the counter, Jeremy hooked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. "What problem?"

Blade held up his hands. "Forget I said anything." He looked at his watch and grinned. "Got to run. Call me tomorrow."

When Blade reached for the door, Jeremy said, "By the way, thanks for everything you did."

Blade flashed that wicked smile of his. "Oh, I plan to collect big time... soon as you can hang with me again."

Some things never changed. Jeremy waved him off and locked the door as Blade fired up his land rocket.

He turned toward the aerobic room. Locating Vinny's address wouldn't take long. The urge to deliver the base personally for a chance to see CeCe again chewed at Jeremy, but he wouldn't do that.

Besides, Vinny had her tucked away somewhere safe by now.

Jeremy strode across the gym. Once he had an address for DeMitri he'd s.h.i.+p the base. Even if Vinny and his squad of brothers would stand aside for Jeremy to visit CeCe again, he doubted she'd even answer her door to him.

She wouldn't want to speak to him again after all that had gone down.

As he neared the aerobic room he heard a noise and went on alert.

Jeremy approached the room cautiously, wondering why the lights around the base of the room were still on. One of his yoga instructors liked to use them instead of overhead lights for a softer mood.

When he stepped through the door, he was sure his heart skipped a beat.

CeCe lay on a blue foam mat in front of the wall of mirrors, stretching her amazing body with liquid movements. She hummed quietly along with the music playing.

The fibergla.s.s base Blade had repaired sat in the corner.

She looked into the mirror and met his gaze, then stopped moving. "Hi."

Her shy greeting kicked his heart into beating again.

"Hi." Jeremy moved slowly toward her, not wanting her to vanish if she was only a figment of his imagination.

She sat up, still staring into the mirror, their reflected gazes locked in a timeless moment.

When he stood behind her, looking down, Jeremy waited for a painful breath to flow out of his lungs so he could speak. "Good to see you."

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You're reading Deadly Promises by Author(s): Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love, Cindy Gerard, Laura Griffin. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 522 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.