Journals of Expeditions of Discovery into Central Australia Part 27

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Hiaticula monacha.

--------- nigrifrons.

--------- ruficapilla.

Erythrogonys cinctus, GOULD.

Leipoa ocellata, GOULD.

Pedionomus torquatus, GOULD.

Turnix varius.

------ velox, GOULD.

Coturnix pectoralis, GOULD.

Synoicus Australis.

-------- Sinensis.


Grus Antigone?

Platalea regia, GOULD.

-------- flavipes, GOULD.

Ardea cinerea?

----- pacifica, LATH.

----- Novae-Hollandiae, LATH.

Nycticorax Caledonicus, LESS.

Botaurus Australis, GOULD.

Ibis Falcinellus, LINN.

Numenius Australasia.n.u.s.

Numenius uropygialis, GOULD.

Recurvirostra rubricollis, TEMM.

Chladorhynchus pectoralis.

Himantopus leucocephalus, GOULD.

Limosa ----------?

Glottis Glottoides.

Pelidna ----------? like P. MINUTA.

Scolopax Australis, LATH.

Rhynchaea Australis, GOULD.

Porphyrio melanotus, TEMM.

Tribonyx ventralis, GOULD.

Gallinula immaculata.

Rallus Philipensis? LINN.


Cygnus atratus.

Anseranas melanoleuca.

Leptotarsis Eytoni, GOULD.

Cereopsis Novae-Hollandiae, LATH.

Casarka Tadornoides.

Biziura lobata, SHAW.

Bernicla jubata.

Anas Novae-Hollandiae, LATH.

---- naevosa, GOULD.

---- castanea.

Nyroca Australis, Eyton.

Rhynchapsis Rhynchotis, STEPH.

Malacorhynchus membranaceus, SWAINS.

Podiceps Australis, GOULD.

-------- poliocephalus, JARD. and SELB.

-------- gularis, GOULD.

Phalacrocorax pica.

------------- leucogaster, GOULD.

Phalacrocorax sulcirostris.

------------- melanoleucus.

Plotus Le Vaillantii?

Peleca.n.u.s spectabilis, TEMM.

Sula Australis, GOULD.

Spheniscus minor.

Lestris catarrhactes.

Laras leucomelas.

Xema Jamesonii, WILS.

Sterna poliocerca, GOULD.

------ velox, GOULD.

Sternella nereis, GOULD.

Hydrochelidon fluviatilis.

Diomedea exulans, LINN.

-------- cauta, GOULD.

-------- melanophrys, TEMM.

-------- chlororhyncha, LATH.

-------- fuliginosa.

Procellaria gigantea, GMEL.

----------- perspicillata, GOULD.

----------- hasitata, FORST.

----------- leucocephala.

----------- Solandri, GOULD.

Daption Capensis, STEPH.

Prion vittata, CUV.

----- Banksii.

----- Turtur.

----- Ariel, GOULD.

Puffinus brevicaudus, GOULD.

Puffinuria urinatrix, LESS.

Thala.s.sidroma Wilsoni.

------------- nereis, GOULD.

------------- melanogaster, GOULD.

The preceding list comprises the birds inhabiting the settled districts of South Australia: viz. the Murray, from the great bend to the sea, the fertile districts sixty miles northward and southward of Adelaide, Kangaroo Island, Port Lincoln, etc. When the remote parts of the colony have been explored, it will doubtless become necessary to add to it many other species common to New South Wales and Western Australia.--J. G.

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