Flight In Yiktor Part 14

Flight In Yiktor -

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Then this or this?

Part of that surely - yes! But not as entire as she pictured it for him.

Below. Look to the court below! came her order then. As he had crouched on the wall and surveyed the patterns from a lower point, now did he again, moving with care along the parapet so that he might view all below for her. Some were so intricate in their convolutions that it was difficult for him to sort out their beginnings and endings.

It is a maze, she returned. But I must see for myself. I have to see.

I cannot carry you, Farree pointed out. That his strength had not been great enough to hold her from slipping on the trail was a fact. Also, he did not believe that she and Lord-One Krip could fight their way through that wood and across the water.

You can carry that which I may use. Back came her answer in a rush. Come for it, Farree, come for that!

Farree winged back across the band of tangled vegetation and set foot on the ground not far from the two who waited. Lord-One Krip was busy with that bag which had been clipped to his belt through all their journeying. What he brought out now was not food as Farree had expected but rather a s.h.i.+ning square of what seemed to be bright metal, well polished and no bigger than Farree's own hand.

He rubbed his fingers across the upper surface as if to remove some unseen covering and pa.s.sed it to the Lady Maelen, who held it firmly and looked to Farree.

Those patterns, she said, are protective devices of a sort, yet they do not follow those which I have learned. I must see them.

Farree s.h.i.+fted on his perch. The more he looked at the entangled maze of dark greenery before them, the less he could conceive of cutting any path through that without any tools. Perhaps a laser might clear the way but otherwise - Look. She was holding up that square of metal. Have you seen one of these before? The tourists use them for recording sights they wish to remember clearly. It works thus - or better have Krip show you, since this is not a thing of world.

He had taken the square back from her and now flipped it over to show two impressions on the back into which a man's forefingers might fit. Let the reflection of what you would preserve so show in the mirror and then press here. Wait for the count of five and press again at this other spot and then it will clear and you can move to the next. It is simple and there is room for twenty shots before the power is exhausted and it must be recharged.

Lord-One Krip held it out and Farree accepted it gingerly. Yes, it sounded simple enough but he was unused to such off-world wonders and he only hoped that he could follow those directions without failure. Also there was something else to mind. He stood up, the picture square in his hands. He did not look to the tower in the lake, the very top of which was visible from where he stood, but rather back along the way they had come. Those who followed - surely they must be nearing now the end of that road through the mountain and might arrive at any moment. What then? Did they have time for such a task as they had set him now? What if those others could crouch in the rubble of the way and take both of the with their long-range weapons?

Not so, Lord-One Krip answered his unasked question. We keep guard and they, as always, will betray themselves by the nothingness their mind s.h.i.+elds project.

Still they will come - Farree was as certain of that as he was now aware that he wore wings. Nor did he believe that even those could carry their prey away from those who followed.

And we shall go, Lord-One Krip returned, into that - he gestured to the thick growth ahead.

There is no way!

The Lady Maelen smiled. As long as the third ring holds, I have power, though my people would not have it so.

However, since I have returned I have discovered it is not only the wand which controls, but rather the will and energy of the one who uses such. Yes, we can go but not from here. We shall move on to the north so that we give them no hint of what we have done. But you, winged brother, have that which will serve us best. She nodded toward the thing he now held.

Since he had no argument which would stand against her determination and self-confidence, Farree took off once more, rising above the screen of the thick brush and trees, heading for the island in the lake.

Only, as he winged so he felt naked and open to attack by the Guild hounds sniffing on their trail who could easily pluck him down with one laser blast. And he was glad when he settled again on the tower, a point from which he was sure he could record the best.

Slowly and with all the care he could summon he held the square of metal out over the first selection of the patterns below and pressed the depressions, counting aloud. He moved around the parapet of the tower, making sure that his record - if he was truly recording something - took in all those whirls, spirals, triangles, and arcs below. Having made the full circuit which would set those in order, he turned to the ones on the roofs and added them to his store.

They did not have much longer before Sotrath was gone and the third ring with it. Already that was fading into the grayish murk which preceded the sunrise. Clutching the picture taker to him, he arose aloft far enough above the lake as to hope to catch sight of the other two. But there was nothing in the place where he had left them nor anything to be seen along the northern edge of the forest ring. He dropped, to skim just a little above the tallest of the trees in that jungle, looking and then daring to send a mind call.

The lake, came his answer. Wait by the lake.

There was a ring of light gravel or sand between the edge of that jungle and the water. To that he dropped, folding his wings, still being surprised at how completely those crimped into place. There was yet some aching through his shoulders, but he judged that was from the use of muscles which had not been called into duty before and that it would vanish the longer he made use of his new appendages. The silent, undisturbed surface of the lake drew him now and he looked down into its surface as he might into a mirror.

He was - Farree could hardly believe what he saw there. For all his days he had gone misshapen and maimed among other life. Now he was complete. The tips of the wings arose a good five hands above that head which he was able to hold completely aloft. And the wings themselves were not dull but were covered with a satin-s.h.i.+ning surface on which were dots and designs of a light green, the color of his skin. They were more magnificent, he thought, with the first swelling pride in himself that he had ever known, than any Lord's cloak of war or office.

He swung out farther over the water to see the better, and knew with every minute, every movement he was more and more what nature had always intended him to be. But what was he? Surely he had never been born on Grant's World, or someone in the Limits would have recognized him for what he was. Lanti - had he taken him there? For what reasons? Unless he had been meant to be sold to such as Russtif as a curiosity for showing after brutal training. There was something about his wings which brought a flash of memory. That brilliant sc.r.a.p which the other Limits rogue had brought to Lanti too late to get an explanation. A piece of - wing! Surely that had been a piece of wing!

He felt cold. Perhaps it was from the predawn wind which had come to ruffle the mirror surface of the lake. But it might have been inside his small, spare body. Winged people hunted for their wings! It would not be the first time according to the legends often repeated in the Limits that a sentient race - and plenty of animals, too - had been wiped out for some special gain on the part of an off-worlder band. Maybe even Lanti had taken him to raise his own pair of wings so when the time came they could be harvested. Perhaps the s.p.a.cer had wished to impress the Guild with treasure which was a part of Farree. Now that cold filled him, and he dropped back upon the ap.r.o.n of gravel between water and wood. To be hunted for his wings!

Farree. The sharp mind call alerted him out of that momentary nightmare but he did not take to the sky. Stay on the ground, caution warned him, not let himself be seen by any hunter who had broken out of the mountain ways and now cast about for a fresh trail.

He saw, to his amazement, a quiver in that green wall, a lifting of branch, an uncoiling of vine, and then the Lord-One Krip came out into the open, leading Lady Maelen by one hand. She walked with her eyes open and staring ahead as one might walk mindlessly after some great shock. But she was also singing - a murmur of sound which had in its tempo something of the rustle of leaves, the of branch against branch under a light wind. Ft would seem that even as her singing had wrought miracles in other places, even among the rocks, here it had tamed the ring jungle enough to let them through.

She pulled free of her companion's grasp and turned to face the woods from which they had just emerged. Now she held both hands out, palm up and empty, and her singing arose through a flight of notes such as might be caroled by a bird, then came to an end.

Lord-One Krip had already reached Farree and was holding out his hand for the mirror picture maker which the other surrendered to him with the hope that his use had been good enough to answer their questions.

The Lady Maelen, once more looking aware of what lay about her, came quickly over the pebbly beach to them.

Lord-One Krip had touched a place on the rim of the mirror, and now there appeared from the side of that square a strip of colored designs which certainly resembled those Farree had aimed to take with his mirror device. As this unrolled, the Lady Maelen laid it out on the gravel, pulling it straight before crouching down to inspect it closely. Sometimes she lifted a fingertip to trace one of those patterns as if to impress it the stronger on her memory.

It is truly a locking, she observed. As strong in its way, Krip, as those persona locks off-worlders use for their most precious possessions. Here and here - she made quick stabs with her finger - are markings I have knowledge of - these are close to what is so used today. But others. She shook her head. I can only guess that if one over them without proper preparation the result may be perilous indeed.

What does all this protect? Lord-One Krip put into words the first question in Farree's own mind.

Something of the - but not of our time, she replied. Here may be what those others have been seeking.

And these traps - Lord-One Krip swept a hand above the roll of pictures now lying flat upon the ground - will keep them from entering and finding what they seek?

She shook her head slowly. How can we be sure? This was made to warn off those of Yiktor. Will it also work against off-worlders of whom perhaps those who set it never guessed might try their success against the barriers?

So what defense have we left against them? he proceeded.

Her hands arose and sketched a gesture which might have expressed helplessness. We can only wait and see.

But Farree was not ready to accept that answer - the first he had ever had from her which carried no certainty, only confusion in it.

How would one unlock this - it was his turn to gesture - if it was known?

It is a code of sorts, she explained. One must move from pattern to pattern in a certain sequence and then it will open.

And that invisible door will be gone?

She nodded. But the code was devised by those long gone, and there could be a hundred, even a thousand different sequences - the trying might go on for years, many seasons - and those who searched could come no nearer to success. There is nothing even in the far legends of the - those which are known to every Singer - which mentions such a find as this.

It was Farree's turn to study the strip of pictures. Those he sought were at the very end. These four are patterns on the roof - are they any closer to the ones you know?

She leaned forward. The gray of early morning light since the fading of the rings had deepened, and she squinted and then shook her head. I cannot tell as yet. There is not enough light.

Lord-One Krip had arisen. Let us get under cover, he said. They could not have brought a flitter through the mountain way but they may have a course-setting device with them, and that would give them air support once they set it within this valley.

Withdraw they did under the fringe of trees beyond that ribbon of beach. There they huddled, not too far from each other, easing their tired bodies from the night's labor and travel. They drew lots for first sentry go and Farree had the shortest. He found his wings most difficult to manage, even when furled to the smallest and tightest extent it was possible to set upon them, and he had to push clear to the edge of their cover in order to have room.

The sun arose, almost reluctantly, and the glitter of the water as it had lain under the third ring was now a glare against which he had to shade his eyes. He chewed on one of the strips of journey food, finding it dry and tasteless, and listened intently for any sound of approach by air.

Even though he tried to keep his attention for what lay about and above him, he could not help now and then looking to the tower on the island, wondering if, under the sun, those complex patterns set in the stone were any clearer. Certainly they dared not attempt to solve the code now - the Lady Maelen had pointed out - as that might be a task which would take them long to solve, if ever. He found himself wondering what traps awaited those who did not know the secret at all. He was about to learn.

There were a continued rustling from the layer of jungle as if the plants therein were restless and were changing their positions. But there were no bird calls, no cry of beast, nor chirp of insect. The sullen green growth might have been bare of any life except that of its own.

At times that continued rustling took on the sound of a muttered conversation, one which he could almost follow. Then he shook his head vigorously and moved about a little, thinking that it was lulling him into sleep.

The interruption came from a distance and he had plenty of time to reach out and touch Lord-One Krip's shoulder, the coming into instant awareness at that warning as if he had been only lying conscious with his eyes closed.

Flitter! Farree mind sent as if he could be overheard by the enemy even at this great distance. He jerked a thrust toward the south - that narrow rift through which they had come into this valley.

In turn Lord-One Krip aroused the Lady Maelen, and the three of them drew a little more together, listening. There seemed to be no search pattern on the part of the air craft. By a continued and ever louder sound it was headed straight for the lake, no pattern of circling to pick up a trail.

Back! Lord-One Krip urged. The Lady Maelen was already burrowing into the bushes, and under the sound of the flitter Farree thought he could still hear the hum of her voice as if she once more used a Singer skill to help penetrate the jungle growth. That seemed useless - perhaps it would only work under the radiance of the ring - for he saw a branch spring back at her face, and, only because she threw up an arm, were those thorn marks on her forearm instead of across her very eyes.

At least they were under the edging of the wood and the gravel behind showed no discernible track. Though the off-worlders had their own ways of trailing, rumored machines and devices that picked up fugitives by their body heat when they were close enough.

The flitter was out cruising above the lake. Now it circled in a tight orbit around the tower. If they did know where the three lay in scant cover, they seemed to wish to learn more of the building they had chanced upon, for the craft made a third circle. Then it held steady about the tower and a ladder, such as Farree himself had once used to escape, tumbled out of a hatch in its belly.

Down that swung a man while another crouched at the exit, a laser across his arm at the ready, waiting to cover the journey of his comrade. The invader must have made some suggestions, for the flitter swung forward a fraction, and now he was descending past the roof of the tower into the patterned courtyard. He disappeared behind the wall, and a second explorer took his place on the ladder.

Sound - sudden, both sharp and deafening - cloaked even the clatter of the off-world engine. Then a rainbow of light fanned upward. All that glory of the third ring might have been condensed in that.

No! Do not look! The Lady Maelen's thought reached Farree and only half-consciously he obeyed, bending his arm across his eyes.

He felt a warmth which was not that of sunlight but rather arose to near the torment of a fire as if he had set his hand to pick up a coal from a brazier, and his wings quivered under that fiery a.s.sault. The heat which reached them in such a flash must have been a hundredfold worse within that walled courtyard.

Farree heard a scream that lasted only for a second and then was blasted away by the deafening sound rising to a crescendo. What luck had attended him last night when he might have encountered that same trap!

The heat seemed to hold for a long time, but he heard the sound die away and with it the noise of the flitter, in full retreat after losing two of its crew to whatever disaster was the guardian of the tower.

A scent reached the three under the edge of the wood - not of the moon flowers which had perfumed the night, but a horrible stench of meat burnt to a crisp.

They are gone, Lord-One Krip said. Farree wondered why he had not tried to track them himself by mind touch, catching that emptiness which was a shrouded mind.

They will be back, the Lord-One Krip added a moment later. They will not let this puzzle be.

Have they anything which can unlock the code? asked the Lady Maelen. Have you ever heard of such?

No. But that does not mean that they do not possess one. The Guild have knowledge beyond that of any Free Trader such as I was. There are stories enough of, what they have achieved.

Then we must do our best. If this thing which is guarded here is by the will of ancient, they must not have it!

She crept on her hands and knees out of the shadow of the bush which had left the scarlet wounds down her arm and reached again for the pictures that had issued from the mirror. Now she turned her attention from those of the courtyard to the patterns Farree had found on the roof of the tower. With her forefinger she traced one design after another.

They would put their most formidable weapon in the courtyard, she said slowly. I do not think that they would much expect any to enter from the air. Thus these are the important ones for us. And her finger went once more over the designs, and she was humming again but not the lazy half-sleepy sound which she had uttered in defense against the jungle belt.

We cannot dare to try until the moon rises - By then, Farree interrupted, those may be back with something to open that tower as one opens a bra-crab sh.e.l.l.

She nodded. That is so. Time lies on their side of the balance. But I cannot believe that the Scales of Molester are so weighed against us who would save patterns of time and s.p.a.ce and not blast them into nonexistence. We must wait through the day, save our strength - I cannot carry you to the tower and there is the lake to cross, Farree pointed out. He wondered if they would dare to swim - could they swim? The arid country which seemed home to the might not have given them any reason for the sport. And though Lord-One Krip had been first a Free Trader s.p.a.cer, certainly he would have had little enough reason to perfect such a skill either.

I know, she returned and there was a troubled note in her voice.

A rope - Lord-One Krip was looking back into the gloom of the jungle - one of those lianas, were it tough enough, or a weaving of vines - They live, Lady Maelen told him quickly, with more of a real life than any rooted thing I have seen before.

But they also die. He pointed in two places where the full roundness of life had shrunken away and there were brownish loops which were plainly dead or near that state. Can the dead protest?

I do not know, she answered frankly. It is of importance, this rope of yours?

It is the only way, I think, of reaching the island, he returned firmly. Though Farree could not see any reason for such confidence.

Ah, well - She arose and went to where one of those dead coils spanned a tree from branch to branch. Slowly she raised her hand and set it on the brown surface, tugging at it a fraction. Nothing around her moved or strove to make her pay for her audacity. She pulled harder and began her humming song. Within a few moments the arc of the dead vine was free of the branches, looping to the ground and beyond out on the gravel of the beach. Lord-One Krip was on it instantly. So she wrought with two other vines, and they were in time laid along the surface of the beach in lengths beyond the height of the tower itself, or so Farree believed.

Leaves. Lord-One Krip stood up from stretching the last of those vines in place. Such a leaf as that. Again he pointed to a bush standing taller than his own head. The bottom leaves of that plant - the ones reaching out over the beach - were also spotted with brown and plainly dying. Their hard, thick sides were rolled up so that they formed a half tube and were large enough for the to lie upon. Can these be detached also?

The Lady Maelen went to the plant and knelt as it towered over her. Her singing became another series of notes, and Farree thought he could almost read a pet.i.tion into that. Then she leaned forward and set a hand to either side of the leaf and strove to draw it to her. There was no movement save the constant tensing of her body. At least, as it had been with the dead vines, the growth itself made no attack. Then the rotted core of the leaf gave away suddenly so that she sprawled backward, the broken stem dripping with a black liquid which gave off the foul odor of decay.

When a second leaf had been so released from a similar plant Lord-One Krip set them all to work, braiding the tough vine lengths into one k.n.o.bby rope. When he had done, he took one of the long leaves down to the water and floated it, throwing himself facedown upon it and pus.h.i.+ng out a little from the sh.o.r.e. Though it bobbed downward under his weight, yet it supported his head and shoulders above water.

This - he indicated the rope - well fastened to a rock over there - his wide gesture indicated the island - can be used to draw us through the water.

He would be trusting a great deal to dead vegetation, Farree thought, but there was a small chance that such might work. His own part of the task was simple compared to theirs. What if they reached the water and the flitter returned?

He had great respect for the Lady Maelen's third ring powers, but this they must do now and the sun gave them nothing but light. However, the trial must be made.

With the end of the coil fastened to his belt he soared up and out across the lake, heading directly for a fringe of rocks before the wall of the courtyard. Once there he hastened to make fast the rope's end to the most slender of those rocks. Lord-One Krip had to wade into the water a little, holding the other end, but it did reach, and he was tugging hard on it, testing its stability.

The Lady Maelen came first, lying in her curled leaf with both hands overhead on the rope, pulling herself along. Against a troubled and current-riven water she would not have succeeded, but the pull across the calm surface, though it seemed to take endless time, was at last accomplished, and Farree flew back with the rope's end to the waiting Krip.

For the second time a leaf made that hardly believable voyage and then, the rope coiled about Farree's arm, the three of them stood before the wall surrounding the courtyard.

Farree crouched on the top of the wall and determinedly did not look to the two twisted burnt things that lay before the invisible door. A laser had fallen from the charred claws of one to skid across the courtyard against the wall not too far away. Could he manage to reach the small strip of pavement there which was free of pattern and retrieve it? The thought of such a weapon for their defense was irresistible. He laid aside the rope which he had carried up and gestured toward the two below, off before they might object.

Down he fluttered, not sure yet of his wing power but impatient to get his hands on the weapon. He made a swoop, gasped suddenly as he lengthened out with his body parallel to the ground, and managed to claw up the b.u.t.t end of the laser, climbing up into the air and then bouncing over the wall top to the two below. He offered the weapon to Lord-One Krip, who reached for it quickly.

Now, whether his weight on the end of the rope would be anchorage enough he did not know. In the end he picked that up and did not try to fasten it on the wall but spiralled over to the tower where he could anchor it on one of the jutting bits of the parapet. Then he returned to the wall top where they speedily joined him.

The Lady Maelen lay down and edged along that length of banter top until she could see the pattern which had been the fatal trap for the Guild men. Farree could sense her aversion to what she saw there, but he also knew that she was driven by duty to consider what manner of trap that was - if she could equate it with something her people still had knowledge of.

Force released, she said slowly. After all these tens of tens of tens of seasons that which was set answered. But I landed there earlier and nothing happened, Farree commented.

By luck you must have touched a pattern which was not one set for defense.

He studied the designs carefully. Yes, he had stood at the edge of a crimson circle a foot or so away from the square of wavy blue lines which had been the downfall of the dead men below.

Dare we cross? Lord-One Krip wanted to know.

With a pointing finger the Lady Maelen was tracing in the air the patterns between them and the narrow edging of plain stone about the foundation of the tower.

I do not know. There is a maze there, a curve here, a suggestion of a code. But without full knowledge ... She s.h.i.+fted her sight toward the two bodies and s.h.i.+vered. They will be back, she said then as if speaking thoughts aloud.

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